Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 051 The Name of the Devil

The disaster of the ocean... The battle for land and sea hegemony, from the beginning of the dawn to the dim stars and moon, finally ended.

During this period, the land king and the overlord in the sea all appeared. Under a red mouth and white teeth of the master, the adventurers of the four regions gathered on the east coast, clearly seeing intrigue, life-and-death competition, and secretly conspiracy and trickery, killing without blood.

This war, which lasted for nearly an hour, finally came to an end under Lin Xiao's devastating chemical weapons... The whole east coast has been purgatory for adults.

I saw the opportunity early and escaped a life. If you are late, you will sleep for a long time.

A prompt echoed in his ear, but Lin Xiao was a little upset. Especially after seeing the person who had been following him disappear... The white horse silver gun is broken by the east wind!

Disappearing means death. Even Lin Xiao never thought that the east wind of a long gun and a white horse would die.

To be fair, it is a... A very coquettish man. From the dinosaur plain to the unparalleled ghosts and gods in the war, although they are alone, their hearts are higher than the sky. The spirit is arrogant and powerful, and its strength is almost unbelievable at this stage.

He is arrogant, arrogant, and he attracts a lot of attention and shines... But such a man finally died inexplicably. Lin Xiao sighed, with loss and joy. There are doubts and hesitations.

A good man will gallop on the battlefield with a horse with a gun, and when he dies, the horse leather shroud his body and returns home with blood. Is it glorious?


At the same time, the master's prompt sound sounded in the ears of all adventurers: "Ding: The large hidden mission 'Ocean Disaster' is over, and then the battlefield evaluation begins..."

The sudden hidden task ends, and the summary evaluation begins, but the content is unusually simple.

"Total evaluation of battlefield contribution...9800 points!"

Xu Le was very depressed, "Damn it, my total contribution rating is only 1,000 points?"

Lin Xiao is not in the mood to think about the scoring mechanism of domination. I just suddenly felt a little tired and took a long breath of depression. Jingjing turned around, took Qin Yan's jade hand in front of everyone, and walked step by step into the darkness.

Qin Yujie's cheeks were blushing, and she rarely showed her little daughter's posture...

I was speechless all night.

The next morning, Lin Xiao pulled Qin Yan back to the crowd with a smile on his face, ignored the strange and joking eyes of the crowd, and said directly, "We have to leave here, the farther the better..."

Although the dose of chemical weapons I detonated yesterday is really small, it is best to be prepared. Two nuclear bombs detonated by the United States in Japan directly destroyed hundreds of kilometers of life, and the subsequent nuclear radiation made it even more lifeless within a hundred years. Although chemical weapons are manufactured and used artificially, their power cannot be underestimated, and the subsequent continuous threats are even more terrible. For the sake of safety, we can stay as far away as possible.

"Are you still leaving?" Sister Misaka pouted, "I walked dozens of miles last night. Can't you take a break today?"

Lin Xiao stared and raised his hand to give Misaka a shiver: "Isn't your buttocks itchy?"

"Well, big pervert!" Misaka was so scared that he exclaimed and hid behind Xiao Qi with tears covering his head.

Others laughed, but although they didn't say it clearly, everyone found that Lin Xiao had changed...

"Okay, let's go!"


"Crazy, that man is a madman!" A dark-haired man jumped and scolded, hoarse.

"All the adventurers took action together, and they could have won, but the damn yellow monkey detonated a gas bomb in the end!" Speaking of this, the man finally had a trace of panic in his eyes, and his body couldn't help trembling, "Devil, how could he get this weapon?"

"The world is so big that there are all strange." Another person answered lightly and said in a low voice, "The mission scenes we have experienced are strange, and the encounters are naturally different. The task you can't complete doesn't mean that others can't do it either. People are divided into three or six, and never measure others with your own short eyes... Virus bombs and so on, if I have them, I will also detonate and release them. Such powerful full-map killing weapons are really aggrieved if they are not used on that occasion.

"Well, that's all for the meaningless topics. Now there is another big trouble in front of us... In yesterday's battle, our southern district charged in front of us. First, the sea beasts raided, and then the man detonated a chemical bomb, causing heavy casualties. And now, the overall victory of our southern district has fallen to the last place..."

