Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 47: Dark Side 2 [Red vote or something, vote by the way]

Chapter 47: Dark Side (II)

Looking down from the edge of the hole, there is a faint white light flashing, intertwined with mystery and danger.

Someone threw a stone down, and it took a long time to hear a faint sound: "General, this is very deep."

Winston frowned: "Forget it, it's better not to make extracurriculars." Winston was in a bad mood when he killed his daughter with his own hands. Even in the face of Zhang Shen, he was too lazy to continue to lie with the snake. His face was full of impatience, emitting the smell of being close to strangers.

"Ai~~ I believe in my intuition that this trip will definitely be worthwhile." Unexpectedly, Zhang Shen grabbed his wrist and said with a smile.

Winston's heart was cold and his pupils condensed: He found my identity?!

He saw clearly that Zhang Shen's smile was full of ridiculing, sarcastic, and determined his own meaning.

Winston's brain is running at a high speed. Obviously, the man in front of him somehow saw through his disguise, but he did not want to expose himself in front of the soldiers. Just in time, Winston also needs this identity and doesn't want to give up for the time being... In this way, the answer is very clear.

"Well, since Mr. Zhang is so curious, I will 'sacrife my life to accompany the gentleman'." Winston spoke a slightly strange Chinese saying, a deeply affectionate look.

"Mr. Zhang and I will go down first. You can come back later."

The soldier was about to raise an objection when he was rushed by Winston's cold and violent eyes and couldn't help shivering and swallowing his unspoken words.

Several long enough ropes were put down and touched the bottom as tools for the two people to go up and down.

Zhang Shen honestly fastened the protective lock and grabbed the thick rope and slid down little by little.

This corridor leading to the unknown place is a slightly inclined "L" shape. The intersection of horizontally and vertically is hundreds of meters away from the hole, and only a fruit plate-sized light wheel is left at the bottom half of the hole. No matter how good the soldiers above have good their eyesight, they can only see a faint shadow.

"They can't see it, why don't you do it?"

In silence, Zhang Shen suddenly opened his mouth.

Winston pretended to be surprised: "Mr. Zhang, what are you talking about?"

"Don't pretend, wear Winston's skin..."

Before the words fell, the alien Winston took action brazenly!

He rushed to Zhang Shen, and his hands turned into sharp claws, which was very windy. In his slightly open mouth, a tongue suddenly stretched out and shot out, stabbing Zhang Shen's face, which was fierce enough to penetrate the iron plate.

Zhang Shen was already ready. The vitality of the depressed earth stirred up, and the soil gushed out of the cave wall, which was more solid than steel, turning into a shield to protect him.


A muffled sound echoed in the corridor. The loess shield in front of Zhang Shen was nearly half penetrated. The impact of the monster's tongue in front of him made Zhang Shen's heart awe-inspiring and dared not take it lightly at all to avoid the sewer capsize.

Zhang Shen's mind turned around, and his spiritual power connected the thick and magnificent vitality around him, and he was about to crush the monster in front of him. Unexpectedly, the alien Winston cut off the rope on his body with his claws and quickly fell down and fled!

The horrible intuition made him feel the crisis of life and decisively chose to escape.

Wings to go?! Zhang Shen raised his cold eyebrows, and the vitality of the earth wrapped his body, as if he were exerting the "thousand-jin pendant" skill in martial arts. His body fell straight down, and then he came first, and several breaths were chased to the top of the alien Winston.

Alien Winston knew that running away would only die faster and fight back brazenly.

Its hands and feet have turned into * beast claws, a ferocious whip tail quietly poked out from the thighs and hid in **, and its eyes also turned into heterogeneous vertical pupils.

It grabbed one side of the hole wall with both feet and one hand, kicked it, opened its big mouth full of sharp teeth and bit it to the abdomen of the waist, and the other claw grabbed his face at the same time.

Zhang Shen was like walking on the ground, stepping on the invisible vitality and avoiding the alien Winston's attack. While kicking out, the dull low roar showed the strength of this kick.

The alien Winston blocked it with his arms and only heard two clicks. Its bones, which were harder than the rock, were broken together, and his arms were tilted and lost strength.

This monster combines alien and heterogeneous genes, and naturally obtains two fierce creatures to attack.

It** suddenly shot several tentacles and tied Zhang Shen's exhausted calves as a focus. In the process of falling, its body strangely shrank into a ball and made a backflip. Instead, it appeared on the top of Zhang Shen's head!


The most powerful weapon of the alien - the tail of the whip shoots out sharply, tearing the air, and points to Zhang Shen's head!

If this blow is someone else, the head will turn into a big watermelon that explodes and die miserably. But Zhang Shen, who is under the protection of the vitality of the earth, is not afraid of this physical attack.

The idea turned again, and the vitality condensed into a semi-substantial defense. With a "ding", the sinister and vicious blow was blocked.

