Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 020 ends

(I originally planned to write this paragraph well, but unfortunately I couldn't control it. After all, I'm a rookie. Forgive me~~ Next, let's take the mission route, fight or something...)

"Cyan Fantasy" team!

The southern district retreated, and the western district was difficult to support. At the last moment, the European and American teams hidden on one side finally showed their ferocious fangs!


More than ten rockets fell from the sky, and the flames and turbulent smoke instantly covered half of the sky.

Anti-tank rocket, which was the ultimate single combat weapon during World War II. It is small in size and portable. It is amazingly powerful. Even a heavy tank armed with steel can be destroyed by a rocket. At this time, more than a dozen rockets were fired, and the accuracy was amazing. It completely ignored the four black people, even Huang Qinyan and so on, but pointed directly at Lin Xiao!

What is the war fighting? It's resources and money!!

In the previous battle, the European and American teams have seen clearly through spy satellites. Lin Xiao is undoubtedly the core of this group of people, and the horrible magic and superb strength are enough to scare people. So Adam proposed a strategy to kill it at all costs! Kill him, and the rest of the people are all mob!

This round of rockets shot at least 4,000 points, and the target is only one person, that is a pseudo-priest!

It's better to break one arm than to hurt his ten fingers! Although there are many controversies, Lin Xiao's strength has aroused the fear of the whole European and American teams. This person must not stay!

More than ten rockets cut through the long sky, dragged the flame tail, and rushed down to the sky. Looking at the end of the world, alien invasion-like scene, the pseudo-priest's mouth twitched...

"Lin Xiao!"


"The big soul is light!"


hong!! The loud noise continued, and another round of a big explosion comparable to the destruction of the map. The earth was trembling, the flames were spewing, and the smoke and soil rising to the sky blocked everyone's sight. Lin Xiao's small figure, like a stone in front of Hongfeng, disappeared.

Lao Huang was stunned, and Feng Xiaoxi was stunned. At this moment, all the people of the God Team were stunned.

"Haha, no one is arrogant, there will always be a day of death!"

"Well, what about magic? In front of the power of science and technology, everything is empty!"

Girl Julia shook her head and sighed, "Oh, it's a pity that my sister still wants to communicate with him..."

Under this devastating blow, no one thinks that Lin Xiao can survive, otherwise he will really be against the sky. Magic, what's wrong with magic? In the face of such a horrible technology bombing, what can your magic do?

The enemy is dead, and the European and American team suddenly laughed happily. Good to die, good to die, haha! That man, the man in the black robe, is so terrible... If you don't die, no one can feel at ease!

A while laughing, Adam suddenly raised his head and said in a hoarse voice: "No, he's not dead..."

In an instant, the joy stops and the laughter stops. Julia looked stunned and asked, "What are you talking about?"

Adam pointed to his chest: "There is no prompt from the master..."

The faces of the European and American teams began to change, and they are not dead? How can it be! But Adam will not lie to them, let alone the master...

Suddenly, a low cough sounded from the smoke and shocked everyone. An impatient black man summoned a strong wind and blew away the smoke and dust. On the pothole earth, the pseudo-priest in a black robe was standing with a smile on his face, with a golden token above his head. That face, although smiling, makes people can't stop being scared...

"Ding: You used the death-free gold medal!"

"Death-free gold medal: If the holder suffers death damage, the death-free gold medal will automatically play an effect and block death. And be invincible in the next ten seconds. Price: 10,000 points.

Under the map-like bombardment, although Lin Xiao had thousands of means, he was helpless. There is no way to escape and defense. In that case, there seems to be no other way but to wait for death. However, at the last moment, Lin Xiao received props from Xu Le through the team space to avoid death gold medals...

This is a powerful prop worth 10,000 points for a B-level side plot. It is the life-saving card that Xu Le bought with most of his belongings. No matter what purpose, no matter how careful he is, Xu Le gave him to Lin Xiao at the end and saved his life.

