Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 49: Strange [this is yesterday's]

Chapter 49: Strange

Just like a famous "broken window law", after the originally strong and thick high wall was attacked by countless small and narrow cracks by giants, the speed of collapse suddenly doubled. The cracks with wide and narrow hair began to expand and spread at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just a few attacks, they were like spider webs. It is all over the whole area.

Jiang Chaohui and his party didn't run far. They only heard a loud "rumbling" sound in their ears. The mountain collapsed and cracked, and the city wall collapsed!

In the smoke and dust, tall and powerful figures show their outlines. It is the mortal enemy of human beings - giants!

The yellow-brown dust veil was torn, and the stupid and cute faces were full of evil spirits, and the empty eyes flashed with inexplicable hatred and resentment.

The soldiers who retreated from the wall gathered around in small pieces and attacked them at the moment when the wall collapsed and the giants appeared.

The cannon that has not yet been transported to the wall has become the best weapon. A burst of orange and bright red gunfire burst and roared, as if venting human anger, panic and despair.

Even if death is dead, it still plays the role of rejecting the enemy, hindering the actions of the giants and making these half-crazy giants stagger and become like turtles crawling.

In the rumble of gunfire, giants kept falling, but its gap was quickly filled by the giants behind. Looking around, it was still dense and desperate.

The wall of death only bought four rounds of shelling for human beings.

No one calculated how many giants were killed. All they knew that in sight, the giants kept coming in from the huge gap in the wall, with a strange smile like a fool, holding high the jade white spine in their hands.

There is no trace of horror and ferocious feeling that the spine of the work of art falls on the ground paved with stone bricks.


The dull explosion sounded.

The explosion overturned a remnant of the cannon, and at the same time, hundreds of soldiers and officers who launched a brazen impact in despair were washed away.

The broken limbs, mixed with dust turned into red and yellow blood splashed everywhere, and the sad howling was covered by the sound of the ground, but it really spread to the ears of everyone hundreds of meters.

People who were struggling to escape, including Jiang Chaohui and others, couldn't help stopping.

A pair of eyes, which were originally full of despair and fear, began to be covered with a layer of hatred, and their faces became firm and full of decisive emotions.

"Fight with them!!" I don't know who shouted the first sentence in a hoarse voice, like a blazing spark, jumping into the slow gunpowder barrel, igniting the blood and violence that had been hidden in people's hearts for a long time.

"Kill the giant!!" Kill the giant!!"

Although the voice is chaotic and not full of air, it gives people a feeling of collapse and makes people's heart tremble.

Wounded soldiers, fleeing soldiers, honest farmers, treacherous and cunning businessmen, ruffians... Men, women, old people, teenagers... They either picked up things around them or empty-handed, shouted words that they didn't even know themselves, and rushed to the slowly coming giant army.

I don't know why, after entering the city, the giant became much more "elegant" and no longer ran away, but walked. But he was tall and long, and even if he walked, he was very fast, so the army of giants quickly met the rushing human beings.

There was a strange grunt in his throat, and the giant raised the spine in his hand one after another.

wave it and smash it down.

The residual energy in the spine burst out.

The person who was hit head-on was immediately blown into pieces and turned into countless broken flesh and blood splashes.

The people swept by the shock wave are not much better. The weak human body is torn apart under the violent impact, and the better ones die on the spot. They are unlucky to fall to the ground heavily, their bones are broken, and even death is a luxury.

Where is the battle? This is simply a massacre! One-sided slaughter!!

However, in the bloody and cruel slaughter, the makers still have a "pure" expression, which is particularly chilling.

This tragic and bloody scene was reflected in the eyes of 11 newcomers on the roof, deeply engraved in their hearts and will never be forgotten.

Even if you hate bloody people, you can't have a trace of disgust at this moment. You are full of anger and... deep powerlessness.

The sound of the bone joint explosion, like a drum, knocks in the heart and breaks all the indifferent shells.

"Brother Wuke, what are you going to do?" The words suddenly sounded and gathered everyone's eyes, and I saw that Wuming and Wuxin pulled the evil spirit with one arm. "You just died in the past."

His eyes were congested, and his blue veins bulged as if they were about to explode, making his beautiful face extremely ferocious.

"Don't stop me!" Wu Ke's lips were bitten and bleeding by himself, and bright red blood flowed out along the corners of his mouth. "Buddha still has the anger of the Ming King. If I sit by and watch all this today and practice any Buddha, it's better to fall forever!!"

