Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 045 Melee: Mecha Frenzy

Kungurier big octopus! The deep-sea beast, the existence of a giant, is difficult to see its whole picture at a glance!

The earth has evolved for more than 4 billion years, and I don't know how many species have disappeared in the long river of history. Today's earth, the largest creature on land is just an African elephant, but the sea is mysterious, and no one can still see its customs.

This is a creature that only exists in legend and in the long river of ancient history, but at this moment, it appears extremely clearly in front of everyone!

The waves are surging, meteor fire rain falls in the sky, and countless huge creatures that have never been heard of and seen have gathered together to fight each other. Roaring and howling are endless in my ears. At this time, there is a huge monster comparable to Western European mythology in the sea, opening its ferocious teeth to everyone... This is an almost hellish horror nightmare.

Many people are trembling involuntarily. In the face of this huge and horrible beast in the sea, a deep sense of powerlessness is imprinted in everyone's hearts.

Such a monster... Is it really something that manpower can fight against?

The low whimper roar resounded under the night sky, and the Kungel octopus waved twelve huge tentacles, rolled up thousands of piles of snow, and swept up a bloody wind wherever it passed. On the tentacles, the basin-sized mouths kept opening and closing, and the palm-length fangs were staggered, like a meat grinder, rolling up weak monsters and directly surviving alive. The "kaka" chewing sound echoed on the battlefield, making people shudder.


Kungel's big octopus appeared. On the land side, the six-meter-high Tyrannosaurus rex first made trouble, shook its huge body, bumped away all the creatures that dared to block the way along the way, and killed them into the sea. It was as big mouths like a bulldozer, mercilessly biting on the tentacles and abrupt large pieces of meat. Mi. At the same time, several other King Kong giant beasts followed and rushed into the sea, grabbing the tentacles and beating them. So far, the top giant beasts at both ends of the sea and land have officially clashed...

The huge waves are huge, and the sea has been stirred into a pot of porridge. Lin Xiao can't see the specific situation of the war, but only heard a harsh roar resounding through the night sky.

"Forget it, let them call..." Lin Xiao shrugged his shoulders, withdrew his eyes, and once again commanded the Death Legion to kill another seriously injured sea monster.

I have to admit that the top combat power of this island is not what Lin Xiao can shake. Not to mention Kungril's big octopus, if it hadn't relied on BUG means, it would have been a pure dream to kill this monster. In addition, Titan King Kong, the ancient Tyrannosaurus Rex, two fierce beasts standing at the top of the island's food chain, also have the ability to sweep a small army... Although adventurers have many methods and endless tricks, there is a saying? Break all methods with one effort!

A few small tricks may have a balance on the battlefield, but they will never determine the outcome of the war.

The fire clouds in the sky gradually decreased, and the dense rain of flames dissipated, leaving only the burning earth and the fleeing flood and beasts.

Lin Xiao thought about this scroll for a moment. It should be the B-level magic scroll "Fire Rain Meteor" that he had seen in the store. Create a rain of fire that strikes a huge area of 500*500 square meters indiscriminately. The price is 5,000 points, which can be regarded as a very sharp prop. I don't know what kind of shit the ninja stepped on to get this kind of prop. Unfortunately, it didn't play a big role. It still died under the iron hooves of the Death Legion...

The earth is burning, the sea is also burning, the floods and beasts are fighting together like crazy, and the whole front is extremely long. Adventurers wandered on the edge of the battlefield, picking up people's heads and selling their teammates. The points rolled in, but the war has always been ruthless, and there are also some complacent guys who are accidentally submerged by the tide of beasts and their bones are gone.

Generally speaking, this is a gamble where danger and gain coexist. Victory or defeat and life and death are all in one thought.

On the other side of the battlefield, in the dark valley, Adam pushed the black-framed glasses on the bridge of his nose and said lightly, "Miss, everything is ready."

Julia nodded, her long blonde hair fell in front of her, and said quietly, "*The plan has been going on for three days, and I have endured for three days. I hope this time, it won't disappoint me."

Adam raised his hand, and there was a heavy footsteps in the dark. Robots with silver-gray metal bones strode out and came to Adam with neat steps.

"The robot sample in "Mechanical Enemy", plus the weapon sample of "Terminator", cooperate with the red alert * replication center... Although the master has set relatively harsh conditions and restrictions, it has to be said that the power in front of him is enough to sweep everything at present.

"Then let's get started."

“...... OK."

The robot army that received the order moved step by step, pulled out the gun behind it with its backhand, and shot neatly.

Boom! The flames soared into the sky, a mass of fire exploded, the limbs and minced meat took off, and the whole battlefield immediately fell into the roar of bullets.

"Yes*." Lin Xiao frowned and found a row of humanoid robots with a silver-gray metal shell coming from afar, with neat pace and ruthless electronic eyes. Behind each mecha infantryman was carrying a huge rocket, and the roar was endless.

After the fire meteor magic just now, the whole battlefield fell into chaos again. I don't know which unlucky person was hit by the slant thorn, and he is cursing loudly in a hoarse voice: "Oh, I'm going to hell with your grandma! Who is playing with fire? I don't know if playing with fire will burn itself! Is your head kicked by a donkey or a door clip? You don't want to blow up so many monsters, but stare at me. I'm going to go to your second uncle... Ouch, come back!"

Lin Xiao stood far away, but was not bombarded by the sudden gunfire, but the corner of his eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of the white figure. The gloomy face, the sick smile, and the iconic white coat... Who else is dressed like this besides the werewolf doctor?

The werewolf doctor obviously also found Lin Xiao's existence. After his eyes flashed for a while, he quickly retreated into the chaos and hid quickly.

"Ha ha." Lin Xiao touched her chin, with a creepy sneer in her mouth, and then waved her hand, and a black shadow shot out from behind. Just as I wanted to chase, the mecha army in the distance suddenly turned its firepower, as if there was a great hatred, and opened fire at Lin Xiao!

With his eyes narrowed, Lin Xiao immediately saw several European and American adventurers standing in front of the mecha army... Scary fantasy team!

The ghost will not disperse!!

Xu Le covered his head and fled awkwardly. The gunfire in the sky rolled up the smoke and dust of the earth and scolded angrily: "That prodigal woman doesn't care about money! If it had been my wife, she would have slapped her face and thought about it~~ It's shameful to waste!!"

Lin Xiao shook her head and was about to speak, but there was a shocking roar in the sea again. The tide surged, and twelve huge tentacles pierced the water and swept out!!

" hiss~~" Almost everyone took a breath of cold air. The huge monster was only invincible at one end, and at this time, two heads appeared in a row! Two Kunguri octopus were powerful at the same time, and the sea seemed to have set off twelve huge waves. The waves of more than ten meters completely blocked everyone's sight, and only the roar gradually weakened...

"Bang", a giant beast crossed the sky and fell down. It turned out to be a Tyrannosaurus Rex that was torn in half. The lower half of its body completely disappeared. The wound was full of flesh and blood, which was obviously twisted by the terrible power.


As the Tyrannosaurus Rex was first torn apart, the whole battlefield suddenly fell into a strange silence. Then, a blood-stained Velociraptor sobbed and turned around and fled, followed by the second and third...

The master's prompt sound then sounded: "Ding: The morale of the land army has dropped, and the army is lax, and it will completely disperse in five minutes. When the land defense line collapses, the ocean beast will land, and all the creatures on the island will be hunted down by the deep-sea beast.