Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 54: Zhenglong 1

Chapter 54: Zhenglong (1) coming!

Such a picture appeared in the sight of all the guards.

In the dark void of the universe, a small piece of "spot" suddenly appeared. Looking closely, it was formed by countless small dots. Obviously, there was no power, but it gave people a vast and devastating power.

These projectiles are so fast that they are standing on the earth looking at meteors in an infinite distance and suddenly cross the vast space and come to the solar system.

The projectiles fly at superluminal speed and are almost invisible to the naked eye. They can also "see" their trajectory by special means. When they enter the galaxy and enter the solar system, they can only rely on the previously calculated trajectory for defense.

Even if most of the projectiles will "cross the earth" and continue to move forward until they are completely depleted, the remaining unknown number of projectiles are the real killing move.

How can people block a beam of light?

What's more, these projectiles are more than 100 times faster than light!

In the face of enemies that are invisible and fast enough to be perceived, only the "spiritual" realm is qualified to go to the front desk to deal with them.

The so-called "spirit" has both its own spirit and the spirit of heaven and earth. The former means that practitioners should strengthen their soul power to understand the truth of heaven and earth during this period, while the latter means that practitioners are very closely connected with heaven and earth, so that the aura of heaven and earth is like instinct, and one move can stir up the clouds and greatly increase their power.

If a meteorite falls, there is no doubt that a small pond will dry up in an instant, but if the rivers and lakes come to take over, although it will be surging, the latter will eventually win. Although the fierce meteorite can hold its power for a while, it will not escape the result of extinction.

I don't know how others are, at least the response plan he and Bu Lichen chose is the same.

Take the boundless universe as the ocean, turn itself into water droplets and integrate into it. With the power of this "ocean", you can perceive, distort, block and smash the incoming light-speed projectile storm!


Zhang Shen stood in the void of the universe without protection. He has integrated into this void and returned to the sea, and naturally he will not be harmed.

With a deep breath, the spiritual power spreads in all directions, like the developed root system of a towering giant tree, penetrating every inch of space.

After the advancement, not only has the spiritual power become more pure and solid, but also more than ten times more than before, from the lake to the real vast sea, endless.

In a state of void blending, the diffusion of spiritual power is smoother. After a few breaths, the "tree roots" spread thousands of miles, extremely fine, like a silk sac, covering all the area in front of Zhang Shen that he is responsible for. Any wind and grass will be perceived at the first time.


While the spiritual power continues to spread, with Zhang Shen's light and shallow breathing, the heaven and earth atmosphere within tens of thousands of miles is like tides, rising and falling, and all the "root" range released by Zhang Shen gathers together, almost reaching the internal level of the earth.

When vitality gathers to a certain concentration, in this endless ocean of vitality, alchemy letters grow out of thin air, like plankton. Although they are invisible to the naked eye, they have filled the whole ocean of vitality.

Zhang Shenyi turned around, and this countless alchemy rune began to quickly combine according to a specific law and converge into a huge invisible net.

Dragon vein alchemy · Skynet!!

If each Skynet is manifested, its area is enough to wrap the earth on several layers!

After the first Tianwang was refined, Zhang Shen began to refine the second and third... In less than a moment, thousands of Tianwang were formed and fit together under Zhang Shen's control, turning into a huge network of intercepting the sky, vowing to block the incoming light-speed projectiles!


A soft sound came from the bottom of my heart, as if a stone was thrown down on the calm and waveless lake, and the diffuse ripples instantly "activated" the silent Zhang Shen.

This is a sign that the "root system" of spiritual construction is touched!

"Block it for me!!"

Zhang Shen's eyes opened angrily and shouted angrily, and the power of the "spirit" realm broke out.

The first layer of Skynet, directly smashed!

The second layer of Skynet, smash!

The third floor!

The fourth floor!



But one in ten thousand breaths, the 157-layer skynet is all scattered!


After being weakened eight or seven times in a row, its speed finally dropped to the extent that it could be captured by Zhang Shen's consciousness!

In Zhang Shen's spiritual vision, there are 44 projectiles that have landed in the scope of the Skynet. Compared with the Skynet, they are too small to be ignored, like the difference between planets and ants. However, Zhang Shen clearly "seeed" that every projectile was like a star in its prime, releasing a blazing light that people dared not look at.

Dragon vein alchemy · Skynet!!

Zhang Shen clenched his teeth, and the spiritual power that had metamorphed due to the advancement poured out like a torrent of the levee, rolling into the sea of vitality in front of him.

With the support of abundant spiritual strength, the generation speed of alchemy in the ocean has been increased by another 50%, and the speed of Skynet cohesion has also soared by nearly half at any time!

However, construction can never compare with the speed of destruction.

90th floor, 1000th floor, 101st floor...

