Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 01 Attack on Titan!

"Start to enter the mission scene..."

"Start matching data..."

"Start to assimilate the characters with the world..."

"Start to enter... the attacking giant!!"

A hazy feeling like waking up, like a fish leaving the water, light and shadow intersect in front of your eyes.

Lin Xiao suddenly woke up, then retreated, ready to go, and quickly glanced at it. After finding that he was the only one in the small room, he exhaled gently and frowned again.

"One person... Is it similar to the arrival rules of the killing competition?

This is a slightly dim house, built of wood, and you can smell the rotten vicissitudes of wood. At his feet was an almost black sheepskin blanket. The room was not big, and the tables and chairs in the room were messy. Obviously, the owner left in a hurry.

When Lin Xiao looked behind the stupid four-cornered table, a roll of parchment on the table ignited spontaneously, and a line of information appeared in front of Lin Xiao.

"Scene: 890 years of the mainland, the doomsday continent. Difficulty: extremely high (level). Attacking giant.

Synopsis: 107 years ago (743), the natural enemy "giant" of human beings suddenly appeared in the world. In the face of survival crisis, the remaining human beings fled to a place and built three huge walls. People enjoyed peace in this isolated environment for more than 100 years at the cost of freedom. Until Alan Yeager was ten years old, a 60-meter-high "super giant" suddenly appeared, destroying the city gate with overwhelming force, and then disappeared in an instant, and groups of giants rushed into the wall to prey on humans.

Allen watched people and their mothers being swallowed by giants and vowed to kill all giants with indescribable hatred for giants. Two years after the collapse of the city wall, Allen joined the 104th training corps to learn the skills of fighting with giants. In the three years of training corps, Allen had a strong mental strength unmatched by others in the training corps at the same time. Alan, who bravely challenged the giant even if he saw hell with his own eyes, joined the long-awaited investigation corps as he wished.

"Challengable Achievement: Overlord! In a one-on-one situation, defeat and kill a giant.

Challible Achievement: Killing Maniac. Massacre of 100 unarmed civilians.

Mission entry point: the recapture of the Tolost district south of Ruth's Wall.

Optional task 1: Follow civilians to escape from the Tolost area and enter the interior. Optional task 2: Join the Counterattack Self-Defense Force to defend the Tolost area.

"The mission scene is in free mode. Adventurers can attack each other, and killing adventurers will get certain rewards."

After Lin Xiao finished reading it, the parchment also burned to the end and turned into flying ash and dissipated.

Lin Xiao looked at the door that was still in a protected state and frowned slightly: "Is this the difference between one difficulty and two difficulty... List the challenging achievements, and there is no specific main task... There is no doubt that the two optional tasks represent a main line, but how to choose..."

Lin Xiao silently thought about the information that the task wanted to express, but just now he had a little eyebrows. The long window on the left suddenly burst open, breaking into crystal fragments all over the sky. The strong wind blew quickly and pulled the curtains crazily, and the things in the whole room shook like crazy!

From the broken French window, you can see many men and women screaming and rolling to the ground, fleeing helplessly.

Is it an earthquake? No!" Lin Xiao felt the trembling from the weakness of the huge building: "It's an invading giant!"

He grabbed the door frame next to him, waited for the moment of palpitating shock, and immediately rushed out at full speed!

It's sunset outside, and darkness is coming silently. Lin Xiao just rushed to the street and shook again! The darkness immediately filled the whole world with a full-scale comer, followed by crying and shaking - the clear swaying convulsions from the depths of the earth. The dull sound of several heavy objects falling to the ground sounded from the darkness, and then there was dead silence!

Dead silence like a grave!

A little firelight lit up from the hands of a 50-year-old man with a vicissitudes of life, which also illuminated many expressions of the people around him: panic, surprise, fear... Suddenly, a woman seemed to understand something and ran to the distance screaming. Suddenly, the quiet street was chaotic, and people rushed in. The black emergency exit, the swaying and dim firelight, is even more shaky here!

The ornaments on the wall shook again, and the earth began to shake again. The dust fell down. Lin Xiao fell on the ground, heard the screams of those who had just left, and quickly turned over to avoid the attack of a huge European-style chandelier smashed from nowhere, and suddenly smelled a burning in her nose. Taste!

His eyes suddenly tightened: "It's fire!"

The flame from the next house has licked the long tassels hanging from the tapestries on the wall and quickly stringed up. Darkness came, and the fiery tongue was like a smiling demon, licking * tongue and quickly spreading around.

The screaming crowd, the dark firelight, the footsteps that shake the earth, the flames of the sky... This is a scene like hell!

Lin Xiao hesitated and immediately took out a black cloth soaked red wine on it. After covering his mouth and nose, he quickly walked far away. At the same time, a series of coughs sounded behind him. Those were the people who burned their respiratory organs by the poisonous smoke of the flame.

The chaos came too suddenly, and there were fleeing civilians everywhere. Coupled with the darkness, Lin Xiao could not tell where to go, so he could only follow the direction of the crowd.

