Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 64: Zhenglong 11

Chapter 64: Zheng Hong (11)

Pang Mailang and Qinglan came to the Pentagon.

He ignored the complex eyes of Magneto and said to Zhang Shen and other defenders, "This planet is a little bad."

Qinglan took a step forward, exhaled a breath, turned into the appearance of the earth, and slowly rotated.

He cut with a knife, and the earth was split in half. What was displayed in front of Zhang Shen and others was a cross-section.

Except for the blue on the surface representing the ocean and the black of the rocks, everything else is red!

"Is this the image inside the earth?" Tony came over and was shocked. "The lithosphere is occupied by magma... Sir, is this true?"

As a scientist, although he has no in-depth understanding of this area, Tony also understands what the scene in front of him means.

Other people gathered around one after another. Although they looked different, the anxiety in their hearts was the same.

The earth's crust is not as thick and reliable as people think. If it really shows, even if the geocentric magma does not erupt, the fracture of the continental shelf and the fragmentation of the lithosphere are enough to make the United States and even human beings, which have struggled to stay on the verge of collapse, completely fall into chaos!

The doubts of the indigenous people in the war made Pang Mailang raise his eyebrows and feel a little unhappy.

Qinglan explained: "We have just come from the Pacific coast, and there has been a small-scale land subsidence on the east coast. The ground is full of red magma, and the situation is still deteriorating." He knows Pang Mailang's temper very well. If it is at ordinary times, he is too lazy to care about it, but a series of things make him feel a little dangerous. He not only explains, but also takes several pictures from his memory and directly enters the minds of everyone present.

In the picture, although the east coast has not been attacked by a nuclear bomb, it is difficult to escape the ensuing super tsunami and pervasive strong radiation.

Near the sea, the city was flooded, and only towering buildings were exposed from the sea, indicating that there were human traces here. Further inland, there is a Ze country covered with dense corpses. If you look carefully, a considerable part of it has nuclear radiation symptoms.


Black Widow, Storm Girl, Qin Grey and other women vomited at that time and dared not look again. They rushed into the bathroom and vomited; Iron Man, One-eyed Dragon and others were full of pain, and even super villains such as Magneto and Dr. Destruction were uncomfortable.

The "sea of corpses" is a vast white gas. If you look closely, the bottom layer of the steam is a black substance solidified by the magma.

In the next picture, a gully several meters wide and a little deep suddenly came into sight, and the red magma quickly rushed out of it, flowing in all directions, destroying and pulling away, and nothing can resist its fierceness.

From several top-down images, people can clearly see that the land that carried the development and growth of human civilization in the past is already covered with scars, one left and one right, either wide or narrow. Regardless of the area, it runs through the crust, and the red magma keeps overflowing from it, burning the four fields, and rising black smoke columns and raging fires can be seen everywhere.

The people of the League of Legends were silent in an instant.

Sadness, pain, helplessness, confusion, despair...

If you sit and watch the changes inside the earth, in a few days, when it expands and spreads to the west, everything that everyone strives to maintain will be extinguished; however, if each of them is willing to kill the thief and is powerless to return to heaven, even if each of them can't wait to give up his life to feed the tiger and fill the cracks of the earth by themselves, there is nothing they can do!

Not to mention that the United States has been crippled, even if it launches global power in its heyday, it can't cope with a planet's *...


A dull impact sound came into the ears of desperate people and looked at the source of the sound. The amazing scene made Tony and others dumbfounded, and some people even exclaimed.

The one-eyed dragon knelt down to Zhang Shen and other guards, and begged in a low voice, "Please save mankind!!"

At this moment, everyone in the League of Legends was dumbfounded and stunned.

In their hearts, the one-eyed dragon is either decisive, brave, domineering, domineering, cold-blooded and fierce, but today, this man who will never bow his head and bend his knees like anyone in their hearts kneeling down to several unknown guys! And his reason is that human beings survive!



Deadpool then knelt down and looked at Zhang Shen with pleading eyes: "Please save mankind!"

The third one who knelt down was a saber-toothed tiger: "Please save mankind!"

Iron Man, Wolverine, Iceman... One by one, knelt down to Zhang Shen and prayed.

The original superheroes knelt to the ground, but the leaders of Magneto, Dr. Doom, Red Skull, Jin and these super villains are still standing. They live their lives, and they are not those who do evil purely for profit. They all have noble goals in their hearts and work hard towards this "dream", but they belong to the "minority" and their dreams are not good for the majority.

They have proud hearts and proud bones, all of which will never allow them to make that kind of humiliating posture of complete submission to Zhang Shen and others!


The one-eyed dragon's forehead was heavy, leaving a blood mark: "Please save mankind!!"