"Oh, hehe." Lin Xiao slowly raised his head and smiled, "It's a pity that I'm not dead, but Satan just told me that he welcomes you to have tea!"

Gently put the golden bracelet on, and the next second, the three-meter-tall, silent death soldiers rose up, holding a huge black tomahawk, and red eyes under the earthy yellow mask.


I don't know where the low horn sounded, far away and desolate, with heavy historical vicissitudes. Ten Death soldiers lined up in a small army and began to charge.

Boom! The Death soldier's footsteps stepped on the ground, and the heavy footsteps echoed in all directions. Although there were only a hundred, it seemed that thousands of troops and horses were charging, which was unstoppable!

Three girls appeared on the hillside. Looking at the death army silent in the sound of the desolate horn below, one of the sweet and lovely girls immediately covered her little mouth and stared with big eyes, "Sister, sister, what is that?"

Wu Qingcheng was also in a trance. He looked at the shocked European and American team and then at Lin Xiao, with great shock in his eyes.

That man is so powerful to fight against the European and American teams alone with the power of one person. Is this going against the sky?

"Didi~~" Another girl drew a series of data streams in her eyes, and then said, "Monster name, Death Soldier. Type, summoning object. The time is unknown, the weakness is unknown, and the combat effectiveness assessment is 52 points.

"Wow, it turned out to be an embroidered pillow, which is not useful. It's only 52 points of combat effectiveness, which is not as good as dolls!" The cute girl raised her mouth proudly.

"And..." Another girl continued: "Death Legion stunt: team aura. When the Death soldiers combine to fight into a legion, they will get a combat effectiveness bonus for the number of soldiers, and the current combat effectiveness of the legion...578.

Doll: "..."

"Wow, Xiaoyi, you bully me!"

"Do you have it?" The other girl raised the corners of her mouth with a shallow smile.

"Okay, you two girl, stop it." Wu Qingcheng shook his head, frowned and said, "This Lin Xiao is very powerful. He almost fought against the adventurers in the three regions on his own... Although we are late, we always have to say hello.


Looking at the charge of the Death Legion, several European and American teams changed their faces.

"Adam!" Julia bit her teeth and shouted in a low voice.

"I see." Adam on one side nodded and silently took out a palm-sized instrument. For a burst of time*, the four Terminators who were shooting crazily were stunned, and then a dangerous red light flashed in his electronic eyes.

"Ding: Self-detonation program starts, countdown ten, nine, eight, seven..."

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! The red light in the eyes of the four Terminators rushed into the Death Legion and launched a crazy self-detonation. The huge waves rolled and the flames were surging. Under Adam's calculation, each Terminator blew up and shattered a large number of Death soldiers. After a round, it was also the seven or eight that swept away the Legion of Death.

Although this is the case, the faces of the European and American teams are still gloomy. Just now, they saw clearly that the pseudo-priest wearing on his wrist was the Death bracelet in "Legend of Ghosts" II, summoning the Death Legion, which was not fun. But the Terminator is different. This is a war weapon that the "Color Fantasy" team worked hard to buy with points. In this way, four of them are lost, and the heartache is dripping blood!

Suddenly, ten seconds of invincible state passed quietly. Lin Xiao only felt that his body was soft and he fell to the ground dizzy. This scene immediately flashed in the eyes of the four people in the West District who had just wanted to evacuate.

"Ding: You are in a state of 'serred and weak'." The master's hint sounded in Lin Xiao's ears at the right time.


"Hey, brother from the Southern District! If you don't kill at this time, when will it be?" A big man from the European and American team immediately shouted, "The pseudo-priest is now at the end of the crossbow, and it is absolutely impossible to have any combat effectiveness!" And we designed to surround him, and the grudge has been knotted. When he recovers, it will be our death!"

Although this is bullshit, it has reached the hearts of others. Four Western adventurers looked at each other and said nothing.

