Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 04 Capital of the Dead 2

The battle soon started, and after the man in black fired the first shot, the adventurers rushed out like wolves.

After all, according to common sense, the enemy in the killing mission scene will more or less give a certain reward. Even if it is a mosquito leg, it is meat.

"Can't we go out?" Lao Huang asked.

"Go out, why don't you go out." Lin Xiao held a thick book in her hand and looked at it with relish. "If you show your strength properly and deter others, you can avoid a lot of trouble."

And at this time, O'Connor had already shouted: "People in black... How did they know that we were going to the capital of the dead? And the number is really ridiculous..."

"Yes, the number is fucking ridiculous..."

In the original movie, there were only about ten people in black who attacked on the boat. In addition to set fire everywhere, the number of people in black is not enough to destroy the people on the ship. I don't know if their participation made the people in black feel threatened. There are dozens of people on the ship attack this time, and there are still a steady stream of people. The boat climbed up along the side.

If the people in black are compared to lambs, the adventurers are lions and tigers. At the moment they set foot on the ferry, they are doomed to their bad fate.

All kinds of firearms, close combat, screams sounded. Although they are only adventurers in slums, they are only two times the physical quality of ordinary people in black, just like tigers into sheep, killing people throwing helmets and unloading armor.

The battle was over in just five minutes. Except for two people in black who were lucky enough to escape, all the others were killed on the spot and their bodies were thrown into the river. Even the flame that had just ignited was quickly extinguished by the adventurer.

Dominating the city has infinite possibilities. As long as you don't die and go on step by step, no one knows where the limit will be. As long as they have experienced two or three horror films, most people's physical fitness is stronger than that of the King of Special Forces. Coupled with various special weapons and abilities, it is just a piece of cake to deal with people in black.

"What a poor man." Old Huang muttered and came in: "Kill a man in black and give 1 point. Damn, this battle only got 5 points, which is the lowest in history!"

Qin Yan said coldly, "It's just some ordinary people, but you expect too much."


It also seemed to understand that the adventurers were difficult to deal with, and the Black Guard did not have any other attacks. After dawn, a group of people successfully arrived in Green State.

The largest oasis market before entering the desert, which has a rich groundwater vein and is simply a small town. Almost all kinds of goods can be found, especially the essentials to enter the desert, camels.

The people did not hesitate. After replenishing fresh water and food, they bought 14 camels, and then the people began to keep moving towards the capital of the dead. Even if they were sleepy and tired, they just took a nap on the camel. Three days and three nights passed quickly, and the people were getting closer and closer to the capital of the dead.

The three of Oconno are better. They have always lived near Egypt and have some experience on how to preserve their physical strength in the desert, and they are very sad among adventurers. Not only did they ride a camel for the first time, but many people have never even been to the desert, so they took a camel for three days and experienced sand. After the cold and heat, many people can't stand it.

Another early morning came. Just as the adventurer had felt paralyzed and used to the desert, he suddenly came out of a large team of dozens of people riding from the distant sand dunes. The leader was Benny, who was laughed at on the other side of the river a few days ago, O's former comrade-in-arms, and another from The people who went out alive.

"Hi, good morning, my friend." Benny shouted to Oconno when he was in the distance.

Oconno did not say anything and took everyone closer and closer to the other team, and then the two sides stood in a row several meters apart, and there was only an empty sand in front of them.

An American behind Benny asked strangely, "Why did we stop?" Didn't you say it was very close to the capital of the dead? If you want to go, go quickly. What are you doing here?"

Benny said lightly, "My friend, be patient, it's almost time..."

Being Oconno, Eve also asked curiously, "What are we doing here?"

"Here... waiting for the destination to appear." Oconno replied in a low voice.

Just now, the American suddenly shouted in the distance, "Oconno, do you remember the agreement on the gambling table that day? Whoever advanced the city can get 500 yuan... Do you want to try who advanced the city?"

Just as he spoke, the sun slowly rose from under the sand dunes in the distance, and the golden morning light sprinkled on the earth. Under the light, a stone ruins slowly appeared on the empty desert plain, and this is the legendary Hamna Tower, the capital of the dead!