Through a street, a mixture of screams and exclamation suddenly came not far ahead, and the crowd was in chaos, like flies flying around in the dark.

Lin Xiao frowned and flicked her fingers. A burning fireball flew steadily into the sky under the stunned gaze of everyone. Under the bright firelight, Lin Xiao saw that half of the city wall collapsed, the earth was filled with gunpowder smoke, and the door of the emergency passage fluttered one by one, as if it were a big mouth of ridicule.

The screams and grief came faintly. In the dim yellow light, you can faintly see blood flowing under the collapsed boulder. The fate of the people who have just rushed into the emergency channel can be imagined.

The tragic fate of these people could not evoke Lin Xiao's feelings at all. He frowned slightly. At this time, the team communication channel had not yet been opened, and the location of the other three people was unknown.

In this chaotic darkness, Lin Xiao instantly thought of threats from three aspects: the greed of other adventurers, the pursuit from the Yuntao team, and the slaughter from giants!

Although Lin Xiao is very confident in the other three, confidence does not represent careless. In such a chaotic situation, only by uniting strength can he survive more safely.

While frowning and thinking, a sharp whistle suddenly came from the sky in the distance, and Lin Xiao hurriedly looked up. However, a group of fireworks exploded brilliantly and condensed into an illusory axe in the sky. Below are two well-known classic sayings: an arrow through the clouds, thousands of troops come to meet!

"That's it!"

Lin Xiao smiled. No matter who made the gathering signal, he finally gave a goal and direction. In panic, people are most likely to be brave and torn apart, so they need leaders and targets, and the mark of this axe is definitely the main direction of adventurers.

At the moment when Lin Xiao was about to leave, dull footsteps suddenly came, and the ground and the surrounding houses trembled. A few seconds later, a 10-meter-high ** giant rushed from the distance and swept his left hand, and a house collapsed directly. Gravel mixed with huge wood fell from afar!

What made Lin Xiao's eyes cold was that a huge stone half the size of a house suddenly hit him! Only 0.01 seconds after Lin Xiao judged that he could not avoid the bombing of this collapsed object at his current speed.

"In that case..." Lin Xiao licked the corners of her mouth, and a trace of ferociousness flashed in her eyes.

At that time, under the power of the giant, the speed of the gravel was so fast, as if a comet hit the earth, wrapped in a hurricane from the sky, and swept over. Wherever, a row of fleeing civilians in front of Lin Xiao did not even hum, but was directly hit into meat sauce by the boulder. Blood mixed with minced meat, covered with half of the gravel, and hit Lin Xiao fiercely!

It's like the charge of thousands of troops and horses, which is unstoppable! If you are panicked, it will shock people's hearts!

Lin Xiao took a deep breath, and the desire to survive in his eyes was particularly hot.

"I won't die."

There was a sneer on his lips, and the dirt at his feet suddenly exploded. The executioner with burly bodies and rusty chains on his body roared out, staring at a pair of blood-red eyes and bending his knees forward.

Two meters, one meter.

The first person to collide with the boulder was two executioners. This is a two-meter-long giant, an undead creature. At this time, he bent his knees in the roar and staggered by the distance on the gravel. When he retreated to Lin Xiao, he abruptly blocked the boulder.

But the next moment, a huge white palm swept over in the hot air.


It's like a train crashing into another train, two huge forces mixed together, and no one can stop it!

The executioner's eyes suddenly burst out, and his feet stepped deep into the slate and trembled violently. After a slight pause for a second, the two executioners exploded! In the flesh and blood splashed all over the sky, the loud wind of the boulder hit Lin Xiao again.

Lin Xiao had no time to escape, roared and suddenly reached out to block it. At the moment of contact with the boulder, I felt a huge force suddenly rush into my arms, and my eyes suddenly darkened, and the severe pain spread all over my body, as if to crush the chest bone!

However, Lin Xiao had been prepared for a long time. With this huge force, he suddenly jumped and staggered back into the sky. After falling directly out of 17 or 18 meters, the next moment, the first thing to hit the ground was the sole of the foot, and then the arch. When the heel touched the ground, the center of gravity of the whole body moved forward, and then turned the force of the downward rush into forward. Lin Xiao only felt severe pain on her feet, knees and elbows. The next moment, a mouthful of blood spewed out directly. When his rolling stopped, he immediately rushed forward, and the earth trembled. The towering building behind him was already overwhelmed and collapsed! The surrounding houses also collapsed, and the earth kept trembling, as if the end of the world was coming.

Even though his body is several times stronger than ordinary people at this time, in such a fierce collision, Lin Xiao's hands still can't escape the bloody underground field, and his bones all over his body have been cracked and painful to varying degrees!

He wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth fiercely. Lin Xiao's eyes were ferocious and stared at the masked giant stride from the distance. If you have revenge, don't be a gentleman! Lin Xiao came from being a gentleman, so this revenge must be revenged!