Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 06 is an opportunity and a challenge!

"But do you think the master will leave such a big loophole for us?" Lin Xiao said coldly, "The emergence of mutant zombie type 1 is by no means accidental. Over time, there will definitely be more and more such zombies! And there are also unknown type 2 zombies and higher-level zombies. If we really dare to control the protagonist to score, in the end, it is definitely a very horrible mutant zombie waiting for us!"

"Qin Yan, take you as an example, if you can win in a minute in the face of a mutant zombie, what if you face 2, 3 or even more? Are you sure that you can go in and out and retreat like Zhao Zilong?

Qin Yan was silent that although she strengthened her body, she was not a superman. She could win completely in the face of a mutant zombie, and it was no problem to face two heads, but there was no chance for 3 heads, 4 heads or even more.

"Hun, fortunately we didn't change the plot of Jerusalem." Zhang Ming patted his chest, "If the zombies hadn't broken the city wall at that time, wouldn't the plot have been slowed down a lot, and more mutant zombies would have met at that time."

"That makes sense," Lao Huang patted his forehead, "I really haven't thought of so many things."

"Hmm," Qin Yujie snorted and turned her head, but the ice on her face seemed to melt a little.

As for Feng Xiaoxi, he has been silently following Lin Xiao, quiet like a cat, but from time to time he raises his head and looks at Lin Xiao with big black and white eyes. When Lin Xiao came, he turned his head like a frightened rabbit, which was extremely cute.

"Well, the hidden dangers on the plane have been eliminated. Next, we can complete the task as soon as possible.

"Who said we had to complete the task immediately?" Lin Xiao asked lazily.

Everyone was stunned.

Qin Yujie snorted coldly: "If you finish saying anything, you will die!!"

"That is, according to your analysis just now, the longer we delay, the more dangerous it will be. Why don't you leave early?" Zhang Ming asked.

"Ah, this is the grasp of 'degree'." Lin Xiao curled her lips and said, "The master restricts our unlimited brushing points, but it doesn't mean that we must not brush points."

Everyone's eyes immediately lit up and swallowed their foam. Lao Huang whispered, "You mean...?"

Lin Xiao shrugged his shoulders and said, "Don't you understand? The mutation of zombies also takes time. It is impossible for the master to evolve all zombies into variants immediately, and more ordinary zombies. In this process, I estimate that it will take two or three days anyway, that is to say, in these two or three days, we can control the protagonist and then start to score big.

"However, the master stipulates that we can't cause any harm to the protagonist," Zhang Ming looked puzzled: "This guy is not a trouble-saving master at first glance. He runs around. We can only follow and protect him safely. How can we have time to hunt zombies?"

"Oh, this question can be simply corrected." Lin Xiao said and got up and walked to a white teenager not far away. After lowering his head and saying something, the white young man nodded, then walked to the anxiousge li and slapped him fiercely!

This slap was extremely heavy, and the corners of Gree's mouth were drawn with blood. In consternation, the white young man suddenly scolded: "I warn you, you gay! Stop staring at my woman's thigh!! Otherwise, I want you to look good!"

Gri was stunned and was about to lose his temper, but Lin Xiao had already jumped out of the corner and dragged the white young man back: "You boy, you are so bold that even my boss dares to fight. It seems that you won't be honest..."

Gri made a reassuring gesture, and Lin Xiao and the white youth disappeared in another cabin. A minute later, Lin Xiao came back with a leisurely face, sat opposite the crowd, and then said indifferently:

"OK, the guess has been confirmed - the master did not deduct my points."

Everyone: "Damn!!"

The white youth attacked Grieg under Lin Xiao's attack, and his mouth was bleeding, which obviously caused damage. But the master did not give a hint to deduct points, so Lin Xiao's conjecture was confirmed - except for the adventurer, other plot characters hurt the protagonist, and even if they were instigated by the adventurer, they would not judge the adventurer to foul!

After confirming this, everyone's mind became active. You can't hurt the protagonist. No problem. Other people can do it. As long as you hire a few people, inject anesthetics into the protagonist when he is not paying attention, and keep the protagonist dizzy for two or three days. And this period of time is time for everyone to hunt zombies.

Thinking of this, everyone stared at Lin Xiao with monster-like eyes. This boy is really a BT. How can he think of such a way...

The hidden dangers on the plane have been eliminated, and everyone has relaxed a little. Soon after, the protagonist took the group destroyer "Big Brother" and walked to the captain's room. According to the plot, the plane was about to land at Cardiff Airport in Wales.

The voice of the stewardess sounded on the radio: "Passengers, we are about to sail to Cardiff Airport in Wales. There are still three hours along the way. Please stay in order..."

It didn't take long for this girl to fall asleep. Her body curled up together, her head gently leaned against Lin Xiao's shoulder, and a trace of crystal silk thread flowed out of the corners of her mouth, and she still hung a simple smile, which made people couldn't help loving pity.

Lin Xiao hesitated for a moment, and finally did not wake up the girl and let the girl lean on like this. Time passed slowly, and three hours of blinking. Because Lin Xiao's group had eliminated the hidden dangers on the plane, the scene of the plane crash in the plot did not happen, and a group of people landed safely at Cardiff Airport in Wales.

Gri's eyes were still a little sleepy. As soon as he got off the plane with the flow of people, his neck suddenly tingled. He looked back and saw a black young man in a hat staring at himself nervously. Before he could speak, a violent sense of dizziness came, and then he fell to the ground with a "poof".

Lao Huang carried Gerry without saying anything, and the group rushed to a Hummer parked not far away. After the violent unlocking, the Hummer roared and went away.

Cardiff Airport in Wales is under closed management. People have been evacuated since the beginning of the outbreak, so there are almost no zombies along the way, only discarded cars.

After leaving the airport, you can see the dilapidated city. Obviously, the city has also been occupied by zombies.

The Hummer is too windy and easy to attract the attention of zombies. Everyone dares not make too much publicity. After all, they are surrounded by a large group of zombies and can't escape. Lao Huang simply carried the grid, and the group ran on the road. I quickly found a five-star hotel next to the airport.

found a presidential suite and threw Gerry in **, and everyone finally took a breath.

After wiping the sweat on his forehead, Lao Huang laughed and said, "This anesthetic can make Gerry unconscious for two days!" These two days are the day we hunt zombies!"

"Well, but Gerry can't help protecting it." Lin Xiao nodded, "Just in case, Lao Huang and Qin Yan should leave at least one personal bodyguard at the same time, so that everyone can rest assured."

"That's it." The two nodded. Gerry is the target of the mission and must not be attacked by zombies. Otherwise, everyone will have to finish it. It is understandable to be protected by two veterans who have passed two horror films.

"In this way, everyone takes turns to hunt zombies. As for the way, you can choose teamwork or hunt alone. But every six hours, everyone has to rotate here.

"It's fair." Everyone nodded together.

"So... Let's start the hunting plan!"