Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 92: Maze 1

Chapter 92: Maze (1)

"What the hell is this?!!"

Zhang Shen looked around and frowned into a line.

As far as the eye can see, there are four passages to nowhere. Looking at the style, it feels like a castle secret road. It is cast by pieces of bluestone. Because it has been pale and black for a long time, under the dim yellow firelight of the walls on both sides, it reveals a gloomy ghost.

In his memory, the large army landed in the watershed area. As soon as he fell to the ground with the current, he saw a fantastic light flash. The next moment, he was already here, and there was no other creature except himself.

In this strange underground passage, the mental strength is greatly limited and can only be reluctantly released, and the reconnaissance is not as effective as the eyes. What makes him more alert is that the legendary "end world" in the channel can't feel the flow of vitality between heaven and earth at all!

"Lichen, A Jing and others... Don't do anything..." When Zhang Shen found this, he immediately thought of the three women of Li Jing. They were sealed more than half of their cultivation and could not be supplemented. They only relied on medicine and themselves to recover. Once there was a continuous battle, the consequences would be unimaginable!

On the contrary, although Zhang Shen's dragon vein alchemy has been abolished, there is also the refined alchemy and the gate of truth, especially the latter, which can be called an invincible killer in this strange space.

I'm going to find them!!

Zhang Shen decided to take the initiative to find the three missing women, took out a knife made of the emperor's iron-blood alloy and intended to leave marks on the wall and the ground. Unexpectedly, the marks were quickly disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye!

With a frown, his thumbs and forefinger were connected, and his palms pressed on the cold bluestone wall.

Alchemy, launch, analysis!

In perception, the bluestone structure is no different from the external stone, but there is an incomprehensible force flowing in it, and it is the latter that makes his idea of leaving marks come to nothing.

Zhang Shen, who was not given up, tried other methods to leave marks on the stone wall, but all failed.

Yes, since alchemy can have an effect on these masonry, is it...

Zhang Shen's eyes lit up, and his palms pressed against the stone wall to launch alchemy.

The surface of the bluestone slowly moved, like a rippled lake. Although it slowly but firmly changed to the shape that Zhang Shen thought. About a quarter of an hour later, a lifelike face brick sculpture appeared on the blue stone.

Zhang Shen let go of his hands, but saw that the face was flattened at a similar speed, as if the time was going back and irreversible.

Damn it, another means has been abolished.

gritted his teeth, and Zhang Shen, who had a general outline of this strange place, no longer wasted time, and casually found a direction and walked forward carefully.

There are no organs, no traps, no enemies, and no all kinds of messy ghosts... No common things related to secret paths that come to Zhang Shen's mind have appeared.

is just a monotonous repetition - channel, firelight, and extreme silence.

The alertness in Zhang Shen's eyes was gradually replaced by irritability: Is it a maze? Infinite maze? Let everyone gnaw their hearts in despair in infinite repetition and loneliness, and finally die crazy?!

"Ten minutes! Ten more minutes!! If so, I will...hum!" Zhang Shen didn't know how many times he looked down at time. Finally, he couldn't stand his irritability and gave himself an "ultimatum".

There is a fork in the way!!

A fork made Zhang Shen's eyes shine in an instant, as if the traveler in the desert saw a touch of green, and immediately accelerated his pace.

This is a secret passage that is no different from the previous passage, the same bluestone, the same yellow swaying firelight, and the same silence as death.

Zhang Shen's face was as heavy as water, frowned and thought for a moment, stepped into it, and continued to walk.

It didn't take long for him to hear the familiar footsteps!

Someone is there!

Zhang Shen is refreshed, and he is also secretly ready to take action at any time. After all, he doesn't know whether he is an enemy or a friend ahead.

This corridor is not linear and has a certain radian. Zhang Shen stood still and waited. Soon, a figure appeared in his sight.

It's not human!

Black skin, inch-long claws, blue-faced fangs, red eyes, a big horn, gently swaying crocodile-like tail, and a humanoid monster with a "classic" shape.

The monster seemed to be shocked when it saw Zhang Shen. Then a flame spewed out of its mouth and shot at Zhang Shen.

is not an opponent! From the moment the monster sprayed the fireball, Zhang Shen knew that his slender arms and legs had no strength to beat the other party, but with the cheater Gate of Truth, he was not scared at all.

In the mysterious light, the door of truth came, and the atmosphere of the surrounding space suddenly changed, as if it had changed the world!

The shape of the bluestone floor tiles around the monster suddenly changed, and dozens of cold-lit spikes shot out at an extremely fast speed, penetrating the monster's body, and the red blood splashed everywhere and dyed red.


The monster roared in despair, which seemed to hide more information, but Zhang Shen did not pay attention.

