Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 026 King Kong

The "Color Fantasy" team is one of the top teams in Europe and the United States.

To become the captain of this team, Julia relies not only on the support of the three difficult people behind her, but also on her own efforts, powerful cards and fierce means. Once, an adventurer relied on her strength to strengthen this attractive beauty at the beginning of the mission world, and after Julia escaped, she actually gave up all the tasks issued by the master, at the risk of huge losses to fight against the adventurer everywhere, and finally killed him at the moment of return.

So, Julia became famous in the first battle. Everyone knows that this is a woman who does everything she can to achieve her goal. She is like a thorny rose, which makes people love and fear.

And now, Julia, who used the killing, is so fragile, like a newborn lamb, being hunted down. But, but! Julia can't die! It's not that she is afraid of her captain's position, but her sister. That's the existence of three difficulties. You can crush yourself with your hands! Although the two men were afraid of Lin Xiao, a cruel pseudo-demon, they had to kill him...

"The pseudo-priest was hit by Julia's 'death nightmare', and he can't be safe and sound! Let's go together and kill him!" One person breathed.

"Yes, what a horrible trick the pupil 'death nightmare' is. Even if we won't be hurt because of our teammates, the power that can show the deepest fear in people's hearts is still not to be underestimated. Every time I get hit, my legs and feet will be weak. The pseudo-priest must pretend!"

"Take advantage of his illness and kill him!"


Two white men muttered and shouted straight to Lin Xiao. One on the left reached out and touched a long cyan stick, dancing with wind and water. The other was more direct. On the way, he turned into a black werewolf more than two meters high, staring at a pair of blood-red eyes and pointed to Lin Xiao's heart.

Death nightmare, a special level of skill, can embody the deepest primitive fear in people's hearts, making you lose and despair in fear, and its power is really horrible. And once you can't stand the nightmare and die, you will also die in reality.

Lin Xiao guessed that this should be some kind of spiritual attack skill, which can be released through the pupil and reach the hearts of others. Some are similar to the ability of Freddy, the demon in Ghost Street, to pull people into horrible nightmares and then kill them.

This attack is almost defenseless and irresistible. Even if you know that you are just trapped in a dream, who can keep calm and awake when the endless nightmare hits? Most people will be lost in the fog of terror until the decline of life.

Human consciousness is the most wonderful and unfathomable thing. Even with today's developed technology, it cannot be analyzed and insightful. For example, the body of a new dead person will be 21 grams lighter than when he did not die. What is the 21 grams that disappeared? Where did you go? Some people speculate that 21 grams is the weight of the soul.

In the 1960s, American scientists did such an experiment: after hypnotizing a volunteer, they put a cold piece of iron on his body and told him that it was a hot soldering iron. The hypnotized volunteer's body immediately showed various reactions, and there were also burn marks and blisters on his skin... In fact, it's just an ordinary piece of iron.

The power of the soul is really incredible, and in some cases, it even has the power of fantasy to come true. This is the case with Julia's "death nightmare", dragging others into the terrible nightmare of reincarnation. If consciousness collapses, the function of the body in reality will also die. It can be called an unsolved horror trick.

Unfortunate, she met Lin Xiao, a pseudo-priest. Because of using the sniper of death, Lin Xiao has been wearing a necklace: "Hiller's Heart". And the effect obtained is: absolute calmness.

In an absolutely calm state, although Lin Xiao fell into a nightmare, she was not defeated. From beginning to end, she remained absolutely calm. From the beginning, the doomsday town in "Hell Lullaby" was cut off by the triangular monster, and then played the game of "one thousand one death methods" with Freddy in the gloomy factory, and then the ghosts in the death inn to the final nothingness. Lin Xiao has been watching everything as a bystander. Because that's the world he once imagined.

At this point, I have to talk about the character of this person under Lin Xiao. As the saying goes, this is a weirdo. At a certain time, this man suddenly studied all kinds of ways to die in the world, and it is known as "one thousand one" ways to die. For example, in ancient China, decapitation, head beheading, Ling Chi, poisoning, heart digging, Tibetan burial, lighting skylights, pig cages in the south, sinking rivers, Egyptian live mummies, as well as modern shootings, electric shocks, wrist cutting, death injections and so on.

Who can imagine that a white and eyeless young man walking on the street can accommodate such crazy and extreme thoughts in his head and live an ordinary life as if nothing had happened?

