Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 6: Prometheus' Rejection

Chapter 6: Prometheus' Rejection

After all, when he first arrived, Zhang Shen was a little careless. He didn't know that the ruthlessness of gods such as Zeus was not a case, but inherited from the first and second generations of Titans.

Fortunately, Prometheus was an alien of gods, "rich in feelings", more like a legendary saint, with pity for the unwise human beings, so he personally stole the fire and taught them to use fire.

It was such a Prometheus that changed his color when he saw the bones taken out by Zhang Shen, and the first time he thought of his younger brother Menotius, whom he had not seen for many years.

"Young man, tell me your identity and explain your intention. What do you want and what can you bring out?" Prometheus was extraordinary in wisdom. He changed his mind a few times, cleared up and said.

I really didn't find the wrong person! Zhang Shen must say in his heart, "You can call me the agent of truth, Zhang Shen. My intention is very simple. It can release you and even help you save other imprisoned Titans."

"As for my purpose? Message!" Under the doubtful gaze of Prometheus, Zhang Shen said, "All the ancient information about the world. The origin and evolution of this world, some secrets that only exist in ancient times, various unsolved mysteries... and so on.

After a moment of silence, Prometheus' thick eyebrows wrinkled together: "Your Excellency, what is the purpose of your pursuit of this dusty information in the dust of history?" He confirmed his memory and there seemed to be nothing very special. Is it some kind of conspiracy?

Zhang San shook his head: "I'm not interested in explaining too much. I can only say it's personal interest. If you agree, I will fulfill my promise to help you save other Titans, otherwise... Well, even if not, I will save you. After all, your act of stealing fire is very helpful to us human beings, even if it is to repay kindness. Zhang Shen intends to "legalize" his identity and shape a part of the cost world.

No one knows - even most of the gods - when Zeus wanted to arrest and punish Prometheus, the latter did not resist!

He is not stupid, knowing that this is Zeus removing the first and second generations of Titans (strictly speaking, Zeus Poseidon all belong to the Titans, but for convenience, he took them out of this sequence) and liquidated afterwards. At that time, not long after the Titan War, Zeus and other gods were greatly injured. This kind of behavior was really a little too impatient. At that time, if Prometheus and other Titans who defected to Zeus' side would have resisted by force, it would have been another big war, and the outcome of life or death may not be known.

But Prometheus chose to give up resistance for the sake of "peace" in his heart!

This shows his aversion to chaos, turmoil and war.

He doubted Zhang Shen's motives. It is believed that the latter's pursuit of ancient secrets will certainly set off a new wave of turmoil, which will eventually lead to chaos in the three worlds of hell in the divine world and the loss of life.

Whether he is too big or too vigilant, with this idea, he is doomed to fail.

"Sorry, agent, please leave." After thinking for a long time, Prometheus shook his head seriously and rejected Zhang Shen's proposal. "You don't have to let me down. That's it. Thank you for killing the eagle so that I can rest for a few days."

Zhang Shen keenly felt a trace of Prometheus' hostility to him and asked, "Why?! You seem to be hostile to me. I really can't understand.

Breaked by Zhang Shen on the spot, Prometheus was as calm as water: "There is no reason. Probably I'm used to it."

"Damn it, are you shaking M?!" Before Zhang Shen's words were spoken, he suddenly found something interesting, and his expression became strange.

Prometheus thought it was the messenger sent by Zeus to check the situation: "You'd better go quickly. There is still time to leave now. They are many people. Even if the agent is superior in strength, you will still suffer after all."

Zhang Shen smiled and did not respond, but stood quietly and waited. Prometheus was not a chater. Seeing that the former did not answer, he didn't say anything more. For a moment, there was only the sound of wind at the peak.

It wasn't long before the figure came into the sight of the two.

"Why are you here?" Kratos's mouth was so open that he could stuff an ostrich egg and open his voice. Fortunately, this was at the peak of no one, otherwise it would not be known to everyone.

It's not easy to climb up from hell to the big bald Kratos!

He came here exactly after hearing Gaia's idea. The latter was worried that he was not strong enough to go directly to the three goddesses of fate and just gave away his head, so he asked him to go to the soulless desert to find Prometheus first. As the mother of the earth and the mother of all the Titans (the relationship is so chaotic that she can't look directly, she can directly shoot the rhythm of the film). She pays great attention to Prometheus, an "alerratic" and understands the latter's wisdom, strength and heart.

She can almost conclude that as long as she sacrifices brotherhood and ethnic righteousness, she can let Prometheus submit, obediently go down the mountain with Kratos, help the latter regain strength and even become stronger, and prepare for the three goddesses of fate to "borrow" the mirror of fate.

