Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 62: Alliance [four thousand, full of sincerity]

Chapter 62: Alliance

What, the world is ermanent...

After reading the data of the three women's superiors and taking a look at his character information, Zhang Shen silently went to the corner of the wall and squatted down, put his hands on his knees, and buried his face deep in *... Is there no face to see anyone?!

As a captain, shouldn't you have the strength to crush the whole team according to the routine of normal novels?!

One has no strength, two has no appearance, three has no money, and four has no majesty... You still have a woolly harem!

The agreed handsome, sunny, handsome and resourceful, as ghosts, sinister and demonic combat effectiveness exploded all the way to crush the whole audience to support more than two-digit female players in the harem when they are free to open the harem and have sex... What about the infinite flow?!

Director, not only is there something wrong with the painting style, but also this script is wrong!!

It's so difficult to be a hero these days. I quit. I quit. I'm going to strike!



Looking at someone hiding in the corner of the wall while bullying the grass on the ground fiercely, Li Jing covered his face and was speechless; Bu Lichen leaned lazily on the chair and gently decorated with a mouthful of tea, and his eyes were full of jokes; Li Ji twitched the corners of his mouth and rolled his eyes hard: his favorite sister I can't trust it no matter how I look at it!

If there was still a gap between them before, Zhang Shen would certainly not have done so. Even so, it would only add embarrassment. Now, the three women are quite calm about the captain's cuteness - directly watching.


Time goes by easily and happily.

Although they don't want to move for the time being and are not interested in a new journey to another world, as a member of the defenders, the four of them have not relaxed their practice or any aspect of self-strengthening or team strengthening.

It is said that shopping is a woman's talent, so the three rich women in their pockets began to make "prodigal" big purchases.

First of all, there are a lot of resources in practice, such as spiritual practice, spiritual practice, Huayuan practice and even strengthen physical fitness in all aspects. In this area, it cost a full 150,000 general points and 13,000 world contributions! It is conservatively estimated that these resources will be consumed (six people in the whole team), and no three or five years will not be able to do it!

The second is resources for each person.

The three women bought 500,000*1* people and 52* people at the "wholesale price" and spent 58,000 general points; a large number of rare materials and ordinary materials used to refine the "Gate of Truth" cost a total of 30,000 general points and 10,000 world contributions. There is no doubt that these are all used by Zhang. Whether it is the stone of the sage or various materials, it is the basis for building the "gate of truth" that belongs to him.

Li Ji bought a "fairy treasure" level "ghost pearl" from a ghost practitioner at the cost of 80,000 universal points. The beads became a ghost world, decorated with 5 million different levels of fierce souls and evil demons! In addition, magic weapon holders can also open up a separate small space for items. By the way, because the beads are innate and the material is too hard, even the plane transmission will not be affected. That is to say, the team finally has a high storage space and can abandon the storage hand towels that have been used until now.

Li Jing felt that she didn't need anything too much. The other three helped her refer to it for a long time before choosing something from the vast exchange list.

[Ghost forbidden scroll: compiled by the spirit king himself, copied the complete record in the history of the corpse soul world and copied the taboo techniques that affect the stability of the corpse soul world and even the whole world, recording a total of 52 forbidden arts]

[Exchange premise: perfect control of the first 100 ghost spells, captain-level spiritual pressure]

[Exchange conditions: 20,000 general points, world contribution 30,000]

Compared with the scum players who are still "struggle" in the "extraordinary" world, the choice of Bu Lichen, who has completely formed the power road to the "spiritual" realm is wider. If you really want to talk about it, you can try anything with plants and flowers in the world. However, not long after she advanced to the "spirit" realm, the realm has not been completely stable, nor does she mean to dabble too widely. She just chose several flowers and genius treasures, which are mainly used to make up for the "congenital deficiency" of abys man-eating flowers, fog alfalfa and other eight flowers.

These things cost a total of 100,000 general points and 27,000 world contributions.

After completing the exchange of necessities, the team still has 117800 general points and 75,000 world contributions.

