Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 012 A Shock

As the wolf was pinched to death by Lin Xiao, the hut in the forest suddenly spewed out thousands of fire tongues after two seconds of silence!

Dida, countless bullets formed a bright chain in the night, like rain, as if they would not stop beating Lin Xiao into pieces.

Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows and did not hesitate to roll a lazy donkey, dodged thousands of bullets coming from him, and then threw out a dark bomb without saying anything... Boom!

The ground trembled, and the power of this hardcover* explosion was far greater than that of the machine gun. The flame of the explosion rushed straight into the sky. In the dark, only a scream was heard, and a shadow was blown out.

"It's impolite not to come and go." Lin Xiao sneered. Although he was shot twice just now, how could Lin Xiao not have such a prop as bulletproof jade pendant?

"Roar~~" A man roared sadly and indignantly in the dark, "Kid, how dare you blow me up? I want you to die!!"

At the same time, there was a fine squeak suddenly above his head. Lin Xiao quickly looked up and saw a large area of small bats, staring at a pair of red mung bean eyes, sneaking in the night, and his mouth was full of slender and sharp teeth.

The primitive fear of unknown mysterious creatures has always been one of the biggest weaknesses of human beings. If ordinary people are entangled in this group of blood-sucking bats, they will be scared to death.

Lin Xiao is naturally familiar with the signature ability of vampires, and there are many ways to deal with it. At that moment, he shouted in a low voice, twisted his waist and punched, and his right arm ignited a flame of secluded, punching the sky.

The hot flames rose to the sky, squeaking and screaming a group of small bats, dispersing in panic, and the faint light flashed, condensing into an awkward middle-aged man in the moonlight.

The man's eyes are blood red, standard vampire style, wearing a wide scarlet cloak, and his face is pale. Obviously, he is a rough man, but he has a feminine texture... Well, the so-called sissy?

On the other side, a hairy werewolf jumped out of the yard and landed on all fours, like a beast. His green eyes stared at Lin Xiao with murderous intent.

Werewolf, vampire... It's really a good partner.

One-to-two, Lin Xiao's face was calm, and Zhizhu's expression made them a little suspicious.

The atmosphere was depressing and solemn. Seeing that the three of them were about to fight against me, a crisp voice suddenly came from the yard:

"Well, everyone is an adventurer. Don't fight back and there. If there is any misunderstanding, just say it.

While talking, the door creaked open a gap and poked out a cute face with a single ponytail.

Lin Xiao looked at the little girl carefully and had to say that she was quite beautiful.

A pair of cartoon girl-like dark brown eyes, the small face is exquisite and beautiful, and extremely cute. The short hair that has just hung down to the shoulders is dark and shiny in the light.

She had a hair pin on her hair, a cute white sweater on her upper body, and a gray skirt underneath. At this time, it was early summer in early June. The girl was wearing a pair of white socks on her feet, and her slender figure looked quite cute.

She is only * years old, and her body is still a little round, but her height is nearly 1.54 meters. Of course, she is blessed with her height. Her skirt looks a little short. Half of the thighs and the whole calf are all ** outside...

What a lovely little Lori!

As the saying goes, Lori has three treasures, and her voice is soft and easy to push down. In front of the little girl, this man can't turn around and kill people immediately.

With a soft cough, Lin Xiao showed a harmless smile on her face and greeted her with a smile: "Little sister. What's your name?"

"Ah?" The girl looked at Lin Xiao with a pair of big shining eyes and suddenly curled her lips and said, "It's strange Shu Li! Xiaobei won't tell you the name!"


Lin Xiao can see that this little girl is also an adventurer, and her strength is unknown for the time being. But after crawling and begging for life in this dirty world for a long time, he simply died a long time ago. So this girl is absolutely pretending to be pure! Acting school...

The appearance of Xiaobei brought a turnaround to the depressed atmosphere. Although the eyes of the werewolf and the vampire looking at Lin Xiao were still not good, they were a little less murderous.

"Hmm, bad Shu Li, why did you come to the door?" The little girl raised her head and her slender neck was shining, like an arrogant swan, asking with a big negotiation temperament.

