Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 66: Zhenglong 13

Chapter 66: Zheng Ling (13)

The former East Coast of the United States.

When Zhang Shen and his party arrived here, all the prosperous buildings in the past had turned into ruins, the earth was chapped, and the red magma sprayed thinly, which was a scene of hell.

"In that place, let me down." Zhang Shen pointed to a lonely reef in the magma ocean, which used to be a building. At this moment, there is only a small part left. The ubiquitous high temperature of those who tried to resist is tenacitible.

Li Ji looked at the scene of the square miles taken by the aircraft and frowned slightly: "Can't you change places? It's too dangerous here." Although the situation below the bottom can not be seen, this area is located between the magma eruption area and the safe area and may be completely reduced to magma at any time. At the same time, due to the existence of strong radiation, people temporarily lost the ability to fly, and the danger has greatly increased. If one is careless, his life is in danger.

Zhang Shen shook his head solemnly and said, "All the way to the west, there is only one that can connect to the damaged dragon vein. Maybe there is a better gas condensation point somewhere on the earth, but it's too late. The situation is critical and there is not much time to waste.

With the power of Zhang Shen, if he wants to turn the tide and abruptly stop the current underlying reaction of the earth, it is as difficult as mortals to ascend to the sky, but since he dares to make such a vow, he naturally has some plans in his mind.

In his plan, the earth's dragon vein is an indispensable link!

Dragon vein, a product between reality formed by the high concentration of heaven and earth, no matter what kind of world it is, it exists more or less.

At the same time, if there is a civilized race on the planet, the dragon vein will also "attract" each other and produce some wonderful resonance. In short, the more powerful the civilization, the more powerful the country and race in the civilization, and the more likely it is that there is a dragon vein "below" its habitat!

On this earth, the United States is the most powerful country, and the possibility of a dragon vein is extremely high.

However, it is not possible to exist. The dragon vein is not an entity, and there are only some intersections between it and the material world. Because the dragon vein will affect the earth's atmosphere, these intersections, where the natural atmosphere of heaven and earth will converge, and the terrain will also change. In China in this world, there is the so-called feng shui. In fact, in ancient times, those practitioners with cultivation can indeed find the "dragon cave" according to feng shui - that is, the intersection of the dragon vein and the material world.

Under the aircraft, Zhang Shen pointed to such a "dragon cave".

Now he is worried about whether the dragon vein will be affected after a wave of nuclear bomb explosion and the underlying displacement vein is broken.

If the dragon vein is damaged, the next plan will almost fail.

Under the " escort" of the three women of Bu Lichen, Zhang Shen landed on the "lone reef".

Put away the aircraft, and the three women retreated separately to avoid their own energy field affecting Zhang Shen's next action.

Zhang Shen took out twelve stones of sages of similar size - after purchasing in the space, Zhang Shen refined all the * people he bought into the stones of sages. Each of them is of "perfect" quality, crystal clear, emitting a strong breath of life. If you look a few more, you can also see the evil light. That is the soul. Resentment.

Twelve stones of the sage are divided into two equal parts, six hidden weapons fall around Zhang Shen, forming the six vertex of the six-point of the six-point star, and the other six shoot hundreds of meters into the sky, which also form the hexagonal vertex, and then disappear into the void.

Zhang Shen's majestic spiritual power swept out and divided into two parts, one into a refining array in the void, and the other into a refining array on the ground.


The heaven and earth gathered here crazily within thousands of miles, and actually converged into a real tide of vitality, emitting a low wind roar, which is amazing.

A clear "big funnel" appeared above Zhang Shen's head, and every moment there was infinite vitality entering the funnel and entering the unseeable mysterious void.

In just over a dozen breaths, Zhang Shenquan's spiritual power was half exhausted!

It's time!

Without the empty discomfort caused by a large amount of spiritual extraction, Zhang Shen decisively took action when his vitality gathered to a certain extent.

The refining array in the void and the refining array on the earth began to resonate!

Zizi! Zzi!!

Countless silver thunder and lightning came out of the void and intertwined into a lightning power grid, covering Zhang Shen and the big funnel above his head. From a distance, it is like a thunder pillar that stands upright. It is frightening just by looking at it.

Dragon vein alchemy · Introduction!!!

Zhang Shen shouted angrily, and the two were formed into one. The next moment, the raging thunder disappeared and was replaced by chaos.

This is a counterattack of heaven and earth.

The energetic funnel above his head has collapsed, and the vitality has rushed back. Coupled with the intentional control of Zhang Shen under the dragon vein alchemy, the area centered on him suddenly repeated the chaotic scene of the beginning of the universe!

