Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 71: Goodbye Alien

Chapter 71: Goodbye Alien

West Virginia.

This is a less famous state, but thanks to the nuclear crisis, because it is close to *, many slightly capable people run here (traffic travel is limited). In just a few days, its prosperity has more than doubled.

A aircraft with a special license plate circled over the forest next to the town of Villemmouth.

"Is this the place? But there is nothing." Li Jing looked down while comparing the map, "There is not even a trace of abnormal breath. It seems that this trip is in vain."

Today is the second day after visiting Luo Yumi. After chatting with the five Luo Fei for a long time, Zhang Shen and his party originally wanted to visit Wuyin, but the latter were not at home and ran for nothing.

Of course, it is not only Zhang Shen and his party who think of forming an alliance. Obviously, Wuyin also has his own considerations. Even a group of "spirits" such as impermanence and arrogant Feng have been carrying out frequent "public relations" activities in recent days - no one can see the hidden crisis behind the spatial change. In times of crisis, it is better to have allies who can fight side by side than to be alone.

That night, after Zhang confessed, Li Ji proposed to search carefully, which was strongly supported by Bu Lichen and Li Jing. As for someone's opinion, it was gorgeously ignored.

Facing Li Jing's complaint, Zhang Shen said with some gloating, "Didn't I say that the cave has disappeared. Even if it still exists somewhere, even the dragon vein can't be found. What do you think we can do?

Zhang's proud rear gun was unanimously despised by the three women.

Scanned this old Lin back and forth, but still didn't get anything. Li Jing, who used up patiently, was about to return.


Bu Lichen's expression suddenly changed, and an incredible expression appeared on his face: "Go down and down, that way, right, that's the direction. All right, stop and open the door."

Zhang Shen knew that Bu Lichen was not the kind of person who made trouble maliciously. He hurriedly asked the reason, but the latter just smiled inexplicably and did not answer, which made him depressed.

"Wait for me and I'll be right back." With that, Bu Lichen stepped on the illusory petal rainbow and landed in the forest.

The place where she landed is a relatively gentle slope. Although the trees are lush, there are surprisingly no bushes and thorns, only shallow weeds, and there are still traces of wild animals walking on the soil, which are very shallow and can't be found if you don't pay attention.

In a word, this is an ordinary gentle slope that can no longer be ordinary.

But Bu Lichen doesn't think so.

After she landed, there was no other unnecessary action, and her eyes were directly locked somewhere - it was a flat land the size of a water tank, with several weeds and dark blue moss plants on it, which was nothing surprising.

Half a minute, one minute.

The sarcasm at the corners of Bu Lichen's mouth became more and more intense, and a trace of impatience began to appear on his face.

"Are you still hiding? Don't you think I found you?"

"Come out by yourself."


There is no response.

Bu Lichen raised her eyebrows and no longer wasted her tongue. The lotus step moved gently and moved to the destination.

Step by step, two steps, step by step, step by step like a minion...

Suddenly, the ground exploded, and a ferocious beast shadow appeared in the splashed earth and gravel. As soon as he appeared, he launched an attack on Bu Lichen.

"boring." Bu Lichen curled his lips, waved his bare hands, and landed on the nearby vegetation.

The weed, which could not even have ankles, immediately grew wildly, and the tough grass leaves were entangled into vine ropes and shot out, firmly tying the beast lurking under the soil.


The soil fell, and the shape of the beast came into sight. Bu Lichen looked suffocated and looked stunned.

Although there are differences, the beast in front of us is clearly--


Just as Bu Lichen was stunned, the beast tied by the grass rope moved. It shook its head hard and got a trace of space to move. Then its mouth slightly opened, and a tongue, which was thousands of times more powerful than the frog, shot out. It was as fast as lightning. A dark shadow flashed and appeared in front of Bu Lichen and pointed straight to it. She is at the heart of the point.

was caught off guard, but as a member of the "spiritual" realm, how could Bu Lichen be hurt by such a trick?

Without any action, she only moved her head, and the powerful force in her body spewed out and turned into a protective air mask. The fierce beast's tongue collided with the shield and made a soft "bang" sound. It was immediately smashed by the powerful anti-shock force, and the broken flesh and blood splashed on both sides.


The flesh and blood fell to the ground, and the ground was corroded into small pits, emitting light smoke, which shows the strong corrosion ability.

The fragile tongue was smashed, and the beast made a painful hiss, in which there was a faint feeling of hatred.

"Sure enough, it's you, Alien."

Bu Lichen slowly walked to the hissing and struggling alien, looking slightly complicated.

The reason why she got off the spacecraft was that she suddenly received abnormal messages from several plants and analyzed that there should be a beast hidden below. She was a little interested in this beast that could avoid her four spiritual search, so she came down to have a look.

