Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 103: See you again?[ End of this volume]

Chapter 103: See you again? [ The end of this volume

What happened??!!

Zhang Shen's face was blank and his eyes were erratic.

In the dizzy brain, scattered memory fragments were turned out from the corner and pieced together a dilapidated picture.

Seeing that the wooden plate was "weak and bullied", he did not fight back. Driven by the idea of "going home" and the invisible deterrence of the mysterious black-robed man, the guards gradually became heavier, and their eyes looking at the wooden plate quietly became fierce.

Zhang Shen didn't remember how long he had been playing. He only remembered that the wooden plate was quite strong, and in the end it was torn to pieces or lasted for a long time.


The wooden plate is finally broken!


Ah, it hurts!!

Zhang Shen's face was full of pain, hissing his voice in his throat, clenched his fists with both hands, and pressed against his temples, intending to reduce some pain.

For a long time, the pain was slightly reduced. Zhang Shen gasped with sweat and his body trembled slightly.

What happened after that!

Zhang Shen gritted his teeth and did not want to try to recall again.

Bang! Bang!

The strange impact sound in the ear attracted Zhang Shen's attention.

"Ah, where is this?!!"

Zhang Shen couldn't help exclaiming, and a pair of eyes were about to stare out. He was really shocked by the scene.

As far as the eye can see, it is a boundless chaotic void. The void is full of violent airflows, and the powerful power of destruction is enough to frighten people at a glance.

The impact he heard just now was caused by a collision between a virtual storm and the boundary boundary boundary formed by the Gate of Truth.

"This is...the sea of void?!" Zhang Shen's face became extremely ugly, as if he had wiped the bottom of the pot, and it was gloomy and almost twisted out water.

"Is it the void in a certain universe or the void of the worlds that carry the endless plane world? I hope it's not the latter..." For a long time, Zhang Shen sighed and bravely accepted the reality that he was involved in the void. At this moment, his only wish is that the void he is in is only the void and gap inside a certain plane universe.

As for the truth, even the former void is endless. He is not familiar with this thing and can't be verified at all.

Void is mysterious. In short, it is a very troublesome thing.

If it is the void inside a cosmic plane, it can be understood as the sum of the boundless starry sky, space-time gaps, shadow worlds, etc. (if all, but generally only one or two of them); if it is the latter, void is a very clear concept.

If you compare the worlds to planets and islands, then the void is the basis of their "survival" - the starry sky and the ocean.

If Zhang Shen is in the previous void, when his cultivation is profound, there is still the possibility of "breaking the void" and "jumping out of the void". On the contrary, hehe.

No one can do this except the legendary gods!!

There is no cross-dimensional transmission array, connecting light column and other means in the guardian space at the beginning. No matter who you are, you have to walk over with your honest and practical feet!!

Spiritual state? The realm of law? Do you have special time travel skills? So what? At most, it's faster. It's just the difference between 11 and motorcycle!

Zhang Shen looked blankly at the rampant virtual airflow outside the boundary of the boundary, and suddenly realized that made him extremely desperate: According to the consistent urine nature of a certain eleven, it must be the void of the world that has not run away...

"Just drifting until I die of old age, hehe"

I don't know how long it took, Zhang Shen suddenly cried and broke his heart.


Time goes back, lens conversion.

Reverse space, deep in the Black Sea.

There are seven giant figures standing in the Black Sea.

They are like the legendary pioneering Pangu, with their heads and feet on the ground, towering and magnificent, which is hard to describe in human words.

The seven giants are protected by strange laws, and it is difficult for outsiders to see their true face, and they can only imagine their greatness in their hearts.

When the wooden plate in the center of the maze is completely smashed.

In the mysterious space, the waves in the black lake turbulent to the extreme, thrown high, and fell heavily with the power of destruction. The lake shore, which was extremely stable and could not be destroyed in the past, instantly cracked a huge gap!

The black lake has been bound for endless years. At this moment, it is finally free, pouring out of the gap crazily, into the chaotic void and disappearing.

The lake dried up completely.

The white skeleton is completely exposed in the air.

is not exactly human skeleton. Depending on its shape, there are more of all kinds of Asians, and occasionally there are bones suspected to be left by birds and beasts.

In a trance, there seemed to be a grand voice coming from the white bones.

Like cheering, sighing, mourning, roaring... Mr. Lin Lin, there are many.

The white bones seem to be exposed to the thin snow under the scorching sun, and begin to break, disintegrate and dissipate.

Not long after, a dark abyss that did not know where it spread and was immeasurable appeared, which was the previous lake.

The strange tree lost its supporting "land" and was crumbling until it collapsed.

It fell down and fell into the abyss.

In the process of falling, the extremely strange and discordant branch just stuck on the side wall of the abyss and did not fall down. It was in the middle, hanging in the air, emitting a faint green in the depths, like a cactus in the dead desert, trying its best to print a little green in the long yellow sand.

The center of the maze.

