Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 022 The protagonist of the attack

"What? Eve was captured by the high priest?!" The adventurer was shocked, and the excitement of killing the pharaoh and escaping from Cairo, which turned into a hell on earth, suddenly disappeared.

"Well, not long ago." Oconno obviously fell in love with Eve, and his face was full of anxiety. He hurriedly said, "The monster of Imington launched ten disasters and turned the city of Cairo into hell on earth. We found out early, robbed a rich merchant's car by the roadside and ran away all the way. Just as he rushed out of Cairo, Imington suddenly appeared and wrapped Eve in the wind and swept away!"

Jonathan also pleaded, "Mysterious oriental, now only you have the power to fight against that monster. Anyway, please be sure to save Eve. My aunt is a daughter like Eve. If Eve is gone, I really can't imagine what she will do!"

Bai Yu patted Oconno on the shoulder and comforted her, "Don't worry, Eve is my friend. Anyway, as long as there is a glimmer of hope left, I will save her."

Others were stunned, and then gathered around to comfort them and brush their favorability by the way. But everyone's face was very bad. Eve was captured by Imutton. The news was really bad.

In the pursuit of returning from Hamna Tower, Imington found Eve, a librarian who looked exactly like the princess thousands of years ago, and then he didn't know what kind of mentality it was, and immediately recognized Eve as a sacrifice for Ansuna's resurrection. However, in the chase and escape, his strength had not been restored, and he was heavily attacked by adventurers, so he did not win.

And this time, with the help of a "mysterious figure", Imaudon, who was happy to see the hunt, will naturally not let go of such a virgin with noble blood flowing in his body and plunder it.

After comforting, the adventurer quickly looked at Lin Xiao and asked, "What should we do next?"

Lin Xiao always makes amazing actions silently. He seems to be bold and reckless, but he can play an unexpected role. Unconsciously, the big guy has acquiesced to Lin Xiao's leadership position.

Lin Xiao said directly, "Eve is our friend. How can she not be saved if her friend is in trouble? As for how we chase Imington..."

said that he glanced at two sticky cars with a disgusting smell not far away, and shrugged his shoulders helplessly and said, "Cars have little effect in the desert, and walking on two legs is too slow... Forget it, come with me."

The adventurers looked at each other, looked at each other, and then followed Lin Xiao neatly.

After walking for more than ten minutes, a suspended airship appeared in front of everyone. The black uncle on the airship saw Lin Xiao's group of people from afar and immediately smiled and waved to Lin Xiao: "Hey, dear Lin, you're here!"

"Damn! What's wrong with this Gothic airship?

"Nimei, you don't have to be so fierce. Give me a pillow when you sleep!"

"Is this a plane, a plane..."

Lin Xiao also ignored the complaints of this group of boring people. He directly took out a gold brick and hit the black driver's face and said, "Start the airship and pay three yuan after arriving at the destination."

The black uncle got up from the ground with a smile, opened his big mouth with a missing front tooth and bit the gold, with a "bang", and another big tooth was broken.

"..." Everyone was speechless.

The world is in the period of the Second Industrial Revolution, an era of great leaps in productivity. In Cairo at night, some rich people even used electric lights and telephones. But other aspects are still poor, such as... The simple punk airship in front of us.

At the time of World War I, some people in Europe have made single-pilot small fighters, and now that World War II has passed, American Airlines has even established flight lanes in major countries around the world, but in Cairo, Egypt, you can still see such a "punk" steam airship.

(steampunk, steam naturally represents a large machine powered by steam. Punk is a non-mainstream marginal culture, written in street dialogue. Its significance lies in the independence of the style of the subject matter, not * sex. Steampunk works often rely on new hypothetical technologies, such as new machinery, new materials, new vehicles and other means to show an overhead world view parallel to the Western world in the 19th century, and strive to create its fictional and nostalgic characteristics.)

The airship is not big, and it suddenly seems a little crowded with so many people coming up, but now is obviously not the time to care about these. Everyone sat down quietly and let the black driver shout and control. Soon after, the airship successfully broke away from the ground, calibrated the direction, and galloped towards the capital of the dead.

Considering the load, fuel, wind and other problems, the steam airship actually does not fly high, only about 20 meters from the ground. In the roar of "bang", the old airship sprayed white steam, spread its wings and flew towards the distance... The sun shines warm all over the body, and there is a gentle wind in my ears. If it weren't for worries, it would be a good journey to enjoy relaxation.

