Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 44: Demon

Chapter 44: Demon

Everything is fine at home, and the huge energy of the dragon group allows it to fulfill its promise to Zhang Shen well, prevent Zhang Shen's family from getting involved in disputes in the inner world, and at the same time blocking all the damage.

The arrival of Ai Ai Ai's two cute loli made Zhang's father and mother very happy. On the contrary, Zhang Zhili saw his brother sneer once, and it was clear that someone's eyes were looking at the perverts of abducting underage girls.

Zhang is very helpless about this.

No battle, no conspiracy, a family of six (?) Five days passed in the blink of an eye.

Wang Dachui's visit, and the peaceful life was broken.

In the reluctant eyes of his parents and little sister, Zhang Shen once again set foot on the road to Z City and waved goodbye.

Along the way, it was quite dull. Wang Dachui took the initiative to look for the topic, but Zhang Shen was not interested. Ai Ai didn't want to talk to strangers. After a few words, he didn't want to be boring, and the atmosphere in the car became more strange.

Before, when Wang Dachui came, he only said that his boss Wang Nima had something urgent to find him, but he couldn't say what was going on. Zhang San thought that the comfortable days were almost over, so he agreed to come with him.

A few hours later, Zhang Shen saw Wang Nima again.

Wang Nima seemed to be very anxious. After a simple greeting, she immediately got to the point.

It's a big deal!!

It turned out that during the period when the concentration of free energy on the earth continued to increase, great events happened.

There are many space cracks on the earth!

These space cracks, big and small, are actually portals to different worlds!!

If it is really a stable channel that can go to a different world, it will definitely be a great joy. Unfortunately, God wills people. These space cracks are not only one-way, but also seem to be less friendly with other worlds.

In short, they are all non-human creatures, and ten * use human beings as a source of food.

In this case, perhaps the only good news is that these space cracks are generally narrow. At present, no invasion of monsters from different worlds that are too powerful to resist have been found. Congratulations.

The reason why Wang Nima is so anxious is that a space crack appeared in the Z city area a few days ago!

Although the energy response is relatively weak and may not be able to accommodate biological passage at all, Wang Nima carefully sent a team in the middle and upper reaches to investigate the situation.

There was still no news a day later.

Wang Nima realized that something was wrong and immediately sent two first-class teams over and reported the situation to Liang Yifeng, the number one figure of the Southern Power Group of the Dragon Group.

Last night, he received a distress signal from one of the two teams!

Although he immediately * reported the latest situation to Liang Yifeng, who also attached great importance to it and promised to send a top team from the southern forces, it could not quench his thirst. After thinking about it, Wang Nima paid attention to Zhang, who was on vacation at home.

Listening to Wang Nima talk about the space crack, Zhang Shen was drunk at that time, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he didn't know what expression to show.

Fuck, this... this is not scientific!!

This rhythm... Is the next popular anti-crossing and alien monster invasion?

"If the concentration of free energy is increased, how can it not cause plane collision or even space cracks? Ten thousand steps back and say that space cracks are extremely dangerous. ordinary people are afraid to avoid them. Why can you let monsters pass calmly and enter the earth?!"

Facing Zhang Shen's roar, Wang Nima shrugged her shoulders and was speechless.

"Okay, I see." Zhang Shen waved his hand weakly, "Give me the address and I'll be there right away."

How strange this matter is? Moreover, it is still global. His family still lives on the earth. It is reasonable. Zhang Shen has to explore it carefully. It is best to find out the source and solve it completely.

After consulting the two sisters, the three immediately rushed to the location of the space crack. By the way, the driver and * are still Wang Dachui.

The space crack is located in the marginal area of Z City. That area is mountainous and hilly. Although it is not a small mountain village that is almost isolated from the world on TV, the traffic is not very developed, and there is only a cement road leading to the nearest town.

It belongs to Shuanghe Town, Guye County, Z City, and is located at the junction of the three village-level administrative divisions of Lijia Village, Liujiawan and Yangjiachong. It is completely a mountain forest. Affected by the surge of the aura of the world, these small mountainous areas that were often inhabited have also become deep mountains and old forests, and no one dares to enter at will.

When the three rushed to the street of Lijia Village, it was already evening, and the light of the sunset reflected the clouds in the sky, which was so magnificent that it made people tremble.

This street is the most prosperous place in the Lijia Village area. Every 3/69 is the day of the market, and the residents of several surrounding villages will come here, which is very lively.

As the most economically developed place, it is usually quite lively near dinner time.

When Zhang Shen arrived, there was basically no one on the road. Although small restaurants and stores on both sides of the street are still open, business is also very deserted. Looking at the windows of the houses on both sides, you have to put down the curtains early and cover them tightly without any light.

