Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 84: Go Home 2

Chapter 84: Go Home (2)

Zhang Shen took Li Jing's three daughters back to his hometown.

I didn't meet a little hooligan who came up to flirt, no bully just came to forcibly demolish my ancestral house, and there was no disappointing son of the village head's family who came up with all kinds of inexplicable ways to make trouble when he saw the three women...

This made Zhang Shen, who had already prepared to deal with trouble, very distressed. After thinking about it for a long time, he suddenly realized: Oh, it turns out that this book is not an urban text...

However, the son of the old Zhang family only went out to work and brought back three beautiful girls. This matter has caused a lot of waves in the village. In this quiet village with basically only middle-aged and elderly people and children, it is destined to become a talk in everyone's leisure time in the future.

This has nothing to do with Zhang Shen.

When he returned home, Zhang Shen knew that the "rat disaster" in his hometown was far from as light as his parents said on the phone. If that's the case, there is no need for the power of the "inside world" to take action - despite this, governments are still anxious.

In view, the familiar tables, chairs, benches, wardrobes and other wooden furniture corners can be seen!

There is a power outage in this area nearby. The reason is very simple. The rampant mouse bit the power line...

From the neighbors, Zhang Shen learned that several unlucky guys were bitten alive by mice in several nearby villages and towns! Dozens of people died in fires and other accidents caused by rats.

Zhang Shen was in a cold sweat!

Fortunately, Zhang's father, Zhang's mother and Zhili both took the physical enhancement medicine exchanged by Zhang Shen at the beginning, and their physical quality in all aspects is comparable to that of athletes who have undergone several years of professional training. Although they can't exert these powers, their superhuman physique has not caused them any harm in this disaster.

This result made Zhang Shen very happy.

"Auntie, have all the mice been eliminated now?" Li Jing's lively personality is very suitable for Zhang's mother. After a while, the two were as close as mother and daughter.

"I basically can't see the shadow of those mice now." Zhang's mother narrowed her eyes with laughter. "The county government brought it here and heard that it was harmless to the human body, which almost killed the mice. The rest probably went back into the hole.

"Mom, what happened to the butterfly that Zhili told me on the phone?" For those butterflies that appeared inexplicably, Zhang Shen was a little wary and always felt that something was wrong.

"It was in the mountain behind the house. It turned out that there were quite a lot. After being caught by Zhili and others several times, they all hid." It's a pity that the things that can be sold for money disappeared like this.

Knowing that her brother was coming back, Zhili decisively asked for leave. Zhang Shen and others had lunch, and then she came back.

"Brother, what good things have you brought me?" While nibbling the sauced duck brought back by Zhang Shen, Zhili blinked his big eyes at his brother and acted coquettishly and cute.

Zhang Shen rubbed her head hard and made a mess of her hair: "Don't worry, there is nothing less!"

"Wow, long live my brother, long live!" Regardless of blowing up his hair, he wiped his mouth casually. Zhili rushed into his room like a gust of wind, and then the sound of unpacking and happy shouts came to the ears of everyone in the hall.

After waiting for Zhili to recover from the excitement of selflessness, Zhang Shen began to ask her about the back mountain butterfly.

From the fragmentary description of the little sister, Zhang Shen probably knew the beginning and end.

These butterflies appeared suddenly, just like a biological disaster spreading around the world.

appeared probably the day after most of the mice were poisoned, and the rest fled and disappeared.

The place where they appear is the back mountain, which is not a mountain, but refers to the mountain behind Zhang Shenwu. These low mountains are independent but connected to each other like broken lotus roots. If you look at it from the three-dimensional satellite map, this mountain belongs to the same hilly terrain.

Something is wrong, there is definitely something wrong!!

After listening to the little sister's words, Zhang Shen strengthened his mind.

"Mom, we went to the back mountain."

"Oh, be careful."

"Yes, the road on the mountain is slippery. Take good care of your three colleagues."

"Uh-huh, I know."

So, Zhang Shen and his group of five people and one dog went to the back mountain.

Wang Cai is very smart. He can see Zhang Zhili's position in the master's heart without Zhang Shen's order. In just a few hours, he successfully won the favor of the latter and stayed beside Zhili, emitting an invisible momentum that ordinary people, making all snakes, insects, rats and ants dare not approach.

Zhang Shen didn't want his little sister to follow him, but he couldn't, so he had to take her with him.

While walking, four people and one dog protected her in the middle, and the invisible momentum quietly emitted, resisting all possible injuries.

"Brother, let me tell you a secret." Zhili suddenly came over, with a mysterious appearance, and only wrote "Come and ask me" on his face.