"Hunt, leave that boy alone and kill the fake priest first!" Xilu shouted.

Xu Le had become a bloody man at this time, with wounds all over his body. In the battle just now, he was killed by the man called Hunter.

After listening to Xilu's shouting, Hunter pulled out the bone knife and said with a sneer, "Wash your neck and wait for me..." Then he was short and shot out like a cheetah.

"Little rabbit, taste my axe first!"

After such a long time, Lao Huang has retreated from the barbarian transformation. Although the sequelae are very serious, he still raised his axe and stood in front of Lin Xiao.

The previous round of carpet bombing has sent all the executioners, undead mages and other creatures summoned by Lin Xiao back to hell. At this time, it can be said that Lin Xiao's most vulnerable moment.

"Hmm, get out of here!" A beast-like roar sounded in the hunting throat, and the old yellow axe was opened with a knife, and the next knife stabbed the old yellow in the abdomen. Blood splashed, and Lao Huang's body trembled, but he stood still without retreating at all.

Behind it is a brother... There is no way out.

"Then I'll kill you first." The fierce light in the hunting eyes flashed, becoming more and more unlike human beings. With a roar, he cut Lao Huang's neck with a knife. Just then, a five-meter-high black ice giant suddenly fell from the sky, waved a huge fist and fell head-on.

The hunt turned over and dodged, with a pair of beast-like eyes looking forward.

Three girls walked slowly, led by an extremely beautiful woman, wearing the white gauze of ancient times, with picturesque eyebrows, fresh and refined, like a fairy who did not eat the fireworks of the world, and accidentally fell into the mortal world. The girl Pingting walked to the battlefield. The leading woman opened her red lips gently, and her voice was far away and ethereal. She said, "People from our East District, do you dare to move around?"

Looking at the adventurer in the West District coldly, the beautiful woman turned her head, smiled gently at Lin Xiao and said, "My name is Wu Qingcheng. It's nice to meet you... Lin Xiao.

"Dancing in the city?" Lin Xiao turned his eyes and quickly reacted.

Wuqingcheng, the third place in the Eastern District Rankings. So far, except for Dongfeng Po and Lin Xiao, her position is unshakable, firmly occupying the third place in the list. This is a awesome person.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao couldn't help touching her chin and looked carefully at the woman in front of her. Beautiful, very beautiful, more beautiful than all the women Lin Xiao has seen, but it is too cold and gorgeous, and it smells like fireworks in the world. Anyway, it's not Lin Xiao's dish.

"Huh, pervert, what are you looking at?" The doll on one side couldn't help humming angrily.

Lin Xiao withdrew her eyes on Wu Qingcheng's chest and looked at the girl with a ponytail, with an obscene smile on her face: "Hey, little sister, what's your name?"

The doll was shocked by Lin Xiao's "wolf-like tiger" eyes and hurriedly hid behind Wu Qingcheng and said with a disgusted face, "Bah, pervert! Fortunately, my sister also said that you are a master. I think you are pretending to be!"

"Okay, stop talking." The corners of Wu Qingcheng's mouth twitched gently. Obviously, he was not satisfied with Lin Xiao's attitude, and his tone was even colder: "After all, he is an adventurer in the same area. For our overall strength, we can help!"

"Oh, sister, but his eyes are good... OK..."

"This is called sincerity." Lin Xiao shook her hair and said, "Little girl, her eyes represent the heart. You just see the most sincere thoughts in my heart, which shows that I am an honest person, a noble person who is out of vulgar interests..."

"Hmm, perverts are perverts. Why are you pretending to be happy!"


"Hey, don't think we don't exist!!" The adventurers in the West Side were angry, hunting with a gloomy face, and were about to take action again. Suddenly, there was a burst of exclamation from the North District. Seeing the banner hunting, a white horse rushed like a meteor!

Above the white horse is a man in silver armor and white-haired with a golden robe on his back. Although he is charging alone, he has the magnificent momentum of thousands of horses!