After dispelling the approaching fireball, Zhang Shen made sure that the monster was dead and walked slowly to it. He looked carefully for a while and recalled the details before and after the "encounter", and his heart gradually became suspicious.

However, when he planned to use alchemy on the monster, the latter disappeared in an instant.

suppressing his doubts, Zhang Shen continued to walk forward. Before long, a crossroads came into sight.

Is it abducted back?

Zhang Shen tightened his scalp and accelerated his pace to confirm his conjecture.


Suddenly, a roar, a monster that was basically the same as the monster killed by Zhang Shen flew out of the right corridor and danced with sharp claws, creating a path like the claw light of a sword, woven into a large net to put Zhang Shen into it.

Gate of Truth ยท Defense!

Zhang Shen did not take back the Gate of Truth and was suddenly attacked. His thoughts moved, and the blue stone on the ground burst out and condensed into a stone wall between him and the monster. The claws waved by the latter fell on the stone wall.

The stone wall is difficult to be fierce and smashed. However, with the help of the Gate of Truth, Zhang Shen is comparable to a high-level physical cultivation. He is like a wandering dragon and flashes aside. The fierce claw light falls on the ground, leaving deep crisscrossing. The ground is broken and the gravel collapses.

The monster was hit, rolled on the ground after landing, and his arms reached out to grab Zhang Shen's feet.

Zhang Shen kicked out and kicked the monster's right arm. He only heard a "kash". The latter's hand was broken and his right hand was almost 90 degrees bent to the side. The fierce pain made the monster's movements stagnate.

The monster was fierce and fierce. Despite the pain of being kicked off his arm, after his left hand stagnation, he grabbed it more fiercely, and the cold light flashed on his claws. If he was caught, there would definitely be five blood holes in Zhang Shen's leg.

Zhang Shen clenched his right fist, wrapped in a bear flame, and then punched the monster on the head. Its chin hit hard on the solid bluestone floor tiles, and there was the sound of broken bones and blood splashed everywhere.

If the flame is spiritual, it spread to the monster's whole body along Zhang Shen's fist. In an instant, the monster was wrapped in a fierce flame, and the unpleasant smell came out.

Roar~~! Roar~~!!

The monster rolled on the ground, but could not extinguish any flame, making a meaningless roar, resounding all around. For a moment, the space was filled with the echo of its roar.

Zhang Shen's expression changed slightly, and the roar suddenly gave him a bad feeling.

The inexplicable irritability gave him a sense of anger in his heart. His eyes stared, and the blue stone under the monster changed. A deep pit appeared. He buried it and covered it. The roar stopped abruptly. The strange death filled this space again.

There must be something neglected by me! Damn, what's wrong with you!!

Zhang Shen clenched his teeth and suddenly raised his eyebrows: "Grandpa won't play with you!"

After a sneer, he suddenly punched the stone wall beside him.

In the face of the pseudo-field power of remaking rules at the Gate of Truth, the mysterious stone wall was fragile like tender tofu. The moment when the fist fell, it collapsed and shattered, and a big hole appeared in front of Zhang Shen.

The other side of the hole is still a corridor!!

Ha ha... Zhang Shen smiled with an unclear smile, took a deep breath, silently became the legendary violent demolition worker, and destroyed all the stone walls in front of him with one punch and one kick. line...............

"Well, this road doesn't work. Should it be the last direction?" Li Jing also appeared at a crossroads. She marked the other three roads to the extreme - a dead end. At this moment, she was happy that she had found the right direction.

When she was about to return to the initial intersection, she saw a dark shadow passing by. What made her speechless was that the direction chosen by the shadow had been proved to be a dead end by her.

Li Jing couldn't help laughing, ran his spiritual power to hide his breath, hid in a corner and ambushed him, ready to subdue him when the shadow returned.

However, wait, wait, wait, wait until Li Jing is sleepy and still doesn't see anyone return.

Did the man slip away when I didn't pay attention?

Li Jing rubbed his black-and-white eyes and decided to have a look.


The place that should be a dead end is actually "through" and extends to the unknown like an ordinary corridor, which is a very big blow to Li Jing, and he can't help holding his head and moaning.

After struggling for a while, Li Jing, who had a deeper understanding of the secret road he was in, decided to go to the dark and proceed along the corridor with instantaneous steps as a way to catch up. Before long, a dead end appeared in front of her again...

A big cross appeared on his forehead. Li Jing took a deep breath and had no intention of turning around. He resolutely decided to smash the stone wall in front of him to see what was behind.

However, before she could do it, the sound of brick breaking came into her ear.


The stone wall collapsed in front of him, and a figure emerged in the diffuse smoke and dust.

The strong spiritual power quietly condenses and circulates between Li Jing's fingers, and the ghost magic is ready to go.

[PS: Everyone, if you see the news that a man in Hangzhou was molested by 12306 and died of a mental breakdown these days, it must be me]