Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 60: Zhenglong 7

Chapter 60: Zhenglong (7)

The alien Naxis "easily" got the password he wanted from the Secretary of Defense and the Chief of the Army's General Staff.

The two people who completely collapsed actively cooperated, and all the nuclear bombs in the United States were activated.

"Tut, there are more than 10,000 nuclear bombs, which is really interesting for earthlings." Naxis covered her lips with her hand and smiled charmingly, but her smile was like an abyss demon in everyone's eyes.

Suddenly, a high-ranking official changed his face and showed ecstasy.

Then, a cold ice flow penetrated the gate and swept to Naxis!

X-Men's Iceman is here!

It's a pity——

"Honey, you're a step late." Naxis smiled and pressed it gently.


The sharp voice symbolizes that the demons created by human beings themselves are released and will destroy everything.

The sharp-eyed iceman roared and ran out in a few steps, shouting, "The nuclear bomb has been launched!" Intercept! Hurry up and intercept!!"

Oh, damn it!

The storm girl cursed, launched a power, quickly flew high into the sky, manipulated the thunderstorm to turn into a large net, and tried her best to intercept the nuclear bomb ejected from the well;

The eagle's curved bow and arrow, the power of the elf is fully opened, and the arrow shines like a meteor, shining the debut light, detonating the nuclear bomb in advance at high altitude;

The scarlet witch also came out of the deep mountains, abandoned her previous suspicions and cooperated with Dr. Destruction, and launched magic. She saw lightning shoot out from their heads, like dragons dancing wildly. Once the * carrying the nuclear warhead was touched, it seemed to have been bitten. She turned off the fire and fell down, and even the nuclear warhead reversed the state and restored "calm";

Thor, the god of war, Tyre, and Loki, the evil god, are the main force of interception. They can fly freely and are extremely fast, three points faster than *.

After the three learned the amazing news, they immediately set out and used their own "divine power" to completely annihilate the galloping * in the sky, making the nuclear warheads in it too late to detonate.

Influenced by the fierce battle between the defenders and the iron-blooded empire, almost all the extraordinary people on the earth gathered in the United States, so they were able to get the news of the nuclear crisis at the first time and launched a full interception.

However, more than 10,000 nuclear warheads are launched from all over the world and fly to major cities around the world. How many nails can superheroes hit even if they are covered with iron?

More than 5,000* equipped with nuclear warheads were destroyed by their crazy efforts, more than half of them.

But what about this?!

Looking at the pictures of the nuclear bomb about to land from the low-orbiting satellite, all the superheroes were silent.

"Bastard, don't be stunned, hide!" Iron Man Stark swallowed a mouthful of blood and shouted, "Live, at least we still have hope!"

"Hope...hehe" Wolverine seemed to cry and laugh, and was forcibly dragged away by Qin Gray and the Iceman to find a place to hide.




* On the ground, the nuclear bombs exploded one by one, and suddenly the dazzling flames burst out, and then suddenly grew big mushrooms on the ground, which was spectacular.

In X College, Professor X, who maintained some kind of spiritual connection with billions of people on the earth, stiffened, and then his head exploded with a "bang".

Just kidding, the earth has fallen into a deep doomsday!



In space.

Pang Mailang and Wuyin's pupils suddenly shrank. The former looked cold, and the latter's face turned white, spit out vermilion red, and suffered a lot of injuries!

"What's wrong?" The scarf man was treated a lot and asked quickly.

"The cherry tree was strongly attacked and severely damaged." Wuyin took out a green onion from his arms and chewed it. He looked much better.

"Tongtian Tower was also attacked." Seeing that Qinglan had almost recovered, Pang Mailang glanced at the remnants of the iron-blooded fleet who huddled aside strangely and said, "I'm going back to the earth first to see who is playing tricks behind it."

Ao Shenfeng looked at the iron-blooded army with murderous eyes: "Brother Pang, go, it's okay to give it to us!"

Wuyin was about to return to the earth, but he saw several figures rushing out of the light and shadow area that had been motionless for a long time. It was Zhang Shen and his party!

Three people here have survived. Although there is a "spiritual" escort, people still feel incredible.

"Wow, it's really life-saving." Lie Gan snorted coldly, and his eyes narrowed slightly, shining with a gloomy and deranged light.

Wuyin saw that Zhang Shen and others looked different. He was worried about what would happen to Zhang, who had a hot temper, on this joint. He took the initiative to come forward and briefly talked about the change just now: "We plan to go back to the earth to see the situation. Do you want to do it together?"

"Good." Zhang Shen's gentle smile stunned the voiceless and scarf man, but Bu Lichen's three women couldn't help but feel awe.

