Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 53: Meet Again

Chapter 53: Meet Again

Entering the * number, everything he saw made Zhang Shen look at each other for a while. They didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

The lights are bright and the voices are loud!!

*, a large-scale "rejiu hui" is in full swing!!

Zhang Shen was dumbfounded at that time, his face twitched for a while, turning into a "hehe", and his complex emotions were difficult to say for a while.

In the sight, an extremely spacious deck is arranged as a rather brilliant and gorgeous banquet hall, and the bright but warm lights illuminate the place.

The deck is furnished with several rows of round tables, stacked with exquisite snacks and transparent and elegant wine.

On the thick carpet, people come and go, and men are almost all dark suits and leather shoes, while women are light-colored long dresses that are neither too unrestrained nor too conservative, which is in line with the mentality of people who dare not break the tradition when they yearn for foreign life abroad. The shadows were intertwined, and the sound of laughter and cup clinks filled the whole deck.

"These * people are too strange. At this time, they are still in the mood to hold such a large banquet. What are they thinking?! Even Europe and the United States and even the Qing Dynasty don't have this idea. Where on earth did they get their confidence? Li Jing's surprised voice sounded in the link, and the strong incredible emotion came to his face.

"God knows, it's probably affected by their stick neighbors." Zhang Shen shrugged his shoulders, which was also amazing.

Bu Lichen frowned slightly: "Captain, have you forgotten what Zamu Duoci said before?"

"Jin San can take down the Ark 06 from the joint government and turn it into [* number]. Maybe he has any means that have not been shown, which may give these people confidence."

"Ye�, it's very possible. That guy is just a high wall that can't be bypassed. Thinking of Jin San's former "spiritual" identity, although he had made up his mind, Zhang Shen still couldn't help feeling sad. Sister, even the injured "spiritual" realm is still a "spiritual" realm. It's not the scum of your three "fan" realms can deal with at all, okay?!

Jin Sanqi is like a towering peak, but standing there, the shadow is enough to make Zhang Shen and the three of them breathless.

"Captain, Sister Lichen, are we going to pretend to be people attending the banquet like we are on TV?" Li Jing was optimistic or nervous. He didn't seem to feel the invisible pressure brought by the enemy of Jin San at all. Instead, he stared at the picture on the water mirror and looked eager to try.

"I told you not to watch so many idiot TV series and you don't listen to them. Even if the * people in the world are like idiots in TV series, do you think Kim San and those guards will be so stupid?" Zhang Shen's hateful tone, Li Jing spit out his tongue and looked away from the banquet with a regretful expression.

"Li Chen, give me the structure diagram." The internal structure diagram of * is obtained by Zhang Shen using illegal means, not the official version. Naturally, it is not so detailed and clear, but most of the structure and routes are also marked.

The internal structure of all arks is similar. The lower part is used to load materials. A few weapon systems are installed at the top and four peripheral corners, and other areas are living areas.

According to the results obtained from the current exploration, more than 90% of the living area near the bow of the ship is the place where the world * Chinese people live, and the remaining area is the territory of Jin Sanqi and his guards.

The three sneaked all the way and soon reached the junction of the two areas.

It may be that the guards prefer to be quiet, and the patrol soldiers that can be seen everywhere have disappeared and are difficult to find. However, Zhang Shen clearly smelled a dangerous smell from the surrounding air.

Bu Lichen's [Four Seasons Breath Tips] can be cultivated to a certain level to communicate with flowers and trees to a certain extent, and [Eight Divine Magic] can command all spirits in the world and manipulate all flowers and plants. Although her current state is still far away, she can still feel an inexplicable restlessness from the sparse landscape plants in the living area.

There is danger ahead! A big crisis about life and death!!

Zhang Shen and the others stopped tacitly and walked on the edge of the "dangerous area" to find opportunities to break in.

The six members of Taipu's party chose to join the Golden San.

