Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 17: The Coming of the Giant

Chapter 17: The Coming of the Giant

It is late autumn. At seven o'clock in the morning, the sun weakly drilled out from under the mountain and projected its first ray of light, achieving a wonderful light called "Sunshine".

As if the god had been taking a night's nap, Hina stretched out and squinted at the distance.

Today is a memorable day for millions of civilians.

Later historians praised this day as the "horn of the counterattack giant" that was blown. However, at this moment, after several months in Hina District, they were hungry and full. Today is particularly important for the vast number of civilians who are physically and mentally numb, because they once again smelled the fragrance of food!

The fragrance comes from the porridge shed set up by the government "a long time ago" - this thing has basically been abolished, because food ration has been implemented since a month ago, and the already meagre food can only ensure that a person can "starve to death" after passing through layers of "exting out" by those people...

"It smells good!" Wow, it smells so good!!" Where does the fragrance come from?!!"


Countless people who set up tents on both sides of the street and even slept on the road shrugged their noses, cooed like thunder, and the corners of their mouths couldn't stop drooling.

"Over there!!"

I don't know who shouted, and everyone ran to the long-abandoned porridge shed like crazy.

Fortune, Darris and others had already expected that the harsh gongs sounded, and at the same time, hundreds of armored soldiers surrounded the porridge shed to prevent the impact of people who had suffered from hunger and lost their minds.

Fortunately, due to the careful preparation in advance, there was no stampede and looting incident - of course, those who were red-eyed by the food were ruthlessly killed by the soldiers.

"Don't squeeze!!" On the roof of a house next to the porridge shed, a loud voice shouted with an iron loudspeaker.

"Your Majesty has found enough food. From today on, no one will have to starve!!" As soon as this was said, there were tsunami-like cheers all around, and the cheers filled the whole Sina area and turned into a powerful sound wave spreading around. The civilians in this world are relatively simple, and their trust in the country is far from comparable to that of the world where Zhang Shen and others live.

"Come one by one, don't worry about not having enough porridge!"

"Two bowls for adults, one bowl for the elderly and children, everyone has it!"

"After drinking porridge, we will also send people to distribute grain. Each household can receive the amount for two days, and each household is limited to one time! Once it is found that someone has received more, the food share will be cancelled in the next week!"


A few months ago, when people were still small farmers with houses and fields, they hated this kind of sound the most, because every time these people came, it meant that they had to pay taxes or something else. In short, there was nothing good.

At this moment, the sound is not heavenly!

Especially when those who received the food looked at the thick white porridge and carefully took a bite, they shouted excitedly. The strong fragrance and the ultimate sweet feeling made them suddenly burst into tears and turbid tears rolled down.

Suddenly, the whole city was filled with the sound of snoring porridge.

Daris was cruel and used up nearly one-third of the rice bricks at one time. Each bowl of porridge was so thick that it would not fall down even if it was inserted into a fork, which was enough for these people who had been hungry for a long time to taste the happiness of "full food" again!

Especially when they received a small piece of rice brick and were told the characteristics of the food, the cheers of the tsunami rolled up again:

"Hung Holiness Your Majesty Darris!"

Daris listened to this heartfelt excited cry, his eyes narrowed, his mouth couldn't close his mouth, and he had an impulse to dance.

Oh, oh, oh, oh~~~~

Suddenly, the familiar horn sounded again, and Darris's expression suddenly stiffened, and his eyes suddenly stared, mixed with the anger of fear rising to the sky.

"Damn giant!!"

Yes, those giants who feed on human beings, those who have successively broken through the wall of Maria and the wall of Ross, killed and devoured most of human beings, and forced the remaining millions of human beings to huddle in the Hina area and wait for death are coming again!!

The cheers stopped abruptly!!

The next moment, the horn of the army of the army sounded, and the soldiers who were already familiar with the giant's visit threw down the food in their hands at the first time, picked up the weapons placed aside and stuffed them into their bodies, and ran quickly and orderly to the assembly point.

Their movements are so proficient that at first glance, they are admirable and admirable. However, if you look closely at their eyes, you will be shocked to find that there are not many soldiers in their eyes who should be tough and sharp. Instead, they are more numb and empty, as if their bodies have been "tuned" by♂ to react instinctive puppets!

