Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 57: Zheng Sheng 4

Chapter 57: Zheng (IV)

Guardian Space, Yanhuang Continent, Tang Tian's base.

When he initially recovered from his injury, he began to change his body, abandoning the current monster body that he disliked and changed it back to his body.

He has prepared a lot of such an unconscious spare * body, and he can "make" a large number at any time, which is not at all. For Tang Tian's " biochemical maniac", the body is just like clothes, and he can change it whenever and wherever he wants.

"Well, the human body is still comfortable." Tang Tian came out of a glass cabin, naked**, wet all over, with a satisfied smile on his face.

However, because the "database" has not been updated for a period of time, the current body is slightly "backward", which makes Tang Tian feel a little uncoordinated and slightly awkward.

"We have to debug it quickly." Tang Tian frowned. Perhaps because of the psychological effect, he felt more and more that the body was not so comfortable, so he hurried to the adjustment place.

Tang Tian left in a hurry and couldn't even deal with the relaxed body, soaking it in the nutrient solution.

However, just as Tang Tian was focused on adjusting his body, the body abandoned by him had undergone terrible changes!

Sud of a sudden, the alienated body of soul consciousness moved!

The arm with black scales and five fingers like claws began with the gentle trembling of the knuckles and moved more violently. Finally, it took the initiative as if it had an independent consciousness.

With a bang, it broke the nutrition cabin with one punch.

The closed eyes of the alien body opened, and the deep pupils of the past were blank and empty, symbolizing its identity as a walking corpse.

It staggered a few steps under the control of its arm, and suddenly fell to the ground with a "pop", just like a toddler's left foot mixed with his right foot.

Black scale arm mutation regeneration!

A strange force flowed, and the black scaled arm seemed to be ice cream under the scorching sun, and it slowly melted!

Unconsciously, the arm disappeared and was replaced by a pool of dark and bright fluid substance.

These black mercury-like substances flow towards the mutagenic body that fell on the ground. Strangely, once the body touches these "black mercury", it will be assimilated by it and become part of it.

When the whole body is swallowed and assimilated, the volume of "black mercury" is more than ten times larger than before, spreading enough to cover a single bed.

It seems to have a simple consciousness, or driven by instinct, and begins to split and divide into small pieces of palms flowing in all directions.

Its goal is the huge number of * lives in Tangtian Base!

There are millions of * lives in Tangtian's base. Think about it with your toes, and once these * lives in a sealed sleep state are swallowed up and assimilated by "black mercury", the latter will expand to what extent!

A terrible crisis emerged, covering the whole guardian space.

99.9% of the earth's humans are unaware of the fierce war taking place in space outside the earth's atmosphere.

Even the senior officials of most countries can't detect it.

The source is still the appearance of cherry trees and Tongtian Tower. These two products from different worlds belong to very different power systems. The energy radiation emitted spontaneously covers the whole earth, which greatly affects the satellite signals in the earth's orbit. Especially after the launch of the Sky Tower, in addition to several major countries such as the United States and China, other countries are directly blackened. .

However, to some extent, ignorance is a blessing. Perhaps it is a good thing that the fierce battle is taking place in outer space.

Without knowing it, you don't have to be as desperate as the U.S. military, superheroes and other groups at this moment!

Although it is only a simple and somewhat distorted image, peeping at the leopard can also make the human body feel the horror of this war overhead. If those of unknown origin don't resist, let alone half of them, even if only 1% of the fleet attacks, the earth can't stop it!

The Predator is not the race that will die from the strange music of the earth such as Little Apple...

When I watched the whole battle and saw that the Iron-blooded Fleet did not hesitate to launch a suicide attack at the expense of tens of thousands of warships, even Charles, who was as determined as a voyeur, couldn't help but look pale and bloodless!

Superheroes are still like this, not to mention the U.S. military and politics.

The senior military and political circles lost their voices collectively, and they were almost incontinent.

In this strange atmosphere, no one paid attention. Secretary of State Verdine Naxis came to Duma alone and took away 600 biochemical superfighters from the Duma Institute.

When Naxis walked out of the research institute, there were no more living people in it.

Under her order, more than 500 biochemical warriors or alien warriors left for each predetermined "destination", leaving only 30 of the strongest alien warriors still following Naxis and going with her*.

The status of Secretary of State made Naxis return soon*, aiming straight at the White House. There, the President of the United States is watching the live broadcast from the satellite with the senior officials of the military and political circles.

"Ms. Naxis, please forgive me for the special period." The president's guard explained to her with a smile.

