Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 10 The Ark of the Covenant

The skinny hell dog whined and ran around at Lin Xiao's feet. Although Lin Xiao was in a good mood, he would not take out the food and feed it - for a creature with an infinite appetite, this kind of food is tantamount to a bucket.

Qin Yan said angrily, "Is that how you are the master?"

Lin Xiao shrugged his shoulders, "Then I didn't see how caring you are as a mistress. Look, the little guy ran to you again and wag his tail to beg for mercy.

Sister Qin blushed and stared at Lin Xiao fiercely. Then she silently took out a piece of compressed food from the mark and threw it to the poor hell dog wagging its tail and drooling.


The hell dog shouted happily, opened his mouth and swallowed the food, and then wagged his tail desperately. How could there be no fierce look in his red eyes? It's like a poor puppy begging for its owner's gift.

So Qin Yan couldn't help throwing out another piece of food... In less than three minutes, the hell dog had completely abandoned Lin Xiao and surrounded Qin Yan like a real puppy.

"Ha ha, I didn't see that you are quite angry," Lin Xiao touched his nose and nodded, "Then I'll call you a gray wolf."

"Wow." The gray wolf ignored Lin Xiao, the master at all and continued to surround Qin Yan for fun.

There was a crisp laugh under the night sky.


The two moved very fast and it took two days to arrive in Cairo. Lin Xiao, who knew the existence of the Covenant Ark, would naturally not let go of the plain rewards and sidelines.

Indiana. Jones, whose real name is Henry. Jones II, born in 1899, received the title of Doctor of Archaeology at the University of Chicago. Outside his adventurous career, he was a professor of custom and archaeologist and was able to speak 27 languages, including Chinese.

...There is no doubt that Indiana. The plot of Jones) and the plot of Ghost Legend: Tomb Raider have completely overlapped. Although this is also expected, the latter was once regarded as a follow-up work of the former when it appeared, but it came out of its own unique style out of blue, but the period is close, the theme is similar, and even the world view is almost the same. It is not surprising that the two worlds completely overlap together.

For adventurers, this means that a bunch of treasures in the Indiana Jones trilogy have become available. The mysterious object warehouse in Nevada in the United States, the Shiva stone in India and the Holy Grail in Eastern Europe are not considered for the time being, but the "ark" is simply in Cairo, buried deep underground, less than 100 meters away from the two!

The ark, also known as the ark. This is the most sacred object mentioned in the Bible. It contains the only handwritten "Ten Commandments" left in the world, and it is also the most frightening prehistoric artifact in biblical history.

This sacred cabinet can kill people. For the ancient Hebrews, it is not only a sacred mark, but also a powerful amulet. Taking it to fight is like holding a weapon of God. In the eyes of the Hebrew enemy, the Ark of the Covenant is undoubtedly a coveted treasure, but the only time he fell into the hands of the enemy, the greedy enemy caused a terrible disaster.

The Hebrews are convinced that the Ark of the Covenant is a symbol of God's omnipotent power, hiding the ultimate link between God and mankind. They receive guidance and wisdom from it, and the power of God will be sanctified through the Ark.

This magical cabinet was built by Moses under the instruction of God when he received the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai in 1400 BC. When the Israelites sheltered by God wandered in the wilderness, the Ark of the covenant remained in the most holy place of the mobile temple until King David built the temple in Jerusalem.

After that, Solomon worshipped the ark in the inner temple of the most sacred place in Jerusalem, but one day in the 6th century BC, it mysteriously disappeared from the Solomon Temple.

In the real world, the disappearance of the Ark is still unknown, and has since become the biggest mystery in the history of archaeology.

According to Josephus, a Jewish historian in the 1st century A.D., the Ark was destroyed together with the Temple when the Roman Empire destroyed Jerusalem, but there is also a legend that someone smuggled the Ark out of Jerusalem and is said to be stored in Ethiopia. Discovery Channel has sent a film team to Ethiopia to pursue the disappeared ark, but the local priests have refused to let the film crew watch it. Therefore, whether the ark still exists today is still a mystery.

In addition, it is said that during World War II, the German army thought that the Ark was a magic weapon that could rival thousands of troops and horses, so they searched everywhere for the hope that it could use its magic power to control the war situation - this is also the source of the script of Indiana Jones: The Ark of War II. In the plot of the film during World War II, the Indian Dr. Na Jones and the German Nazi who were looking for the ark fought for wisdom and courage, followed the message of the ark from various subtle clues, and finally found the sacred object in an underground secret room in Cairo, Egypt.

Lin Xiao did not have any relevant information or the extremely important agate pendant, but after watching the movie, they remembered the location of the ark... There was even a close-up of a map in the lens, which directly saved Lin Xiao and others all the trouble of reasoning and searching. There is no need to go to the model map room that reveals the mystery, and you can reach the destination directly in one step.

In less than a minute, Lin Xiao and Qin Yan's feet stepped on this desolate sandy land that no one guarded. Thousands of years of wind and sand buried everything under the dust of history. If someone hadn't stroked the dust away, it would have been impossible to have an unearthed day... Who would have thought that such a sacred object would have Is this under the yellow sand without any surprise?

Then Lin Xiao started the spiritual scanning, and the 100-meter-square terrain was in his mind. By comparing the target terrain that appeared in the movie, he quickly found the exact location on the yellow sand buried in the wind and sand but the overall structure was still there. Then - "Well, that's it. Let's dig it~"

It is said to be digging, but in fact... it still needs to be dug.

It is impossible to lift the earth with a bomb without affecting the secret room below. If the whole secret room collapses, I don't know if it will cause any bad consequences, and there are no low-level spells similar to the mage's hand.


"Give me your shovel." Like Tinkerbell, he took out two engineering shovels from his pocket and made an indifferent explanation to Lin Xiao, who threw one of them, "The German engineering shovel dominates the production, and the quality is trustworthy."


The corners of Qin Yan's mouth twitched, took the shovel speechlessly, and then joined the excavation work.

The terrain here has not changed, and obviously other adventurers have not come. After all, most of their energy is now focused on the true scriptures of the sun. Even if there are one or two smart people, it is difficult to get the speed of Lin Xiao and Qin Yan.

The two adventurers worked hard to become cleaners. Under the sand, they quickly cleaned up the pile of about one meter thick and cleaned up a stone slab that showed that the goal had indeed been achieved.

The container is below.

And when the two of them put away the engineering shovel and moved the stone directly away with their hands without a crowbar, Lin Xiao suddenly said to herself strangely.

"After lifting this thing away, 90% of us will trigger a task..."

"Mission, what task?" Qin Yan subconsciously asked, but he had already got the answer before Lin Xiao answered.

The secret room, which has been theoretically sealed for more than 2,000 years, was opened again, and a white fog suddenly gushed out with a rotten smell, and then the solemn voice of the two people coincidentally sounded in their consciousness.

"Trigger the plot of Indiana Jones 1: French Warriors, find the contract cabinet within ten minutes, and reward a C-level branch plot with 3,000 points."

This task prompt is actually expected by the two, but it seems a little strange from the prompt message.

"Ah, so that's it. Is there such a saying..." Lin Xiao nodded, then pulled Qin Yan and jumped down.