Among the three women, especially Bu Lichen and Li Jing, who have been with him from the beginning, know his personality very well, and Zhang Shen's performance is very wrong at this moment.

Bu Lichen and Li Jing looked at each other and saw the worried mood in each other's eyes.

The strange disappearance of the two sisters of Ai Ai Ai, let Bu Lichen think of Ouyang Tianqi, who always had a wooden face, and then contacted Zhang Shen for some things he said to him, as if there was a huge black hand hidden behind the world, and all the guards were in the shadow of this black palm without knowing it.

At this moment, even as a "spiritual" state, Bu Lichen still has a feeling that he has enough heart but lacks strength.

Wuyin also saw Zhang Shen's strange mood and cast an inquiring look at Bu Lichen, who nodded gently and signaled that it was okay.

"Well, let's go."


When Zhang Shen and others rushed to the earth at full speed, Ao Shenfeng and others decided to attack the iron-blooded remnants.

No matter why they don't move, the revenge of killing their companions must be paid with blood!

"E elder, human beings are coming." The tone of the core has no ups and downs. As the flagship captain, he knew more about the fleet than anyone else. After using a "suicide" attack to bury more than 80% of the human beings, the remnant army was unable to do anything to the rest of the human beings. What's more, those human beings who are rushing towards themselves are stronger.

How can Mo Yuan not know?

He quietly watched the fast approaching of Ao Shenfeng and others, and his heart was calm.

Mo Yuan took out a black box the size of a matchbox from his waist, went to the console, pressed it a few times, put it on the outstretched tray, then pushed it forward and closed it.

"E elder, what are you going to do?" The nucleus pupil shrank, and a bad feeling rose from the bottom of my heart.

Mo Yuan looked at him flatly and smiled: "I'm also a soldier."

"Death in battle is the fate of all soldiers."

"I have never forgotten."

You... reacted, even the respectful words were thrown aside, and your body trembled because of inexplicable emotions. "From the beginning, you have decided!"

"That's right." Mo Yuan admitted it directly without any excuse.

"Why?! What's the basis?!" The fist of the core was clenched, and the braids were almost upside down.

"For the glory of iron and blood."


"For the glory of iron and blood!" On the Iron-blooded King, the Iron-blooded King clenched his fist and whispered hatefully.

In his sight, five rays of light suddenly shot through the dome of the royal palace, penetrated the atmosphere, and left for an unknown place.

"Iron-blooded glory, not to be deblasphemed!"

"The iron-blooded empire does not allow any form of control!"

"The Predator, never be a puppet!"

Looking at the first four and five lights that gradually flew out of sight, the eyes of the Iron-blooded King were extremely deep.


The underground cave that Zhang Shen once arrived at, the black lake.

The surface of the lake, which has been unwavering for ten thousand years, suddenly rippled, as if something was shaking.

The ripples are getting deeper and deeper, evolving into ripples, waves and waves, rolling up the sinking black lake that does not have the characteristics of "water" at all, revealing the skeletons of the white forest.

When the skeleton meets the air, it turns into powder and disappears, integrating into the lake and becoming a part of it.

The waves are getting bigger and bigger. Finally, a slap, which crossed hundreds of millions of years of imprisonment, fell on the shore.

The surrounding space seems to be frozen at this moment!

For a moment, everything frozen returned to flow again.

There is something different.

The violent vibration caused by the explosion of thousands of nuclear bombs has torn the earth and spread here.

The ground above the cave was torn open several deep wounds, and the temperature, air and light belonging to the bright world passed along the crack into this forgotten place.

The waves on the lake are even bigger.


Finally, the bank embankment was broken through, and the sticky black lake water rushed out along the crack and flowed freely.

At the moment when this strange lake burst the dike, the universe collapsed for countless years, and then, under the chain reaction, all kinds of mysterious things broke out one after another.

First of all, it is naturally the "transfer station" of the world - the guardian space!

Secondly, this is the universe.

In the battlefield outside Tianhe Crossing, strange changes quietly occurred in the vast area formed by the big explosion!

The self-detonation of tens of thousands of warships and the inhalation of polluting bombs made hundreds of powerful defenders buried in it, and died quite miserable, with ashes and smoke, and no slag left.

However, at this moment, their bodies were burned into particles by strong heat and quietly converged into something like a haze.

Black haze.

Each particle is black, which comes from the black of the contaminated bomb.

The gathering speed of haze is very fast, and unconsciously, all the defenders of death can "reunite" in another way.

Suddenly, the haze changed again!

Split, stretch, and shape.

A vague figure appeared in place.

These figures are like ghosts, fluttering and wandering.

If Ao Shenfeng and others are here at this moment, they will recognize them at a glance that these shameless "ghosts" are their teammates and others!

These defenders, who should have disappeared in such a strange way, were reborn?!