The ambition to fall into battle, there is death but no life!

"Wow, so handsome!" The baby exclaimed, and a small star appeared in his eyes.

As soon as he rode the dust, the man instantly broke through the obstacles of the European and American team and killed Lin Xiao's side magnificently. The long gun swept away, and the king's vigor was full of vitality, and he said in a low voice: "... My name is Dongfeng Po!"

East wind breaks!! Like a huge stone thrown into the water, one stone stirs up thousands of waves! Who doesn't know the name?! Before Lin Xiao's rise, he ranked first in the Eastern District list and first in the general list. His strength and status are unshakable!

"East wind breaks..." Almost all the adventurers took a cold breath. These three words are not only a name, but also a representative of powerful combat power, mysterious, powerful and unmatched!

glanced left and right, and Dongfeng's eyes quickly passed from other people's faces and said lightly, "Who is Lin Xiao?"

A very nonsensical sentence, the front is out of tune, and the back is out of the end. It's confusing.

Lin Xiao narrowed her eyes and said lightly, "Do you want to kill me?"

The east wind looked at Lin Xiao coldly without any hesitation and said, "Yes!"

"What's the reason?"

"It's very simple, first, it can only be me!!"


In the nest? Infighting? The European and American teams and the Western teams, which had planned to escape from here quickly, stopped again. He looked this way with great interest. I thought that Dongfeng Po also came to support Lin Xiao, but it doesn't seem to be...

"Well, we are both East District adventurers. It's not good to do this." Wu Qingcheng glanced at Lin Xiao and slowly said, "Any loss of combat power will reduce the chances of winning our whole region. For the final victory, infighting or something..."

"Who are you?" Before he finished speaking, he was rudely interrupted by the east wind.

"I am..."

"I don't care who you are!" Dongfeng broke coldly and said, "Men talk, women don't interrupt!"

Wu Qingcheng's breath stagnated, his face was blue and white, and his forehead was blue and veins jumped, and he hummed angrily, "You are looking for death!"

"Well, if you dare to look down on the eldest sister, you will die!" The two girls were also following each other.

glanced at the three women, and the east wind said lightly, "Kill Lin Xiao, under my leadership, the East District will still be the first!" The tone is arrogant and confident.

"Oh, that's not a small tone." Lin Xiao stood up, gathered with Lao Huang Feng and said, "By the way, why do you think you killed me?"

"The person I want to kill can't escape my hand!" Dongfeng broke a long gun in his hand and said arrogantly, "The first can only be me, so you must die!"

"Is that so..." Lin Xiao curled his lips and turned his head to look into the distance.

The rumbled, and the earth began to tremble again, and countless loud roars came from afar. Everyone's faces changed and turned their heads. Could it be that another enemy will appear?

The roar echoed among the mountains. At the corner, countless giant-legged dinosaurs, like rampant tanks, were crushed from afar!

"Damn! What's going on?!"

"Who provoked the dinosaurs!"


The vast group of dinosaurs, at a glance, are dense and countless. But the momentum of charging is like thousands of troops and horses, shocking people's hearts!

In front of the torrent, no one dares to stay. What Terminator, what the Death Legion are all scum! Even if it's an adventurer, no one dares to provoke... Are you looking for death?!

"Haha, goodbye." Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Xiao's group silently turned around and jumped off the hundreds of meters high cliff behind them.

Wow, the blue canvas opened, and the glider wings flew to the distance in an instant with the wind.

"The dareless rat people actually fled without fighting!!" The east wind snorted angrily and did not dare to stay more. He turned over and rode the white horse beside him and left quickly.

"We also retreat!"



In front of the crazy dinosaurs, any creature that stands in the way is like a fragile egg, broken at a touch. No one dares to fight hard and avoids them one after another.

At the same time, the communication channel sounded, and Qin Yujie's voice came: "The implementation of the plan has been completed and successfully caused the outbreak of dinosaurs..."