Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 34: Former Sage

Chapter 34: Former Sages

After learning from Zhang Shen's mouth that the agreed date and the country were formed, Roy and others' mouths became "O"-shaped.

"Deceiving, deceiving..." Alphons couldn't believe that there was such a terrible thing in the world. He was stunned for a long time and spit out a few words.

Others, Edward, Roy, Lisa and Alex, had the intention to refute, but intuitively told them that what Zhang Shen said was true... The hall fell into a dead silence.

Even if you hate the military government of Amestoris and even the country's ska, you will not be happy to hear this news! Destroy the whole country and use hundreds of millions of lives as alchemy materials? This... is simply the devil!

"Must be stopped!! We must stop this terrible thing from happening!!" Edward clenched his fist, and his mechanical right arm made a harsh friction sound.

"This is related to the survival of the whole country, and we need to mobilize more forces." Lisa calmed herself down with great control, but did not find that her body was trembling slightly. "This is not just a battle for us."

Alex's bald hair stood up and looked more serious than ever: "I want to inform Olivia (Olivia Milla Armstrong, Alex's sister, the eldest daughter of the Armstrong family, who has been guarding the northern Brix Fortress for many years, Major General, with Briguz The north wall, let more neutral military generals stand on our side!"

"Can you get the evidence?" Ska poured cold water on him.

"Maybe we can do this..."

Standing here is worthy of the elite of Ames Doris. After being shocked, he immediately suppressed all kinds of ideas and began to think about countermeasures.

Several people, including the Ellick brothers, are discussing enthusiastically, hoping to contribute themselves, but Roy Marstein is in a daze without saying a word.

"What do you think, Colonel?" Alex and others had a heated discussion, and no one could convince anyone, and then habitually turned their eyes to Roy Marstein.

The latter was awakened, and his unfounded eyes were focused again and fell on Zhang Shen's face: "Zhang, can I ask you a few questions?"

"I know nothing."

"Is it only the 'father' and seven artificial people who secretly planned the country into a conspiracy?"


"What is the existence of 'Father'?"

"A monster inadvertently created by the royal family of an ancient kingdom for immortality."

"What is the launch time of the agreed date?"

"The third day of next month, the possibility of change cannot be ruled out."



The two answered questions, one hammer and one hammer, mixed with some questions that sounded inexplicable. However, as the answers to questions came from Zhang Shen's mouth, Roy's eyes became brighter and brighter, and an unknown temperament quietly spread.

A resprightening temperament.

Time flies, in the blink of an eye, two days later.

The villain and Roy in the flask are busy, but Zhang is completely idle.

For two days, he soaked in the library during the day. When he was tired of reading, he ran to the restaurant shop to taste exotic food.

In the evening, when Zhang Shen was tasting a dark dish called "Looking up at the starry sky", his eyes suddenly lit up, he threw down the money and hurried away.

Hornheim looked at the strange city with a little familiar appearance and felt the long-lost noise, and his resolute face couldn't help but show a trace of vicissitudes.

Counting the time, I haven't returned to the central city for decades.

Ten years of vicissitudes, decades of vicissitudes of life, today's central city has long changed greatly, leaving only a vague outline.

Pedestrians on the road looked at this middle-aged man in a windbreaker full of mature man's charm standing on the roadside and looking around. For no reason, there was a feeling of sadness in his heart.


A sudden shout from his ear made Hohenheim come to his senses and turned his head. A young man was greeting him with a smile, with one hand in his pocket, looking very familiar.

While doubting, Hornheim couldn't help sighing that his vigilance had dropped to this extent. Someone approached him and didn't find it at all. Could it be that it was really the last time?

"Are you?" Hohenheim was quite polite and gentlemanly.

Zhang Shen. Or the unnamed disciple of the great master.

The three words "Great Master" were spoken clearly and uprightly in Qing Mandarin, which instantly evoked Hornheim's old memory. Pictures gushed out from the depths of his memory and wandered like flowers, allowing him to relive the magnificent years of that year.

"The master asked me to say hello to you for him." Zhang Shen is a junior in front of the master. Von Hohenheim is the same generation of the master, and Zhang Shen also adheres to the attitude of the younger generation.

"Is he okay?" Hornheim's eyes narrowed slightly, showing a melancholy expression. His tone was a little bleak, like the late sun. Although it was still shining, it lost its temperature.