Considering various unexpected factors, everyone discussed and exchanged 6 [big moving charms] worth 10,000 general points and 5,000 world contributions, as well as several jade charms and small magic weapons to defend against voodoo curses, and finally successfully spent money with only 13,000 general points and 5,000 world contributions.

At this point, the team changed its guns and completed the gorgeous turn from Xiaomi and rifles to mecha warships!

Nearly half a month after Zhang Shen's four "harmonized as before", Ai Ai Ai's little sister returned from a different world.

Because they were forcibly led and randomly entered at the last moment, they were very unlucky to enter a world of very technologically developed and interstellar war. In that world, there are federal people, Protos, who call themselves Protoss, and Zago Zerg. The three races dislike each other and "take place" for the benefit of their respective races.

In order to reduce the identity exposure, the two little Lori took the initiative to go to the front line of the war. After all, within the highly developed federation, a relatively peaceful environment determines strict identity censorship. The two are completely black households. Once or twice are fine, but there are always wet shoes by the river, so it is better to take the initiative to avoid them.

The war between races was very cruel. The two little Lori also survived more than a dozen times, but in the end, they survived tenaciously and gained great growth.

With the help of strong talent, Ai's shadow assassin road has reached a peak and a bottleneck. As long as he breaks through, he can become a strong man in the "spiritual" world. Yes, she has reached the extraordinary peak! Before returning, she even single-handedly entered a camp of the Protoss and slaughtered 5,000 soldiers, including two dark churches!

As for Ai Ai, all her elves have evolved to the top, and after eating the Zerg blending liquid, she has made great progress. In addition, several advanced elf eggs she exchanged before she left also hatched one by one and quickly evolved to the top. In addition, the purpose of Zhang Shen's people was that she actually "abducted" thousands of units of Zerg arms!!

That's the Zago Zerg who claim to be loyal! What's more exaggerated is that among these 465 units of Zerg, there are also advanced units such as flying dragons, thunder beasts and brain worms!!

However, although the two sisters have gained a lot, Zhang Shen does not mean much joy.

The personalities of the two have changed greatly!

Although Ai Yi was still docile and well-behaved, all four of them could see the indifference and murderousness in her eyes!!

As for Ai Ai, the plain and emotionless tone has illustrated the problem - she once again closed the hard-won hearts of Zhang Shen and others!

Zhang Shen was heartbroken and didn't care much about being jealous. Li Jing suddenly came forward and hugged them and said warmly, "Thank you for your hard work. Go and have a good rest."

They were suddenly attacked, and the two sisters, who had been struggling on the edge of death for more than a year, instinctively fought back. However, the familiar temperature and breath in the stranger made their delicate bodies tremble and forcibly suppressed their instinct to attack and kill.

Looking at the two little girls fleeing and disappearing from sight, Zhang Shen and the four were silent for a while.


Zhang Shen was thinking about how to solve it, and suddenly received a message of a visit.

After agreeing, the transmission burst of light flashed, and then there were several more people in sight.

Blue Phoenix, Zihao and Yi Chao, these three are old friends and have contact from time to time.

The other three were unexpected by Zhang Shen.

Luo Fei, Luo Yumi, and a steel life that looks like a mini-transformer.

Luo Fei is the same group of acquaintances who have entered the space, although they don't have much contact; Luo Yumi, the president of [Steel Brother♂ Brother♂ Association] (formerly known as [Steel Justice], it is normal for this small organization established purely because of hobbies and interests to change their names every other), has had several relationships with Zhang Shen, and is barely an acquaintance; as for the most The latter iron pimple... Er, the face looks a little familiar, but the metal version really can't be remembered for a moment.

"Ren. Do you remember?" Instead, Transformers took the initiative to open his mouth, and Zhang Shen remembered it. At the beginning, in the world of Diablo, the two were in the same camp, which was also considered to be an acquaintance. However, later, Rennes transformed his body and soul due to some changes, and there were problems with consciousness and memory. ( For details, see Chapter 79 of Volume III "Magic Sword")

"Congratulations." Zhang Shen congratulated him sincerely. Being able to say the above sentence shows that he successfully crossed the hurdle and recovered me.