Howard. Watts once said, "The so-called genius is a person who has two extreme crazy thoughts in his head and can be left unaffected." That's the general idea. I can't remember exactly what to say, and I can't find it on the Internet. Sorry)

In a sense, Lin Xiao is also a true genius.

In the nightmare of death, Lin Xiao has always maintained absolute calmness, speculating and analyzing the composition of the world from the perspective of a bystander, and finally broke through the endless nightmare and wounded Julia. After his spiritual strength broke through the critical value, Lin Xiao had a refreshing feeling. The current state can be said to be very good.


The two looked murderous and cooperated with the firepower suppression of the two terminators, one left and one right, pointing directly at Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao's eyes were calm with sarcasm, and the black Bible slowly floated and gently spit out four words: "Courage is commendable."

The next second, with Lin Xiao as the center, a bloody storm suddenly appeared, rolling up the sad whimper and sweeping everywhere! Take a closer look, in the bloody storm, countless peeling skeletons were floating, opening their mouths and howling, and the silent fear shocked people's hearts!

"Blood and underworld!"

The A-level black magic in the Bible of the Dead will reveal the bloody ghosts in the world and attract the ghosts to devour everything. The magic power of this move is strong enough to drain any B-level mage. If Lin Xiao hadn't had the talent of "ao shu da", he would not have launched this amazing move.

The sea of blood rolled, the sound of the underworld was great, and the hazy country of death spread rapidly, covering the surrounding area of more than ten meters. Two European and American adventurers were suddenly horrified. Only then did they know that Lin Xiao's last resort was so horrible. How weak is it? It's even stronger! There is no other idea in my heart, only the word "escape".

Unfortunately, the bloody ghost spread so fast that the two were shrouded as soon as they turned around, and then countless bloody skeletons sobbed and surged up, and their claws penetrated into their bodies like illusion. But seeing pieces of skin and flesh cut by invisible knife light, their bodies were like a rag, and in an instant, they were full of holes and white bones. Two European and American adventurers screamed in pain, with painful and ferocious faces...

"Ah!!" The werewolf roared in pain, took out a white jade and threw it to the ground fiercely. The whole person instantly broke away from the bloody storm and appeared in the forest 20 meters away.

He looked back at Lin Xiao in horror, and then ran away without looking back, but a beautiful oriental woman in black tights suddenly appeared beside her. The werewolf was shocked, and then the cold and bitter chill wiped across his neck, and a curved black dagger flashed with cold light, bringing a bright blood flower...

More than ten seconds later, the bloody storm dispersed, revealing Lin Xiao with a slightly pale face. At Lin Xiao's feet, there was a white man with wounds and no intact skin all over his body. His eyes were closed, his seven orifices were bleeding, and his death was amazing. At this time, the escaped werewolf was also killed by Qin Yan, and the ugly head was cut off and thrown aside.

"Ding: You killed the adventurer W3570, and you got 20 wins. You can randomly select one of the other party's equipment and props."

So killing adventurers is a means to get rich. Every time you kill a person, you can randomly select a piece of equipment and prop in the other party's space. If you are lucky, you can easily get thousands of points. Of course, you may also get some garbage equipment, such as bandages, bullets and so on. This kind of thing is about character.

And Lin Xiao's character was obviously exhausted, and this time he got another garbage prop: "First-level summoning cards, consumables. Then summon a different-dimensional creature for 30 minutes. The biological strength summoned is one level. ( Note: Level 1, the physical fitness of ordinary people)

No wonder the adventurer didn't use this card. What do you think can be used to summon a creature of ordinary people's strength? Being cannon fodder is not qualified. This is...

After solving the problem of two blocking goods, Lin Xiao just wanted to chase, but suddenly there was a deafening giant beast roar behind him. Looking back, he was stunned. The corners of his mouth twitched gently, "Ha ha, who released this guy..."

Just above the ancient city, crouching with a huge monster as tall as a meat mountain, covered with long black hair. The two huge developed chest muscles were scarred, and the thick air spewed out of the nostrils like a train chimney. The white waves were rolling staring at a pair of huge eyes, staring at Lin Xiao and others coldly and ruthlessly. That expression is like looking at the meal on your plate, hesitating who to eat meat first...

King Kong!! A huge orangutan more than ten meters high, a giant creature that can tear up Tyrannosaurus Rex, stands at the top of the food chain and is looked up by countless people!