Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 67: Giant Whale Mobilization [Please subscribe!]

Chapter 67: Giant Whale Mobilization

Around the eighteen arks, the sea is as calm as a mirror. In addition to the occasional ripples, it is a huge dark blue crystal, which is a little strangely peaceful.

The night is getting darker.

A huge whirlpool quietly appeared!

It is large enough to accommodate all 18 arks! Moreover, if you look carefully, the rotating currents are stained with a faint black light... Obviously, this terrible whirlpool is also integrated with extraordinary power, not an ordinary water flow change! Because if it is a normal ocean vortex, the impact range is beyond imagination.

Naturally, some of the dozens of defenders have exchanged the inheritance of "Heavenly Eye", "Dharma Eye" and "Eye of True Knowledge", and some people have chosen the path of "prophecy" and "prophetor" like Blue Phoenix. The former can break through the barriers and see things that are difficult for ordinary people to see; the latter has a strong prediction of danger, and even if they do not have the ability to use it deliberately, they will have a strong sense when the crisis comes.

However, at this moment, somehow, they did not notice the terrible shadow under their feet.

Or, since they entered the world, their ability in this area has been suppressed in a certain way... Strangely, as masters, they don't realize it at all...

Under normal circumstances, if a defender with prophetic ability enters the mortal world (a world of low level), where is there any treasure, what is profitable, and whether it will be dangerous to do this... And so on, as long as the talent is slightly better, he can immediately produce more than 80% accuracy. The induction! Don't be too easy!

At the beginning, when more than 200 guards came to the world, and more than 20 strong people in the "spiritual" were still there, no one thought of this... Of course, there are factors that underestimate the enemy, but——

All these things show that the world is not that simple!

Or, after the "betrayer" came and left a secret hand, the world is no longer a simple low-level technology world!!

This can be clearly illustrated by the existence of Adrian.

Unfortunately, at this time, even Adrian did not notice the rapid approach of the deep sea whirlpool!

Until the whirlpool enters within 100 meters of the detector that integrates black technology!

Adrian raised his eyebrows in the control room, and a trace of consternment flashed on his ruthless face.

"Pay attention to the bottom of the boat!" A few short words, with a slightly sharp tone, show Adrian's inner uneasibility.

Zhang Shen and others have not reacted yet, and the three of them have already taken action!

Tang Tian had a fish army as his eyes, and Kim Sam had been spreading his spiritual knowledge. Almost at the same time as Adrian, he found the devil lurking under the calm sea and immediately took action!

Sam's body flashed, and the rusty double-edged axe armored warrior reappeared.

Sam clenched the tomahawk with both hands and made a straight split. There was no sound, leaving only a black line as thin as hair. This is a crack in space!

The power of Sam's axe has exceeded the endurance of the world's space structure and created cracks!

The tomahawk fell, and a strong momentum that ordinary people could not see instantly crossed a distance of hundreds of meters, rushed into the ocean, and cut into the huge deep sea whirlpool.

Jin San jumped all over his body and did not hesitate to cause an impact on his unhealed soul, which stimulated all the swallowing power and internal elements in his body in one fell swoop, and bombed out with one punch.

Breaking the army · swallowing the sky!!

The silent tacit understanding between the strong made Sam's axe strength and Jin San's fist seal meet the huge whirlpool almost at the same time and hit it fiercely.


The silent collision made the calm sea begin to roll violently in an instant, as if it had been boiled.

Sam's ingenious and powerful axe tore open a crack in the whirlpool. Jin San's fist prints containing strange devouring powers and strong inner elements rushed along the crack to the center of the whirlpool. He wanted to destroy it in one fell swoop, but his power was limited and was soon worn out by the endless black power.

It wiped out the full attack of the two people, and it is also a great burden on the big whirlpool that is not suitable for this kind of "battle". The volume has been reduced by nearly one-fifth, and it can only accommodate half of the ark.

After all, the gap in realm is there. Even if the human fish army is a plug-in, Tang Tian's reaction is slower than that of the two. When the remaining 13,000 fish (the number in the previous chapter has been modified) received the order, the big whirlpool has been wasting a lot of strength by the attack of the two people.

The three-headed and six-armed giant mermaid reappeared, but this time only took a trident.

It holds the trident and points down the thorn-

A whirlpool the size of a water tank, suddenly formed!

The whirlpool is not big, but the flow speed inside is amazingly fast, and after forming, it seems to be alive. It plunges into the sea and rushes towards the deep-sea whirlpool with damaged vitality.

One positive and one negative, one big and one small, and also one strong and one weak.

Two whirlpools collided, only a dozen breaths, and the whirlpool made by the mermaid army was crushed, but it also made the area of the deep sea whirlpool less than a quarter of the original, which was greatly reduced the threat!

