Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 71: The Counterattack of Truth![ Please subscribe to collect red tickets]

Chapter 71: Counterattack of Truth! [ Please subscribe to collect red tickets]

Colorful, often used to describe the variety of colors and the beauty of light, giving people an overwhelming feeling.

However, Zhang Shen feels that everything in front of him at this moment is not a few simple words to describe.

This is the world of light.

This is the world of color.

Red, yellow, green, blue, purple, black and white, nine basic colors, either thick or light, dark or light, turn into a glow, blending and entangled, resulting in more colors that cannot be described in words.

The color and light are endless, which makes Zhang Shen dazzling, but he does not feel too extravagant and dizzy. Instead, he seems to suddenly break into the garden, full of purple and red, filling the fragrance of every inch of space.

At the moment when two or more clouds overlap, various mysterious scenes evolved one after another, as if Hongmeng opened up the rising turbid gas, and the yin and yang evolved the flood and famine Daewoo, transforming countless lights and shadows, changing quickly and flashing away.

It is the realization of the truth of this world!!

Zhang Shen noticed these changes and immediately widened his eyes, his eyes were hot, and he stared at them.

In a trance, all his spirits seemed to condense into his eyes, and gradually integrated into the surrounding disillusionment clouds.

The feeling of floating immortality is full of body and mind, full of every idea.

It seems that after a few days of fatigue, soaked in a bathtub full of hot water, the right temperature soaked into the bones with the water, and the lazy mood filled every inch of the body, unwilling to move.

"Let's go on like this... immerse yourself in the ocean of truth forever..."

Zhang Shen didn't know that when his spirit began to immerse himself in this feeling, his body outside began to change!!

With all the means, Kim San and others still can't stop the Ark fleet from being pushed into the iceberg by the waves.

They can't even stop the collapse trend of Ark 01, so they can only try their best to rescue the elite scientists inside. Fortunately, the defenders were finally extraordinary in ability. With each other's cooperation, they finally rescued more than 90% of the scientists before the flagship completely sank into the ocean. As for the dignitaries in it, hehe, I'm sorry...

"It's time!" Bu Lichen, who had been calculating the time in seconds, looked solemn, and his inner air condensed at his fingertips and pointed to the bloody cocoon in front of him.

The sunflower point hand is not a very skillful martial arts (this refers to the complexity of its operation route, the harshness of cultivation and the requirements of practitioners' talent, etc.), but the "generous" will is attached to it with detailed distribution maps of meridians and acupoints, introduction to martial arts, the foundation of fingering and other materials. At the same time, there are also the methods, skills and even experience of some predecessors, including the skills of how to condense the internal force at the fingertips without condensing or shooting directly.

Condensing the internal force into a force at the fingertips is naturally not as good as the special six-vein magic sword and the Jixin Zen sword, which fights with qi and sword spirit. However, Bu Lichen believes that it is enough to deal with a dead object that does not move.

The bloody cocoon itself exists between reality and nothingness, but it is affected by the abnormality of the inner ginseng at this moment and begins to manifest in the real world. Even the strange silk that constitutes the cocoon is gradually stained with the "real" attribute.


The finger broke through the air and landed on the cocoon, making the sound of arrows piercing into the wooden shield.

A soybean-sized pit appears on the surface of the cocoon.

One knife · Kaishan!!

Ouyang Tianqi pulled out a knife and cut it. Although there is no way to reproduce the previous style of a knife, the power of this move has also increased a lot with the maturity of the move.

The power of a knife, compressed into the palm-sized knife light, accurately fell on the pit pointed out by Bu Lichen, and the unparalleled knife gas spewed out thinly and cut on the cocoon.

The extremely narrow knife marks spread to the surface of more than half of the blood cocoon.

Although it is stained with the "real" attributes, the toughness of these bloody silk is still shocking. Under the superposition, it blocks Ouyang Tianqi's full strength. Not only has it not been completely torn, but it has only "falled off" a very thin layer of silk net, and the rest is still tenaciously persisted.

Through the layer of light red silk, you can see the blurred figure of Zhang Shen.

Perhaps the cocoon has become thinner, and the function of isoling the breath has been weakened a lot, and the three suddenly have a clearer sense.

In induction, the fire of Zhang Shen's life is crumbling and will be extinguished at any time!

"What are you doing?" Jin San noticed the movement on this side, opened his eyes angrily, and patted it from afar. His majestic spirit evolved into a huge palm print, like the top of Mount Tai, patting on the three people.

"We blocked him, Ouyang, you quickly cut off this silkworm cocoon and save the captain!" Li Jing printed with his hands and played the long-prepared ghost magic.

"Forty-eight of the bound road, crystal flow emperor!!"

The ripples of crystal defense like water waves condensed out of thin air, blocking the heads of the three people and facing the palm prints of Jin San.