In fact, there are great objections to this choice, but the two evils are less powerful. There are more people in the team who don't like Sam. In desperation, everyone has to press their unhappy thoughts and bow their heads to Jin San.

Fortunately, the latter was quite generous and directly cured Lowden, who had only half his life left. This move added a lot of points to him, at least from the original negative number to zero.

This "zero" is the average.

Mutishayov (later referred to as Musa) is the one who provides negative points.

As a devout Islamist, Musa is quite unaccustomed to the set of Kim San. Fortunately, although he joined Jin Sanqi's side, in fact, it was a relatively loose alliance and was not too severely constrained. Jin Sanqi also did not directly issue any orders, so that Musa could still accept it.

Today, it was the turn of a group of Taipu to patrol, and Musha, who likes quiet, asked to arrange his time until the evening.

A simple isolation ban has been set up between the two areas, so that the noise over there will not spread here and disturb the guard's breathing practice.

The shoes on Musha's feet are made of cloth, and they are also a prop with three magics: "the lightness of the silver fox", "the physical strength of the black bear" and "the endurance of the camel". It falls silently and has no trace of snow.

The originally quiet passageway seems to be more and more quiet.

Soon Musa came to an end, where the two areas intersect.

He knows that a banquet is being held over there, and that kind of noise is intolerable for him.

However, as if a movie came out, nine of ten people scolded, and the rest would still run over and watch it with the idea of "I don't see how to scold it". Musha hesitated for a few seconds and went straight ahead.

At the next moment when he crossed the invisible boundary, the thick white fog suddenly rose and enveloped him!

With a flinze, Mu Sha instinctively opened the Koran that had been holding in his hand. A golden light sprayed out from the page of the book, staining the chaotic fog of the fog alfalfa with a layer of golden glow, which melted a lot, but could not completely dispel it.

"The gap between the thunderous carriage and the spinning wheel, after despair, the light clustered and divided into six"

"Sixty-one of binding the road, six sticks are light!!"

Musha was about to take further action, when the solemn incantation in his ear had ended, and then he suddenly condensed a white light in a vast expanse of white, and it was divided into six, turning into six ribbons of white rays, shooting at himself.

"My thoughts are clear, and there is nothing in the world that can bind me, Allah!" Knowing that this was the enemy's bondage attack, Musa quickly turned the page and scratched the page with his fingers, whispering like a dream.

As soon as the words fell, the crystal light sprayed from the page of the book and turned into a galaxy. Musha was in a boundless galaxy, which seemed to be nothing, and the air was ethereal to the extreme.

Six sticks fell into the crystal star river, but they couldn't catch Musa's air machine. They circled around him like a headless fly and couldn't break through the invisible isolation.

"It's time to fight back!" Musha's eyes flashed and was about to turn the page to force the enemy who ambushed him out, but suddenly felt something wrong under his feet.

When I glanced over, I was terrified to find that the steel floor where my feet were standing was strangely turned into a mud-like substance, quietly climbing up along my feet and had reached the knee!

The fierce color burst out in his eyes, and Musha's right wrist shook, and he actually tore off a page from the Koran Sutra, which he regarded as a treasure!

"Fight you, damn it!" Musha completely counted the account on Zhang Shen and several people, and his eyes were congested, which crazily urged the holy power in his body to pour into the page of scriptures.

With the loss of holy power in Musa's body, the scriptures that absorbed a huge amount of holy power are like a small sun, releasing thousands of golden light. At the same time, the terrible pressure permeates from it, like a god who came to the earth, with indifferent eyes, overlooking the world!

The chaotic fog of alfalfa was illuminated by this light and dissipated!

Well~~ In the spiritual link, Bu Lichen hummed softly and suffered a minor injury.

Zhang Shen's eyes flashed fiercely, and his mind urged him.


The sharp wind came, and the abyss cannibal flowers appeared on the stage, raising two big knives, and the "kaka" monster cut down at Musha, and the blade passed, leaving a virtual shadow.

