Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 32: The Secrets That Gradually Revealed

Chapter 32: The Secrets that are gradually revealed

Dozens of large or small glass mirrors are smooth and crystal, reflecting the burning fire around them, which looks particularly strange.

The night, the firelight, the giant, the blood... Against the backdrop of all this, the chaotic mirror seems to have become a mysterious machine mirror city and a three-dimensional fantasy array with infinite mystery.

Every mirror faces towards the giant.

ferocious faces were taken into the mirror. Despite the lack of light, the giant's amazing vision was enough to make them see the picture in the mirror clearly.

In an instant, time and space seemed to solidify.

The big head vegetable noticed a bad moment when the mirror appeared. It was about to forcibly control all the giants to close their eyes and launch a chaotic charge regardless of the loss, but it was too late!

Wow, oh, oh!!!!

Almost all the giants began to look up to the sky and howled after a short pause, and even several of them were possessed by the ape Taishan. Their two fists pounded their chests hard, banging and making obvious dents!

Their narrow brain capacity can't withstand the sudden "spiritual shock". The stupid faces are painful, entangled, struggling and confused, and a large number of complex emotions make their brains almost ripe.

There was a burst of nerves screaming in place, and most of the giants made amazing movements--

Turn around and run away!!

It seemed that they were going to leave this "sad place". A trace in their bodies could have made them make a choice to escape. They turned around and rushed to the gate hole one after another. Suddenly, they collided with the giant who drove down the big head and headed for the city, and then there were a lot of rolling gourds on the opposite side.

This sudden scene made human beings feel puzzled for a while, and then they reacted and expressed their most sincere welcome to the nervous giants with a smile.


With two rounds of shelling, the giant's forward was restrained and gathered in a semicircular area with a radius of about 30 meters around the city gate.

The giant inside wants to go out, and the giant outside wants to come in. The gate hole is so wide that the two sides are huddled together, blocking the whole gate hole and the nearby area. Only a large number of meaningless howls from the huge population, swung their fists and smashing around...

This scene full of joy made everyone dumbfounded, and even Zhang Shen was stunned and couldn't believe it. He just had an idea and didn't expect that the effect would be so good!

"Sister Li, you have made great contributions~~" Zhang Shen's strange words came from Li Ji's ear, which was also very incredible.

In the strange atmosphere, Li Jing was the first to react: "Captain, why don't you hurry up and seal the gate to isolate the giant!"

Zhang Shen was awakened, and the pen was flying. A simple and atmospheric refining array was formed after several breaths.

lian into an array and start!!

The silver arc sank into the ground, and the earth rumbled. Then, the earth wall as thick as two meters slowly rose and formed a semicircle, blocking the crowd of giants.

In order to prevent the previous tragedy from happening again - a large number of underground soil to cause collapse and so on - the semicircular earth wall made by Zhang Shen is not high, only close to 20 meters high, and the giant can jump with a little force.

Zhang Shen is naturally on guard. Seeing that the "strange soldier" like the mirror is so useful, he very sinisterly inlaid dozens of previously refined mirrors on the earth wall, and even lit a torch next to it to ensure that the giant could see it clearly at a glance!

The cabbage was very angry and furious. It jumped around on the shoulder of the mount and made a strange "oh" sound in its mouth. It was so angry! Originally, when his plan was about to succeed, the giant army could immediately attack the city and slaughter all human beings. Who knows--

The success that is about to arrive has been destroyed by some broken mirrors!!

What makes it more irritable is that the group of brain-damaged giants did not rush around into the city for destruction, but kept running back...

The cabbage is about to explode!

The way it controls ordinary giants is not absolute control, but similar to the way of giving "instructions". Because the ordinary giant's brain is too simple to "recognize" too complex instructions, Datoucai usually issues more instructions such as "forward" and "attack".

Like the previous very complex instructions that let some giants squat down and turn them into "ladders", and another part of giants climb the city wall on these "ladders" requires the big head to separate part of the "control" and open a block for related control.

Further, it is to control the self-detonation, which needs to be separated from its own "control area" and put into the body of ordinary giants in a parasitic way to form a "single function" split.

In the latter two ways, if the controlled giant dies, it will have a certain impact on the cabbage!

This is also the reason why the giants let go after climbing the wall and let them jump down from the wall more than 100 meters high...

