Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 04 Snake Girl

After going down for a few minutes, Lin Xiao, who closed his eyes to refresh his mind, suddenly stood up, looked at the raft like electricity, and sneered in a low voice:

"Be careful, everyone. There seems to be trouble finding us."

Listening to what he said, on the surface of the water more than ten meters away from the tail of the raft, there was always a faint convex pattern with the foaming stern splash, like a shadow that refused to leave. Even Lao Huang's heart jumped when he looked at it. From his perspective, he could faintly see that there seemed to be a thick shadow under the water, as if the ink was coiling and changing shape. That area is at least six or seven square meters!

After more use, Lin Xiao's conscious mastery of this very useful skill of spiritual detection has increased a lot. He tried to close his eyes and stand quietly. He could clearly see several light blue silk-like mental bundles extending from his body and touched everyone. At that time, their eyes suddenly opened their eyes, and the things chasing them underwater. Unexpectedly, it was a huge black-gray water python with a length of more than ten meters from beginning to end, twisting and chasing! Under the spiritual scan, people can even clearly see the open lips of the giant snake and Sensen's fangs!

It turned out to be a giant Borneo forest!

This is a python that inhabits the Brazilian rainforest and is the largest species of snake species found in human history. An adult, at least ten meters tall, is comparable to the thickness of an adult man's waist and thin body, and can easily swallow a human or even strangle a crocodile!

A famous science fiction horror film "The Disaster of Python" is based on Sen Yan, which is not strange to everyone.

If you are an ordinary person, you will naturally be frightened at this time and wait to be killed. But the only thing Lin Xiao is worried about now is the fear of overturning the raft.

For those who have seen giant monsters such as Tyrannosaurus Rex and deep-sea octopus, the giant snake more than ten meters long is really "pediatric".

Bai Yu said in a low voice:

"Maybe I can catch it, but this is in the river, and I'm afraid I can't kill this big guy."

said to show a skill on his body: "Catch the cannon (advanced capture skill), B-level skill, capture the enemy to himself, release distance: 5 meters."

This skill is similar to Nero's demon hand in Devil May Cry 4. It is a small and best skill with control and interruption effects. It is absolutely worth using it well.

This is the advantage of skills. Many skills are informatized, but also have abilities that ordinary attacks do not have. For example, the capture must be close to the hand, and the bombardment can be used for long-range attacks. This method cannot be done without learning skills.

Lin Xiao looked carefully at the introduction of skills and said:

"As long as you can grab this big guy for three seconds, it's enough."

Bai Yu nodded to understand and squatted down slightly. There was a long roar in his mouth, and the wide raft shook slightly. He was already extremely vigorous and rushed out. It broke directly into the water, and the next second there was a "bang" explosion, and the water suddenly broke, directly grasping the terrible python and throwing it into the air!

Lao Huang directly threw out his red bloody axe, and the axe flew directly into a brilliant arc in the air, "poof" broke into the tough python skin, splashing flesh and blood!

Then Qin Yujie's dagger cut horizontally and cut a gorgeous silver vigor against the surface of the water. It instantly cut off its seven inches before the painfully twisted python entered the water. (Although the giant Borneo forest is huge, it is essentially a snake, and it must be seven inches!) The rapid rotation cut out countless brilliant silver rays, and then flew directly into the sky.

And Sen Yan's grinning head, which was cut off, opened desperately and threw it in the air. Before entering the water, it was smashed by Lin Xiao with a silver left wheel. Its huge and twisted body sprayed blood crazily, twisting and sinking into the bottom of the river, and dyeing the surface of the water into a light red.

This continuous attack of the rabbit fell, and the ten-meter-long giant Sen Yan did not even fight back, and was directly dismembered to death. It's a long story, but it's actually only a few seconds.

Qin Yujie frowned and said:

"There are no points and no hints."

"Such a big python can be regarded as a man-eating beast. Obviously, it has just appeared in the water." Lin Xiao narrowed his eyes and said, "... It seems that this time our opponent has a person who likes to play snakes.

As soon as the words came out, the three men laughed at the same time.

Beauty Qin looked at Lin Xiao angrily and played with snakes? Why does this sentence sound so obscene?