Who knows...

The alien in front of it is different from the primary version (the kind that fuses the Predator gene) seen in Connecticut, which is more different from the variant that can be disguised as a human being mentioned in Zhang Shen's mouth, and its shape is more inclined to beasts (that is, the original version).

Its shell is not ghost killer-like black, but earthy yellow, with dark or light patches on it, giving people a feeling of camouflage.

"No wisdom... simple emotions... at most a smart beast." Bu Lichen's powerful spiritual consciousness rushed into the alien brain savagely, trying to get something useful from its "memory", but to no success.

When Bu Lichen withdrew his spiritual knowledge and found that the alien had been "played" to death by himself, he looked around with some guilty and saw that no one had found it. Fortunately, he spit out his tongue and dragged the alien body back to the spacecraft.

"Have you been going down for so long to play game?" Zhang Shen glanced at a green cocoon tied with a straw rope behind Bu Lichen and rolled his eyes disappointedly.

"How about grabbing it to stew your body? I'm moved."

A bad smile in Bu Lichen's eyes made Zhang San suddenly alert: "If you have nothing to pay attention, there must be a conspiracy. Hurry up and be honest!"

"It's a traitor or a thief~~" Bu Lichen looked like an obscene uncle, "What do you think I have~~"

Zhang Shen covered his face:......

When the two were laughing and fighting, Li Jing opened the "package" and exclaimed, "It's an alien!"

Zhang Shen was very different from the word "alternary"**, and immediately walked over and looked at it carefully.

"It's a little different from the alien I've seen, but it's true." After testing the alien blood, flesh and flesh tissue and bones, Zhang Shen's face was more surprised, "There is nuclear radiation in its body!"

Before that, the alien had absolutely nothing to do with nuclear radiation, and the recent related to it on Earth is nothing more than a nuclear bomb explosion. Obviously, the nuclear radiation in the alien body is its ability to evolve to adapt to the new living environment.

Corrosive blood, inner nest teeth, strong exoskeleton, powerful and abnormal concealment ability, and newly added nuclear radiation...

"What a terrible creature!" Li Ji sighed with emotion. Bu Lichen and Li Jing also sighed.

Zhang Shen is not concerned about this.

"Became down to the place where the alien lurks!" Zhang Shen's tone was rapid and his eyes were burning brightly. Just now, a flash of light flashed in his mind made him feel that it was possible to find the mysterious underground cave this time!

Although there is no direct evidence, Zhang Shen intuitively felt that the cave is the source of all accidents. As long as it can be found, no matter what the result is, most of the fog over many troubles will be dispelled!

Facing Zhang Shen's unprecedented excitement, Bu Lichen's three women looked at each other and reached a consensus in the blink of an eye.

The four of them left the spacecraft together and came down to the place where Bu Lichen had "captured" the alien.

"That's it."

It's clear without emphasizing. After all, the big hole formed by the alien breaking through the earth is still there.

At the moment of landing, Zhang Shenqiang's spiritual power had filled the big hole and found a wide underground passage.

That's the channel dug out by the alien.

Just by looking at the color of its body surface, you can know that the direction of the alien evolution/alization is under the ground, and that channel is its mouse hole.

Sure enough, the passage quickly splits, connected and crisscrossed, like a maze under the ground, which is complex enough to drive the most senior explorers crazy.

Unfortunately, it is far from enough for Zhang Shen.

After eliminating the dead end in the dazzling channel, the rest points in one direction.

"This way! Come with me!"

Zhang Shen trotted all the way and quickly came to a place.

This is a valley in the mountains. There are no tall trees. They are filled with various shrubs and weeds. A mountain flows through it, and the stream is very clear.

Zhang finally saw a little hope. How could he manage so much? The dragon vein alchemy was launched immediately, and the plants in the small valley were brutally swept away, revealing black fertile soil.

"Sister Lichen, I feel that I have returned to no success this time." The onlookers were clear, and the three women began to mutter.

"It's rare for him to be so excited. It seems that he has been under too much pressure recently." Li Ji was a little worried, "I'm a little worried that he can't accept this fact."

Bu Lichen sighed gently: "He hid a lot of things from us and silently took care of it. It has always been like this, and now, we can only trust him.

The three women's muttering did not avoid it, although Zhang Shen could also hear it in a low voice.

In fact, not long after "digging", he has been aware of it.

Sure enough, he turned the valley upside down and got nothing.

Instead, the alien mobile channel was dug out.

The passage leads directly to the mountain, which looks very deep.

"I don't believe it. Even if I can't dig an underground cave, I will dig you out!"