Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 035 Killing Competition

Back to the space, everyone threw themselves into intense exercise again. In his spare time, Lin Xiao began to think about how to extract more benefits from the home world.

"Arms smuggling" is not feasible. The city will not let people compete with it, and the power of firearms in the 1950s and 1960s was generally low and could not make much profit. In this way, we can only deal with hidden tasks.

In three days, Lin Xiao read a large number of books and identified many hidden tasks. For example, the Holy Grail of Eastern Europe, the crystal skull of Indonesia, the doomsday slate of Nochatanmas, the mummy of the Dragon Emperor on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the vampire Count de Kura living in seclusion in Europe, and even vague Mayan relics and the clues of the disappeared Atlantis civilization.

In terms of time efficiency and difficulty, Mayan ruins and Atlantis civilization can be excluded for the time being, and the dragon emperor mummy far away in China can also be ignored, mainly focusing on Europe...

This day, Lin Xiao was meditating in the tent, trying to improve his total magic, but the master suddenly sounded a prompt:

"Ding: Please enter the mission transmission point within 1 hour, and the killing competition is about to begin."

"Killing competition?" Lin Xiao frowned and walked out of the tent.

"Where is it?" Old Huang's slightly anxious voice came from the coat of arms.

Lin Xiao made it clear in his heart and said, "Let's meet at the pub."

A few minutes later, Huang Qinyan and the three of them were waiting there anxiously at the door of the pub. Seeing Lin Xiao Shiran coming, the three immediately walked to Lin Xiao:

"Have you received a prompt from the master?"

"You mean the killing competition," Lin Xiao nodded. "I haven't heard of this model. Let's talk about it."

"Killing Competition..." Lao Huang smiled bitterly and exhaled, saying, "This is a battle that is different from the conventional confrontation mode and cooperation mode. It is rarely in the city, but once it comes, it will be a nightmare for all adventurers."

"Just as the name implies, there are almost no main tasks in the killing competition. The only theme is killing, and few people can survive in the end. Therefore, for the killing competition, adventurers have another horrible name 'Great Purge'.

Lin Xiao frowned: "Great purge?"

"That's right! Because there is a characteristic of the killing competition, that is, there are many people. Lao Huang explained: "The city is divided into four sectors. We are just Dongcheng District. I heard that there are blacks, whites, and even Japanese in other urban areas. The killing competition is to draw the same number of people from various regions to fight.

"I have also inadvertently heard people mention the killing competition, because the terrible mortality rate of more than 90% is frightening... Unexpectedly, we bumped into each other this time.

Lin Xiao was silent for a moment and suddenly patted Lao Huang on the shoulder: "Well, no matter what has happened, what we need to do is not to complain, but to face it hard. Only when we have confidence in ourselves can we live. ... Isn't it just a killing competition? Let's watch our God team flatten it!"

Listening to Lin Xiao's slightly domineering declaration, Lao Huang suddenly smiled and emphasized:

"Let the God team flatten it!"

In an hour, the killing competition will begin. After a brief meeting, the four immediately began to purchase various supplies. Fresh water, food, blood tonic, instantaneous reagent, *, anti-reconnaissance... The four of them divided their actions and acted separately. Lao Huang and Qin Yan went to the trading market. Lin Xiao went to the pub to inquire about the news, but he didn't know much, most of which was what Lao Huang said.

Lin Xiao didn't care about this. After a little hesitation, she went to the store.

At this time, the young man in the store who always looks like he needs to be beaten is walking around with sweat, anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

Seeing Lin Xiao and Feng Xiaoxi coming, the young man's eyes suddenly lit up and said quickly, "Oh... Hey, brother, are you here to buy something?"


"Well, in fact, what I want to ask is, have you been selected to participate in the killing competition?" The young man gritted his teeth and asked in a low voice.

Lin Xiao glanced at him and didn't say anything.

"Don't mind, brother." The young man was about to cry, and the purple sand teapot was also thrown aside: "Brother Lin, Brother Lin, please save me."

"Do you know me?"

"That's it! Anyway, I also open a store. The big guy talks a lot, so he naturally hears more things. The young man smiled and said, "Brother Lin, your name is like thunderous. I heard that for so long, you are the only adventurer who can win the Bible of the Dead."

Lin Xiao squined: "Do you know this?"

The young man touched his nose awkwardly: "Cough, cough, confidential, confidential... After all, many people have survived your last mission, and others can roughly guess a little about you.

"Ah, am I already so famous?" Lin Xiao complained and then looked at the young man: "What's your name?"

"Xu Le! My name is Xu Le!" The young man was overjoyed and hurriedly said, "Brother Lin, you can call me Xiaoxu, Xiaole or Xiaolele."

"..." The corners of his mouth twitched, and Lin Xiao said helplessly, "Tell me what you know about the killing competition, the better."

"En." Xu Le nodded and began to say crackly, "You know that the adventurers selected in the city are all people who have died in the real world, but there are nearly 10 billion people in the real world, and how many people die every day? Even if only one thousand or ten thousand are selected, and the few become more, there will be more and more adventurers. And whenever the number of adventurers reaches a certain level, the killing competition will begin, as other populations say... Great cleaning."

"Other adventure modes have at least main tasks, and the only purpose of the Great Purge is to kill... There is no mission, it is purely a fight between adventurers.

