Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 80: Cinnabar at the bottom of my heart [please subscribe!!]

Chapter 80: Cinnabar at the bottom of my heart [please subscribe]

The sun has slipped below the horizon and unwillingly released the last light, burning the remnant clouds hanging in the sky into golden red.

On the other side, a dim moon has already risen quietly, and now it is about to reach the center.

Between the sun and the moon, large thick clouds were darkened by the slowly opening night.

The night wind is cool, walking around between roads and buildings, blowing away the earthly fireworks and rendering a little desolate.

Li Jing looked at the familiar but strange building in front of him and was speechless for a long time.

I took out the key that had not been used for several years, and in the sound of the awkward wheel, the door full of dirt slowly opened, making a harsh "squeak" sound.

Several spiritual lights are lit up, and the places that enter the eyes are still those simple objects, and a thick layer of dust has fallen on them, as if silently complaining about the owner's neglect and nostalgia for the lively scene of the past.

Li Jing's lips opened slightly, his eyes were full of confusion, and a faint feeling of loneliness appeared on his face.

"Oh~~!" A light hee, as if mocking, as if sneering, as if crying.

She restrained, and her bright eyes drew a trace of cold light. Her jade hands gently brushed, and her spiritual power turned into a breeze, swept away all the dust in the building, and her eyes were immediately refreshed.

However, even if everything is the same as before, the laughter buried by the long river of time will not come back.

"Is this the demon in the story of the novel? Ridiculous!" With a cold smile, Li Jing withdrew his eyes and went upstairs to his bedroom.

When his mind moved, a pale cyan light ball the size of a basin floated out of his body and suspended in mid-air, and a flash of light stained this small bedroom with a layer of quiet color.

It seemed to feel the familiar smell. The photosphere suddenly flashed violently and trembled fiercely at the same time, as if it was about to collapse at any time!

Li Jing was immediately shocked and lost his color. He didn't want to take out the remaining few [crystals of wood] and [gem of life]. His spiritual force urged him to activate it to the maximum extent. Suddenly, two torrents spewed out and poured into the moving ball of light.

It was not until these energy crystals were absorbed by almost one-third that the photosphere stabilized again.

Wow~~~~ Li Jing, who was scared to death, took a long breath and found that he was sweating coldly and powerless.

A mysterious void.

There is no difference between up and down, left and right, only an endless emptiness and vastness.

In the middle of the void, a ** girl suspended in it, curled up like a baby with her hands on her shoulders, and slept peacefully.

I don't know how long she slept. Suddenly, several crystal clear gems appeared around the girl, emitting a peaceful and quiet light, sprinkled on her. Bathed in the gem light, the girl's frown quietly stretched, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, and her sleeping face softened, as if she had a good dream.

I don't know how long it will take. Suddenly, the void trembles violently, and clearly visible cracks appear. This void will completely collapse at any time!

The gems surrounded by the girl shine brightly, and the three colors of light are intertwined, turning into a small sun. As the light can reach, the speed of space collapse slows down, and there is even a trend of healing.

However, most of the power absorbed by the girl, the "sun" was unsustainable, and the light began to fade. Fortunately, Li Jing added in time, and the sun with backup released light and heat more enthusiastically.

The sleeping girl also vaguely felt something and began to consciously restrain her thoughts.

With both efforts, the collapse of the void finally settled down again.

However, even if bathed in the light, a shadow quietly appeared on the girl's face could not dissipate.

The shadow began to spread with the passage of time, and it soon turned into a shadow, wrapping the whole girl in it.

The girl's speed of devouring the light suddenly accelerated, and the shadow around her seemed to have turned into a black hole, crazily devouring the light of gems.

The light that would have taken a long time to be absorbed soon disappeared.

The void that was still shimmering suddenly fell into a deep darkness!

In the dark, a touch of white suddenly appeared!

At first, it was a point, and then it spread rapidly and extended around.

With a few breaths, a huge white pattern appeared in the dark, which was particularly eye-catching.

A mask!!

Waiting for Li Ji (in order to prevent confusion, my sister is Li Jing in the future, and my sister is Li Ji, but my sister occupies my sister's body... Well, just ignore it, just ignore it) In the time of waking up, Li Jing also went to the space just in case and bought five [Soul Stone].

When preserving and nourishing the injured soul with the help of Lianxin onion, Li Ji can only convey a very simple message, and more often it is the "emotional" of Lianxin onion itself, and her thoughts are very weak.

It was not until he absorbed most of the gem light that Li Ji's consciousness overwhelmed the simple will of Lianxin and absorbed it, becoming the only consciousness of Lianxin and conveying the desire for soul energy.