The attack speed of the abyss cannibal flower has exceeded the observation limit of the human eye.

The fierce breath carried by the two jagged knives of cannibals and the powerful power released by the scriptures, the two opposite forces collided with each other, and naturally it was an endless fight.

The expansion momentum of the divine power of the scriptures was immediately curbed.

This has won enough time for Zhang Shen!

Taking this opportunity, the speed of steel transformation around him soared, and the speed of climbing and covering Musha's whole body suddenly increased, and a few breathing efforts spread to his neck.


With a cold shout, the steel turned into soft mud, as if the deposed official suddenly got the decree of reinstatement, and suddenly turned back into a hard and cold steel alloy again!

It's even harder and tougher.

Musa was immediately firmly bound. Except for the parts before the head and elbow joints, the other parts were wrapped in a layer of silver-gray steel, which was impenetight.

Musa's positioning in the team is more inclined to assist, and his own ability relies heavily on the Canan. His own strength is not strong. He is sealed by this layer of dense steel and suddenly can't move at all.

He did not stop resisting!

"Sacrifice is temporary and necessary. My sacrifice will certainly make the light of God shine further, Allah!"

Musha opened and closed his lips and quickly read a language, looking calm and cold.


The dull explosion sounded, and the part of Musha's right arm that was not covered with steel completely exploded, and the flesh and blood bones turned into a bright blood mist, which was absorbed by the Colan on his left hand.

The sacred Koran was suddenly covered with a layer of blood, gorgeous and strange, and evil!

Zhang Shen and the three of them did not expect that Musha would be so tough. He would rather be broken than complete, and he resolutely chose the means to kill the enemy at the critical moment of life and death!

"Would you like to die? I will fulfill you!!" Zhang Shen's eyes were round, and the depths of his pupils were a little dark red and shining, which was strange and inexplicable.


With a ferocious smile, Zhang San's mind turned around, and the solidified steel covering Musha's body moved again, and dozens of sharp steel thorns suddenly shot out of the cold steel coat!


The sound of flesh and blood bones being penetrated together, followed by the sound of blood splashing, and the strong smell of blood filled the space.

The internal organs were tied into a sieve together, and Musha breathed down. The demonic blood light in the Koran suddenly stagnated, and there were signs of instability, as if it was about to be completely broken and collapse to the ground at any time.

The last battle was interrupted by the enemy, and Musha was full of resentment and hung his last trace of vitality.

"Let's die together!!!" Musha's eyes, which began to dissipate, were wide open and bit the tip of his tongue. At the same time, his eyes, nose and ears spewed blood together, and the sealed body suddenly opened dense wounds, revealing white bones.

At the last moment, he used the horrible means recorded in the inheritance of power and punished himself. At the cost of eternal sinking his soul, he borrowed power from unknown places and pulled the enemy into the underworld hell together!


The extremely angry shout came, and five people, including Taipu sensed the situation of their teammates and rushed over at full speed.

When the last link between Musa's soul and the body is broken, it is the moment when this forbidden spell is officially launched!

The fragrant wind rushed to his face, and the shadow broke through the air. Bu Lichen launched the water and moon magic, like a heavenly woman who came down to the earth, suddenly appeared behind Musha, and the inner breath condensed on the green and white jade fingers, pointing out!

Spring, summer, autumn and winter, four seasons rotate, everything withers, eternal reincarnation.

The depression of spring, the fierceness of summer, the killing of autumn, the coldness of winter, and the power of various artistic situations are like the water of the breach rushing into the soul space where Musha is about to collapse, rushing the latter's soul to pieces, and at the same time dispersing the "contract" that has not been completely formed and very fragile!

Musa's forbidden spell stopped abruptly!!

[PS: I want to apologize to everyone. I thought that 5 chapters or something could be completely solved in two weeks. As a result... Well, I still owe you 3 chapters. Anyway, I will pay it back. Everyone knows my character, right?!]

[PS2: Still ask for collection and click red ticket comments!!]