When the 2,000-layer Skynet was broken, the speed of the projectile had dropped to the standard speed of light. Zhang Shen did not need to use spiritual consciousness, but only needed to concentrate his eyes to capture the general traces. Using spiritual consciousness could be seen clearly!

The size of glass marbles, black and inconspicuous at all. However, such an inconspicuous gadgets forced the defenders to exert all their strength to contain the combat strength of all the strong people in the "spiritual" world.

The speed of the projectile decreases rapidly, and the energy it carries is also much weaker after being "exploitated" by layers of the Skynet, but it is still not to be underestimated.

According to this form, everything is fine, and the projectiles rushing to the earth will be stopped and the enemy's attack will be in vain.

However, the huge fleet that used space to jump into the solar system entered the line of sight, and Zhang Shen suddenly changed color.


Iron-blooded flagship.

Mo Yuan looked at the picture from the reconnaissance ship and nodded with satisfaction.

is the picture of the earth.

On a beautiful planet intertwined with blue and white, a giant tree and a huge tower stand in the sky, breaking through the atmosphere and extending into outer space.

Between the two huge*, there is a small Tianhe crossing, and all the spacecraft on the guard's side gathered around this star port.

However, Mo Yuan's eyes are not on these "conspicuous" things.

On this huge back* picture, you can't see the small red dots that must be marked to know their location, circled around the earth, and at first glance, they look like the rings of the earth.

These red dots are definitely the existence of Zhang Shen and other "spiritual" realms!

As a group of data is refreshed, these small red dots are enlarged step by step until the basic human contour appears.

"Ege Moyuan, it is these creatures that blocked all the projectiles that should have landed on the earth." The captain of the flagship looked at the villains in the picture, and his heart was full of horror.

Accelerating the projectile to hundreds of times the speed of light requires huge driving force. Launched by warships, the energy consumed is dizzying. My own 100,000-level huge fleet can only be launched once. As the most powerful rail bomb among the empire's physical attack weapons, how can you not know its destructive power as a captain?

If someone told him before today that there was an empty-handed creature in this universe that received a 100 times the speed of light railgun, he would have slapped him rudely, but at this moment... he couldn't help but believe it!

Mo Yuan could feel the shock in other people's hearts, and he was equally surprised. However, he is worthy of being one of the three elders in charge of the iron-blooded empire. His superb and unique perspective made him seize the fighter at the first time.

"The whole fleet concentrates firepower and attacks them!"

"While they are dragged by the projectile, they can kill as much as they can!!"


The speed of the projectile that fell into the skynet has been reduced to the extent that the movement trajectory can be seen with the naked eye, and its energy has weakened by 60% or 70% in the ups and downs of the sea of vitality. The originally brilliant sun has become the bright light bulb in the sky of the imperial capital, and completely extinguished.

At this moment, the fleet appeared.

Next moment——

The firepower fired in unison, and countless shells pressed down on dozens of "spirits" such as Zhang Shen, really covering the sky and the sun.

Even if he is as impermanent and arrogant, he can't help changing his complexion at this time!

Because of their strong strength, they are responsible for a wider area. Although they still have room, they can't help but have an impulse to curse in the face of this shameless attack.

"Taotian Wuji, Sankang flame, edict!" Seeing the arrival of countless shells, he frowned, brushed the dust in his hand, recited the spell and seal, releasing the strongest fire Taoism of the door. The gloomy void suddenly bloomed with a red color, and the endless flames condensed out of the air, and the sea of fire lit up thousands of miles.

All kinds of shelling came, fell into the sea of fire, and were burned out in an instant. No matter what kind of shell it is, it can't hold on in this red sea of fire.

Ao Shenfeng refined the "Five Heaven Emperor Seal". Seeing this situation, he freed a hand, knotted out the "Yellow Emperor Kunwu Seal", mobilized tens of thousands of miles of earth's vitality, condensed into a hundred miles long and wide crystal yellow seal to block him, and the torrential cannon fell on the Yellow Emperor Kunwu Seal, splashed with gorgeous fireworks, and did not enter at all.

Pang Mailang, who rises like a dark horse in the guardian space, is strange and unpreventable.

His attack has no gorgeous sound and light effects and no versatile tricks.

He only has one power, or a kind of heaven and earth - friction!

From a metaphysical point of view, he can change the "friction" index of almost everything!

From the movement of celestial bodies to the movement of electrons, as long as it is a moving object, it is within his palm of his hand!

According to a certain theory, matter is moving. Let alone the universality and correctness of this theory, just by thinking about it like this, you can clearly understand Pang Mailang's powerful means.

In the face of the overwhelming shells, Pang Mailang just smiled evilly, and the power of "friction" was launched, and suddenly saw the fierce shells disintegrate and disperse one after another!

Just a glance, Pang Mailang changed the friction index of these shells with the void and the friction index of the substances inside the shells, so that they disintegrate by themselves in the "infighting".

What a terrible power.

What a terrible man.