After several days of hard trekking, at this moment, everyone was so excited that they didn't know what to say. The only thing people could do was to urge their mounts and quickly gallop towards the destination in front of them.

The mood of the adventurers is very complicated. The only way for them to return to dominate the city is to bury Imorgan, but to bury him, they must resurrect him in the later plot. So everyone knows how to bury him, so they don't care much.

Anyway, Lin Xiao and others came to the ruins of Hamnata, the capital of the dead, with the army. This is a large-scale ancient city. It can be seen from the remaining stone walls and boulders. It has indeed been brilliant. Even if thousands of years have passed, it is still preserved here. With its remaining dignity.

After entering Hamnata, the people and the American team were stationed together. When all this was settled, Eve couldn't help dragging Oconno to find a passage to the ground, and the group of Americans also looked for the passage they wanted.

Seeing this situation, adventurers without a unified plan suddenly became a mess. Some people suggest that we enter Hamnata together, and there may be some adventures, while others suggest waiting for work and not to destroy the plot of the mission. In the end, they didn't quarrel and simply dispersed the action - it was originally a team with a combination of interests, but they encountered big differences and naturally fell apart.

In this regard, Lin Xiao's proposal is the same as most people, entering Hamnata to explore. Now Hamnata, Imourton has not yet been resurrected, and even if there is a little danger in it, it will not hurt everyone.

At night, by the raging bonfire, people who were tired all day gathered together, nibbled on the legs of sheep, drank rum, and laughed and talked about the experience of the day.

These days, the adventurers have also become familiar with each other. Although they are still on guard, they also spontaneously gathered into teams, scattered in groups in the camp. Suddenly, there was a faint sound of horseshoes from afar, and there was a lot of horseshoes, as if nearly 100 people were galloping this way.

Lin Xiao breathed, threw away the books in his hand and muttered, "The man in black, are you coming?"

As soon as the words fell, more than a dozen knights flew out from behind the stone pillar in the distance. They were all dressed in black robes and fell down when the first American hired guides. The group of black knights had shot and attacked the owners of the camp, and some of them began to keep burning tents and supplies with torches. Roughly, there are hundreds of people!

Bang bang!

Bullets crossed a wisp of fire in the night sky and flew all over the sky, and a scuffle began.

The strength and quality of the 100 people in black killed this time have obviously increased significantly. All kinds of guns in his hand were extremely accurate, and they came to charge. With tacit cooperation, there was a careless adventurer who was directly seized by the gunman and killed in an instant. Others can even see a bulletproof prop exchanged by the adventurer for 1,000 points, which is broken like an egg shell after 5 seconds... Then countless bullets poured down and bombarded the adventurer into a sieve.

In this strong attack, the arrogant adventurer was a little scared. In the dark, I don't know who raised his voice and said, "*!"

Some adventurers should immediately take them out* and throw them out fiercely. After a random explosion, the man in black dropped dozens of bodies and disappeared in the night.

"Damn! These guys are so powerful at a time that they broke Zhang Hu's bulletproof jade pendant.

Zhang Hu is the adventurer who died unlucky, and this is also the first adventurer to die after entering the legend of ghosts.

Lin Xiao said lightly, "It's not smashing, but exhausting the energy value."

With the gun bullets of this period, they could not penetrate the energy mask at all, and Zhang Hu also held back for a few seconds under the suppression of bullets before dying.

The adventurers all felt sad, and at this time, Lin Xiao said, "Has anyone been injured? You can come to me and treat you... I forgot to tell everyone that I have therapy.

A group of adventurers stared with small eyes and quickly gathered over. After seeing Lin Xiao's treatment with their own eyes, everyone looked at Lin Xiao immediately differently.

"Haha, my name is Hong Lang, brother, it's really yours!"

"My name is Wang Meng. Take good care of me in the future."


A healer, especially those who can be treated in battle, is very popular. After all, there are great restrictions on food and drugs sold in cities, which cannot return to life instantly. They can only be used in a non-combat state, and there is also abominable digestion time.

Several Americans who just came out of the tomb did not know what had happened. They still happily showed their findings to the people around them, several ancient glazed bottles... and a thick and simple black ancient book!