In fact, among the two sisters Li Jingli, the sister Li Ji has a strange power hidden in her body, which can be regarded as a kind of talent, similar to the "body of the tiger". Unfortunately, it can only play a role once.

At the critical moment of life and death, her sister Li Ji's talent awakened. In order to save her sister who was about to disperse her soul, she resolutely launched this ability and absorbed Li Jing's soul into her body. At the same time, she did not hesitate to self-harm herself to separate her soul and body, hiding in the depths of Li Jing's sea of knowledge in the form of soul fluctuation.

Later, Li Jing got a heart-to-heart green onion, and this magical plant gave Li Ji's soul a place to live.

However, the self-harm in the car accident caused a terrible damage to her soul, and her self-consciousness fell into a sleep seal, retaining only a simple consciousness, and occasionally conveying her "instinct" emotions to Li Jing.

The trauma of the soul is the most troublesome. Although there is a corresponding exchange on the list of great will, not to mention the high price, without its own cooperation, it only relies on passive absorption and warmth, which is completely time consumption.

Absorbed the energy of [Soul Stone], and the soul body of Li Ji gradually repaired and woke up. However, during this period, the first thing to wake up was not Li Ji's self-consciousness, but the subconsciousness or self-consciousness.

Although Li Jing's disgust for drug addicts is partly caused by his parents, it is more influenced by Li Ji!

In Li Jing's mind, Li Ji is a kind-hearted, gentle and courteous good sister. In short, everything is extremely perfect. However, she doesn't know how far Li Ji's hatred for drugs and drugs has reached!

[If I have a chance, I must eliminate all the drugs in the world and kill all the people who make drugs!!]

Li Jing didn't know that the death of her little mother, Li Ji's mother, was not martyred as understated by Li Ji!

After Li's father took drugs, his temper became very irritable and strange. Even in front of his lover, he often had a dark face, and his words became very indifferent. Although he did not hit people, the stranger-like indifference made Li Ji's mother very afraid. In order to save Li's father's heart, she "visited unannounced" and learned the frightening fact that Li's father was taking drugs.

After an inner struggle that could not be known to outsiders, she confessed to Li's father that she knew about his drug use, and expressed her willingness to accompany him and sink together.

At that time, Li's father found that he had a drug addiction for a short time, and his heart was also very painful. For him, his lover's words were a cup of water in front of the dying traveler, which was more attractive than the legendary jade liquid.

He drank it!

The two are as good as before, and even their relationship goes further, like glue.



After Li's father's death, she lost her financial resources. After Li Ji's mother had smoked the remaining drugs, she was already addicted to drugs and could not resist the counterphagy from drugs and could only continue to buy.

What if there is no money, the things in the seller.

So, Li Ji found that there were fewer and fewer things at home, and in the end, the family was surrounded by four walls.

There are no more things, so we have to sell the house.

A large amount of money for selling the house has supported her for a long time. However, as she became more and more addicted to drugs, she soon spent the money.

At that time, she was already in shape. At first glance, she was completely wrapped in a skin skeleton and could not do any work. To put it unpleasantly, no one dares to sell it.

Li Ji just watched all this quietly.

She tried to stop, persuaded, cried, knelt... and even threatened suicide!

Everything is in vain, in exchange for abuse and beating. Even once Li was beaten by her to vomit blood and lay in ** for more than a week before he could go to the ground!

In fact, during the "awake" period after taking drugs, Li also cried and said that he would definitely quit drugs, but...

"Mom, this is a bowl of chicken soup..."

"Give it to me! Give it to me!!" Li's bloodshot eyes, which had been hungry for several days, emitted green light. He rushed up and grabbed the bowl in Li Ji's hand, poured down the delicious chicken soup that night, and was choked.

A few minutes later, Li fell asleep.

She never woke up again.

Li Ji added sleeping pills to chicken soup, many, several bottles.

She picked it up in the hospital's dustbin and expired. Because she didn't know how much effect there was left, she put a lot of it and put it all in.

Li Ji combed her hair, tidied up her clothes, covered the broken blanket she picked up, and said softly, "Mom, have a good journey."

[Today's Express: The demolition house on XX Road caught fire this morning, and a charred female body was found in it...]

A fire burns the past.

A few days later, Donglin County.

Li Ji knocked on the door.

"I'm your sister, your half-sister."

"I'll take care of you in the future."

Hold the confused and empty-eyed girl tightly, Li Ji burst into tears, but engraved a vow into his heart.

"I swear I will never hurt you!"

[PS: Recently, it seems that the kind of novel that travels/rebirth and then plagiarizes the works of the gods is very popular. I really don't understand. It doesn't matter if you travel to ancient times/alic world to plagiarize poems or something. Now you even plagiarize novels and show off openly... Should I really go back to Mars? The earth is too dangerous.