The four of them had not eaten yet, so they entered a local restaurant and ordered a few dishes. When the food was served, Zhang Shen and Wang Dachui took the opportunity to ask what had happened here recently about the deserted situation on the street.

The restaurant owner talked about him and didn't take the topic. However, the panic and fear in their eyes has explained the problem.

It seems that the "monsters" coming out of the cracks in space have spread, and their existence has been known by nearby villagers. They have even been witnessed in the process of "predation".

"I'm in trouble." Zhang Shen and Wang Dachui looked at each other and saw the entangled emotions in each other's eyes.

When checking out after dinner, Wang Dachui learned the location of the hotel from the boss.

After leaving the hotel, Ai Ai, who had been acting as a back from beginning to end without saying a word, suddenly said, "That woman, there is something wrong."

"Female? Do you mean the silent boss's wife? This kind of small restaurant is a couple's shop, one is responsible for cooking and the other is responsible for greeting guests. The woman in Ai's mouth didn't say a word from the four of them entering the store and leaving. She just quietly wiped the table and put dishes on dishes, with a very low sense of existence.

"What's wrong with her?" Zhang Shen asked.

The only thing that answered him was a soft hum. After being together for so many days, Zhang Shen knew what she meant: Believe it or not.

"Find a place to live first." Wang Dachui came out to fight. From his expression, it can be seen that he didn't pay much attention to the two little girls. Judging from the speed of changing beautiful women around someone, he just regards it as someone's bad hobby...

"The totem bird told me that that woman tastes different from ours." After making trouble, the little guy is still very knowledgeable, "It's not like a human."

Wang Dachui was amused by Ai's serious appearance, but Zhang Shen attached great importance to it.

"Well, find a good place first and come back in the evening. Xiao Yi?"

"I understand, it has been marked." For Zhang Shen, Ai Yi is the best player in the team.

.........sp... cut......... line......

The hour hand rotates to 9:30 p.m., which is the promised time.

Outside the hotel, some yellow street lights do not illuminate the dark night. Outside the light area, there is a dark atmosphere. Occasionally, a gust of wind blows by, and the swaying shadow seems to be roaring excitedly.

Wang Dachui was disdainful of this reckless move, but his disdain soon turned into shock and deep awe.

Before leaving the hotel, Ai Yi nodded to Zhang Shen and Ai Ai. Her body shook and turned into a shadow, lurking in the shadow at Zhang Shen's feet and disappeared.

This dark night environment is like a fish in water for Ai, a shadow assassin. She originally said that she would be a scout to spy on the environment alone, but was rejected by Zhang Shen and forced to act together for safety. This move slightly improved Ai's perception of him.

"Come out, disguise the cat! Roll the bat! Psionic Stone!" Ai Ai's little hand wiped her waist, and three Pokémon came out of their respective elf balls.

The mature body of disguised cats, evil elves, and hypocritical cats is more like a gorgeous little leopard than a cat.

Rolling bat, a superpower and flying elf, is a bat with a round body and a pink pig nose.

Psychic stone, super spirit elves, the surface of the pale cyan stone body is painted with mysterious charms.

In terms of shape and color, the three elves are quite eye-catching, but after they came out, they received an order from Ai Ai and quickly activated their respective abilities to integrate with the night and disappear.

This scene made Wang Dachui suddenly change his view of the two little Lori and was as cicada.

After asking Ai Yi to cast a shadow effect on the three of them, Zhang Shen and the two quickly walked to the hotel.

Although the houses on both sides of the street look connected in a row, they are actually two-storey structures of a single family. The facade facing the street is used for business, and the rooms inside and upstairs are self-occupied.

A few steps away from the door, Zhang Shen suddenly stopped and looked solemn.

Ordinary people may not smell it, but Zhang Shen, who has keen facial features, has already smelled it.

The smell of blood!

"We're late." Zhang Shen's deep voice sounded in their minds.


A sealed charm started, and the invisible light burst out gorgeously and rose to the sky, blocking the two-story building and temporarily separating it from the surrounding world.

With such a drastic change, the "monster" inside naturally felt it.


The walls upstairs were smashed through, bricks and stones were flying, and smoke and dust were permeated.

A tall figure emerged in the dust.

Humanoid shape, long tail, protruding blue eyeballs, cracked lips, sharp teeth.

It's obviously a monster!

The monster was covered with blood, holding a piece of liver in one hand, and the blood dripped straight down.

"How many guests would you like to try our signature dishes?" The monster grinned his bloody mouth and smiled strangely.


A demon from the heterogeneous surface that feeds on human organs!

[PS: Originally, it should have been the sword roll after the steel roll, but considering the current strength of Zhang Shen's group, the original sword roll was cancelled, and the demons could only appear here]