Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 057 Tongtian Bean vine

Zeng Yi's last self-detonation blew up a huge gap of the wall that had collapsed more than 50 meters in diameter.

Even the buildings within a radius of dozens of meters were destroyed and razed to the ground.

After losing the toying city buildings and being deterred by the power of the strongest weapon in human history, the soldiers finally lost their fighting spirit.

"There is no chance, we have tried our best..."

And now, there is still one minute away from the time limit of the task.

From the beginning, the super giant suddenly appeared and broke through the city wall, and the giant and the alien joined hands to attack the city. The momentum was huge and shocking. Then the Yuntao team came by air raid on the green demon skateboard, planting the abyss devil vine and turning the wall into a bloody hell. In the final scuffle between the two sides, Lin Xiao successfully plotted against the enemy, and Zeng Yi blew himself up and died... In just 30 minutes, too many things have happened, and there are endless ups and downs.

However, for ordinary adventurers, although these 30 minutes are long, they have to watch a play. Except for the final heartbreaking ending...

"Fuck!! Shit, you have to cheat me even if you die!"

"A bitch is a bitch, nothing to say."

"Hanging Team Mao Yuntao, go back and beat out their shit..."

A group of people complained and scolded, looking sadly at the huge gap and the turbulent tide-like giant.

This kind of gap really can't be stopped. Adventurers are also human beings. For hundreds of giants, they can only be killed in seconds.

But... I'm really unwilling. Obviously, it only takes the last minute to complete the task and get the reward. However, because of Zeng Yi's self-explosion, he was lost at the last moment. I can only watch the fat that is about to fly out. This is...

At this time, Lin Xiao stood up again, "Ha, sure enough, it depends on me at this time."

Pretly taking out a black cloth bag from the space and carefully pinched out a scaly scaly pea under the curious gaze of everyone.

"Tell you, this is a bean with magical power."

Lin Xiao smiled, muttering strange syllables that no one could understand, and then threw the magic beans from the air with a pious face and fell into the soil soaked in blood.

A second later, a sharp green bud broke out of the ground and grew in the wind at an incredible speed. Under the shocking gaze of the crowd, it looked almost for a second.

The green vines spread out, breaking through the soil, quickly getting bigger and thicker, and the top extends straight into the sky. The huge gap of 50 meters was blocked by this vine that was changing every second!

" his~~"

I don't know how many people shocked this scene. Only bursts of cold air could be heard. Some soldiers knelt down feverishly and shouted the gift of the gods.

Some adventurers who knew the goods recognized this vine:

"I poke, isn't this the bean man from Jack, the giant catcher?"

For a moment, everyone felt messy in the wind. It's completely random.

Jack the Giant Catcher, such a dark magic light comedy is completely inconsistent with the current doomsday style, okay?!

After complaining, everyone still looked up at this magical bean that completely violated the laws of biology, and rose up at a speed of three meters per second and rushed straight into the sky.

The 50-meter wall gap has been blocked by Douman's "swelling" body within a minute, and even flies can't get in.

Don't doubt that it is indeed a huge 50-meter rhizome! You know, such a bean sprout that rises from the ground for dozens of kilometers would have been blown down by the wind halfway without strong enough rhizom strength.

It's like building a house without a foundation, and you can't stand the wind and rain, sun and rain.

In the movie, there was a scene where Jack and others climbed the vine, and you can also see the huge bean vine at a glance.

"I poke, this vine won't really break through the sky."

"I doubt that there will really be a group of giants in the sky."

"It's really hard to say, Jack the giant catcher, the attacking giant, there are too many similarities."


In this strange growth time, the master's prompt sound finally sounded, making many people cry:

"Ding: The hidden task 'last barrier' is completed."

"Assist humans defend the wall of roses for 30 minutes, during which giants or aliens are not allowed to attack the city until the arrival of imperial reinforcements. The maximum reward for the mission: 5000 points, an A-level side plot, and 3 potential points. If the mission fails, there is no punishment.

