Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 060 My sister is a killer

The final horn of war has sounded, and under the dark curtain, more primitive and crazy killings unfolded.

Several people didn't look good. Lin Xiao took a deep breath and said, "The master clearly doesn't want us to spend the last day. Other means are fine, but this map really makes people vomit blood."

This island lost beyond time has complex and changeable terrain, including mountains, hills, canyons, plains and forests. If someone really wants to hide, it is really difficult to be caught. After all, the big guys have a variety of strange methods, including a chameleon coat that simulates the environment and the five elements of escape of Japanese ninjas. If you don't eat a military grain pill and bury yourself in the earth, who can find out where you are?

However, with the release of the real-time map, these means are all invalid. Just like a stand-alone RPG game, people have marked you directly and pretend to be dead. This is the truth that you can hide from the monk and can't hide from the temple.

With the positioning of the map, you don't need to track the traces left by the enemy at all. You just need to copy the knife and do it!


Not long, Sister Qin came out of the darkness. Looking at the three silent men, I couldn't help frowning and said coldly, "What are you doing? Pretting to be silent and playing with melancholy? Fortunately, you are still big men. I didn't expect it to be so useless!"

Qin Yan scolded mercilessly, but the three of them could not refute it and could only smile bitterly.

"Open your eyes and see how many light spots are there on the map? 228!"

Each light spot represents an adventurer, that is to say, after six days of killing, there are only 228 adventurers still alive on the island.

228 people... At the beginning of the killing, 200 people participated in each district, a total of 800 people. Now, on average, there are just 50 people in each district. Other adventurers died.

"I won't talk about the truth. Who can understand the world of these missions? It's a pig! Incorrigible stupid pig!" Sister Qin launched a fire, and her aura was unprecedentedly powerful. It is so powerful and domineering that people dare not look directly at it.

All three of them were a little embarrassed and ashamed, but they were finally no longer pretentious. Clearing her throat, Lin Xiao said, "Well, let's talk about the next plan."

"First of all, not to mention the intention of the master. In the next day, killing will become the main theme. In order to survive, no matter how rational people are, they will be crazy about it."

"In fact, in the final analysis, it's just a matter of winning points. On the last day, it is impossible to score quietly, and you can't find a suitable goal. Therefore, two aspects--" Lin Xiao stretched out two fingers and said in a low voice, "One is to weaken the enemy's strength, but to enhance his own strength. In the final analysis, it is still to kill people!"

"I don't need to say it now, mainly the three of you. So I will fully cooperate with your actions in the next 24 hours.

Lao Huang nodded and said, "I just looked at the map. Although most of the adventurers have been killed and injured, which can be said to be 'wide and sparsely populated', the power of your series of poison gas bombs has only been revealed until now - starting from the east coast, at least half of the area is covered by poison gas, and the dead area There was not a single adventurer, and all the big guys consciously leaned in one direction. And from the map... The spread of poison gas is still accelerating.

"That is to say, the space for activities is getting smaller and smaller. In the end, maybe everyone will be forced to the same mountain to stage a life-and-death duel.

Lao Huang nodded: "That's it."

"Well, that's what it is for now." Lin Xiao nodded, "I just looked at the map. More than half of the people were acting alone, and there was only one red dot wandering. Secondly, there are two-person teams, three-person teams and so on. There are 11 of the largest groups.

He pointed to a dense red dot on the map, and everyone frowned. 11 adventurers gathered together, which is definitely the most powerful force on the island and should not be underestimated.

"So... Let's split up!" Lin Xiao said lightly, "Red dots have both advantages and disadvantages. While we find the enemy, the enemy will also find us. So it's impossible to get close secretly. Presumably, everyone is staring at the screen now and observing the people around them alone.

"Yes, the four of us get together, and the enemy will definitely escape when they see it. It's better to distance ourselves and take care of each other."

“...... All right."

Judging from the current situation, there is no more effective way. Hateable in this map mode, it is equivalent to exposing everyone's traces to the sun, sneaking on and ambush, which has become a joke. There are only the most **, most primitive killings waiting for adventurers.

At the moment of speaking, the red dots on the map have already collided. The disappearance of every red dot represents the death of a person. In just a few words, three red dots have been extinguished on the map. The terrible means of domination can be seen.

The four people act separately and are not far away from each other. If either side encounters the enemy, they are guaranteed to be able to support in time. After the agreement, he slowly leaned towards the two red dots not far away. If you are an adventurer in other areas, naturally don't say a word and kill...

On the way, Lin Xiao told Qin Yan all the things that had just happened. After all, she is her own woman. As a male chauvinist man, Lin Xiao still disdains to hide and lie about these things.

After listening to it, Qin Yan was silent for a moment and then talked about her battle. The battle between assassins and snipers...

Lin Xiao showed weakness, lured arms dealers to attack, and then used "killing lock" to locate them. The enemy was open and dark, and he didn't know that the arms dealer he had exposed was touched by the invisible Qin Yan.

A gunman who is good at long-range combat is approached by an assassin. What will happen?

After a tense waiting and suffering, Qin Yan took action. At such a close distance, the sniper gun was like a pile of scrap iron. So under a waltz-style blade dance, the arms dealer was scarred. The mechanically modified two-armed howitzer was also avoided by Qin Yan. It can be said that the Guizhou donkey is poor in skills and lacks skills... However, Qin Yujie, who promised to "make him die ugly", did not cut the other party's neck, but killed him little by little.

The blade goes down, flesh and blood, and the muscles and bones are separated. The last sentence of the arms dealer was: "... Why is it so difficult to live?

Qin Yan showed fatigue on her face and gently leaned against Lin Xiao's shoulder. "Now I give you this sentence... In fact, we are just bugs struggling to survive, and maybe we will die the next moment. However, it is enough for us to cry and laugh, walk vigorously through this world, have people we like, and enjoy the taste of being spoiled. At least... I don't regret it."

The current Qin Yujie is a beautiful and unattainable thing. Lin Xiao couldn't help lowering her head and hold the earlobe of the beautiful woman in her arms and smiled, "Who is the person you like?"

"Do you want to die once?!" Qin Yujie blushed, bit her red lips, and her eyes flowed, looking forward to shine, "Uh-huh, don't mess with me. Let me tell you, my sister is a killer... "Well."

The cold lips, the fiery kiss, as soon as the servant touched it, it was like a thunder stirred up the ground fire, and it was uncontrollable. Two men and women hugged each other and felt each other's fiery and trembling heartbeat...

Killer, maybe, everyone has their own secrets.

(Sorry, I can't write the feeling I want. If you want to push down and rewrite it, you don't have time. You can't write what's all over your mind, and it's not right. I'm really a loser...)