"Thank you." Although Rennes has become a silicon-based life, he is still the character of a good man and expresses his gratitude angrily.

Zhang Shen introduced to both sides, and everyone began to chat.

For a moment, Zhang Shen took the initiative to get to the point and asked the intention of both parties to come.

If it's just Blue Phoenix and his party, they may still come to visit, but with Luo Yumi, it's obvious that there must be something, and it's not a trivial matter.

Luo Yumi and Blue Phoenix looked at each other and seemed to have reached some kind of tacit understanding and consensus. It's also a little embarrassing. The two sides didn't make an appointment, and they didn't even know each other in advance, but it's fate to come together. In addition, they also have some understanding of Zhang Shen's team, and the two have a good sense of each other.

"Let me do it." At the sign of Blue Phoenix, Luo Yumi opened his mouth and said.

It's a long story...

Cough, this has to start with the current situation of the guardian space.

As mentioned earlier (long time ago ^-^), the guardian space has existed for many years. Then the problem arises. Once you enter the "law" realm, unless there is an accident, it is basically an immortal existence.

Where are these people?!

As a strong man in the almost invincible "law" world, the immortal existence, where did those seniors who died ten thousand years ago?!

The answer is very simple: they are all dead!!

It turns out that every time after a period of time (in units of "thousands"), the will will be "cleaned".

Throw all the defenders into a high-level or even top plane for a big change of blood and elimination.

As for the reason?

Some people say it is to reduce the pressure of space, some people say it is to maintain the vitality of space, some people say it is to choose a real strong man for the survival of the fittest, and some people say it is to create gods...

Of course, these are just people's guesses.

What is the real situation?

Only God knows.



[Number: 10000]

[Level: Watcher (42000/20W)]

[Name: Ai; Gender: Female; Physical Condition: Excellent]

[Brain development: 19.99% in the first area, 25.28% in the second area (Little Magic: Shadow Spirituality)]

[Neural system: 30.58%; circulatory system: 2152%; Skeleton system: 29.99%; Muscular system: 29.89%; Viscera system: 29.86%; Skin system: 29.79%; Energy system: Shadow Force 2700 cards (Fan)] (Little Magic: Zi Bouncing time)

[Blood: Unknown]

[Ability: "Insect: Mirror Art" "Shadow Assassinheritance"

[Special ability: latent shadow; little magic power - shadow spirit (shadow state perception enhancement), bullet time]

[General point 86000, world contribution 42000]

[Evaluation: "extraordinary" situation]


[Number: 100001]

[Level: Watcher (86000/20W)]

[Name: Ai Ai; Gender: Female; Physical Condition: Excellent]

[Brain development: 19.89% in the first area, 38.27% in the second area (Little Magic: spiritual link)]

[Neural system: 37.95%; Circulatory system: 19.21%; Skeletal system: 23.32%; Muscular system: 22.14%; Visceral system: 2153%; Skin membrane system: 22.17%; Energy system: Superpower 2000 cards (Fan)] (Little Magic: Son Bouncing time)

[Blood: Unknown]

[Ability: "Injutsu: Yuehua" "Super Power"]

[Qiling: totem bird, flower and leaf king (flower and leaf species evolution), ghost lamp (inducing candle → underworld lamp → ghost lamp), axe tooth dragon (young tooth dragon → tooth dragon → axe tooth dragon);

Alloy Cross (Iron dumbbell → Metal Monster → Alloy Cross/Giant Gold Monster/Steel Crab), Zorowaku (Zoroa → Zorowaku), Gainosect (Steel Worm God/Extinct Bug/Extinct Insect), Bangera (by Kira → Shakira → Bangira)] (PS: Everything else is dead)

[Special ability: feeling; little magic power - spiritual link (between Pokémon), bullet time]

[General point 100000, world contribution 86000]

[Evaluation: "extraordinary" situation]