"Oh, what secret?"

"Do you remember Wang Xiaoke? That's the guy I told you about... Oh, brother, what are you doing?" Zhili covered his forehead and pouted his little mouth, looking like he was about to cry.

"Zhi Li, how many times have I told you? Don't speak ill of people behind your back. This is the last warning. Next time I won't be so easy to talk to you. I have to use a big punishment to serve you."

"Yes, yes, I got it." Zhili turned his face. Oh, I don't know how many times you have said this..."


"Cough, I'll continue to talk about Wang Xiaoke."

"Wang Xiaoke, he has become Superman!!"

"What I said is true!" Seeing Zhang Shen's expression that the ghost believed in you, he was in a hurry, forgot someone's instructions, and told the whole story in detail like a bean.

The classmate named Wang Xiaoke is Zhili, a boy, who is tall and burly, but his brain seems to have some problems and a little dull. If he hadn't had a brother who is said to be "very powerful", I don't think no school would want him.

It still happened during the rat disaster.

At that time, Zhili's class was in physical education class. Because of the rain, Zhili and other girls and some boys did not go out in the classroom. Their classroom is on the first floor.

Several cats-sized mice came out of nowhere and got into Zhili's classroom!

"We were all scared at that time!" Zhili had palpitations when he recalled this scene, and his face became abnormal. "Everyone was scared, including a few boys who were usually very bold, and they were also scared to run around."

When someone was about to be scratched and bitten by a mouse, the hero appeared!

"At that time, Wang Xiaoke was like Brother Chun's possession, and the tiger's body shook and hit a... fluctuation fist!"

This is Zhili's original words. Zhang Shen automatically filtered the previous brainless description and focused on the end.

"You mean he suddenly released something like a transparent bubble and killed the mouse?"

"Hmm. It's awesome, just like the fluctuation fist in the comics, so handsome! So cool!" Zhili nodded repeatedly and threw the original "sealing order" out of the sky.

"What do you think?" In the "team channel" established through the war shackles, Zhang Shen asked Li Jing's three women. Since entering the back mountain, they have been looking for butterflies hidden in the mountain forest.

"It should be the so-called 'awakening'."

"Captain, if it goes on like this, won't the earth we live in a mess?"

"Ock, you won't worry about the sky." Zhang Shen stared at Li Jing angrily, "I think you can't wait to do this. Besides, there are tall people holding it when the sky falls. Let them worry about these things.

The group of people talked and laughed. In a blink of an eye, a hill was searched once, but no butterfly's shadow was found.

"Brother, these butterflies are hard to find. It's entirely up to chance. Why don't we come back tomorrow?" Zhili suddenly missed lying on the game console waiting for him. He turned his eyes and proposed.

"Let's go to that mountain. I have a hunch that it should be on that mountain.

The three women have already explored more than a dozen nearby mountains. Although those strange butterflies have some strange abilities, they can't escape the three women's mental search.

Ten minutes later...

"Wow, brother, you are so awesome!" Zhang Shen successfully harvested the worship of ignorant girls.

A stick swept down, and these well-dressed butterflies flew out with a fan.

Now Zhang Shen also understood.

These butterflies do not have "extraordinary" power, but have evolved special hidden skills. There are layers of chameleon-like chameleon-like scales on the body surface. These fine scales can automatically integrate with the surrounding environment. Even if they are good ordinary people in their eyes, it is really difficult to distinguish unless they are very close. Come on.

"Why have they become so ugly!" Zhili looked very shocked. In her impression, each of these inexplicable butterflies is very beautiful, otherwise it would not have been possible for her to harvest the first bucket of gold in her life.

"Okay, it's just a group of butterflies. It's not a big deal. Let's go home." While comforting the depressed little sister, Zhang Shen asked the three women to grab all these butterflies in the team channel and take them back to study slowly.

Leisure time always passes very fast.

Since there is only one empty room and one empty bed in Zhang Shen's family, after a heated discussion, the Li Jing sisters became its temporary owners. Zhang's room and bed were ruthlessly expropriated and became the property of Bu Lichen. Except for a bed, everything else changed its owner in an instant.

Prettended not to see Bu Lichen's ambiguous eyes, and Zhang Shen calmly held his bedding and laid a floor in the living room.

One night, speechless.

That's impossible.

Zhang Shen used props without side effects to put his parents and little sister into a deep sleep.

He went to the roof, set up a boundary, took out his small workbench, turned into a midnight science maniac, and began to study the butterflies caught during the day.

"Just take you to verify those data."

[PS: I'm exhausted, I can't stand it, I'm going to bed... Tomorrow's update will be late]