Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 014 Fighting

The flood dissipated, and the two fell out miserably and lay on the muddy ground, gasping for an imageless breath.

"Hmm, hum, this is the most exciting roller coaster I've ever taken." Lin Xiao sat up, complained unscrupulously, and then raised his hand to release a healing spell. The bruises caused by the collision on his body quickly disappeared, and his strength surged from the limbs again.

Just when he was about to release the healing spell for Qin Yujie, Qin Yan struggled to sit up and said coldly, "I can do it myself!" I don't need your help."

Lin Xiao was bored and had no choice but to touch his nose and stop obediently.

After silently walking to a stone pillar and changing into dry clothes, Qin Yan's face was a little better. However, at the thought of the guy blocking himself in the water just now, his face couldn't help but blush.

"This bastard is so abominable!" Qin Yan clenched her fist and bit her white teeth: "I must... You must teach him a good lesson!"

The strong tone can't hide the panic in her heart, and Sister Qin has no calmness as before. A heart beat violently, just like a stone thrown into the calm water, ringing layers of ripples.

A lover? The relationship between the two is not so close.

Friends? What is the shielding just now?

After thinking for a moment, it was not until Lin Xiao urged outside that Qin Yan put aside her messy thoughts and smiled bitterly: "What do you want to do? It's the truth to live..."

The wind blows, wrinkles a pool of spring water, the heart is like mulberry leaves, and it is the time for flowers to bloom.


It only took an hour before and after this expedition. When Lin Xiao walked out of the Akkad Temple, the pilot was lying on the airship and biting the gold nugget happily. After seeing Lin Xiao come out, he immediately greeted him with a smile on his face: "Have you forgotten anything? Ah, no problem. As long as you can afford gold, I can help you find anything. Is there no tool for digging? Little Kiss, I know where to sell German engineers' shovels. The quality has been trusted..."


"Ah, are you two going to have a picnic in this poetic desert? That's simpler. As long as you give me another piece of gold, I can bring you coconuts from the distant sea, tea from the East. Hey, if you want, there are also Western blondes! At that time, the golden beach, naked girl, hey hey hey..."


Lin Xiao's method of dealing with this nagging black driver was extremely simple. He directly smashed a piece of gold and threw it on his face.

"Ouch, gold, ten full of gold!"

The black driver turned over and jumped up from the ground, regardless of the blood flowing from the corners of his mouth, picked up the gold nugget and laughed.

Lin Xiao twitched the corners of his mouth and waved his hand: "It's over. Let's go back to Cairo!"

"Of course, you are the boss. As long as you pay gold, you let me go east, and I will never go west!" The black driver grinned, revealing a broken front tooth...

The task of finding the Scorpion King bracelet is actually very simple, but the various vicious organs in the ancient tomb make people's scalp numb, and after Lin Xiao summoned a pile of cannon fodder, most of the problems were solved. A little sudden situation was also spent one by one under the deliberate care of the two.

On the way back to Egypt, Lao Huang heard the news and rewards of the completion of the task from the team communication channel. He was quite envious, but he quickly cleared up and said solemnly:

"Because they act together with Oconno, everyone is not walking fast and is expected to arrive in Cairo tomorrow. On the way, Imutton caught up with him, sucked an American into scum, and then was repelled by the adventurers. I don't know where he lurked..."

"In the battle, an unlucky adventurer was killed by Immorton in the chaos and turned into a mummified corpse, but there were several powerful people among the adventurers... One was a man named Zhuo Lie, who was hidden very deeply. Just as Imutton was about to catch Eve, the man suddenly broke out and turned into a junior werewolf, and his hands turned into sharp claws. When he waved, there was a bloody light flashing, and Imton shouted in pain.

"There is also a young man named Bai Yu, who seems to be strengthened by Chinese martial arts and some ability. He is very powerful between his fists and feet. One person singledged the mummified bodyguards summoned by Immorton and did not fall behind."

"In addition, you should also pay attention to a girl named Demon. The direction of strengthening is unknown and her strength is very strong. It is definitely not as simple as it seems."

"Other than that, other adventurers have no eye-catching performance, but it is not ruled out that some people pretend to be pigs and eat tigers, deliberately hide their strength, and let others be cannon fodder."

"Finally, before leaving, Immorton gave everyone a cruel... Now everyone is very dissatisfied with why the Bible of the Dead appears in the hands of Imington. And you two suddenly disappeared, and some people began to doubt us..."