At the same time, in a wooden building hundreds of other, a woman in black gauze snorted, and a fierce light flashed in her eyes, and then said to the man beside her:

"My little snake has just died, and the enemy has found my tracking..."

The man wearing a metal mask can't see any expression, but his voice is hoarse and low, as sonorous as metal friction. He said coldly:

"Are you sure it's that group?"

The woman showed a trace of hesitation on her face, and then nodded and said, "Yes, it is indeed them. But in the feedback from the little snake, there are four enemies..."

"Four people... No matter what, they must pay the price! The person who provokes my Yuntao team must die!" The masked man's voice was cold and he said in a low voice, "Cue up with them and fight quickly!" This time, except for Xue Tao's failure to come, our Yuntao team came to three generals, two leaders and five peripheral members, which has destined their death!"

"Yes!" A trace of fanaticism appeared on the woman's face and said, "When the little snake died, I controlled it to sprinkle blood on one of them. Snake nature**, the smell of female snakes will be detected by other male snakes..."

While talking, a cold sound of "hicing" came from the darkness. A huge blue-black python slowly swam out of the corner, and the golden beast's eyes swept over the crowd, making many people involuntarily have a layer of goose bumps.

"Little snake~~, catch up with me."

The voice of the woman in black is soft and glutinous, which makes people unconsciously numb, but no one dares to raise the heart of indecity. On the contrary, someone's legs tremble slightly and sweats coldly. They have long learned the fierce name of "Snake Ji".


“...... Snake girl?" Lin Xiao's face showed a trace of thought.

Control the giant snake to follow himself and exude a cold murderous intention... If there is no hatred, ghosts will not believe it. And I have just entered the mission scene. If I talk about enemies, there is only Team Yuntao. Thinking of this, a woman's intelligence information naturally appeared in the hearts of everyone...

That's a crazy woman! This is the common view of most adventurers.

When it comes to snakes, the first feeling is that most people are cold, and people can't help but stay away from it. However, the snake girl is not like this, and her family experience is also quite legendary... According to rumors, the novice task experienced by the woman is "The Disaster of the Python", a horrible adventure that took place in the depths of the tropical rainforest.

You should know that at that time, everyone was just ordinary people, and they didn't even change their mentality. It was miserable to deal with the hunting of giant snakes more than ten meters long.

It is rumored that four adventurers on the ship were directly dragged away by the python, and the snake girl was one of them. However, the snake girl did not die. The next time she appeared in front of everyone, she was accompanied by a blue-black snake more than ten meters long. It's just that it's frightening and even disgusting... The tip of the big snake's tail stretched straight under the snake girl's skirt... Then, there is no then...

With fierceness and forbearance, Snake Girl successfully survived to the end of the mission and survived at the same time as the other two. Then he worked hard all the way. After being promoted to the second difficulty, he was absorbed by the Yuntao team and became a member of the Yuntao team. And with fierce means and tricks, his status has risen rapidly.

The reason why this secret can be spread is that the woman plotted to hunt two other adventurers at the same time in order to remove the stain. The two were not good at stubble. Naturally, they were prepared for a long time. Before they died, they would break the secret news, which made the woman "famous" for a while.

Another version of the rumor is a little less exciting and a little more weird... Legend has it that the snake girl got the essence of the big snake in the mission. He was eroded by the snake's ** poison, but accidentally obtained the means to absorb the blood of snakes and improve his strength! But in any case, this method still needs to be used with snakes*!

Although the matter is quite strange and thrilling, everyone who has seen the snake girl knows that this woman will always be surrounded by a big snake, and the means of attack are mostly related to poisonous snakes. So I unconsciously believed seven or eight points... The above content is pure fiction. If there is a coincidence, it must be similar!

. **cai~~" This is the unanimous judgment of the three big men.

When he saw this information at that time, Lin Xiao couldn't help sighing: he meowed, ** naked man (beast)! How much forbearance and fierceness can you serve a big snake and be willing to become a plaything? It's chilling to think about it. So from the beginning, Lin Xiao formulated several countermeasures against this woman...

At this time, after confirming that the woman chased behind was most likely to be the snake girl, Lin Xiao suddenly laughed...