Walking Dead!!

Yes, these people are not elite soldiers at all. They are just walking dead.

Giants come to attack. What they have to do is not defensive counterattack, but defensive, defensive and redefensive.

The long nails on the outside of Hina's wall have been destroyed, and the high wall composed of blue-black basalt has been scarred by continuous attacks, and even cracks slightly thicker than hair have appeared, which is a sign of collapse.

At present, the weapons used by the human side for defense are mainly howitzers (I have always felt that there are * cannons in the world that are extremely unscientific...), although they are flowering bombs, their power is limited.

Before being infected by the T virus, the howitzer was very lethal for the stupid giant. Coupled with many other preparations and factors, the ordinary giant was not an opponent at all. However, feng shui rotates, and now the T giant's movement, which has completed the evolution, has become much more flexible. Thirty meters away, the shells can't hit them at all. What's more, the resilience and defense of these things have also entered a new stage. Unless the cannonballs hit the head and blow their heads to pieces, they can't make them at all. Kill.

As for encountering those giants who have alienated and mutated out of bone armor, it can only be hehe.

Another relatively strong weapon armed force on the human side is three-dimensional maneuver, that is, the most frequently used weapon by the original investigation corps, and it is also the only way to deal with discrete giants. There is no need to repeat how to believe it. In short, without such an armament, human beings have no power to resist in front of giants - except for the battle against the city.

Unfortunately, today's three-dimensional maneuvers are outdated. Even if several people use three-dimensional maneuvers to kill an ordinary giant, they may not be able to win...

The evolution of giants is an important reason, but the most important thing is that the weakness of giants is no longer the meat of stamina, but the whole head! Unless it is blown in the head, it can't cause fatal damage at all.

Obviously, the knife configured on the three-dimensional maneuver can't cut the giant's terrible bones that compete with basalt!

To sum up, in the face of the attack of the T giant, people can only do constantly *, *, and then *...

In the long run, "morale" has almost disappeared from the soldiers, and the rest is only numbness.

But this time, the situation seems to be different...

When the giant's siege horn sounded, Zhang Shen and others were still a little confused, but when the assembly horn of the army sounded, the understanding of the battle suddenly gushed out from the bottom of everyone's heart.

Except for the old woman with heart problems, the grocery lady and the young woman holding the child, other newcomers were forced to arrive at the scene by Zhang Shen. The man is fine. Several women who can't figure out the situation want to use women's natural tricks such as "crying" and "playing tricks", but after being shocked by Li Ji's cold hum, they still followed them honestly.

Darris and others did not forget Zhang Shen's group of "outsiders". After walking out of the door, the number of carriages came quickly. The driver said that they had come to greet everyone on the order of Darris.

The group got into the carriage.

On the way, Zhang Shen noticed that the civilians in the city were slightly different from when they came yesterday.

Compared with yesterday's numbness, there is a trace of anger on their faces today.

The numbness and emptiness brought by waiting for death are intertrayed with fear and a trace of hope and hope for the giant. With the food that filled their stomachs, they couldn't help but have a wisp of hope for the future. Although they were as weak as a candle in the wind, it still gave a trace of comfort to the soldiers who quickly advanced towards the city wall.

Under the spread of layers, this city, which was originally full of dead silence, has quietly ignited a fire of hope.

"It seems that I haven't done enough." Thinking of several hills that had not yet started yesterday, Zhang Shen was a little annoyed by his laziness. Whether it is refining clothes or weapons, it can make a contribution to today's war and even the civilians in the city.

He secretly determined that after the battle, he must complete the refining of weapons or clothes as soon as possible.

After that, he will further analyze the rules of the world and complete the analysis of the world's gunpowder to further refine and produce more powerful gunpowder. In addition, he felt that the world's so-called "gas" gas and similar gas substances should also be analyzed to produce more powerful substances. At the same time, he also needed to strengthen the original blade and other components to create the armament that can cope with the current stronger T giant...

Of course, all this will be after this war.

Zhang Shen is not very worried about this battle.

He has also had a certain understanding of the strength of the giants around the Hina area in recent days. He believes that unless they have alienated some very awesome new T giants last night, with the help of Blue Phoenix and himself and Li Ji, human beings will definitely be able to repel them.