You should know that the three goddesses of fate have such artifacts as the mirror of fate, but they were not taken down by the greedy and shameless Olympian gods. Obviously, it could not be a vase, but with real materials.

Let alone the combat effectiveness of the three goddesses themselves, but Medusa, the gatekeeper under their command, is enough to make most of the gods return.

However, she never thought of such a spoiler as Zhang Shen!

"...So, Gaia hopes you can help." Kratos told Prometheus every word that Gaia taught him, and then waited for the latter's answer.

Zhang entered the theater mode and watched coldly.

"Sorry, I can't help you." Prometheus's answer surprised Kratos. No, why didn't this guy play the cards according to common sense? Gaia clearly promised that Prometheus would agree as soon as possible.

"Is it because of these chains?" Kratos suddenly realized, "Haha, don't worry, let me cut it off!" It should be said that Master Kui deserves to be the protagonist and immediately got a new weapon. It is also a double knife, and its appearance is more ferocious than Athena's blade, but there is no long chain connection and it is separate.

With that, Kratos pulled out his knife and began to draw at the chain on Prometheus. The latter understood his character and smiled helplessly: "It's not like that, but I really can't help you."

"I have my own difficulties, and I can't and don't want to leave here. I'm really sorry, I can't help.

Kratos has an arrogant heart under his rough appearance. The reason why he came to Prometheus was purely because Gaia saved his life and chose to obey her. In his opinion, he doesn't need anyone to help him take down the three goddesses of fate. Now that Prometheus refuses to go down the mountain, he just needs to get his mind.

"In this case, I won't force it. Goodbye." Kratos withdrew his knives, grinned with a big white tooth and waved to Prometheus, turned around and left.

"Hey, Zhang~~can?! I remember that the last fight hasn't been finished yet. Are you interested in another fight?

Zhang Shen glanced at Prometheus, where the old god was there, snorted unpleasantly in his heart, and nodded to the warlike Kratos: "Let's go down first and talk about it. Don't disturb Mr. Dou M's self-entertainment."

Although I don't know what shaking M means, it's definitely not a good word. Prometheus pretended not to hear Zhang's prickly ridiculsion, and an inexplicable light flashed in Kratos' eyes, and a meaningless smile appeared on his face, which flashed away.

This unfinished fight did not start, but the topic of the two intentionally or unintentionally shifted to the purpose of coming here.

Kratos took the lead in opening his mouth and told everything, without any concealing it, and he looked extremely naive at all.

Zhang Shen will naturally not be stupid enough to have such an idea. In fact, Kratos is the reason why he is not on the side of Zeus, and on the other hand, he wants to pull this inexplicable combative guy into his group.

Zhang Shen probably guessed his idea, did not say anything, and also said his purpose openly.

Do you want to pull me in? Yes, as long as you can afford the "price"!

Kratos scratched his big bald head: "Your interest is unique... I don't understand at all."

Even if he used to be one of the twelve main gods, after all, he has lived for so many years - Zhang Shen is older than him - and he has no idea about the information of the ancient era pursued by Zhang Shen.

"Next, I plan to find the three goddesses of fate. They have a mirror called the 'mirror of fate' and have the strange power to travel through time and space. Maybe you can get the answer you want."

Well... In the face of the invitation handed by Kratos, Zhang San thought for a moment and nodded: "Yes! There are no clues left and right. It's okay to have a look.

The bones of the high-looking Menotius became a waste, and it's better not to go to contact other Titans without entry points. Zhang Shen thought about it and wanted to go with him. Even if it didn't work, he should be distracted.

After receiving a "little brother", Kratos was very happy. After leaving the lost desert, he hunted a beast whose name was not known but had the size of a blue whale, and boasted his cooking skills to Zhang Shen.

A few hours later.

Zhang Shen looked at the large pot of broth in front of him that was enough to fill more than half of the water tank and the barbecue on the shelf, rubbed his temples heavily, and confirmed with difficulty: "Are you sure this is your famous cooking skills of the whole Spartans?"

"Of course!" Kratos patted his chest and tore off a large piece of flesh that was still dripping blood. "I'm the soul of Sparta, and my cooking skills are naturally the strongest!"

"In those years..." Kratos's loud voice suddenly disappeared, and a trace of loneliness appeared on his face. "Unfortunately, I can't go back~~"

A sentence of "can't go back" resonated with Zhang Shen, and the atmosphere became gloomy for a while.

However, what Kratos did not expect was that the nightmare would come so quickly.