Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 4: Is it still called infinite flow if the newcomer is not infighting

Chapter 4: If the newcomer is not infighting, is it still called infinite flow?

This tough giant seemed to be the leader of the Higanhina district. When the leader died, the giants who were subject to some kind of "constraint" and "governance" came out of the broken gate and rushed towards this side under the instinctive control.

Fortunately, although the gate was damaged, the gap was not too big. When Zhang Shen blocked the whole gap with a three-layer rock wall in time, although the giant inside smashed the wall, he could not get out. As for more than a dozen fish that leaked into the net, with the cooperation of Zhang Shen and Li Ji, they successively turned into white bones on the wasteland.

When the crisis was resolved, the newcomers were very excited, but Zhang Shen himself was not happy at all.

Although I don't know what the human pattern is like in the world, Zhang Shen is not good when he meets so many giants in a place that should have been inhabited by human beings.

Originally, he wanted to stay here for a few days to adapt the newcomers to the environment of this cruel world, but now he just wants to rush to the gathering place of human beings in the world as soon as possible to prevent irreparable disasters caused by his delay.

"If you can build such a thick rock wall, human beings in the world should not be so weak..." Zhang Shen looked carefully at the wall dozens of meters high outside the Higanhina area and temporarily suppressed the uneasiness in his heart.

Seeing Zhang Shen coming towards him, the chattering newcomers suddenly calmed down, and their eyes fell on him.

There was no time to enjoy this sensation of attention, and Zhang Shen directly said his decision.

"I plan to rush to the gathering place of human beings in this world as quickly as possible. You have also experienced the danger level of the world. I believe you will not do anything to put everyone in danger."

"If someone really messes around, believe me, you won't have a chance to regret it." Zhang Shen's hands were also "bloody", and there was an evil spirit between them. When he said harsh words, the evil spirit quietly emitted, making a group of newcomers' hearts stop one after another, and hurriedly nodded to show that they would be very clever and never mess around.

Zhang Shen roughly checked the surrounding terrain and found that a river ran through the whole Higanhina area and flowed to another high wall. He didn't know where the end point was. Although it is not clear what the situation is in the high wall, it will not be better than the current enemy on all sides and unstoppable.

The ability extracted by the young man named Liang Pin is "Flying Feather", which is a very useful auxiliary ability that can be applied to himself and others. The person who receives the blessing will feel as light as a swallow and has the primary floating ability to move. Although it is terrible in height and speed, it is also a Unusual practical ability.

Zhang Shen was still having a headache. Why did he secretly send so many people across the city wall and reach the river bank? He was immediately happy to learn of Liang Pin's ability. The latter really solved his urgent needs.

Zhang Shen assumed that the giant's way to seek the enemy was through sight or smell, so he took out the rune from the shrinking hand towel to activate the blessing of everyone to ensure that there would be no smell and sound between the march. In addition, he painfully took out the small number of hidden converged runes left because he didn't have time to replenish them, and added another insurance.

Although the effects of these props from different worlds were weakened to the limit, under the careful avoidance of Zhang Shen and his party, they successfully avoided the wandering giant and arrived at a short building by the river bank.

Looking out of the window, a wooden boat without sails came into the eyes of everyone. Although the boat is not big and looks very shabby, it gives everyone a lot of courage to persevere.

The situation of the wooden boat must be confirmed in advance to avoid sudden disintegration or water leakage in the middle of the road.

Some of the newcomers have extracted the "snaught" and volunteered to help. Zhang Shen was entangled for a while and decided to let him be responsible for the movements of the patrolling and reconnaissance giants around him so as not to dampen the enthusiasm of the newcomers. Zhang Shen did not have the courage and courage to follow these guys who had never been to the battlefield.

For a moment, Zhang Shen appeared on this strange wooden boat.

What happened in front of him immediately made him frown.

The wooden boat is really broken!

"Look at this trace... It seems to be man-made." There is a thin layer of dust on the deck, and fragments of various wooden items are everywhere. If you look carefully, you will find traces of knives and guns under the dust and garbage, which are obviously man-made.

"I just became a nanny and bodyguard, and now I'm going to be a sailor again." With a helpless smile, Zhang Shen quickly entered the cabin and drew a hexagonal pattern in the shape of a snowflake on the dusty bulkhead.

After the snowflake pattern was drawn, Zhang Shen picked up the pen and added lines that looked as if children's graffiti came casually. For a moment, when he stopped writing, the original beautiful snowflake pattern was already "a mess". At first glance, it made people dizzy, and a feeling of nausea and chest tightness arose spontaneously.

Analysis array!!

This array is like a microscope for biochemists, who observe the microstructure of things with the help of a microscope, while the alchemists need to study the similarities and differences between the "alworld" and the familiar world's material microstructure with the help of the analytic array before modifying the original technique. To adapt to the laws of the new world.

The slightest loss is thousands of miles away, especially when it comes to the basic structure of matter and even the framework of basic laws. The changes brought about by subtle differences are even enough to destroy the world!

In a world, the structure of the basic particles of the whole universe is so rigorous that some people have been worried. If the structure of a particle is slightly changed by an "accident", then the subsequent chain reaction will completely change the appearance of the whole universe or even Yu Zhou can no longer maintain its form and collapses. Naturally, human beings will also disappear! The unfounded woman wrote a book for this, which was later made into a movie, which had a great impact. I don't remember the names of movies and books...)

After the gossip, return to the topic.

Zhang Shen drew such an analysis array at this moment, which is naturally to cope with the current difficulties.

The previous embarrassment gave him a little understanding of the strangeness of the world. Now it is absolutely impossible to repair wooden boats without understanding the structure of the "wood" of the giant world! At the same time, if the primary structure of common substances such as "earth", "fire", "metal" and "water" (non-absolute basic structure, which can be understood as the difference between molecules and atoms, neutrons and quarks) is unclear in the world, it will definitely It's hard to walk!