Obviously, this threat is for defenders...

was intercepted and blocked one after another, and the big whirlpool finally appeared successfully. As soon as it appeared, it showed all its minions.

The originally stable ark suddenly shook fiercely!

Ark 03 was very unlucky to appear in the closest place to the center of the whirlpool, and then it was tragic.

It seemed that a person did not walk well and staggered. The No. 03 ark tilted to the side, and then even if it was "wisted to the end", the small half of the hull was dumped towards the center of the whirlpool and immersed in the sea. At first glance, it looked like a lobster.

The suction force of the whirlpool is stronger and stronger to the center. With only a few breaths, the part of the ark immersed in the seawater has exceeded one-third. The center of gravity is completely unbalanced, and the trend of sinking is inevitable!

Several figures shot out of Ark 03. They were the guards responsible for guarding the ark, and they were Zhang Shen's old friends - Luo Deng's group of five.

Seeing that an ark was about to be swallowed up by this strange whirlpool, all the guards who boarded the top of the ark sent their sharpest blow to it. Unfortunately, it can be said to be useless except to make the area of the whirlpool smaller again and weaken the suction on other arks!

In the end, Zhang Shen and others could only watch Ark 03 being completely sucked in and disappeared, together with hundreds of thousands of lives buried on the cold and dark seabed...

devoured an ark, and the big whirlpool seemed to have completed its "mission" and disappeared.

The three people's faces were pale, and Zhang Shen and others looked unbearable. Although Adrian in the control room was still indifferent, tears couldn't stop flowing down, which seemed quite strange.

I don't know what kind of consideration Adrian actually told the news to all the passengers of the other 17 arks!!

For a moment, there was an uproar.

At this time, even if Adrian has a mysterious calm and obedient temperament, it is difficult to suppress the fear in the hearts of millions of people. In particular, most people were hopeful. When they suddenly heard such news, they were even more frightened. Many people even cried on the spot, and the ark suddenly became a mess.

Zhang Shen and other guards looked at each other in con's face, but they chose to watch, and they could only watch.

Although both sides are simply grasshoppers on a rope at this moment, the guards are stronger and have the strength to struggle. What's more, the strange and unpredictable Adrian also made Zhang Shen and others dare not act rashly.

The "cooling period" of the "death" attack quietly passed in a messy atmosphere.

Another wave of attacks is coming.

This attack is not simple!

Because at that moment, all the guards had an inexplicable panic in their hearts.

is coming!! The same awareness emerged in Zhang Shen and other people.

I'm afraid this wave of attacks is the main dish. The previous one was just some appetizers!

It's just that the appetizer is already so thrilling, so how scary will the so-called "appetizer" be??

The mountain rain is about to come and the wind is full of the building, and the sea breeze with a fishy smell suddenly changes, revealing a faint cold.

The air suddenly became stagnant, and the atmosphere became heavy.

The original black and red night sky was somehow replaced by a continuous thick dark cloud. In the clouds as thick ink, you can see thunder light like a dragon from time to time, shuttling through the dark clouds without causing it. However, no one will doubt that once you try to rise to the sky or escape in an aircraft, the thunder dragon in the clouds will definitely pour out and let yourself see what a thunder dragon goes to sea...

The sea without starlight and moonlight is dark. However, quietly, shadows deeper than the color of the sea appeared one after another, and through the refraction of the seawater, they entered the sight of everyone.

"This body shape, this volume... szz~~ It can't be those creatures..." Zhang Shen's eyes stared at more and more dark shadows on the sea, and bad thoughts came to his heart.

Obviously, he is not the only one who gave birth to this idea, and there are many people who think of this. As a result, the faces of most of the guards suddenly became very wonderful.

The sea broke and the waves splashed everywhere, just like the shocking scene of Tang Tian's shocking appearance of the Mermaid Legion.

It's a pity that all the people who came this time are villains...


Baleen whales, such as fin whales, blue whales, humpback whales, gray whales.

toothed whales, such as sperm whales, narwhals, killer whales.

Zhang Shen still remembers that when he was in school, he was very interested in the vast ocean and strange marine life, especially large creatures such as whale sharks... But now he sees it with his own eyes, but he is not happy...

"Time is really a terrible pig-killing knife~~~" is a very inappropriate emotion, full of Zhang Shen's heart.

No one cares about Zhang's distraction. Everything in front of him makes the guards extremely nervous.

At the beginning, the octopus and swordfish were so difficult to deal with, which made them almost destroyed. Now there are so many giant whales in one brains. Sister, this is obviously the rhythm of not to completely kill your group of people and won't let go!!