This knocked as if a slap hit Magneto and others in the face.



Several people knelt down one after another, their foreheads and shouted loudly, "Please save mankind!!"

Pang Mailang, Wuyin, Bu Lichen and others looked at each other, which really surprised them.

Bu Lichen, the other two are "old qualifications". After experiencing many worlds, they have seen the faces of those in power when the doomsday is coming, but it is the first time for them to be like today!

It's a lie to say that there is no shock in your heart. Public and private, they don't want the earth to be destroyed, at least for three years to maintain the posture of "planet" - that's all.

Moreover, the almost "forced" way of the one-eyed dragon and others also made them a little unhappy. Naturally, the spiritual realm should have the temperament of the spiritual realm. Both scolding and shaking their sleeves will leave a flaw in their minds for a short time.

The atmosphere became stagnant for a while.

"I will not die, the earth will not die."

Suddenly, an indifferent sentence, like thunder on a dry land, came to everyone's ears and hit the depths of their hearts.

It's Zhang Shen!

Pang Mailang frowned and was a little unhappy: it was too domineering and unreasonable to make a decision without authorization.

"Thank you!!!"

The one-eyed dragon had a heavy meal and clenched his fists. The strong and stubborn man was full of tears and trembled in an instant.

"Boss, thank you!!" Deadpool was so excited that she knew that she had not followed the wrong person!

"Zhang, thank you!!" Tony Stark recalled the days when he and Zhang Shen were crazy about refining steel suits day and night, and smiled.

"Thank you!!" Regardless of the result, at this moment, everyone sincerely expressed their most sincere gratitude to the man who walked out of the door and left only one back.

Pang Mailang was not a kind and upright person. There was a trace of anger in his sharp eyes, exuding the smell of strangers not to enter, and his body flashed and disappeared, leaving an almost inaudible cold hum.

Wuyin threw an helpless look at Bu Lichen and followed him away. She proposed an alliance entirely because Bu Lichen and Li Jing had no good feelings for Zhang Shen. On the contrary, the latter's behavior today made her secretly angry.

Li Jingli's two women looked at Bu Lichen and asked for her opinion, but they saw the latter smiling, suddenly as if the spring breeze bloomed overnight, and the endless amorous feelings were unspeakable.

Several pots of plants in the room grew like chicken blood and expanded several times in the blink of an eye. The green leaves danced together, as if they were cheering and celebrating the smile of the Phoenix.

Li Jing understood something, covered his lips with his hands, bent his eyebrows, and smiled silently.

Li Ji's doubtful eyes swept back and forth between the two, shrugged his shoulders, rolled his eyes, and looked helpless, but the slightly upturned corners of her mouth clearly revealed her mood.



"Captain, don't run so fast. We can't catch up. Really."

A happy and resentful voice awakened Zhang, who was immersed in inexplicable mood.

You don't have to look back, you will know that the three women have caught up.

"This kind of good thing is so popular that you want to monopolize alone. How can it be? Do you want to kneel on the board, huh?" This is Li Jing's voice, and Zhang Shen's mind automatically appeared with her hands on her waist and pouted.

"You have passed the man's responsibility, but you are far from enough for your husband's responsibility. How dare you make A Jing worry that Zhang is really not enough." Obviously, this is Li Ji deliberately picking on a man who robbed his little sister with a straight face.

Bu Lichen stepped out and appeared on the left side of Zhang Shen. The latter's arm suddenly fell into an intoxicating softness: "Captain, you were very handsome just now, praise!"

Zhang Shen wanted to say something, but suddenly found that his heart defense had been broken again, and the unspoken words turned into a sigh.

"This is my atonement."

Huh?! X3

With a long sigh, Zhang Shen began to ask Professor X to investigate Winston and tell everything in the underground world.

A moment of silence.

"Zhang Shen, Zhang Shen..." Bu Lichen's face was solemn, and the majesty of the phoenix was quietly revealed.

"You are too self-righteous!"

??! Sister Li Jing, who thought that someone would be taught a hard lesson, was stunned, and a man who also thought that she would be taught a lesson was also stunned.

"Who do you think you are?! Do you think you are the protagonist of this book, and everything revolves around you?!"

"Listen to me! Zhang Shen is just an ordinary person who can't be ordinary. Without Long Xtian's domineering, without Chu XX's wisdom like a demon, you are just an ordinary ordinary person who is a little lazy, a little kind, a little indifferent, a little temper, a little smart and a little hot-blooded ordinary person!"

"Since you are an ordinary person, at least give me a little consciousness. Don't worry about self-blame all day long. That's not what you should care about!"

"What you have to do is to take care of these three stupid women who surround you all day long, understand?"