The three women of Bu Lichen were originally worried. When the chaotic scene appeared, all their minds were immediately attracted by it. Their consciousness ran at full speed, and their own power system also instinctively operated - chaos, even if the chaos created by Zhang Shen was much worse than that opened up by the original universe, it was still rare. The wonders that are difficult to describe in words for the help of practitioners.

Compared with the three women who were hit by the pie from the sky, Zhang Shen was extremely tormented.

The chaos is repeated. Even if the goal is to communicate the dragon vein, it still consumes so much that it is beyond Zhang Shen's imagination.

With less than five breaths, nearly half of Zhang's mental strength was exhausted, and there was a danger of complete exhaustion!


I found it!!

Just when Zhang Shen was desperate and decided to burn his soul, he finally "saw" the dragon vein of the earth!

A huge * spreading for hundreds of millions of miles came into sight, and the strong visual impact and indescribable heart moved made Zhang Shen almost shed tears.

Dragon vein alchemy · turn!

The "organ" buried in advance is activated, and the next moment, Zhang Shen's vision changes--

In the eyes, the color disappears, non-black and non-white, chaotic, is an indescribable mysterious void, vast, boundless, and mysterious.

A strange sense of tranquility and peace filled his heart and made Zhang Shen forget all his troubles. The iron-blooded empire, the guardian, and the divine* hole were all thrown away by him.

"It's not bad to go on like this all the time." Such an idea surged into his mind and occupied all his thoughts, making Zhang Shen lie down lazily and sleep with him for thousands of years.

His eyes moved, and then he was dumbfounded!

"Oh, my hand... how did it become claws?"

I looked down and lay in a big groove. This is not my own human body. It is clearly the dragon that has spread hundreds of millions of miles!!

A thrill reminded him of everything.

"Yes, there is nothing wrong with the record of ancient books. The 'dragon vein' is unconscious. I stole the sky through the dragon vein alchemy and temporarily occupied its body..."

"That is to say, now, I... is the dragon vein of this planet!"

"That's great!"

"At this time, at least 70% of my plan can succeed!!"

In the boundless void, a giant dragon rolled around without image, screaming silently, venting the joy in his heart.

"It's time to do business!"

As soon as the thought moved, Zhang Shen "closed" his eyes and settled his mind.

In the vast star river, a dust is gradually enlarged and enlarged, and finally becomes the familiar appearance of the earth.

As the dragon vein bred by the earth, the dragon vein to the earth is like the mythical "Gaia". Everything on the earth has no secret in the eyes of Zhang Shen at this moment.

Zhang Shen saw a more comprehensive and detailed situation of the earth than that brought by Qinglan.

"It's worse than expected..."

In the "sight", the outer core in the core has melted more than 60%, and only half of the core is still solid!

Outward, in the mantle layer, the lower mantle seems to be smashed and glued porcelain, full of loopholes and gaps, and it will completely collapse at any time. Looking at the mantle, the magma layer occupies almost all of the upper mantle and penetrates into the interior along the cracks in the lower mantle.

The whole earth under the surface can be said to be completely supported by the fragmented lower mantle and crust! Once the magma layer "assimilates" the mantle is connected to the core, and you don't need to think about the future of the earth...

"This can never be done by a nuclear bomb!!"

Zhang Shen gritted his teeth and stood up a pair of dragons upside down: "Even if 10,000 nuclear bombs are added, it will bomb the earth at most. It will never bring such consequences!"

For no reason, the mysterious underground cave, the strange lake and strange tree came to Zhang Shen's mind again.

He focused his attention on the place where he entered the underground cave.

There is nothing!!

There are no caves, no corridors, no underground caves, and no weird black lakes and big trees!!

"Sure enough..."

Zhang Shen's eyes became gloomy: "This is for me... or for all the guards!"

"It has nothing to do with the 'cleaning' of the great will!"

In the blink of an eye, the image of the "great will" that he had never met changed from a "loving coach" to a "cold-blooded conspiracy planner"...

"Let's put these things aside and solve the important things at hand."

Forced to shift his attention from the behind-the-scenes conspiracy to the earth king, who was terminally ill and would be completely finished at any time. Zhang Shen used the "talented power" of the dragon vein and began to operate.

As the product of the earth's vitality under the influence of some divine rules, there is only one talent of the dragon vein, and only one——

Control every vitality of the earth!!

At the next moment when Zhang Shen's thoughts arise, every life with extraordinary power in the earth has a feeling of being in a vacuum environment, and the surrounding air is being peeled off little by little.

Pride is as evil as Pang Mailang, and his expression does not change dramatically at this moment.

Even if you are in the "spiritual" realm, you are in an environment where the energy of heaven and earth is completely solidified, without any free energy, and there are unknown strong enemies around you, you dare not sleep!