The mood, everyone present empathized with it, and the emotion of being suppressed by reason couldn't help but be a little ready to move.

"Don't stop him, let him go!!" Jiang Chaohui shouted coldly, his eyes were gloomy, and there was no emotion on his face, "Let him die!"

"If you think you can escape in this way, just die!" Jiang Chaohui walked to Wu Ke and stared into his eyes, word by word, his tone was as cold as ice that had not melted for ten thousand years.

Wu Ke was struck by lightning, his body shook, and it seemed that his bones had been removed. He had no strength to struggle and looked dull.

Liang Pin and others also heard the meaning of Jiang Chaohui's words and calmed down one after another, and their anger seemed to disappear out of thin air.

They did not disappear, but turned into deeper things, silently lurking in the depths of their hearts, waiting for the day to reappear.

"In the future, all hostile aliens will be killed!!"


The roads between houses and buildings have been crowded with panicked residents, so Jiang Chaohui and others simply went from the roof to the small buildings with their extraordinary power.

Wow, oh, oh, oh!!!

On their way to the small building, suddenly heard the cry of giants, one after another.

There are some other things that cannot be interpreted in the cry.

"There is a situation!" Jiang Chaohui's sharp eyes swept around and found something wrong.

The giant's offensive seems to have slowed down??

To be more precise, their aggressiveness reduces...

After entering the city of Hina, although the giant ran instead of walking, it gave people a feeling of "hurry". It seemed that he had a stomachache but finally had time to go to the toilet for most of the day. He swung the spine in his hand and smashed it down. Where there were many people, he couldn't wait to eliminate human beings at the fastest speed. Destroy it.

But now, it has become "leisure".

Although the frequency of attacks has not decreased, the strange atmosphere is different.

Even at the huge gap in the wall, some giants who were supposed to come in chose to turn around and leave after a moment of hesitation!!

This is not scientific!!!


Bo Jue, a female top student, thought of something. Her eyes lit up and she was about to open her mouth, but she heard a long roar ringing all over the circle.

"The giant leader is dead! Hold on, everyone!!"

Sure enough...

The guess made a come true, Bo Jue was very excited, and the newcomers were also delighted.

However, the death of Datoucai is actually of little significance to most of the people who are suffering from the poison of giants.

Perhaps, the only advantage is the death of the cabbage, and the orders it gave to ordinary giants also failed. The destruction and killing of giants today are more under the strange "instinct" trend engraved in the depths of the soul, and it is a little "scattered". Generally speaking, there is no It's as "efficient" as before...

In fact, the death of the cabbage has the greatest impact on the giants of level 3 and above!

At the next moment of the death of the cabbage, all the third-level and fourth-level and a few second-level giants with special "potential" are sensed!

All the four-level giants who have not yet died will move immediately.

Wow, oh, oh!!

They looked up to the sky and roared, and there seemed to be a trace of... joy in their screams??!

When they shouted happily, the second- and third-level giants around them began to move closer to the fourth-level giant closest to them.

A strange scene appeared!

The four-level giant actually pulled a group of "heads" and "hearts" and turned around and began to leave the battlefield!!

What's going on??!

The three blue phoenixes who were fighting with the fourth-level giant found this strange scene at the first time and fell to the ground.

The boss died and the bones were not cold, so he threw the "foreign enemy" aside, first divided the property and grabbed people, and stood on a hill??!

This is in battle...

The three blue phoenix suddenly felt powerless. Although they won the battle in disguise, they couldn't be happy.

"Nan alone." Zhang Shen, who drove the alchemy beast and came to meet with the blue phoenix, were discussing how to avoid the oncoming giant, but there was a weak voice from the blue phoenix, "They are inexplicably infighting. Now they are busy going home to divide their property and are not in the mood to fight..."


The amount of information was so large that Zhang Shen did not react for a moment, but he also noticed that the giant in front of him did have a vague feeling.

Zhang Shen suddenly went to bed.

However, lucky (?) That is, there seems to be a limit on the number of second- and third-level giants that each fourth-level giant can "pull". When most of the third-level giants and all fourth-level giants leave a certain distance, these giants who seemed to be confused in life woke up and suddenly realized that they launched an attack on the six people who had joined Zhang Shen again.

Immediately, it was killed cleanly.

"Xiao Yi, you rushed to the palace to inform the current situation of the kingdom ministers and nobles. Let's try to eliminate the giants who entered the city of Hina first."

"I hope it's not too late. Not many people have died..."