Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 053 The wind is small

"Wo girl!..." There was an exclamation around.

Under the mysterious sniper in the distance, the girl's chest exploded with a gorgeous blood flower, and her body was like duckweed in the wind, falling heavily into the dust.

The attack was sudden and rapid, and even the adventurer who licked blood with the tip of the knife was caught off guard.

Rocket bombed the cliff and captured its spirit. Then, when it was panicked, it snipered in the distance and locked the target in the small wind... This is a premeditated ambush!

"Damn, it's another group of damn European and American bitches, which is haunted!"

Lao Huang shouted, "I can't see the enemy! The sniper is at least five kilometers away!"

"Get out of here quickly. The rocket bombing on the opposite side is very accurate. The support point of the cliff above the head has collapsed, and we are facing extinction at any time!"

Under the bombing of four rockets, the cliff that had been weathered for thousands of years was smashed and turned into thousands of large and small rubble, falling from the sky. The rocks are as heavy as the rain. This is a disaster that is no less than a volcanic eruption and a great tsunami.

Mountain collapse!

When the mountain collapses, who can be as calm as plain as his face without changing his face?

The big guy simply did not go deep into the valley. At this time, he retreated. Although he was embarrassed, no one was worried about his life.

Lin Xiao didn't say a word, turned around and ran around and hugged Feng Xiaoxi in his arms. The girl's body is extremely cold and pale. A big hole in the baby's arm was blown open, and the blood flowing out has frozen into light blue ice crystals, which is shocking.

" girl, hold on!" Lin Xiao shouted in a low voice, and a bright milky light mass condensed on her right hand, exuding a strong breath of life. Then he pressed it on the girl's chest without hesitation. The milky light suddenly surged and converged towards the wound.

The girl's chest is not big, and Lin Xiao's hand is just grasped. Her tentacles are soft and smooth, and she can even feel the sharp bulge at the top. That's a thrilling beauty.

"Hmm..." Feng Xiaoxi's face was pale and answered gently, and two intoxicating blushes appeared on his pale little face. Under Lin Xiao's extremely high-level treatment, the wound blowd by the sniper gun was also healing little by little.

Bai Yu said in a low voice: "It can penetrate the shield in an instant and cause so much damage... At least it's an A-level Gauss anti-device sniper rifle! And special bullets are also used, and it may not be accompanied by any special skills.

The anti-arm Gaussian sniper rifle is one of the powerful firearms in the city. Even if it is a two-difficult adventurer, it will be disabled even if one shot does not die. That is a powerful lethal weapon made with high-tech weapons. The energy accelerated pulse attack made by the Gaussian principle can even easily penetrate a small warship!

The light blue frozen ice crystals at the wound are obviously caused by special bullets. Lin Xiao could clearly feel that the body of the girl in her arms was as cold as ice.

"The girl will be fine." Lin Xiao's voice was indifferent and without any emotion, but anyone could hear the huge anger contained in it.

But when everyone escaped from Worm Valley, the second round of sniper attacked again! The same trick, the same goal... The wind is small!

The bullet wrapped in silk current roared and shot. Although Lin Xiao's physical fitness was strong, he still could not react, and he only had time to stretch out his left arm to stand in front of him.


The blood was sprinkled and dyed red. Can the Gaussian bullet fired from the A-level weapon be blocked by flesh and blood? Just at the moment of contact, it pierced Lin Xiao's left arm and smashed Lin Xiao's bone. Then he shot into the windy body mercilessly.

Lin Xiao's face became extremely ugly in an instant. Not because of the injury of my left arm, but because of the girl in my arms... The second sniper attack tore the wound again, and the previous treatment was all in vain. Because of this shot, the little girl had just shown a trace of rosy face and turned pale again, and a circle of light blue ice crystals even began to spread from the wound, quickly spreading to her limbs.

"Cold, so cold..." Feng Xiaoxi trembled slightly, and his limbs quickly became cold, and his vitality had become weak, like a candle in the wind.

Feel the disappearance of the girl's life in her arms, and Lin Xiao's always indifferent voice finally trembled, "Girl..."

"Hehe, you are... It's at the gate... Do you care about me?" The little girl's eyes suddenly became bright, and her pale lips gradually became red, and the beauty was heartbreaking.

Lying quietly in Lin Xiao's arms, the little girl whispered, "I know that Sister Qin likes you. Xiaoxi is very happy to see you together..."

The girl smiled happily, but coughed up a wisp of blood, with a faint blue ice crystal in the blood.

After the boulder, everyone stood quietly beside Lin Xiao, looking at the girl who was about to wither. The breath of the girl in her arms became weaker and weaker, but her eyes suddenly brightened. She looked at everyone hard and seriously, as if to remember everyone's voice and smile in her eyes and engraved it into her heart.

No one spoke, and the atmosphere was dull and terrible, as if even breathing had stopped. It is said that adventurers are indifferent to life and death, but when death comes to themselves, who can deal with it calmly...

The little girl raised her hand hard, with a faint smile on the corners of her mouth, as if she wanted to touch Lin Xiao's face. But before the hand that had just been raised touched Lin Xiao, it had frozen into a faint ice crystal. In a trance, Lin Xiao heard the little girl whisper in an unreachable whisper: "Actually, Xiaoxi also likes you very much..."

The girl's delicate body in her arms is cold and lifeless. Frozen in the blue ice crystals, you can faintly see the last nostalgia and hope in the corners of the girl's eyes.

