Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 87: Plan

Chapter 87: Plan

In an indescribable wonderful space, the black lakes and strange trees that Zhang Shen had seen in the underground world exist here.

When the rune of "reason" seized the control of Zhang Shen's body and swallowed the black matter in his heart in the depths of his mother's nest, the turbulent lake expression suddenly rippled and intensified, turning into stormy waves, but it was difficult to break free from the shackles of the shore of the lake and could only roar and roar in vain.

The strange tree also made a movement.

A branch broke and fell into the lake with the humanoid fruit hanging on the branch. It was swallowed up by the black lake water, emitting a series of bubbles, purring, as if the drowning person was dying.

A flaw suddenly appeared on the perfect shore of the lake!

The huge waves rolled over and slapped on the gaps. Two forces beyond the scope of understanding confronted and competed. The shore of the lake was defeated by one move due to its own shortcomings!

The recovery speed of the lake shore is extremely fast, and the leakage is repaired in the blink of an eye, but it is still too late. A wave roared through the obstacles and reached outside the shore of the lake without restraint.

The waves out of the cage rushed into the void and disappeared. In the rear, the lake has calmed down again, and so has the shore of the lake, just like the countless years before, and the two are not offending.

The black waves that rushed out of the wonderful space appeared in the space where the earth was located, and then "melted" into this space in a mysterious way. If Zhang Shen incarnates the dragon vein again and observes the earth from the perspective of the dragon vein, he will find that its surface is covered with a faint and almost non-existent black veil.

Some kind of change came quietly and enveloped the world.

Zhang used dragon vein alchemy to kill all directions in the eyes of fear, awe and worship of saber-toothed tigers and others, slaughtered sea beasts that launched attacks in large quantities. Every time he took action, tens of thousands of creatures died at his hands, directly ashes and disappeared and returned to heaven and earth.

Suddenly, the familiar sense of weakness invaded and circulated all over his body, making Zhang Shen's feet soft, and the surrounding flames lost control. He failed to directly burn the sea beast to ashes, leaving scorched black debris on the ground.

"Here we go again." Zhang Shen looked at the sky speechlessly, and his hands moved faster. A new wave of attacks brewed and took shape. The out-of-control flames returned to control, turned into countless fire snakes, quickly swam around and spread, entangling a sea beast and burning it to ashes.

After giving the abyss cannibal flower to Bu Lichen, there is no more energy on the practice side in his body. There is nothing he can do about that mysterious "curse" than to make his limbs weak.

However, the angry or helpless voice of the three women in the team communication made him afraid to regard this as something that had nothing to do with him.

"Are you all right?" Zhang Shen rubbed the tip of his nose with a wry smile, and his heart was full of helplessness.

Humph! This is Li Ji's voice, and a gloomy face automatically appeared in Zhang Shen's mind.

"It's so close that I almost fell." Li Jing spit out his tongue and was still full of vitality.

"It's not big, and it can withstand it." Bu Lichen thought hard about how to crack it, "It's not the way to go on like this!"

Zhang Shen took a look at the much cleaner sea and said, "I've almost cleaned it up here. Do you need help, sister?" Bu Lichen and Li Jing both have large-scale attack methods, and Li Ji's attack range of Qinghuo is larger. In the face of this number of miscellaneous fish enemies, it is estimated that it is also difficult.

With a positive reply from Li Ji, Zhang Shen went to her place and started killing again.

Just as the four people vented their powerless depression on the invading seafood, the three Baiyuan met somewhere outside the territory of the United States.

Nearly 100 guards, including nine "spirit" realms, were killed in a row. The three were in a good mood, and most of the psychological shadows brought by the death of the demons dissipated. Even a faint smile appeared on the faces of the horned beasts that had been sticking to death because of the "disfigurement".

"Teach them a lesson and let them know that we are not easy to mess with."

"But then again, although the tentacle monster is disgusting and perverted, and its strength is not weak, how did it die?"

The three looked at each other and were speechless for a moment. They know the ability of demons very well. No matter how the other party can kill demons, it shows that they also have the ability to kill themselves!

A little bit of murder is condensed in their eyes.

"This lesson is not enough!"

"Dead shemale, how long can your poison survive?" The horned beast narrowed its eyes, and a sinister light flashed, "I can let my little cuties transport your poison to the human city, let human beings die in large numbers, and weaken the power of those bastards to the lowest!"

Baiyuan was attracted by the plan of the horned beast. He didn't care about the latter's name. While playing with the hair in his ear while thinking about the possibility, he raised his eyebrows proudly: "No problem!"

Immediately, the two began to discuss the specific implementation steps enthusiastically, and a vicious plan that can eliminate more than half of human beings in one fell swoop gradually took shape.

"Wait!" The tailor suddenly made a sound. When the two discussed, he just listened quietly, with a strange smile on his wrinkled face.

"I have a better plan..."

