Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 032 Dusty History

Lin Xiao turned his eyes and quietly followed. After walking through a long corridor, the inner hall is unusually wide, which can be seen from the quite messy futons on the ground. If it hadn't been for this sudden fire, there would have been countless monks worshipping devoutly, including a statue of gods dozens of meters high, ferocious and majestic, looking like a giant wandering outside, which is breathtaking.

Lin Xiao slightly lost his mind, but was keenly discovered by the old monk in front of him. The old monk suddenly turned around, his eyes flashed, and scolded sharply:

"Who dares to be disrespectful in front of my God?"

The old monk's voice pierced into Lin Xiao's eardrums like chopsticks, making his eyes black.

Knowing that his whereabouts were revealed, Lin Xiao made a hasty decision and launched an attack in an instant.

He suddenly bounced up and rushed out. Before the old monk could react, he pulled out the newly repaired silver left wheel from his arms and shot in the air!

" Revolver + Heart Strike!"

The silver halo rippled like water, and a golden bullet engraved with mysterious and strange runes tilted out, and lightning shot at the old monk.

When he changed his elbow and armpit, the old monk's body was shot through his heart in an instant, and a hole the size of a bowl appeared. He could even see the wall opposite his body in the flesh and blood, but there was no pain on his face. Instead, there was a kind of crazy cruelty. The old monk suddenly raised his hands! There was also an unusually mysterious and evil buzzing of praise in the air. As the old monk raised his hands above his head and palms facing each other, he emitted an indescribably deep purple-black light, slowly turning and shooting purple-black slender flames around in disorder!

Lin Xiao's heart tightened and darkly awe-inspiring. Who is this old monk? Why didn't he use such strange and evil tricks in the battle just now?

In his mind, Lin Xiao calmly rolled around and punched the ground. The hard slate paved ground quickly spread cracks, and in the click, a piece of adult thighs stabbed out sharply.

"C-level magic: the thorn of the earth."

Although the pistol is sharp, it is not enough to kill the old monk, so Lin Xiao abandoned the silver left wheel and cast a deadly spell.

It's just that the old monk's body surface produced a layer of purple-black light curtain at this time, smashing the spewed stone!

Suddenly, there was a soft sound! A purple-black flame brushed over Lin Xiao's shoulder, and there was an unpleasant burning smell in the air. The wound immediately turned black, and the smelly black water flowed out. Lin Xiao frowned, and the flame and the wind were inspired at the same time. The huge pillar of flame rose to the sky, and the scorching waves seemed to swallow everything.

Finally, the purple-black shield reached the limit and exploded with a trembling sound. The red flame storm quickly put his head on the old monk beside him. Without saying a word, he immediately trembled a few times and turned into black ashes, dissipating in the air, leaving a silver key.

At the same time, Lin Xiao, who was slightly gasping, received two hints from the master:

"You killed the mysterious sacrifice, and you got 500 points."

After Lin Xiao picked up the key, he only felt that he could not lift a trace of strength all over his body, and the skin in the black light on his shoulder had festered, forming a large black wound, and also flowed out disgusting and rotten thick water. He brushed a treatment for himself, but got the hint that he was in an abnormal state and could not be successfully treated. In desperation, he had to swallow a bottle of antidote to deal with the injury. After all, this place is still full of crisis, and the combat power must be maintained at the peak at all times.

In just over ten seconds, the black pus of the wound quickly flowed out, revealing bright red muscle tissue. At this time, he knew that the opportunity could not be missed. Once the fire outside was controlled, someone would come back to reinforce and guard this place, so he would pull off the cloth to wrap the wound and go straight to the back of the statue.

is another narrow arched passage.

The sculptures on the left and right are the two demons in hell. Their hands are open and support each other, forming the arch of this passage, which emits a faint red light, and even the floor is bulging with painful stone faces!

Lin Xiao turned his mind and stepped in without hesitation. His right hand holding the silver left wheel seemed to hang casually beside him. In fact, he was ready to go. At the end of the passage, someone suddenly shouted, and then dozens of monks holding long sticks and tying shoes rushed over aggressively and saw these People move slowly and their footsteps are empty. Obviously, they are just ordinary people.

The channel is narrow and quiet, and there is a long-lasting orchid bonfire every five meters, which becomes more and more mysterious. On the two walls of the channel are simple but vivid images. Intuitively tell yourself that these patterns are by no means simple!

The ancient civilization was not developed. Before the word was handed down, the ancients usually used knots to record things, and the method of rock carving. Lin Xiao looked along the wall one by one, and the more she looked at it, the more surprised she became.

The first picture: Heaven and earth are divided into two ends. On the earth are humble human beings, and there is a piece of land floating in the sky, on which there are huge gods.

The second picture: a huge plant sprouted and pierced the sky, passing through the clouds and reaching the continent inhabited by huge gods. Therefore, the gods came proudly and were worshipped by all the people.

The third picture: the gods are fierce, Ru Mao drinks blood, and the people are frightened. Some warriors took the lead in cutting down huge trees and killing the gods who were on the earth.

The fourth picture: all the gods are destroyed. Before death, the blood of the last tall god splashed and splashed in all directions, and then some human beings mutated into giants.

The fifth picture: There are more and more huge ones, and there is no way to kill people. Survivors have to gather together and build a huge wall as a barrier to defend and survive.


After reading these ancient histories carved on the walls one by one, the cue sound of the master sounded:

"Successful interpretation of ancient history, and the second stage of the hidden task is completed. Reward 3,000 points and 2 potential points.

"The final stage of the hidden mission - the arrival of the giant is the beginning."

"Please re-cultivate the 'magic bean' before returning to welcome the return of the giant."

There is too much information revealed in this series of tips. After finally clearing out his thoughts, Lin Xiao was completely speechless:

"Giant? Magic beans? This is completely a pirated 'Giant Catcher Jack'! Master, where is your integrity? Can you stop messing around like this?"

"I thought it was a world composition similar to the 'V-word revenge team'... In fact, I am the one who was betrayed! Now the cliff is wrong, master, are you playing with me?!"

Complaining a few words, Lin Xiao had no choice but to accept this cheating setting. The hidden plot discovered now is far beyond everyone's expectations. But adventurers are plot breakers, and things happen from time to time to kill protagonists and abuse supporting roles. No matter what, as long as there are benefits, God will kill you!

A small magic bean seed can grow into a big tree. This magic bean is obviously extraordinary and of great value. Combined with the plot of Jack the Giant Catcher, the magic bean seeds should be hidden somewhere in this temple. And it is likely that all parties are grabbing things!

Magic bean seeds are bound to be obtained!