Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 010 God's Perspective

(Uh, there is a recommendation, and I found that it's not that everyone said I didn't find it in the book review section. Well, it broke out! Also, I won't read the book review area anymore. I can't stop you from scolding me, but at least I can be blind)

“...... Well, that's about what happened during this period. The Tianshen team successfully converged, and everyone was naturally very happy. They briefly talked about their experiences, and a group of people had a barbecue meal.

"Daes, I didn't expect that there would be a day to roast dinosaurs to eat." Xu Le's hands flashed and laughed loudly, "But not to mention it, the taste is really good, but it's a little light. If it's heavier, it's better... Heavy taste, roar!"

Lao Huang sat on the root of the tree, holding his teeth and asked, "What should we do next? On the winning list, we are far behind."

This killing competition directly announced the top 30 adventurers in each district. In order to meet on the way, the Tianshen team had too many differences in winning points, and no one was on the list.

When it comes to business, Lin Xiao also became serious, wiped his mouth and said, "The killing competition lasts for seven days. The looser the time, the more tragic the final battle will be. Everyone knows the principle of boiling frogs in warm water, so I won't say more.

"There are two ways to get the winning points. One is to kill paleontoids on the island, and the other is to kill adventurers in hostile areas outside the region. However, there are too many battle variables between adventurers. I believe that most adventurers will choose to temporarily avoid them at the beginning and get them by hunting paleontology. Winning point. But at the end of the killing competition, the master is likely to announce the erase list directly. At that time, the whole island will usher in the bloodiest moment.

Qin Yan nodded and said, "Yes, no one wants to die, but someone must die. The last area will be wiped out. This punishment is too horrible. In order to survive, everyone can only move forward desperately. Kill the top-ranked adventurers in the same area and the adventurers in the hostile area... In the end, everyone must have killed the red in front of their eyes and will kill all the creatures in front of them.

“...... That's the reason." Lin Xiao shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly, "The emergence of irreconcilable contradictions means that adventurers in different regions have no possibility of peaceful negotiations. We can only follow the rules set by the master - if you don't die, I will die. So the next focus of our actions should be on obtaining the winning points. After all, the more points we win, the greater the chance of survival. If you want to get a lot of wins in a short time, it is a little impractical to hunt adventurers in other areas, and you can only start from ancient creatures on the island.

“...... Compared with people, these primitive creatures that have not 'seen the world' are much easier to deal with.

Skull Island, also known as the "Forgotten Island", is like water droplets splashing from the long river of history. There are many species on the island, and even many of them have disappeared. In addition, all creatures also show huge characteristics.

According to the evaluation rules of the master, the average strength of the adventurer is equal to that of the third-level paleontology on the island. As for the fourth-level paleontology with 50 wins and 5 paleontology with 100 wins points... Obviously, it has the strength to crush ordinary adventurers.

Lin Xiao guessed that level 5 paleontology should be located at the top of the food chain on this island, such as Tyrannosaurus Rex, such as King Kong at the top of the Empire State Building*...

Of course, although the master rated the adventurer's combat effectiveness as medium-level, human wisdom is infinite. As long as he is willing to use his brain, it should not be a problem to deal with some wild beasts that have not yet bloomed.

“...... That's basically all." Lin Xiao snapped his fingers and said, "This is a war, a war between adventurers and monsters, adventurers and adventurers. So, what we need most now is... Intelligence!"

"War is not a paper war. All judgments must be based on existing intelligence. War is intelligence!"

Nowadays, many people will laugh at those seemingly stupid battles in ancient times, always saying how useless they are, and what will happen if they change to themselves. But many people have forgotten that we are just standing on the shoulders of giants. Throughout history and coordinating the overall situation, we can naturally guide the country, inspire words, and feces of thousands of households in those years. However, when the ancient generals fought, they did not have the opportunity to know the deployment of troops and traps between the enemy and us. They could only infer from the existing information. According to the form of war, the countermeasures formulated are naturally insufficient.

A horseshoe nail can fall into a huge empire, a wrong and untimely intelligence can easily bury a war.

"Well, if I had known, I would have bought a spy satellite." Xu Le grabbed his head in distress. "The spy satellite produced in the Red Alert is enough to keep the whole island under his eyes."

No one knows what the scene selected for the killing competition is. Even Lin Xiao, a "tcomb", will not spend 6,000 points on a C-level side plot to buy a spy satellite...

"Although there is no spy satellite, there is no way..." Lin Xiao turned his head and looked at Feng Xiaoxi and asked, "Woman, can your ability to communicate with the creatures on the island?"

Feng Xiaoxi nodded obediently and said, "Yes, the 'son of nature' has affinity, which can appease animals and plants on the island and try to communicate, but after all, animals can't speak. They can only convey vague information to me, and things beyond their thinking can't be expressed. "

Animals do not have the ability to think, and many things cannot be understood and naturally cannot be expressed. For example, they may know numbers, but they absolutely don't have the ability to calculate the multiplication formula. They can see things with their eyes, but they don't know what color the so-called blue is...

"Just be able to communicate." Lin Xiao smiled and recited the spell. Then he opened his right hand, and a pale sand dust gathered eyes appeared in the palm of his hand.

"Wow, what an ugly thing!" The gray eyes were still dripping in Lin Xiao's hand, which was the same as the real person's eyes. The two girls' scalps were numb, and they quickly turned their heads and didn't want to look at them again.

"Eye of Death... Er, although the name is very domineering, it is just a C-level skill, and its main function is to superimpose the vision. Lin Xiao said and put this gray eyeball on her shoulder, and her eyes suddenly turned vividly. "Sure enough, I can see the things behind me, but there is no color. Everything is gray."

"Eye of Death: consume 100 magic to summon an eye that can last 24 hours and superimpose it with your own vision. The eye of death can see the breath of death, which has no attack power and automatically disappears when attacked by external forces.

Grey, the color of death. After using the Eye of Death, it is very strange to see things. On one side, it is red and green, and on the other side, it is gray and dark, as if two eyes are looking at two pictures at the same time. If it were an ordinary person, I'm afraid it won't be long before he will be tortured crazy, but for us Brother Lin... It's just a piece of cake. Jokingly, their thinking can't be understood by ordinary people for a weirdo who can draw a circle with their left hand and a square with their right hand when they are three years old.

“...... So," Lin Xiao took off the eyeballs on his shoulder, played casually, and smiled, "Do you know what kind of birds on the island fly fast and high?"

"..." Everyone looked at each other and wiped their cold sweat at the same time.

The wind was small and soon summoned a few brightly feathered birds from the forest. It is worth mentioning that these "birds" are all the size of turkeys.

After patting the eyes of death on these nameless birds and communicating with them, they succeeded in making these birds fly in six directions and scattering out. At the same time, Lin Xiao has sat aside, holding a pen and paper in his hand, looking blankly at the front.

The eye of death was patted on the bird, and then the bird was controlled by Feng Xiaoxi to fly to the sky. At this time, Lin Xiao had become... God's perspective.