Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 036 Disaster 2

The time waiting on the ship is boring. I am used to seeing the turbulent sea, but I think the battle on the island is more interesting.

However, since he knew the horrible monsters lurking in the depths of the sea, no one dared to be lazy. The spinning tops, like being pumped, were crazily busy and abruptly reduced the repair time to two hours. At 223 p.m., when the sun was 30 degrees west, the hole broken by the reef at the bottom of the ship was finally blocked, and the seawater pouring into the cabin was also discharged.

"Report to the captain! The hull damage has been repaired!"

"Everything is normal!"

"The wind direction and vision are all normal!"

"The anchor and mooring equipment are well placed! Communication and navigation equipment, lighting and signal equipment are well installed!"

"Okay, set sail immediately!" The white captain raised his arms, and the sailors of the whole ship immediately cheered. Finally leaving this devil's land, there is nothing more joyful than escaping.

The long whistle sounded, and the ship began to move slowly, but just after turning the direction, the hull suddenly shook and then stopped in place.

"What's going on?" The white captain shouted, "Deputy, tell me what's wrong!!"

First officer Hayes ran out and came back a moment later. He was already sweating profusely. He listened to the man shout with a little fear and said, "Everything is normal in the power cabin!" All the anchors have been put away! Captain... Our propeller was entangled, and something fucking dragged our boat in the sea!!"

As soon as this word came out, everyone's eyes suddenly became frightened. The horrible scene that happened in hours was still vivid. After seeing the horror hidden in the sea, no one dared to go into the water easily, and even when they were free, everyone would avoid the side of the ship far away, as if avoiding the flood and beast.

The white captain saw sweat on his forehead, glanced at the silent crowd and roared, "Our ship is entangled! I can't leave! Someone must go into the water to solve it!"

"..." No one answered, and no one dared to look up. Who dares to go into the water at this time? They are sailors, not soldiers, and they do not obey orders. After all, they are just a group of ordinary people who work on the sea to make a living, and there is no essential difference from white-collar workers sitting in the office.

If you can live, no one wants to die.

The captain's eyebrows condensed into a pimple, and he smoked the inferior cigarettes in his hand fiercely. At this time, a voice suddenly sounded: "Leave this matter to us."

The sailors looked up and saw those mysterious oriental merchants.

As soon as someone was willing to go out to take the lead, the white captain was immediately overjoyed and hurriedly said, "Then trouble you. I know that the East is an ancient and mysterious country with our unimaginable ability, which will definitely solve this problem easily... It's not like these eggless soft eggs, one by one to make shrinking turtles!"

The sailors were all red-faced, but in the face of life and death, in the end, no one dared to stand up, carefully wandering away one by one, and did not dare to look at Lin Xiao and others. Instead, Director Carl held Lin Xiao's hand with great concern: "Dear Lin, I have to rely on you more this time..."

Lin Xiao waved his hand and said nothing. These sailors are ordinary people. What can you expect them to do? And at this time, the ship was entangled, which was obviously the master of the ghost, in order not to complete the task easily. Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover up, and some things can't be avoided.

“...... The battle in the water is no better than that on land, and the resistance of the fluid is extremely large. Often, when ten times of the force hits the monster, there is only less than 30% left, and the bullet is no longer quite powerful because of the sea. This time, it seems that we can only have a primitive and hearty hand-to-hand fight. Lin Xiao whispered and suddenly laughed again, "Cough, I'm sorry, I said something inappropriate for children... Hey hey."

"Bah!" Qin Yujie spat softly, stared at Lin Xiao, and then said lightly, "I'll go with you!"

Lin Xiao didn't say anything. In fact, Lin Xiao knew exactly what was going on in the water. The radius of mental scanning has now been expanded to 500 meters. In the case of mental concentration, it is easy to "see" what you want to know.

Looking at the calm sea, Lin Xiao whispered, "The sea is a magnificent place, occupying 70% of the earth's surface. No one knows what is hidden in the ocean. Even with today's developed science and technology, it is impossible to understand one by one, but more mysterious fields. For example, the Devil Triangle of Bermuda, the bottomless whirlpool in the central Pacific Ocean, and the Mariana Trench, which is 10,000 meters deep, can easily swallow the highest peak on the earth - Everest.

"The largest creature on earth, the African elephant, weighs only a few tons, but the whale in the sea can easily swallow an elephant with one mouth. In various legends, there are also deep-sea giants dragging ships into the water, Nordic king squid, Mediterranean water monsters and so on... Sometimes I suddenly feel that all this is a divine stroke.

Uncle complained, "Didn't you just flaunt yourself as the four new young men of socialism? Why did you suddenly become a feudal superstitious old gentleman who asked divination?"

