Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 02 Battle of the Mummy 2

The white light flashed in front of him. After waking up, the four people suddenly appeared in a huge corner of the square. The square is full of voices and bustling. Most of the men wear white robes and women wear gorgeous skirts, with deep blue pupils and full of exoticism.

In addition to Lin Xiao and the four, there are more than a dozen adventurers, either standing or sitting silently, waiting for the master to release the task.

It didn't take long for the mastery to sound:

"Mission scene: Ghost Legend 1 Mummy Battle."

"The main task is to protect O'Connor, Eve and Jonathan from death, and bury the immortality and sacrifice to Imerson. 1000 points will be deducted for each death, and if all three people die, the task will fail. At the final settlement, those who do not have enough points will be erased.

"This mission mode is free mode. Adventurers can attack each other. After killing hostile adventurers, they can get bloody keys and open bloody treasure chests."

"In this mission scenario, weapons of mass destruction cannot be used, and weapons that are more than 50 years old in current technology cannot be used."

The tips of the master are as simple as ever, and hidden tasks, side plots and other things are not mentioned at all. It all depends on the adventurers to discover by themselves, and the means are extremely bad. And it is always plausible to encourage adventurers to kill each other.

After hearing that it was a free mode, the adventurers were suddenly wary of each other. After hearing about the restrictions on weapons and future weapons, several adventurers immediately jumped up and scolded. Obviously, he is a strengthening person who takes the scientific and technological route. Under the restrictions of dominance, his strength has plummeted by most of them.

Lin Xiao sat lazily on the ground, ignored the vigilance of others, and began to seriously think about the plot of the task.

Legend of ghosts...

When the story was born in 1290 BC, there was an adultery between the Egyptian sacrifice Imutton and Pharaoh's beloved concubine Ansuna. When the two sides committed adultery, they were inadvertently bumped into Pharaoh Seti I. Imutton and Ansuna immediately killed the Pharaoh together, and then Ansuna was forced to kill the Pharaoh's guards.

In order to save his lover, Imudon took a risk to steal Ansuna's body from the tomb and entered the tombs and accumulated treasures of the pharaohs. Hamnata, the capital of the dead, he took out the holy book of death, the Black Bible of the Dead, and then separated Ansuna's internal organs. Placed in five holy bottles, and then used the mysterious spells on the Black Dead Bible to summon Ansuna's soul from the hell. Seeing that the ceremony was about to be completed successfully, the pharaoh's bodyguards broke in and interrupted the ceremony, and Ansuna's soul was forced to return to the hell.

Imoton and his monks were severely punished by the guards. The monks were made into mummies alive, while Imoton was punished for killing the pharaoh and disturbing the tranquility of the dead. He was betrayed by the worst punishment in Egyptian history. He worms, cut off his tongue and wrapped his whole body in mummies. Then the beetles that were put alive in the iron coffin and poured human flesh into the coffin, the Egyptian beetle, let these beetles slowly devour Imorton, so that he could still feel that his body was slowly being eaten when he died, which was a desperate fear like deep in hell. Because this punishment is really too vicious, and it is said that the person who received this punishment will turn into a monster that destroys Egypt as long as he returns from hell again!

"...This is basically the story of the legend of ghosts, which was thousands of years ago. Until three years ago, that is, 1923, a group of soldiers accidentally found the legendary city, Hamnata, the capital of the dead, because there were pharaohs hidden there. Wang's treasure, so this group of soldiers tried to open the tomb there, but when they opened the tomb, they were attacked by the descendants of the pharaoh's guards. Judging from the movie, it seems that only two people escaped from the attack. One is naturally the hero of the movie, Oconno, and the other is the villain in the movie. Ni, finally swallowed up by countless sacred beetles.

This is the general back/view of the legend of ghosts. The next plot is that the heroine Eve went with O'Connor to excavate the capital of the dead for archaeology. On the way, she awakened the immortal sacrifice of the thousand-year-old monster because she did not listen to dissuasion and mispronounced the spells. Then the immortal sacrifice began bloody revenge. Egypt's ten disasters confirmed one by one. Finally, the protagonist killed Imorton with human luck. , sent back to hell.

"All of you, please listen to me. A middle-aged man, carrying a tomahawk and a straight face, said, "Although this mission is also a free mode, everyone who has seen the movie knows the horror of Imington, right? No matter what kind of damage can be killed, the terrible ten disasters in Egypt, and the sandstorm that have set off flooded the city. These monsters cannot be fought by one person, and we need to join hands to fight against the enemy.

"Humph, are you a little exaggerated?" Some adventurers retorted: "Although Imington is powerful, as adventurers, we naturally know that the Sun's True Sutra is his nemesis. At that time, we will dig out the Sun's True Sutra first. After Eve wakes up Imington, we will kill him immediately. Isn't the task OK?"

"It's not as simple as you think." The middle-aged man shook his head: "I heard in the pub that the Bible of the Dead and the Sun Sutra are mission props that adventurers can't use, and they are useless to us. Only the protagonist can exert their power."

"Then why don't we just control Eve?" Someone asked rhetorical questions.

"Yes, it's just an NPC anyway. At that time, we will give her some money. Are you afraid that she won't help us?"

The middle-aged man smiled bitterly: "I hope so, but do you think the master will give us such a simple task?"


Everyone is silent. Indeed, if you follow this, the task is too simple. It can be said that it is just a trip here. But... Will it really be that simple?

The protection time was lost in an instant, and the bustling crowd saw a group of adventurers in strange clothes and kept pointing out.

"Where are we now?" Someone shouted with dissatisfaction: "These foreigners are playing us like monkeys!"

Lin Xiao smiled and said, "Look over there."

Hundreds of meters away, a decadent blonde man was driven by two soldiers and walked to the gallows. A group of people had been watched below, with excitement on their faces.

"Damn! Isn't that O'Connor?!"

"It turned out that at the beginning of the plot, this guy was about to be executed!"

"What are you waiting for? Go and save him!"

"Don't mess around. The heroine saved him in the original plot. If we intervene, it may destroy the plot."


A group of people quarreled in a mess, which made people have a big head, but everyone quickly gathered under the gallows to prevent anything from happening to O'Connor.

In the crowd, Qin Yan asked in a low voice, "What should we do?"

Lin Xiao shrugged his shoulders: "Cold salad!"

The hero Oconno is one of the only two who escaped from Hamnata, where he got the key to open Imton's coffin. At the same time, this key can also open the Bible of the Dead and the Resurrection. In short, it is a very important prop in the whole movie. As a result, he was killed by the heroine when he fought with people in the bar. The horn's brother stole the key, and the heroine Eve triggered a follow-up plot in order to go to Hamnata, the legendary city of the dead.

And this is just the beginning of the plot.