On the way, Lin Xiao simply took out the golden treasure chest dropped by the pharaoh and gently opened it in front of everyone.

Ding: You got the golden shield. The golden shield, made of gold and contains magical power, is cast by the top ten Egyptian masters ordered by the pharaoh. You deserve it. The shield value is 500 points, and it can block any form of attack before breaking. If it is broken, it will take 12 hours to self-charge. It can be sold to the dominant space in exchange for 2,000 points.

"Dominating Evaluation: Hmm... One day, Pharaoh Ramses II was ready to 'hey' in the harem, and happened not to bring the golden shield on his body, which staged a good play of two men and women working together to stab the King of Qin..."

Looking at this shield, the big guy's heart was hot. As for the comments of the master later, everyone directly chose to ignore it.

Ding: You got the pharaoh's bandage. The bandage is of good quality. After the equipment, the defense force is increased by 20 and the vitality is increased by 100, but the action speed will be reduced by 30%. Sell it to the dominant space in exchange for 800 points.

"Master's evaluation: I will tell you, is this actually what I took from the pharaoh..."

Ding: You got the Pharaoh's dried meat. Usage, swallow directly, effect: permanently increase 5 points of strength and 5 points of physical strength. Sold to the dominant space can be exchanged for 400 points.

"Dominant evaluation: chicken flavor, crispy."

"..." The big guys looked at each other, and everyone spoke rashly.

Although there are only three pieces of Pharaoh's treasure chests, all three are the best. The golden shields that can block damage can absorb 500 points of damage, mummy shroud, super defense and physical strength increase, and dried meat that can permanently increase strength and physical strength. Although things are indeed a little disgusting, the effect If it's there, even if it's a pile of shit, I'm afraid everyone will compete for it.

"These things... How to distribute it?" Finally, someone spoke.

Lin Xiao shrugged his shoulders: "Naturally, it is allocated according to the previous rules and combat contributions. The person who gets it pays points to others, that's it.

This is also a common distribution rule among adventurers, and naturally there is no objection. After some bargaining, virtual and commissioning, Bai Yu paid 5,000 points and got the golden shield. Lao Huang got the dried meat. As for the pharaoh's bandage, he was won by another adventurer. Although others are a little unwilling, they have also gained a lot of points. So everyone was overjoyed.


One day and one night, the people in the airship finally set foot on the ground again.

"Hamnata, I thought I would never set foot in this damn place again in my life," Oconno put two pistols into his pocket, took a long breath, and said, "I didn't expect to turn around and finally come back here."

This road galloped regardless of fuel, and finally caught up with Imington's footprints.

After the bald man destroyed Cairo, he rolled up Eve and ran to the capital of the dead. Obviously, he couldn't wait to resurrect his former lover.



For Eve, this period of days is like a nightmare in a horror film, which makes people feel painful and desperate.

I'm just an ordinary librarian. Although I think of some messy things from time to time, but! Eve insisted that this was just a girl's Huaichun. Influenced by his grandfather and work, he was fascinated by ancient culture. The greatest wish is also to unlock the glory of history buried under the dust.

With such a belief and inexplicable thoughts in his mind, he embarked on the path of an explorer, and the goal... It is the legendary place where the dead rest, Hamna Tower.

The legendary Hamnata really exists, as well as black ancient books, silent Hanubis statues, ancient murals and prophecies, all of which make Eve so drunk... Until one day, I accidentally read out the damn spell.

So, the thousand-year-old monster came back to life.

It was the first person in history to be tortured by "bugs" and a monster in a language that could destroy Egypt - the high priest Imington.

Regret, despair, anger, unwillingness... But what can an ordinary woman do to such a monster?

I witnessed the ten disasters that could destroy Egypt. The ancient city that stood in the wind and sand for thousands of years was destroyed, and the self-blame in my heart was like an ant and painful.

Following her cousin and a careless man to escape from Cairo and sharing the joy of escaping from death, she felt that her feet were light and looked down doubtfully, but the surroundings were already spinning.

"Ah? Ah...!"

- The big sandstorm actually rolled her directly into the sky!

She was scared in an instant, but she didn't even have time to scream. An unusual sense of fatigue made her voice hoarse in her throat, and then her eyelids became heavier and heavier. After closing, she no longer had the strength to open... And before her consciousness completely fell into darkness, she faintly heard A man's voice sounds full of evil.