Although Jin Sanqi is not a stingy vengeful person, his murderous intention for Ouyang Tianqi has always been hidden in his heart. At this moment, there is an excuse. As soon as he takes action, he will do his best. Although he does not urge the devouring power, he also runs his inner element. This palm is enough to destroy a warship and penetrate it.

Not long after Li Jingcai practiced, the ghost magic, which was far from Dacheng, was not the opponent of Jin San at all. He was smashed by the seemingly inconspicuous palm print and continued to suppress it.

Jin San's murderous intention was unexpected by the three of them!

Bu Lichen's pupil condensed, and did not hesitate to damage the original air sea to reverse the four seasons. For a while, his long hair fluttered, his clothes were bulging, and the air of the four seasons quickly flowed through the meridians and gathered on the delicate jade fingers.

Sunflower acupuncture point hand!!

The shadows are flying, and each finger is attached to a light red flame, like a rainstorm, hitting the stable palm print of Mount Tai.


The finger hit the palm print and collapsed one after another, but it also successfully delayed the falling speed of the latter.

The vast breath sprayed out of the palm print, and for a moment, the space seemed to be frozen!

The reverse phagy of forced operation made the corners of Bu Lichen's mouth red, the meridians in the body were damaged, and his strength fell to the lowest point. The sudden power of the palm print made her body shake and almost collapsed to the ground.

However, Bu Lichen smiled with relief when he saw this scene.

At first, it was bland because all the forces condensed and converged without any leakage. Now, although the domineering side leakage, it cannot last. I didn't hesitate to reverse the original skill and finally had an effect!

"Thirty-nine of the binding road, round gate fan!!" Li Jing quickly recited the spell and seal, and between the surge of spiritual power, a semi-circular barrier condensed and blocked in front of the three of him.

"The fourth of breaking the road, Bai Lei!"

Before he could breathe, Li Jing pointed into a sword. A silver-white thunderbolt the air and bombarded the palm print, making the latter's breath cut a little again.

The battle of life and death is always the best way to break through and have an epiphany. Since he witnessed Zhang Shen fall into danger and suddenly used the 37th "hanging star" to abandon the chanting, Li Jing has been groping and studying the "destruction of singing". Now he has finally achieved something. The primary ghost magic before No. 10 can cast spells without spells, although the power will be reduced by nearly half.

Bai Lei! Bai Lei! Bai Lei!!

Spiritual power surged, and thunder and lightning shot out from Li Jing's fingers, like dragons going out to sea, wrapped in determination, and successively bumped into the palm prints that were already approaching ten meters away from the three people.

For the battle between the two women, Ouyang Tianqi didn't realize it.

The slightly narrowed eyes are like knives, and a sharp light condenses.

Under his full urging, the sword power in the air sea of Dantian in his body was like boiling water, rolling and rushing wildly along the meridians, converging to his right hand holding the sword tightly.

The sword power is very manic and unruly, which contains his understanding of the sword and knife, like a sharp blade, full of sharpness. At ordinary times, special attention should be paid to activation, because it is particularly easy to hurt the meridians and even the physical foundation.

Ouyang Tianqi so crazily urged the sword power without restraint, like the sword power of a run-deed wild horse rushing between his meridians, and immediately tore his meridians to pieces of holes!

Although such a injury is nothing for the long project on the big will list, if you are in a different world and the elixir happens to run out, it will be a big trouble.

With the power of the sword, coupled with the knife momentum derived from Ouyang Tianqi's understanding of the knife, and even all the spirit, Ouyang Tianqi turned everything into this knife!

When the knife was not cut, Ouyang Tianqi suddenly appeared in front of the huge waves that had not long ago, one wave after another, endless sources, as if to swallow up the world.

A touch of breath different from "opening the mountain" quietly appeared and flowed on the blade.

One knife · break the waves!!!

At the moment of the knife, Ouyang Tianqi seemed to be an ocean around him. On the sea, huge waves soared in the sky and waves patted the shore.

Suddenly, the knife flashed, and the waves were cut open, and the whole ocean was broken together.


With a slight sound, this tough cocoon was split by a knife!

The next moment when it was cut off, the silkworm cocoon dissipated, revealing a half-kneeling figure.

It's Zhang Shen.

However, his scene at this moment shocked all the guards who paid attention to this side.

He half knelt on the cold floor, and there were dry blood stains under his body. He looked up at a strange door not far away that seemed to exist in another world.

On his face, his expression was comfortable, and even the corners of his mouth were smiling, which was very pleasant.

However, in Bu Lichen's sight, a terrible change is happening to him!

Countless white light spots are blown by the wind and float into the distance... This is a poetic picture.

However, when these light spots originate from a person's body, it is not poetic and picturesque, but a creepy chill!

This creepy scene is happening on Zhang Shen!

His hands are disappearing little by little, turning into subtle light spots and drifting away with the wind!!

This is a counterattack from the truth!!!

If you try to use the body of a mortal and speculate about God's will, you should be punished by heaven!!



Adrian, who had no sense of existence and had been standing quietly, suddenly moved his face.