"The master is very good. Mr. Hornheim, your body? Hornheim felt something wrong with himself. Zhang Shen couldn't help secretly sensing it and found the problem.

His body exudes a faint dead body!

His soul is almost completely occupied by the rotten qi, and he is about to die of "old age"!!

Honheim found Zhang Shen's small movements, smiled and didn't care: "I'm really sorry that you found out. Yes, my time is running out, and my life is coming to an end.

In the face of death, especially in this way, they know the time of life and watch life gradually pass by little. In this case, they can still maintain an optimistic and open-minded attitude. This kind of person, regardless of each other's position, is admirable!

Zhang Shen was awed by the handsome man in front of him.

"Let's find a place to talk slowly. It's too conspicuous here." Waving his hand to interrupt Zhang Shen's unspoken words, Hornheim smiled and said, "I'm also very interested in the situation of my old friends."

Zhang Shen found a two-story restaurant. The two chatted while drinking coffee. Most of the time, Hornheim was asking, and Zhang Shen answered.

"Are you coming to Amestorius for a study tour?" Hornheim remembered that the alchemists in the Qing Dynasty had such a habit that when the accumulation of theoretical knowledge reached a certain level, they would run around the world called study tours.

"It's almost." Zhang Shen wanted to talk about the seven deadly sins, but his words suddenly turned into something else and inexplicably chose to hide them.

The old monster von Hohenheim has lived for hundreds of years, and his eyes are so vicious that he naturally saw that Zhang's words were insincere, but he didn't ask much. How can an old man who even looks at death so lightly come from so much curiosity?

"Are the brothers Edward Ellick and Alphonse Ellick your heirs?" Zhang Shen changed the topic. The Edward brothers were not familiar with him, and of course they didn't tell him about their private affairs, but Zhang found that the three had a common atmosphere after visiting Hohenheim.

The breath of blood.

Modern technology has long proved that "blood recognition" is nonsense, but from Zhang Shen's spiritual perspective, the breath of people with blood relatives has something in common.

Hohenheim's expression was stagnant, and his deep eyes were marked with a touch of bitterness.

It was difficult for Qing officials to cut off the housework. Zhang Shen shut up decisively and stopped mentioning this matter.

feng Hohenheim is known as the Hornheim of Light, and the alchemy world of the Qing Dynasty calls him the sage of the West. His achievements in alchemy have long been beyond the reach of ordinary people. Today, when he sees a real person, Zhang Shen will naturally not let go of this good opportunity and quickly take out the alchemy problems he usually encounters for advice.

Hornheim, a master-level person, is not a narrow-minded person with a good opinion. He replied one by one very seriously, which benefited Zhang Shen a lot.

It was not until he finished talking about all the problems accumulated during this period that Zhang Shen found that the lights were bright outside the window.

"I'm really sorry for the delay. Thank you very much for your guidance." Zhang Shen was ashamed and grateful, and he was unprecedentedly lucky to meet two gentle elders in a row.

Hornheim waved his hand with a smile and sighed: "I was surprised that you have such a high attainment in alchemy. We old guys are completely out of date. In this era, it's yours.

Seeing the straight figure gradually disappear into the crowd, Zhang Shen stood for a moment, suddenly let out an inexplicable long sigh, and then disappeared into the crowd.



Zhang Shen was able to sense the appearance of von Hornheim because the master "simulated" the original breath of Hornheim.

In addition to Zhang Shen, some people in the central city also sensed the existence of Hornheim.

The villain in the flask.

The relationship between the two is a little... messy.

Hohenheim was originally just a slave without a name, only a number - number 23. However, his genes may be relatively strong, and the villain in the created flask actually remembers his "taste".

In order to repay the kindness of slave No. 23 at that time, the villain in the flask named him von Hohenheim, and also taught him writing and alchemy, creating the future sage of the West, Hohenheim of Light.

Question: Who is the father and who is the son?

Cough, in a word, the relationship between the two is a little chaotic...

As Hornheim's "blood relative"(?), coupled with his own special existence mode, the current person enters a certain range, and the villain in the flask also senses his existence.

Then... come to the door.

Hohenheim found a place to settle down and rest.

Not long after lying down, he suddenly opened his eyes.

In the dark room, a dark shadow came into sight.

[PS: Personally, I think the preparation has been completed. I want to speed up the plot and strive to end the world in ten chapters]