Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 08 Crazy Score! 1

Feng Xiaoxi was stunned and suddenly sneered: "Hee hee, you won't."

The girl's smile bloomed like a flower, which made Lin Xiao stunned: "How dare you be so sure?"

"Because... You are a good person." The girl's face rarely showed a delicate look.

Lin Xiao: "..."

Are you a good person? A drop of cold sweat appeared on Lin Xiao's head. I'm definitely not a good person, but the feeling of being sent a good person card... It's really hard to say.

"Well, you are a good man!" The girl nodded very seriously: "When trading in the market, you helped me see through my uncle's scam. When I fled, you saved me again."

Lin Xiao shook his head: "It's just a casual effort."

"No, I know, I know!" Feng Xiaoxi looked at Lin Xiao stubbornly: "At that time, everyone was busy with themselves. Even Lao Huang and the others couldn't help me. I thought I was dead. Looking back, I saw you standing by half of the collapsed wall with blood on your hands... At that time, it must have hurt a lot, right?

"Well, let's not discuss this issue for the time being." Lin Xiao's heart is difficult to understand. It's really strange to be unconditionally trusted by a girl.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Xiao's face was solemn, and then said, "Since you choose to follow me, you can do whatever I ask you to do. Don't have any doubts! Even if I let you die, you have to execute it!"

Feng Xiaoxi nodded without hesitation: "I'll listen to you."

In four simple words, Lin Xiao clearly heard the girl's trust and determination.

No more nonsense, Lin Xiao took Feng Xiaoxi and quickly climbed to a nearby house. After blowing up the two zombies, Lin Xiao shot at the downstairs, and the car downstairs suddenly sounded a harsh siren.

The sharp voice spread in the dark and cold night sky, and a series of roars suddenly sounded in the darkness, and a head of zombies rushed here.

"Now use your shooting in the wind and the arrow of the storm."

Feng Xiaoxi did not hesitate. He bent his bow and pulled the string, and the light blue energy arrows gathered at his fingertips, and then Tiannu scattered flowers and shot at the zombies who were destroying the car.


The light arrow cut through the night sky and fell into the zombies. Three zombies were directly blown up in the head, and several were shot on the body, and the fried meat flew around, but did not cause fatal injuries.

"Two questions, first, can you control these light arrows to attack different targets?"

"I can't." The girl shook her head: "But I feel that if you exercise more, you should be able to control them in one direction at the moment of shooting the light arrow."

"Well, try your target again."

The wind pulled away the bow string, and a one-meter-long and short cyan light arrow slowly condensed, and an arrow shot out, which immediately penetrated the heads of several zombies, and exploded into a fine wind blade in the center, flying the flesh and blood cut by the zombies.

Lin Xiao nodded and said in a low voice, "Okay, solve the zombies below as soon as possible, and then leave here. The explosion of fire and noise may attract more zombies."

The two shot quickly, and the light arrows and bullets flew together, blowing up the head of a zombie, and quickly harvested a zombie on the ground. No one got nearly 100 points.

glanced at the zombies in the distance, Lin Xiao said without hesitation, "Withdraw!"

The two ran down the stairs and flew here. Don't ask for merit but no wrong. If you are surrounded by zombies, it's not a joke.

Turning around a convenience store on the corner, Lin Xiao held a map in his hand. After looking at it for a moment, he quietly crossed two streets with Feng Xiaoxi and came to the outside of a small gas station.

"Well, it's too slow to kill one head. Let's play some big ones." Lin Xiao narrowed her eyes and blew the "black boss" in the store. Lin Xiao ordered Feng Xiaoxi to move out all the gasoline in the room. He pushed the cars scattered on the road one by one.

Ten minutes later, more than a dozen cars had gathered next to the gasoline station.

nodded, Lin Xiao took out the fresh meat she had just taken out of the convenience store, and then broadcasted the car's stereo one by one. The deafening music suddenly cut through the sky. Rock, jazz, blues, vocal music, mixed together, rolling around and spreading around.


The harsh roar suddenly sounded in the night sky, and an aimless wandering zombie rushed here stimulated by music.

Lin Xiao pulled the wind and quickly hid on the rooftop of the opposite building. He watched the zombies below pouring in from all directions like tide, quickly gathering in groups like ants, and then roaring irritablely.

"shoot!" Lin Xiao ordered.

Feng Xiaoxi hesitated for a moment and asked in a low voice, "But..."

"Let you shoot!" Lin Xiao frowned and was so scared that the girl did not dare to speak. She bit her lips and pulled the bow string, and a light arrow shot at the gas station not far away.


The fire rose to the sky, and the explosion triggered a chain reaction. Cars were blown into pieces. What's more pitiful was the zombies. Before they could understand what was going on, they were swallowed up by the blazing flames and howled into coke.

Feng Xiaoxi blushed, clenched her fist excitedly, and the master's prompt sound sounded crazily in his ear.

How's it going? Zombies killed by this method will also give points, right?

"Hmm! There are points, and there are a lot of points!"

The explosion and fire raged, and Lin Xiao lay on the rooftop, as if they were watching a Hollywood blockbuster without any tension at all.

Cars, gas stations, and Lin Xiao sprinkled gasoline on the ground, and the chain reaction turned them into a sea of fire within 50 meters. A zombie fell down, and the points were rising rapidly.

Three minutes later, the wailing zombies gradually disappeared, and the zombies who narrowly escaped the disaster have long been far away from here.

He clenched his little fist excitedly, and Feng Xiaoxi's face turned red: "Lin Xiao, I... I got a full 2075 points!"

"Well, the harvest is not bad. It's not in vain for me to spend half an hour setting up traps." Lin Xiao was not moved by this point at all. Because he knows that he can get more points next.

The next step is the rhythm of scoring crazily. Lin Xiao quickly marked the nearby gas station against the map, and then the two set traps to attract zombies, another violent explosion.

The explosion of each flame represents soaring points, which makes Feng Xiaoxi excited.

In the six-hour world, two people detonated eight gas stations, and pieces of zombies were blown into the sky. In the last calculation, Lin Xiao and Feng Xiaoxi, no one has won more than 8,000 points!!

8000 points! But the price paid is negligible! The little girl's excited face turned red!

Six hours passed quickly, and the agreed time was approaching. Lin Xiao decisively gave up and sneaked away to the hotel with the little girl.