"I hope everything goes well."

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Shen held his breath and put his palms deep into the analysis array. As soon as he thought turned, his spiritual power surged out like the water of the breach, pouring into the strange array in front of him.

The next moment, everything in Zhang Shen's sight is like the change of heaven and earth, completely different!

The world suddenly turned into a gorgeous light, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, gold, silver, black, white and gray, and colors that cannot be described in words are intertwined to the extreme!

Endless glory, endless colors, constant collisions, convergence and evolution, and infinite changes occur at every moment, and the huge amount of information generated is enough to make quantum-level computers explode on the spot.

This endless sea of light in the "sight" is the projection of the root of the law of the giant world and the survival of the plane!

When Zhang Shen has the ability to break through the projection to the root, it is the time for him to join the "law" realm and achieve supreme achievements!

At this moment, Zhang Shen is not in the mood to think about the future. All his spirit at this time is on the most obvious and single light, which are the most superficial rules of the giant world.

In the words of the alchemist, these monochrome modules are the most obvious "attributes" presented by matter. Such as the "hot" of fire and the "cold" of ice.

On this side, Zhang Shen tried his best to analyze the primary material structure of the giant world at the bottom of the cabin. On the other hand, Li Li and the two sisters and the newcomers were hiding in the room.

Except for the newcomer with a stealth named "Moke" who went out to patrol, the rest of the people were crowded in a small room.

Li Ji has never shown her true appearance in front of the newcomer from beginning to end. In addition, her strong strength and the disgust and fear of the "life" instinct of the "evil spirit" instinct, the newcomer is more afraid of her than awe, and would rather squeeze everyone into a ball than get close to her. So, a strange scene appeared.

In the small room, Li Ji, dressed in a black robe, occupied nearly half of the space with Li Jing in his arms, and the remaining 20 newcomers (well, strictly speaking, there are only 19, and the baby obviously can't be included...) crowded with the remaining half of the space.

After entering the room, the women among the newlyweds consciously gathered together and firmly united in the center of the [beep] center centered on the grocery shopping aunt... In fact, the grocery shopping aunt and the young woman holding the child were together. The former was constantly whispering to the latter; the two little Loris were wearing gray coarse cloth picked up from nowhere. The clothes hid in the corner, as if this could give them more security; the old woman who almost died of heart problems before has woken up. At this moment, a person shrinks in the corner of the wall, and her turbid eyes are full of confusion; the two little girls are wearing brown coarse cloth clothes picked up from nowhere, and the two hugged each other against the cold wall. It seems that the heaviness of the wall can give them more security; after looking at each other a few times, the five Dongguan women approached the man and whispered "accosted" in the sweetest voice they could say.

If you pay a little attention, the men who are "accosted" by them are the most "brave" or the most "conspicuous" in the battle with giants... For example, Liang Pin, who can release a bursting fireball, has a slender scar on his face, a refined man who calls himself "Jiang Chaohui" and is known as "Brother Jiang", and that Wan Yingnan, a man with very weak glasses.

Wan Yingnan probably received this treatment for the first time. He was praised by a series of deliberate flattery and "welfare" sent intentionally or unintentionally. From time to time, the eyes of the ditch in front of the woman who called themselves "Xiaojing" flashed, and his voice unconsciously changed. I have to get up loud, my mouth foam is flying, and my cheeks are red with excitement, and I have a temperament of "pointing the world".

"Be careful, don't be so loud!" Someone couldn't see it and looked angry. "Brother Zhang told us to keep quiet before he left. Do you want to lead the giant here?"

"That's it!" If you want to die, don't involve us!" Isn't it just luck? What's the point of squeaking!"

Someone took the lead, and Wan Yingnan suddenly became the object of criticism.

Wan Yingnan's behavior was indeed a little too much, but at first he only criticized him for being too loud, but after that, his words became more and more sour, and even those colorful hoodlums directly attacked personally, which was very strange.

Wan Yingnan's face became more and more red, his fists were clenched, and his whole body trembled.

He has never experienced such a battle. He wanted to get angry but was afraid because of the number of people on the other party. Thinking about it, the grievance in his heart was like a spring, and his eyes began to turn red, and he could faintly see tears.

This scene made those who criticized and laughed immediately startled. Then, the critics frowned and closed their mouths despite their disdain. The mockers became more and more unscrupulous, and their words became more naked, and even began to insult Wan Yingnan's parents and family.

In this scene, Jiang Chaohui, Liang Pin and others, who had been watching on the wall, did not make peace or say a word, but occasionally secretly glanced at Li Ji, who was silently holding Li Jing on the other side of the room. His eyes flashed, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

There is a saying that "If you don't break out in silence, you will perish in silence". Seeing that Wan Yingnan was about to reach the critical point of "outbreak" and "death", the door was suddenly pushed open.

The noise in the room froze in an instant, and all the newcomers' eyes swept to the door.

The visitor is a Mexican.


A series of exhalations continued to rise and fall, and everyone who suddenly lifted their hearts breathed a sigh of relief.

"Funny, what the fuck are you doing, can't you push the door in!" A yellow-haired gangster glared at Mo Ke, and his eyes were almost murderous. "Fuck scared me!!"

"That's..." The harmony sounded. Mo Ke's behavior really made public angry. Just now, even Jiang Chaohui and others were shocked, and their timidity even broke out in a cold sweat.

Mo Ke ignored them and turned his eyes to Li Ji, who had been silent: "Sister Li, a giant is coming!"

"Two giants!!"

The shouting and scolding in the room solidified again.