The others are silent, and everyone knows what the last one means. That represents a deadly ending! No one can fight with the master. If it makes you die, you will never live!

"There are still 36 hours before the deadline, and there are still more than 3,000 points away from the total winning points. Where should we go next?"

The impatient black man opened his mouth first, with fierce eyes: "That's need not be said! If we kill the people in front of us, won't we be the first?! As long as we kill the adventurers in other areas, we will naturally get rid of the last place.

"I agree."

"Let's kill people."

"It's been like this for a long time. Why waste so many words?"


A family is happy and a family is worried. Under the pressure of all the elimination, the adventurers in the West District, who had always pursued solitude and personal combat effectiveness, finally united and began to hunt the surviving adventurers to get rid of the fate of death. However, the originally hopeless Southern District has changed from fourth to third.

"Hey, third place, we really picked up a big bargain this time." In the colorful mountains and green waters, a man in white smiled.

"Oh, third place!" Luo Yingxia, a girl in an ancient dancer costume with picturesque eyebrows, sneered: "The so-called third person will not be erased three-quarters in the end."

Another ninja-like man said coldly, "Other people's lives have nothing to do with me."

The cherry dancer covered her mouth and smiled softly: "It's really a ninja, born cold-blooded and ruthless, ignoring life. Anyway, he is also our companion."

"Hey, I don't know that ghost dancers also have great compassion..."

"Yes, is our plan still going on?" A strong man buzzed and said, "According to the news from the ghost, it has been determined where Lin Xiao is..."

"Don't mention that person!" The ghost dance girl changed her face and hurriedly shouted, "That's a devil! Only the devil can do that!"

"It killed nearly 100 people in the first battle, that's just a madman! Demon! Killing maniac! The executioner!"

"Go to hell with your plans! That man is ruthless, decisive, and acting strangely. You don't know what he wants to do next or what he wants to do! Isn't it enough for us to die against him?


At the same time, adventurers in the North District. The cyan fantasy team.

Julia's long hair covered her eyes, her voice was cold, and she said lightly, "Adam, carry out the final plan..."

The tall man with gold-rimmed glasses quietly disappeared in the dark.

Superman Team.

The guy Cosplay Captain America said with a heavy face, "Compatriots, just yesterday, we lost two brothers and sisters! Dragonfly was killed by the big octopus, and Spider-Man also died in a chemical bomb yesterday! This revenge will not be revenged, and it will not be shared!"

"But are we really the opponents of that pseudo-priest?" There was a trace of fear in the vampire's eyes. "Up to now, we have never had the upper hand. Instead, two people have died. No, three, and the Hulk also died in the hands of that demon..."

The werewolf doctor slowly raised his head, and the golden pupil glowed coldly, "This time, I will never escape..."

Finally, the adventurer of the East. Although I only hear his name, I don't see him. But the east wind, which has been firmly occupying the second place, still stimulates everyone's nerves.

Whether pretending to be struck by lightning or plotting, death is dead. In this ruthless world, no one will shed any tears for you. Everyone will only remember that that man has become the unquestionable number one!



The executioner!

This battle was like a storm sweeping the whole island, and Lin Xiao reaped the benefits of fishermen. Whether he is cold-blooded and ruthless or his conspiracy, no one can deny that except him, no one dares to do such a bold thing!

Deep-sea depleted uranium bombs, adventurers who participated in the war died seven or seven eight times. Lin Xiao's doing this is equivalent to putting himself on the opposite side of all adventurers... But even so, he still did it! Unsoft and ruthless!

Up to now, there has been a deep fear and fear in the hearts of this man who has emerged from this strange army and his means... That's a man who can be called a "demon"!

Well, Lin Xiao doesn't know or care about the fact that he has become a demon in the eyes of others. He still has many more important things to do now, and the most urgent thing at present is... Earn the winning points!

The list of winning points is surging. After the hidden task of the ocean disaster, many people are on the list, and many people have "retired". Now there are still more than 30 hours before the day of the final trial, but except for Lin Xiao, the winning points obtained by others are really unsatisfactory, or "unbearable".

If a team wants to maintain stability, the first thing is the distribution of benefits. Lin Xiao is not a fool and has faintly noticed the ** in the team.