"Ding: No. 4532, given that you have successfully completed the hidden task, you will get 5,000 points, an A-level side plot, and 3 potential points."

There is an old yellow depressed voice next to him:

"Damn, I just gave me 2,000 points and a little potential points. It's too tricky."

Listening, Lin Xiao found that most people were constantly complaining. The points obtained by everyone are generally between 1,000 points and 2,000 points, and the side plot and potential points are also pitiful.

After thinking about it, Lin Xiao figured out the scoring mechanism of the master.

This is a multi-player task, which determines their final rewards according to the amount of contribution. Obviously, there are hidden scoring rules.

In terms of battlefield contribution, although Lin Xiao did not shoot down many giants and aliens, when morale fell, Lin Xiao summoned an angel projection and successfully aroused the hope in the hearts of soldiers. This alone made a great contribution to the battlefield. The second is that Lin Xiao planted a huge bean vine, blocking the gap in the wall and blocking the footsteps of the giant's attack.

These two things alone raised Lin Xiao's hidden score to a very high level, and it is not surprising that there is such a reward in the end.

On the other side, with the emergence of huge beans, the giant's tide-like offensive suddenly stopped. It seemed to understand that the vine was indestructible. After a moment of riots, the giants wandered away one by one.

At the same time, the reinforcements of the empire finally arrived.

This is a group of tall and powerful men, who are on average two heads taller than ordinary people in this era. Everyone is more than two meters tall, their muscles are high and bulging, and their eyes emit strange red light. Especially that mouth, it turned out to be two rows full of sharp teeth and canine teeth interlaced!

Hundreds of strange little giants strode in, only the dull footsteps echoed in the sunset, and the heavy and suppressed breath made everyone unable to breathe.

Lin Xiao narrowed his eyes and launched insight into these reinforcements.

"Imperial Biochemical Legion: After a long period of unremitting research and exploration, the imperial mysterious institution has successfully solved the mystery of some giants and attached the genes of mysterious creatures to create a powerful war machine. Because of the strong pain created by the secret method, the biochemical soldiers are not afraid of pain and the zombies are the main consciousness. Strength: 45, Agility: 45. Mental strength 20, physical strength 50."

Lin Xiao sneered:

"Oh, it's really a violent machine, such as a biochemical army, it should be called the giant production pipeline."

It's really sad to live in this era.

To put it bluntly, these soldiers are simply made killing machines. I don't know how many tragic concocts I have experienced during this period. I don't know how many of them died, and in the end, it was just a monster that had been zombie and only knew how to kill and destroy.

The biochemical army quickly rushed into the battlefield, like a human-shaped killing machine, not afraid of pain and death. The alien who rushed to the wall will be killed separately.

It's been screaming for days, and it's another bloody storm. What makes people speechless is that these biochemical soldiers are even extremely irritable and irritable, and sometimes even their companions will tear them in half mercilessly.

This is the last foundation of the empire, a biochemical army that can fight against giants head-on. But it has been hidden since it is difficult to control. As for the iron-blooded heart and so on, hehe... In troubled times, human life is like grass mustard. Living is your luck, and dying is your blessing...

When the last ancient alien fell from mid-air. The prompt sound of indifference sounded in Lin Xiao's ears again:

Ding: The power of hidden mission faith is completed. Reward 5,000 points and 2 potential points.

"In the end, 312 surviving soldiers gained 312 points of faith."

Lin Xiao opened the attribute panel and found that under the magic, a silver grid of energy, the power of faith appeared again.

There is also a line of hot-blooded words below:

The power of faith: the mysterious power of the road to God. With incredible power, when you have enough believers, you can become a god!!"

"Ha, it's a very awesome introduction." Lin Xiao glanced at it and didn't bother to look at it again. Gods and immortals are too far away from themselves. Instead of wasting energy on this impractical thing, it is better to think more about the next action plan.

...... The most important thing for people is to be self-aknowledge. Although Lin Xiao is arrogant, she also knows that she is still far away from the title of "God".