The latter one has a greater impact. If you really want to compare it, it is probably the difference between a mild concussion that can cause a little rest and a serious concussion that can lead to coma, amnesia and even brain disability...

Therefore, although the big head is so angry that he is about to go crazy, he dares not divide a part of the "control area" to control the giant's self-explosion to open the gate hole - unless it also wants to become the same brain-damaged as an ordinary giant.

Knowing that this night attack failed "again", although he was unwilling, he could only grit his teeth and issue an order to "retreat".

While Datoucai silently retreated, in the city.

Judging from Li Ji's last experiment, the giant will go crazy after looking in the mirror, but if there is no follow-up "stimulation", the hissing will stop after a while and become a stupid and cute brain-damaged giant again. However, Zhang Shen's sinister move makes them have no chance to "stop" at all, and they can only go crazy. The bottom.

Especially after Zhang Shen sealed the gate cave and the place connected to the outside of the city, these crazy giants and the "normal" giants trapped by them became turtles in the urn and could not escape.

"Guys, I found a strange phenomenon." For a moment, the sound of the blue phoenix sounded in Zhang Shen's ear.

"Have you noticed that the giant's movements are not flexible during the day, and now the movements seem to be a little slower than before..." Blue Phoenix's tone is a little uncertain. After all, it is night, and the chaos of the scene does not allow her to observe carefully.

"My feeling tells me that this is a very important discovery!"

As soon as this sentence comes out, there is no room for everyone to ignore it.

I don't even care if the prophet's words are taken seriously. That's really dead.

To be honest, the damage caused by tonight's night attack is not very serious. Civilians were not seriously injured. The real death and injury was the Fourth Corps responsible for guarding the city gate - 90% of which died from giants falling from the sky...

After Yi Chao and Zhang Shen came forward and said a few words to Daris and others who came in, the six people fell to the earth wall and turned on the onlooker mode. Naturally, the objects of the onlookers were more than 20 giants who were completely trapped in chaos.

A semicircular earth wall, a sealed wall, and the original wall form a large area of "grid cage", which belongs to these giants. Zhang Shen installed a lot of bright mirrors on the inside of the cage, and did not let go of every corner. With a burning torch, it formed the strongest cage in the world - for giants.

Zhang Shen has selected the giants and giants that have been strangled, and carefully observed the movements of their good friends.

I didn't feel that this change was very obvious after about half an hour.

They have indeed become slower, as if they have changed from a tough prime to a ferocious old man in this half an hour!

The movement of punching has slowed down, the strength of the blow has become weaker, and the shouting has become smaller... Even their originally angular abdominal muscles have blurred the lines, as if they are going to degenerate and disappear...

"This is the real reason why giants are active during the day." Li Jing thought of the intelligence information he had obtained before and sighed that the truth was so simple.

People have also speculated before that giants can jump alive without eating because they have a temporarily unknown means to absorb energy - just like solar water heaters, as long as the sun is still there, they can still operate even on cloudy and rainy days.

It's just that giants are worse than solar energy and can only operate during the day - now it proves that they can also move at night, but they consume the energy accumulated during the day, and the current scene appears when the energy is consumed to a certain extent.

This is also one of the important reasons for the decisive retreat of the cabbage.

"I increasingly feel that giants don't seem to evolve naturally, but are created for some strange reasons." Zhang Shen's researcher's heart began to be ready to move. "The powerful strength and physical strength brought by the huge body shape are also flexible and fast. Such a large group does not need to eat, as long as they bask in the sun... In addition to intellectual defects, it is simply a perfect evolution!"

"Synthesis is the dream of countless human beings in the real world."

"You don't have to do anything. You won't starve to death just basking in the sun every day... How much time can you save?! This saved time is good for sleeping and playing games..."

"Tut, what a beautiful scene!"


"Only a guy like you who is lazy in the bone marrow will have this idea." Li Jing rolled his eyes and said, "Well, don't sell your lazy ideas here. Let's think about how to deal with these guys."

"The result is out. They are useless. Why don't you just kill them?"

Seeing that Li Jing and Yi Chao had the intention to do something, Zhang Shen's spirit flashed and quickly stopped him: "Don't do it!!"

Several doubtful eyes came over.

"Don't worry."

"I think these guys can take advantage of it."

Zhang Shen looked at the giant who had become weak but still fought tirelessly. His eyes were full of strong desire and thirst for knowledge.

It's the look of a white mouse.