Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 031 Wonderful Moments

"Acquaintance..." With the lazy voice, Lin Xiao and his group slowly came over.

"It's you." Bai Yu frowned slightly, but his expression was not relaxed. In the final analysis, everyone is just a stranger who has experienced a mission world together, not a friend, let alone a partner of life and death. And now it is still a killing competition mode, killing without a reason.

Lin Xiao's eyes turned and understood Bai Yu's thoughts, but he did not clearly say that this kind of cautious vigilance can only be said to be human feelings. At present, he was too lazy to explain. With a wave of his hand, a white milky light fell from the sky, and the injury on Bai Yu's body slowly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Thank you..." Bai Yu blushed and was speechless. His attitude just now is like an enemy, but now he is treating himself... It's so embarrassing.

Lin Xiao waved his hand and was about to say something when the sound of bullets suddenly sounded at the foot of the mountain. With the screams of the beast and the sound of falling to the ground, the King Kong giant ape, which had been severely damaged by Bai Yu, fell to the ground and shook three times. From a distance, the skull of King Kong has been overturned by bullets, and the white ** has flowed to the ground. Obviously, he can't die anymore.

"go, go, go!" A white adventurer looked happy and obviously got a hint from the master. He hurriedly greeted his companions and quickly drilled into the jungle.

When Bai Yu saw this scene, he was so angry that his eyes darkened and almost spit out a mouthful of old blood: "You, you guys! How dare you rob me!"

Humiliation, ** Naked Humiliation! I was tired and fought for a long time, but finally let you pick the peach. What's the difference between this and my hard-working daughter-in-law and finally being slept by others? I can't stand it!

"I wipe, how can there be such a strong sense of vision..." Xu Le complained again.

Those are two European and American adventurers, with blond hair and big eyes, one with an ordinary sniper rifle in his hand. The fatal blow just now was obviously shot by this man.

Looking at the two quickly fleeing figures, Lin Xiao frowned. Qin Yujie rushed out without saying a word, so fast that she even brought a series of shadows behind her back, which was shocking.

Looking at Qin Yan chasing and killing alone, the others stood still and did not move. The uncle was puzzled and said indignantly, "Why don't you help? Let that girl die alone!"

Lin Xiao said in a low voice, "Don't worry... Watch her perform. This is her showtime.


"Hey, Jack, someone is chasing me. It's so fast, at least 120 kilometers per hour!" A white man looked back and immediately exclaimed.

"What?!" The man with the gun hurriedly turned around and saw a black-haired oriental woman running at a cheetah-like speed. Wherever he passed, the wind suddenly rose and smoke and dust rolled.

"Humph, how fast can you get the bullet?" With just a little observation, the man knew that with the speed of the two of them, he could never get rid of each other. He drove a sniper rifle without saying a word and planned to kill. Since you sent it to my door, you can't blame me..."

The man smiled ferociously and aimed at Qin Yan with a shot. At the moment of the sudden roar, a shadow suddenly appeared beside Qin Yujie. The bullet passed through the shadow that could last for three seconds, and Qin Yan herself was unharmed.

"Well, guns and so on are useless to Xiaoyan." Lin Xiao snorted and stared at the chase and escape battle over there.

"Oh?" The adventurer was stunned for a moment, and the unsatisfactory result did surprise him. "Interestingly, he dodged by himself." He immediately aimed and was ready to shoot the second shot.

Unexpectedly, he saw an incredible scene from the scope. The dark-haired woman began to walk in a zigzag line, and every one to two seconds, she released a shadow.

"Shading cloak: C-level prop, after activation, you can form a shadow with no attack power behind you. The duration of the shadow: 3 seconds."

"Not bad..." Lin Xiao explained with a smile, "Use the visual misleading caused by the residual shadow, combined with the irregular movement of repeated direction... Even the running speed and the frequency of releasing skills are constantly changing."

“...... This is a sniper's nightmare.

Seeing this, the face of the European and American adventurer finally became extremely ugly. Her strength was all on the gun, and the black woman in front of her, with ghosts and erratic, was completely her nemesis.

“...... As we all know, there are few adventurers playing with guns, and they are hardly seen in the later stage. The reason is not the decline of the gunman's profession, but its own limitations. Lin Xiao looked at the distance and said lightly, "Firearms are a product of the gunpowder era. In the eyes of ordinary people, it is a powerful weapon. Killing people only need to pull the trigger. It doesn't matter whether you are an ordinary person or a martial arts master, there is nothing wrong with such a simple thing as pulling the trigger, right?

"However, the principle of firearms is that the huge energy released by gunpowder after burning in a narrow space ejects iron warheads out. This energy can be said to be fixed, with a fixed initial speed and fixed kinetic energy. It will not be as strong as your strength is, that is to say, when you can smash a mountain with one punch, you still use a gun, and the bullet can only kill an old sow.

"The reason why gun mastery is the most 'ordinary' strengthening in the city is that it can help adventurers get through the weak period when they first enter the space. But when everyone's strength gradually improves, the role of firearms will be greatly reduced... For example, the sixth sense of the small universe of Saint Seiya and the seventh sense of the ultimate and the eighth sense of God, such as the position of Keanu Reeves in The Matrix.

"Well, it seems that Sister Qin is also using firearms now..." Xu Le interrupted.

Looking up, I saw that Qin Yujie took out two submachine guns from her bag...

One of them is the MP5 she has been using, and the other is the recently purchased Uzi (Uzi submachine gun).

[Name: Uzi]

[Type: Weapon]

[Quality: Ordinary]

[Attack: Medium]

[Surname: none]

[Special effects: none]

[Note: reliable, light, easy to operate and low cost.]

[Dominant evaluation: This is also an artifact, which is the best choice for traveling at home and killing people. The dominant product must be a boutique, and the quality is trustworthy!]

"Well, complain or something, don't care..."

Every time you experience a mission world, adventurers will get certain points to strengthen their attributes. It can be said that here, everyone is a superman, and any one can win various awards at the Olympic Games.

The role of force is mutual, and adventurers have already surpassed normal people in real life. Even a female surname can be used with one hand like a governor*. Therefore, today's sadness, it is also easy to fight with two *.

Here, I would like to say that in fact, most people will not die immediately after being shot. The scene in the movie where you are shot and burp directly, in fact, there is no scientific basis at all... Simply put, the head, heart, back of the head and other positions are critical, and more than 90% of those who are shot will die. But you were shot in the abdomen and you fell to the ground and died. This is completely unscientific!! After the bullet enters the human body, it will cause tearing and puncture effects. The most serious thing is that the stomach wall is broken, resulting in acid reflux, corrosion of internal organs, and gross gastrointestinal bleeding, etc. If you don't lie on the ground and roll for a few minutes, you will be embarrassed to die...

"Dad..." The fire tongue splashed, and two extremely fast "*" poured a large number of bullets in a few seconds. Qin Yujie held two guns, her black hair flew, and her strong firepower suppressed the enemy. Looking at it from afar, she was heroic and valiant, quite like a black boss and spicy policewoman successors.

With the suppression of firepower, Qin Yujie quickly approached the two European and American adventurers, and then it was a wonderful showtime. Walking at the dance-like fantasy pace, the black dagger flew up and down, and pieces of flesh and blood were sprinkled... This is a wonderful moment that belongs to Qin Yan.