Naxis smiled, and then the red lips opened slightly, and the tentacles with the characteristics of inner nest teeth rushed out and shot through the guard's head. The red blood and gray-white brain were mixed and splashed around.

Several other guards were stunned!

Without their reaction, the alien soldier disguised as the secretary of state's bodyguard attacked, punched one to death, and his flesh and blood splashed.

Naxis kicked the door and rushed in.

Bang bang!

A few bodyguards shot at her. After the intellectually touching beautiful woman's clothes were broken, she revealed a black armor shell and was not afraid of shooting at all!

"Monster, what do you want to do?" Although the President of the United States was afraid, he resisted his harsh words and asked harshly.

"Honey, where's your football? Didn't you forget to bring it this time?" Naxis smiled, reflecting the blood and unknown substances on his body, which looked particularly strange.

The "football" she calls is actually a nickname for the password box. According to the genuine Naxis memory she obtained, the president often forgets to carry it with him.

So that's it... The president's heart moved and understood the purpose of this monster, and he knew it.

He has made up his mind to delay the time and wait for the nearby S.H.I.E.L.D. superheroes to come to the rescue.

Naxis looked at the password box opened in front of him, and the smile on his face was more gentle: "Honey, don't mind telling me the password. By the way, Mr. Minister and Mr. Staff are also here. It's so fate, why don't you just tell me the password together?

The captured people looked ugly. Unexpectedly, they were caught in a net, and the three people who had the nuclear weapons activation code were all arrested.

"Don't say it? Oh, really. Forget it, I'd better pick it up by myself." Naxis complained sadly, and then hooked the president's neck with one hand and kissed his delicate red lips deeply.

Everyone was stunned, and then the strange sucking sound came to their ears.


The president's screams spread throughout the room, and the strange scene in front of them made everyone's hair stand up, tremble violently, and cold sweat couldn't stop flowing down.

"I said! I said! Don't kill me, don't kill me..." When Naxis licked his lips and looked at himself endlessly, the defense minister collapsed to the ground and cried.

"That's good~" Naxis smiled charmingly and walked over. line........................

External space, battlefield.

Time goes back to the moment when the pollution bomb destroyed the energy shield of the guard spacecraft.

While the energy shield of the Tianma collapsed due to pollution bombs, a large number of "planned" naval guns attacked Tianma, occupying the entire observation screen.

"Danger! Be careful, everyone!!"

Bu Lichen shouted angrily, and Tianhe chilled his best to add another layer of ice armor to the outer armor of the Tianma.

After Bu Lichen was promoted to the "spiritual" realm, Tianhe's cold power increased greatly and was quite omnipotent. Used for attack, the extreme cold close to "absolute zero" can disintegrate the enemy's attack from the root; for defense, the ice and snow produced by it is not as strong as Zhang Shen's "imperial iron-blood alloy", and even has various wonderful uses in addition to physical properties, which can be called omnipotent.

Perhaps this is why she has a trace of pride that she is not even aware of.

Although he knew that it was dangerous to be set on fire, Bu Lichen couldn't help but relax his vigilance after using the cold air of Tianhe to create ice armor.

Li Jing, Li Ji and Ai Yi also trusted Bu Lichen's ability to gather next to the latter at the first time and make corresponding defensive postures, but they have not made further efforts to defend.

There are only three non-poisonous little Lori Ai!

When the naval gun attacked the Tianma, an unprecedented life-and-death crisis emerged inexplicably, occupying all her spiritual will.

In a trance, strange and familiar strange feelings filled the body and mind.

"It's dangerous!!!"

She screamed in her delicate voice, and at the same time, she released all the Zerg soldiers without thinking!

Velocity insects, cockroaches, brain worms, hosts, thunder beasts, and nearly a thousand Zerg soldiers crowded around the depressed five women's regiments, three layers outside. Anyway, they are all things that come by the way, not the elves who have deep feelings for themselves. Ai Ai doesn't mind their sacrifice at all.

The four women reacted and were about to ask, and the big explosion happened.


The endless flame impact melted and disintegrated in less than a breath, followed by the armor of the Tianma, and the two layers of armor lasted less than two seconds.

Subsequently, the Zerg soldiers only collapsed and dissipated in the vast flames.

Before the life-and-death crisis, Bu Lichen's lips were tightly squeezed, and Wanhuayuan's power was endless, and the roar broke out.

Eight flower brand, divine edict;

One gas accumulation, three thousand flexible!