Lin Xiao smiled: "More than 80% of the world's greatest scientists believe in the existence of God. Great as Newton, wise as Einstein, and not immune to vulgarity. It can be seen that scientific exploration and spiritual belief have nothing to do with each other... Of course, I personally prefer logical things. Even if there is a god in this world, it is an existence that we can't understand. It's like three-dimensional creatures can't imagine a four-dimensional life, and the earth is round in the eyes of fish.

Uncle was speechless and squatted aside depressedly without saying anything. Then Lao Huang, Lin Xiao, Bai Yu and Qin Yan jumped into the water and began to solve the final "problem".

The sea is very clear, and you can clearly see the scenery more than ten meters below. Under the ship is an ancient coral reef, which is ingenious. A small coral tree was smashed and scattered on the deep seabed, which was obviously the result of last night's wind and waves.

The risker's lung capacity is far greater than that of ordinary people, and it doesn't matter if he doesn't breathe for ten minutes. At this time, he dived into the sea with a waterproof mirror, swam quickly around the bottom cabin of the ship, and quickly found the propeller position on the rear. Just take a look and understand the problem.

On the propeller of the ship, two thick tentacles are wrapped around, and a dark monster the size of two houses is quietly squatting in the shadow of the sea, shaking their tentacles from time to time, waiting for the arrival of the prey.

Several people's faces are a little ugly, the same disgusting and thrilling tentacles, the same contour shape, but different sizes. This monster lurking in the shadows is simply the apprentice of the giant beast!!

"How to do it?" Lao Huang inquired on the communication channel.

Lin Xiao thought for a moment and quietly made a gesture. Lao Huang was understanding and cut the two tentacles fiercely. This monster locked the propeller, making it impossible for the ship to leave. This matter can't be easily solved. It's better to simply attack and kill quickly.

"Puff!" The axe was cut down and brought a turbid flow. At once, the two tentacles were cut in half, and the dirty blood began to drift away. The tentacle monster struggled in pain, and all the tentacles danced wildly and swept the crowd.

"What's going on?" The underwater battle naturally affected the sea, and the ship began to shake irregularly. The sailors were shocked and rushed to the side of the ship. They only saw gurgling bubbles in the calm sea, and wisps of dark red blood gushed out.

"Those people who went into the water are over. How can they be the opponents of those horrible monsters?"

"It's over. We're dead. No one escaped the monster's mouth."

"They are all those damn Orientals who attracted the devil."

"Yes, if I had known this, I shouldn't have let them board the boat at all."

The sailors were frightened one by one and began to vent their fears with hysterical shouts.

“...... Shut up!" Feng Xiaoxi, who had been very quiet and well-behaved, suddenly shouted angrily, took out the arrow of the wind with his backhand, shot a huge explosion on the sea, and said coldly, "Who dares to say one more nonsense, I will kill him!"

These people are really shameless and disgusting. When it comes to the end, if there is no responsibility, you will only keep shirking your responsibility and pouring all the sewage on the adventurer's head, and what you say is more and more obscene and unsightly. Even the wind is small and can't stand it.

And Leng Qingling beside him was even more direct. With a sweep of the spear, he directly cut off the ear of the person who simply shouted the most fiercely. Looking at the man covering his bloody cheeks but lying on the ground and not daring to say anything, everyone was shocked.

The wicked still need to be tempered by the wicked. The more you tolerate and give in, the more others will take an inch. Only when they take a fierce action and beat them so that they are afraid and disabled, these people will be willing to stop.

No one dares to speak, quietly waiting for the result of the underwater fight, or the end, or heaven. Or the battle of trapped beasts, a life-and-death struggle.

After a few minutes, the ship was shocked and heard Feng Xiaoxi shout urgently: "The underwater problem has been solved! Hurry up and leave! Hurry up!!"

The captain threw away the inferior cigarettes in his hand, rushed into the cockpit, and shouted at the first officer Hayes: "The power cabin index is normal, and the propeller is running well!" At the helm, drive 30 degrees eastward!"

"Wo!" The sailors on the whole ship suddenly cheered and were finally about to leave this damn sea! I don't want to stay longer!

"Pong", the ship spouted black smoke and drove towards the distance, but there was a sound of heavy objects falling into the water from the side of the side of the ship. First Vice President Hayes hurried to look at it, but saw the mysterious oriental merchants just now sitting on the spare lifeboat and facing the island. Cross the direction.

They... Why do you have to go back? Until he saw a few embarrassed men and women emerging from the scarlet sea, Hayes suddenly felt a feeling of tears in his eyes: "You... Return my lifeboat!!"