The moment the wooden plate was smashed, the black man's eyes lit up and he made an action for the first time!

His hands suddenly poked out, and his fingers were bent into claws, as if tore up the invisible barrier. A pair of palms went deep into the mysterious unknown place, clasped hard, and grabbed something.

What he has in his hand is the first free flowing black lake!

Cracks appeared on his palm, like a gluttonous mouth, crazily devouring the lake captured by the black-robed man.

In the blink of an eye, the water of a lake was swallowed up by him at least 30%.

The man in black licked his lips and was intoxicated.

Unfortunate, there is only one chance.

He squeaked his lips, and his face was full of pity.

Look at hundreds of guards such as Zhang Shen.

The wooden disk broke and the next second, everyone's nerves tightened, waiting for the upcoming change.

They - especially a group of people who have experienced space collapse, such as the ghost king, are like birds of the bow. No, they are the birds of the bow, who have fallen into the situation of wind, cranes, grass and trees.

The maze collapsed!

Blue sky, white clouds, sunshine, breeze.

Everything that no one usually cared about in the past became extremely precious, and everyone couldn't help taking a deep breath, almost greedy.

It seems...

A grand meal before the execution!

"Go!!" Zhang Shen and the four looked at each other, used their strength to eat milk, and ran away to the south.

Others also showed their magical power, used the means to press the bottom of the box, and fled crazily. At this moment, there is only one thought in their minds - escape! The farther you escape, the better!!

Although I have never dealt with it, hundreds of people present already know that I am not an opponent of black-robed people at all!!

Not to mention fighting alone, even if hundreds of people unite and cooperate tacitly, most of them are not his generals!!

This is no longer a battle that can be won by a number of stacks.

The black-robed man is the power of the "law" and the top strong among them!

Escaped crazily, suddenly, the light and darkness disappeared, and then fixed the eyes, but the world has changed.

Reverse the world!

The other side of the guardian space!!

Zhang Shen looked around, his scalp was numb, and a chill rose all the way from the tail vertebrae to the top of his head, and goose bumps swarmed out.

"Why, must, go, get, this, what, hurry"

With a strange tone, the man in black slowly appeared.

"Forget, from, I, Jie, Shao"

"er, etc., Mo, Wang, I, Zhi, Name"

The black robe slowly disappeared with strange words.


The last word fell, and the true face of "heaven" came into everyone's sight.


"Oh my God!!"

"God! It scares me to death!"

"Mom, you have a good time!!"

Zhang Shen shivered heavily and shivered all over.

Bu Lichen and Li Jing hugged his arm tightly, and even the black-hearted Li Ji quietly grabbed the corner of his clothes, and the three women coincidentally hid behind Zhang Shen.


With the scream of fear, there was also a burst of cold inhalation sound.

Medium height, neither long nor short hair, not handsome but not ugly ordinary facial features, neither strong nor weak breath... The person in front of him is obviously an ordinary man in all aspects.


At the first sight of him, there was only one thought in everyone's mind--

Dense fear!!!

Hundreds of people, most of whom have no obvious intensive phobia. However, that's normal.

The "heaven" that appears in front of everyone gives people the feeling that there are countless individuals smaller than ants. At first glance, it is just an ordinary man. At first glance, it is a dense black human figure!

That feeling, that sour...


It is also unique for a scorpion to "shock" the guards who are stronger than steel and purer than white jade.

"Heaven" seems to have seen more scenes in front of him, or he doesn't care at all and has no response.

The ghost king is worthy of being the ghost king. He bravely became the first bird and came forward to negotiate: "We can't threaten you at all. It won't do you to let us go. Why don's leave by ourselves."

"Yes, I, also, no, yes, good, no, no, yes,?" "God" pulled out a sarcastic smile.

The ghost king gritted his teeth: "I swear to Yuanling that I will never be against you again!!"

A stunned look fell on the ghost king.

Zhang Shen never thought that the famous ghost king would be so greedy and afraid of death.

However, as for contempt, Zhang Shen couldn't help but turn a similar idea in his mind.

As long as you can protect the three women of Bu Lichen, let alone swear, what's the harm in kneeling down and begging him?

"I'd like to swear too!"

"Me too!"

"Let us go!"



Mysterious space.

The bottomless abyss.

Suddenly, a strong airflow gushed out from the deeper part of the abyss, involved the strange trees across the air of the abyss into it.

click! Click!

The branches were broken and crushed one by one.

The moment before the ashes and smoke disappeared, despair appeared on the face of the doll that seemed to be contaminated with ginseng fruit.


The rage flow is endless, and the strange tree lost all its branches and fruits. Finally, it couldn't support it, fell into the abyss and was torn apart by the gale.

The "sky" eyes burst into light!

At the top of the head, deep in the Black Sea, seven colossus roared.

The huge waves were so huge that one of the heads actually "exposed" the sea.

Everyone looked up.

Zhang Shen's eyes are round, his pupils are condensing, and he screams:

"Ouyang Apocalypse!!!"