"In addition, the killing mode is a four-zone melee, with a large number of people... Well, I have heard that there are 2,000 adventurers participating in the largest purge!"

"!!!" Hearing this number, Lin Xiao's calmness couldn't help opening his eyes, "Two thousand people? Isn't that too exaggerated?"

It's really exaggerated. The fight of 2,000 people is horrible to think about it. You know, the general task scene is about one or twenty people at most. Two thousand people are more than 100 times the usual task mode!

"There is more exaggerated," Xu Le smiled bitterly: "Do you know how many people survived the great purge of these two thousand people? I can tell you clearly that there are only four!"

" hiss!" Lin Xiao took a cold breath and his heart pounded. Two thousand people died, leaving only four, with a survival rate of one thousandth. This is too exaggerated by your grandmother!!

"That's why it's called the Great Purge." Xu Le looked at Lin Xiao with happy eyes and said, "I'm dead when I meet the Great Purge, but I believe that you are not an ordinary adventurer. Maybe you can help me survive... Brother Lin, you must save me. As long as you survive, my life will be yours.

Lin Xiao rolled his eyes and spread his hands helplessly: "It is still unknown whether I can survive. Besides, there are too many uncertain factors. Plain promises will only give you empty hope, and the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, so I'm sorry..."

Xu Le gritted his teeth and said, "Well! Brother Lin, I also know that the request just now is too abrupt. After all, once you enter the scene, you will be in a dilemma, but I have a team scroll here, as long as..."

"Sorry, we have set up a team." Lin Xiao's words almost suffoed Xu Le to death.

"I don't play with people like this." Xu Le was about to cry, "Brother Lin, can I join your team? Look, this is my attribute, and you certainly don't want people like me to disappear, right?

While speaking, Xu Le has set his own attribute panel to a viewing mode.

Number E4399, strength 20, agility 40, mental strength 43, physical strength 47. Equipment: fast boots, moving speed +20, and reduce the speed barrier by 30% (Note: do not walk in the water.) Giant's Ring: +7 health points, life recovery speed increases. Infinite Bullet Edition*: Unlimited ammunition, unlimited continuous firing, two rounds per second, with greater recoil. Bullet-proof jade pendant: effectively block the damage of bullets. Death-free gold medal: If the holder suffers death injury, the death-free gold medal will automatically play an effect and prevent death. And be invincible in the next ten seconds. Price: 10,000 points.

Other equipment is mediocre, but after seeing the death-free gold medal, Lin Xiao immediately widened her eyes and the corners of her mouth twitched: "Are you really so afraid of death? Won't you spend all your points on this death-free gold medal?"

Xu Le smiled awkwardly.

Skill: Holy Light Shield. Cover yourself or your teammate with a shield to absorb damage, which can absorb 300 points of damage. This skill can be upgraded, and the current level is LV3.

Skill: Fury Halo. After the halo is opened, the movement speed is increased by 5% and the attack power is increased by 5 points. Duration 10 minutes, cooling time 1 hour, no consumption.

"skills: restore the halo. After the halo is opened, the speed of life recovery increases and the speed of mental recovery increases. Duration: 10 minutes. The cooling time is 1 hour, no consumption.

"Skill: the pupil of secret art, stun the enemy through his eyes. The probability of success and stun time are determined by the spiritual strength and resilience of both sides. The higher the spiritual power of the other party, the higher the probability of failure of skill launch. After failure, it will be counterattacked and its mental strength will be weakened to the current half. This skill can be upgraded to the current level LV5. The maximum vertigo time is 5 seconds.

Lin Xiao now understands why Xu Le said that he did not have the ability to protect himself. This is simply a pure assistant! Equipment slag, except for a death-free gold medal, the rest are rubbish. In terms of skills, the four skills have no killing moves that can reverse the war situation. Except for a secret pupil that has a control effect, but what about after control? Lin Xiao estimated that more than 80% of Xu Le used this skill as an escape weapon...

If this kind of talent is put into the general task mode, it will naturally be snatched by everyone. But in the killing mode, it is really difficult to protect yourself.

How's it going? Brother Lin?" Xu Le stared at Lin Xiao with bright eyes, and Lin Xiao was now his last life-saving straw.

People often say that they are in a hurry to seek medical treatment, but no one has thought about it. If they don't seek medical treatment, will they wait to die?

“...... I'm afraid not," Lin Xiao pondered for a moment, and Xu Le's face collapsed in an instant. Then, the man jumped excitedly because of Lin Xiao's words: "However, you can be a reserve member of our 'God Team'."

"Brother! You are my own brother!" Xu Le was overjoyed and blurted out a sentence without his brain: "But Brother Lin, the name of the God Team has also been cheated. Which scum was it? Brother Lin, why didn't you stop your wise Shenwu at that time?"

Feng Xiaoxi next to him laughed. Xu Le suddenly noticed it and looked at Lin Xiao with his mouth open, "Brother Lin, you..."

"Ha ha, do I have such a scum?"

"Brother Lin!..."


Qin Yan and Lao Huang did not refuse to join Xu Le. After all, they are about to enter the killing mode of ten deaths and no life, and one more person will always have more strength. Moreover, Xu Le's attributes and role are really good, and he will make a greater contribution to the team, that is... A little timid.

After all the trivial matters were disposed of, there was not much time left. The five members of the God team successfully converged and walked to the mission transmission point.

"Ding, the transmission begins..."