Lin Xiaojing knelt on the ground, and her mind seemed to be empty and chaotic. Thoughts are flying, and there seems to be nowhere to rely on.

In a trance, a crisp and cowardly voice sounded in Lin Xiao's mind: "You... Who are you?"

Time and space are chaotic, and the scenes of the past are intertwined in front of us. The chance encounter in the trading market, the little tail that can't be thrown away, the reunion in the mission world, and the unabandoned follow. Until the battle against the Scorpion King, he stood up and followed life and death...

Once upon a time, Lin Xiao was familiar with the girl's shy smile. Once upon a time, Lin Xiao relieved the girl's meticulous care. Now, the little tail-like girl who always follows her silently and can't be shaken off, can never come back.


The wind is small.

A 17-year-old girl should have been sunny and enjoy a good youth. But a ruthless disease tormented her painfully.

Leukemia. The hidden medical history of three generations of family inheritance is confirmed by the flower-like girl.

It was a painful and unbearable time to look back.

A serious father, a smiling mother, and a beautiful family. Relentless fragmentation.

Lying with a disease full of pungent smell of disinfectant**, the girl can only look at the sky outside the window, longing for the birds to fly freely.

If you want to cure leukemia, you must replace the bone marrow. But for families of workers who are not rich, it is difficult to afford.

Even if the bones are smashed and the blood is released, parents can't make up the sky-high expenses. I still vaguely remember that my smoker father quit smoking, but the white hair on his head dyed his head white in just a few months. The mother who loves to laugh still smiles, but behind the smile is indescible bitterness and sadness.

So on a sunny afternoon, the girl chose to open her hands and fly freely...

After waking up, there is a fairy-tale elf world - Trinity, a legendary story of a magician, a thief and a warrior. He came back from the dead and came to the infinite world and experienced a fantastic epic. He was overjoyed and sad.

After surviving, he returned to the city. A strange world in an inexplicable place under control.

Fear, very afraid, the body trembles involuntarily, this strange place, can't see the sky, walking demons, there is no parents' laughter, only ** naked killing and blood... This is a world of the law of the jungle, weak and helpless, the least valuable thing.

The girl chose to be strong, arm herself with indifference, gritted her teeth and encouraged her to support her, walking alone in this man-eating city. No friends, no hope, no future... After all, she is just a 17-year-old girl, with great joys and sorrows between life and death, and the interweaving of dreams and reality. How can she be at ease?

In the bottom of his heart, Feng Xiaoxi firmly remembered a sentence: If you are not strong, who will you show weakness?

And the meeting with him was on a bright afternoon... It's afternoon. He was eloquent and eloquent, and he was speechless about the liar who cheated him. I still remember that the warm smile and the lightly outlined corners of the mouth were the moment when the memory was fixed.

There is no reason, maybe it is a momentary impulse in the heart, or it may be caused by the devil of fate. I followed him and didn't even consider who he was or whose name he was... That faint sense of security, I don't want to let go anyway, like a tempting criminal drug, but even if there is a bottomless abyss ahead, what's okay?

That feeling is like a homeless stray cat and dog, happy when they meet their owners.

He simply did nothing terrible to himself, but patted his head from time to time, showing a warm and cheerful smile.

The second encounter was in the mission world.

"Zombie World War" saw him at a glance in the crowd when he was hesitant and uneasy. Still an indifferent smile and a cheerful and gentle voice, in an instant, Feng Xiaoxi only felt that the dark cage also became bright.

In the process of urgent escape, the ugly zombies surrounded him and saved himself. The melee of the underground mausoleum and the killing move of the Scorpion King were blocked in front of him. But when I saw him standing hand in hand with Sister Qin, why did his heart twitch and hurt?

In the end, I'm just the tail behind you...

It was quickly dark in front of his eyes, and his strength also disappeared rapidly. He lay in his arms and finally heard a different sound. It is no longer as calm as before, but anxious and worried. It turns out... Will you also care about me?

"I like you..."

The four simple words can't be said. They can only smile bitterly and stand silently in the dark, looking at him in the light.

Cangyang Gyatso's poem says:

First, it's better not to see each other, so that we don't miss each other.

Second, it's better not to miss each other...

If there is an afterlife, I would like to be the tail behind you and never give up...

(PS: I think everyone should have their own story, generals and princes, peddlers, and everyone is interpreting their own life.)

(Whether it's sadness or joy, it's time to give them a happy ending and interpret a story. They shouldn't come for no reason and go in a mess.

Maybe some people don't like these scenes and feel vulgar. I can only say: If you don't like them, please go away.

To be honest, this book must be on the street. I remember clearly that at 250,000 words, this book had 49 collections, and I don't know what is recommended.

I'm a newcomer, I don't understand many things, and the editor has never told me. Until later one day, he told me that if you want to recommend it, you should at least have a cover, hehe...

When there were 49 collections, no one scolded me, and the most common advertisements in the book review area were made by other authors. Now it's more about scolding me for plagiarized comments, and I'm sorry for that. It was also reiterated many times, and in the end, it was simply blind and rarely read book reviews.

Finally, I said that the fourth volume is over. In this case, why do you want to give everyone an ending?

In the next few days, I will write as soon as possible. After writing, I will send it as soon as possible... Thank you, everyone. I have no choice but to bow and salute!!