Lin Xiao nodded silently and said, "Well, I know. Be careful on the way... See you in Cairo!"

The reason why the Bible of the Dead appeared in Lin Xiao's hands was naturally that Qin Yan stole it from Eve in the chaos, and then transferred the Bible of the Dead to Lin Xiao through the team's public channel.

Turning off the communication channel, Lin Xiao looked at the red sunset in the east and exhaled: "When Cairo meets, I'm afraid the good play will start..."

On the silent and boring journey, even the black pilot felt bored, closed his thick lips all day, and manipulated the airship to fly in a daze. And since the kiss in the flood, the relationship between Lin Xiao and Qin Yan has obviously changed subtly, and the most obvious is... Lin Xiao suddenly became a decent man a lot... At least I will no longer flirt with Qin Yujie from time to time.

The sun rose in the east and set in the west. When the morning sun rose the next day, Lin Xiao and Qin Yan finally rushed back to Cairo.

The ancient city of Cairo has stood in the wind and sand for thousands of years without falling, majestic and magnificent. As the capital of Egypt, across the Nile, it is majestic and spectacular. It is the political, economic and commercial center of the whole Middle East. The ancient Egyptians called Cairo the "mother of the city" and the biggest symbol of Egypt. Now, this majestic ancient city seems to have been ravaged by countless West African bison several times, and half of the city has been buried by yellow sand!

"Oh! Oh my God! What happened?" The black driver's eyes were round and his face was unbelievable: "Is it a sandstorm? But what kind of sandstorm can flood half of the ancient city?!"

Lin Xiao will naturally not tell him that everything in front of him is a trace left by a thousand-year-old monster. After throwing him another gold coin, Lin Xiao walked to the complete city of Cairo without looking back.

Ten minutes later, outside a dilapidated hotel, Lin Xiao and Lao Huang and Feng Xiaoxi finally met.

"I'm back." Old Huang smiled, but his face was a little pale. The little girl stood quietly beside and looked at Lin Xiao with a pair of big bright eyes without blinking.

Lin Xiao nodded with a smile, "What happened?"

"It's Imington." Lao Huang said with a heavy face, "Every time Imutton absorbs a person, his strength is several times stronger. Half a day ago, the last American was also sucked by him... The Bible of the Dead is in hand, and the undead high priest who has recovered his strength is powerful and terrible. We are not opponents at all. All kinds of magic, all kinds of weakening, all kinds of curses, and two adventurers were killed. In desperation, we had no choice but to protect the protagonist and escape into Cairo.

"After escaping into Cairo, Immorton did not seem to have the interest in chasing us, but exerted the ten disasters in Egypt, flying locusts, flies, mice, blood water all over the sky... And so on, but at this time, a golden light suddenly shot out in the center of Cairo, and Imudon screamed, and then disappeared.

"Yes... Is the sun true?

"Well, others think so, but in a big war, everyone is injured, and now everyone has no strength to find the Sun Sutra."

The second floor of the hotel has been enveloped by adventurers, and the four people went directly to the second floor. Other adventurers also noticed that the disappeared Lin Xiao appeared again, and their eyes came out of the room coldly.

"I need an explanation!" A middle-aged man, wearing black leather armor and cold eyes, looked straight at Lin Xiao: "Where have you been in the past three days, what have you done, and why have you left alone?"

Lin Xiao said blankly, "Sorry, this already belongs to the category of personal privacy... These days, who doesn't have any secret things to do, about where I went and what I did, um... It's okay to say it."

The front of the speech changed too fiercely, which made Zhuo Lie have the impulse to spit blood. This boy obviously had an uncooperative attitude at the beginning, but he didn't expect to suddenly agree so simply in the end... What the hell is going on?

"Well, I left this time just to confirm a conjecture." While talking, Lin Xiao took out a golden bracelet from the storage space... Scorpion King bracelet!


"Yes, it's the Scorpion King bracelet." Lin Xiao said so.

The faces of the adventurers all changed. After a while, everyone finally swallowed a mouthful of foam and looked at Lin Xiao with envy and hatred: "Is this what you have done after disappearing for three days?"

Lin Xiao smiled and nodded: "Of course, three days, whether it is long or short, but it can accomplish many things... By the way, what are you going to do next?

"Well, stop talking nonsense. Why should Oconnoy protect us, but you earn points and reward points!" Some adventurers shouted: "We protected Oconno and others for you, free from your worries. There is no credit and hard work! No, the reward you get for your mission must be given to us!!"