"Enough of playing, die!"

Seeing that the corrosive saliva from the corners of the alien Winston's mouth was about to drip down, the corners of his eyes jumped and he drank awe-inspiringly.

Hundreds of spikes broke out of the surrounding hole wall and formed a dense killing net. The alien Winston had nowhere to dodge and could only shrink into a ball as much as possible to protect the key points.


The sound of piercing was endless. The alien Winston's body was penetrated by dozens of sharp thorns, and the red and green blood was sprayed around for free.

I went... Zhang San's mind moved, moved to one side of the cave wall under the traction of the vitality of the earth, and at the same time mobilized the vitality and soil to block the "green rain" falling from the sky. Not to mention that these blood are strongly corrosive, just looking at the strange color, Zhang Shen doesn't want to be stained by even a drop.

The alien Winston did not give up his struggle. Seeing Zhang Shen dodging, he seized the opportunity to forcibly break the soil thorns with his body, and even scratched a scar on his body by other sharp thorns, and fled desperately to the bottom of the corridor!

Would you like to run? Zhang Shenyi was about to kill it, but he gave up at the last moment and saw it pass through the horizontal and vertical intersection and escape deeper downward.

"There is something in here..."

While "chasing" the alien Winston who fled with all his strength, Zhang Shen recalled the flashing spiritual consciousness just now.

A very strange feeling!


It's like a rose full of poison thorns, but the danger exudes an irresistible ** breath, which makes people can't help reaching out to pick it...


I thought the world was like this, but I didn't expect to find something beyond imagination under this ordinary earth, which surprised Zhang Shen and couldn't help worrying.

Regardless of the deep reason behind "cleaning", it can be seen that the world is very unsafe just by throwing a group of universally powerful defenders into the world and "feeling" that the world can achieve the purpose of "cleansing" and "screening"!

Before, like others, Zhang Shen thought that the danger was only from the iron-blooded empire hundreds of millions of miles away, but now it seems that things are far from that simple!

Zhang Shen took out various defense symbols and gain symbols from the storage equipment and silently imposed more than a dozen layers of various defenses. From the spiritual soul to the physical body, layers of defense, the whole person became a big light bulb, shining the dim corridor brightly.

The alien Winston felt that the breath of chasing soldiers in the rear suddenly became stronger, and he couldn't help but feel a trace of despair in his heart.

It has a strong self-healing ability. After such a serious injury, the spikes that plunged into the body were pulled out by one by one. At this time, the wound closed and no longer bled, but the weakness caused by a large amount of blood loss still slowed down its pace.

After lurking in human society for so long, it thinks that it knows a lot about human nature. It knew that the pursuers behind him did not pay attention to him. In the eyes of that man, he was just a mermaid on the shore.

In this case, the man looks like a big enemy. Obviously, there is only one answer!


The alien Winston gritted his teeth, pressed his heart, and increased his speed.

Even if you rush into the tiger's mouth from the wolf's nest, it's better than dying sadly!

He ran away at full speed for more than an hour and finally reached the end of the passage.

Even if it is a monster with no feelings, at this moment, the alien Winston can't help but be distracted by everything in front of him.

This is a huge underground cave, with strange-shaped stalagmites at the top, and the surface is covered with shimmering velvet moss; on the ground, a wide underground river flows out from an unknown distance, passing through here, under the shimmering light at the top of the cave.

In fact, the faint flash that the soldiers saw at the entrance of the cave was the light in the cave that was reflected in a wonderful way.

The cave seems to have been eroded by running water, and there are still traces of water erosion on the rock columns connecting the top. If you look closely, you can also find the remnants of crustaceans. There are plants in the cave, which are brightly colored, such as burning flames or green, purple and red, giving people a strong visual impact.

"Oh, there is no breath of life here."

The sound of Zhang Shen suddenly came from his ear. The alien Winston was shocked and roared at him, but there was no fierceness, leaving only a ridiculous fierce color.

Zhang Shen glanced at it and ignored it directly.

He slowly unfolded his spiritual power to explore this magnificent and strange underground world.

"There is water, light and air, and the concentration of heaven and earth is quite high. There should be no life! Even in such a place, there should be a large number of fierce ancient creatures... Where have they gone..."

500 kilometer...two kilometers...

Zhang Shen's pupils suddenly shrank.

The indifferent eyes fell on the vigilant alien Winston: "You, go this way and open the way in front."

It's ridiculous that you are regarded as cannon fodder!!

The alien Winston was secretly hated, but for the sake of his own life, it was entangled for a while and reluctantly walked ahead according to the route given by Zhang Shen.

"What on earth is it..." Zhang Shen's deep eyes looked into the distance, and a strange emotion quietly gushed out from the bottom of his heart.

He could vaguely feel that he was on a "road of no return".