Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 023 The bunker

With the environmental simulation device on the surface of the robot, the puffer gladiator quietly integrated into the darkness. Controlled by Qin Yujie, the strange-shaped robot with strange configuration swings its legs forward, but in a few minutes it approached the towering wall in the dark.

"There are still defenders on the wall, and it is impossible to sneak in quietly." Sister Qin frowned.

Lin Xiao sat in the weapon control module and smiled:

"Well, our goal is just to blow up the city wall, and we don't have to walk through the ladder."

Speaking to the weapon console, two silver-white metal tentacles suddenly stretched out on both sides of the puffer's body: "This is a super bionic robotic arm that simulates Dr. Octopus's ability in Spider-Man. It is woven with special elastic fibers and has amazing adsorption, which is enough for us to make a guest appearance as a Spider-Man."

When the problem was solved, Qin Yujie did not talk nonsense. She controlled the pufferfish gladiator to slowly approach the wall, and two silver-white tentacles quietly attached to the wall, like a big gecko in the night, climbing up.

This is a wall that has stood towering for a hundred years. The wall is mottled, covered with traces left by wind and rain, with the smell of the vicissitudes of life. The wall is 50 meters high, and the south gate was smashed by a special type of armored giant, and a gap of 8 meters in diameter and 15 meters high appeared.

In the original play, the Torost District was about to fall, and finally relied on Allen to become a giant and carry a huge stone to finally plug the gap.

It is because of this gap that the original indestructible wall has been flawed. It also made Lin Xiao and others succeed in the ambition to destroy the city wall.

"The first point..." Sister Qin whispered, "I'm here. You can put the bomb."

Lin Xiao nodded, took out a gray metal device from the storage space, and firmly slapped it on the crack.

"*Explosive bag. Origin "Cross Fire". Price: 800 points.

**, abbreviation*. Its main component is polyisobutylene, which is made of gunpowder mixed plastic, which is extremely powerful. The name * comes from 4 carbons in each single molecule structure. It is an efficient explosive drug, which is made from a mixture of high-performance explosive substances such as TNT (*), semtex and white phosphorus..."

"Dominant evaluation: very small and practical explosives, the first choice for suicide armed attackers!"

Lin Xiao curled his lips and said, "It's a very sharp complaint..."

Although the process is tedious and tiring, it has not encountered any danger. Ten minutes later, Lin Xiao and Qin Yujie had successfully placed the explosive bag at four points. During this period, Killer 47 also included the Valkyrie bomber that caused ** into the storage space. The two people who were adsorbed on the wall for destruction were not found by the defense forces or adventurers/giants.

Boomed, and the heavy footsteps rumbled from far and near. Lin Xiao, who was putting the last explosive bag, raised his head in surprise and saw a 15-meter-high giant carrying a huge stone trembling from a distance.

"This is to return to the plot." Lin Xiao shrugged his shoulders and shook his head, "It's a pity that you're too late..."

said that she slapped the last packet of * explosives into the cracks of the rock, and Qin Yujie, who had already explored the mobile control system of this simple robot, jumped down without any hesitation. Dozens of seconds later... Boom!

Five calculated * explosives exploded together, and the resulting waves and firelight did not have a terrible sound, but the consequence of the explosion was a devastating impact - the wall that stood for a hundred years, after making a painful wail, fell in the crumbling and splashed dust all over the sky!

“...... Retired after success."

Lin Xiao stood in the distance, squinted his eyes and said softly, "This is the domino effect..."

The "domino effect" produces a huge amount of energy. The physical truth of this effect is that when the domino is upright, the center of gravity is high, and when it falls, the center of gravity falls. In the process of falling, it converts its gravity potential energy into kinetic energy. It falls on the second card, and the kinetic energy is transferred to the second card. The second card transfers the kinetic energy transferred from the first card and its own in the process of falling. The sum of the kinetic energy transformed by the gravitational potential energy is then passed to the third card... Therefore, when each card falls, it has more kinetic energy than the previous card, so they are faster than one, that is to say, the energy they push down one by one.

So, five inconspicuous bags of explosives destroyed a huge wall 50 meters high and seven or eight meters thick. The thousand-mile embankment was destroyed by the ant nest.

The city wall collapsed and the earth trembled in the roar. The cold and ruthless prompt sounded in everyone's ears:

"You have completed the first part of the hidden task, and you have earned 1,000 points."

Except for the adventurers, all the aborigines were stunned. The defense force, Alan, who turned into a giant, didn't understand what had just happened. But the tide-like giant from the collapse of the city wall spread despair in everyone's hearts - destruction is coming!

The wall that collapsed dozens of meters can't be stopped anyway. The tide-like influx of giants not only represents the fall of the Torost area, but also has a cruel and bloody meaning - all the civilians in the city who have not had time to retreat will die!

How can they escape the slaughter of giants with more than hundreds of thousands of ordinary people?

The heavy feeling is suppressed in everyone's heart, and everyone has a tacit understanding to avoid this topic. Sometimes, it's really helpless to live.

The killer said silently, "Let's go. Soon it will fall here. We must quickly enter the third layer of defense zone. Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't escape death."

One-to-one giants are difficult to deal with, let alone a swarm of giants. I'm afraid that a person can drown people with a single breath. And we should always beware of strange species among giants, armor giants, super giants and so on. Although the IQ of these giants is similar to that of zombies, their combat effectiveness is far superior to that of Tongji, which is not a level at all.

Just as several people were about to leave, a deafening roar suddenly sounded not far away, and the anger contained in it made people tremble.

"Yes... Alan's incarnate giant!"

"Look at the giant's feet, it's... Adventurer!"

Hidden task? Bold! This is the first thought that appeared in Lin Xiao's mind.

At the feet of Alan, who incarnated as a giant, three adventurers are jumping like bullets. Looking at their posture, they are going to kill our protagonist on the spot!