Without the interference of Baiyuan, the biological wave of launching an attack on the United States was not a big deal to the defenders. It was soon wiped out, and a huge crisis disappeared.

The "reputation" of defenders in the United States has undoubtedly risen to the level of "respect".

With the joy of the League of Legends and senior officials of the U.S. military and political circles, various banquets were held to celebrate, and a scene of singing and dancing.

In contrast, the guard's side is shrouded in misforation.

Retiring the biological tide is nothing at all. The loss of the "spiritual" realm, the death of dozens of other defenders, and the defense loopholes revealed in this offensive and defensive battle are the real trouble.

The warning + defense boundary that is regarded as "universal" by everyone is actually ineffective against the poison of traitors?! What a nightmare!

This time they just sprinkled poison on a few cities. What about next time? What about next time?!

As long as we can't find a way to deal with it, we can only passively carry out extremely inefficient defense, just like boiling frogs in warm water. One day they will lose the power to jump out of the basin and be burned alive!

When the senior officials in the United States celebrated each other, the guards gathered together through the virtual network to brainstorm and rack their brains to think about all possible and effective ways to deal with it.

However, after removing several methods that cannot be promoted with personal characteristics, after thinking about it for several days, we have to admit that we really can't find an effective method!

In desperation, everyone had to add what they thought could be useful on the basis of the original "universal" boundary.

For example, in the area responsible for soundlessness, suddenly there are a large number of green onions; Pang took a lot of painstaking effort and time to cover a thin layer of "friction" force field like cicada yarn over the area he was responsible for, and monitored all the "foreign objects" entering the area in real time.

Wind, rain, thunder, lightning, fog, snow and hail, these things naturally belong to "foreign objects"... This method is obviously a helpless stupid method, time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the effect is still unknown.

As for this area centered on Hua * Sheng * Dun, under the influence of the power of Bu Li Chen Hua Huang, it has become a huge garden - countless flowers, either precious or ordinary, no matter how long their flowering period is, they bloom in a day, and the fragrance spreads thousands of miles. Although there are all kinds of strange things, it makes this place The residents were relaxed and happy, full of joy and showed a rare smile.

In addition, with the assistance of Zhang Shenlong's vein alchemy, Li Jing arranged a super-large boundary covering the whole Hua*sheng*ton, which can warn and counterattack as soon as the "exotic energy" invades.

The vigorous "construction period" lasted for more than a week. Then, in the worried thoughts of the guards, the pointer of peace quietly turned for more than two months.

Most people are quietly relieved at the bottom of their hearts. Even those who have been vigilant and tense heartstrings have not been relaxed a lot.

After all, this is brought about by the real effect - during this period, the traitors tried to release all kinds of poisons, which were found and solved in time, causing no casualties, even the League of Legends and the senior management of the United States.

Perhaps feeling the relaxation of the defender, Baiyuan and the three began the "plan".

Wa*Hington. Seattle, the world-famous Parker fish market.

Two months ago, 90% of marine life was eliminated, including aquatic products in the Great Lakes region. The United States fell into a situation where there were no aquatic products to eat. It could only rely on previous pickles to survive. Fish and shrimp and other foods became high-end food like tea eggs, which only the upper class could enjoy.

Fortunately, everyone knows the plight of the United States. Although it is full of complaints, it has not caused any trouble - anyone who dares to carry out any demonstrations at this time is purely impatient.

This day, the spring of foodies has finally arrived!

A large number of sea fish entered the market, with a huge number, open supply, and Americans who faded out of their mouths were very excited. Early in the morning, they lined up at the gates of major fish markets and supermarkets, waiting for panic buying.

The Piike Fish Market is surrounded by water, and the team is thousands of meters with twists and turns.

The U.S. government did not lose faith. This time, the sea fish are indeed open and available in sufficient quantities. Every worried resident returned with a satisfied smile, and the bags and baskets were full of fish, shrimp, shellfish and crabs, large and small.

The whole United States is shrouded in the smell of fish.

As the "guardian god" of the earth, defenders naturally have a role. Military and political departments in various places sent the most precious and delicious sea fish to the guards' homes at the first time.

It's difficult to be affectionate, and with other considerations, even if you don't like fish or have been in the valley for many years, people still choose to accept it.

"It looks delicious~~" Zhang Shen pretended to be an unqualified foodie. How could he let it go and looked at the ingredients sent by Tony with burning eyes.

Bu Lichen shrugged his shoulders: "Don't look at me, I can only cook freshwater fish. I can't handle this kind of thing."

"I can only eat." Li Jing issued a declaration when Zhang Shen's eyes turned.

Six eyes fell on Li Ji.

"Why don't... I try?" Li Ji showed hesitation.

The corners of Zhang Shen's mouth twitched: "Or forget it."

"What do you mean by Zhang?"

[PS: "Hua*shengton" is a forbidden word, and I laughed]