Lin Xiao shrugged his shoulders, "It's nothing, just took on a naval mission and then tracked it all the way."

"Because of this?!" The werewolf almost spit out a mouthful of blood and gritted his teeth and said, "Just for the trivial reward offered by the navy, you chased me all the way here and pinched my little wolf to death?"

Lin Xiao answered very seriously: "That's it!"

The werewolf's eyes turned red again and roared, "You bastard who has been stabbed a thousand times! I'm going to tear you apart, ah ah!..."

"Okay, don't make any noise." Luo Xiaobei clapped his hands, his big eyes rummed around, and hummed, "It's not a big deal to say it. You apologize to Uncle Wolf, and that's it."

Lin Xiao nodded, "But I'm not going to forget it like this."

At the same time, Lin Xiao quietly launched the power of faith, and his momentum suddenly changed. If he was a mysterious person who could not see the depth just now, it is now a Mount Tai, a Great Wall!

momentum is illusory, but adventurers who have been on the edge of life and death for a long time will develop a momentum. It is the product of the combination of essence, qi and god, either fierce, insidious, calm, or charming... Lin Xiao now shows no other momentum, only two words - powerful!

Unparalleled power!

The magnificent momentum is like a volcanic eruption, as if an eternal sleeping beast opened its eyes, revealing its fangs, fierce and powerful!

Of course, Lin Xiao knows that all this is false. In fact, his strength has not changed at all. As long as he does it, he will reveal it immediately.

However, how did the other three know that Lin Xiao had such a fake method? The adventurer had always believed in the sixth sense. After feeling the magnificent momentum on Lin Xiao, he suddenly became honest. He didn't dare to move at all for fear that Lin Xiao would turn everyone upside down with an unpleasant big move.

Swallowed and spit, Luo Xiaobei opened his mouth again. The girl seemed to be weak, but she was the first to come to her senses. A pair of big eyes looked at Lin Xiao curiously and slightly in awe;

"Fry Shu Li, what do you want to do?"

Adventurers go in and out of various worlds, and their sense of belonging is close to zero. Whether it is the navy or pirates, it is pure bullshit to say more "love and dedication to work". The only motivation is driven by interests... However, it is impossible to think with your toes for the small reward of the navy and kowtow to three adventurers who don't know the depth.

The little girl was also smart and quickly figured out the key. She looked at Lin Xiao pitifully with a pair of big eyes:

"Uncle, don't bully Xiaobei..."


The rules between adventurers are actually very simple. Whoever has a big fist is the boss. The "strength" shown by Lin Xiao directly shocked the three people, so the previous obedientness and cruelty of the three all disappeared. They were like cats, carefully staring at Lin Xiao, which smelled like primary school students waiting for the teacher's reprimand.

Lin Xiao didn't talk nonsense and asked directly:

"What is your main task this time?"

"Choose to join any camp of the navy, pirates, revolutionary army and bounty hunters, and successfully gain 2,000 points of world prestige in 30 days. At the final settlement, the higher the world's reputation, the higher the reward.

"World prestige?"

"Well, it's like popularity. Do you know the big stars on TV? Sure enough, peaches are so famous, and then it is also very simple to gain world prestige. For example, pirates can be promoted as long as they rob several countries or defeat several well-known naval figures.

Lin Xiao quickly used abstract thinking techniques and built a consciousness model in his mind. After 0.08 seconds, he came to an incisive conclusion:

"Isn't this a group of bastards messing around? Whoever causes a lot of trouble will win?"

"If the world reputation is less than 2,000 points at the time of task settlement, 10,000 points will be deducted, and two skills above level C will be randomly erased. Those who don't have enough points, erase them.

Lin Xiao frowned slightly, "The punishment for mission failure seems to be a little serious..."

"And now there is only 7 days, 03 hours and 28 minutes before the final end of the mission." The little girl looked at Lin Xiao with tears in her eyes, "Otherwise, who would provoke the navy? It's not for the damn task. Xiaobei doesn't have so many points.

People are divided into three or six, and adventurers naturally have strengths and weaknesses. These powerful people have long been on the wanted list of major navy and have become popular figures comparable to the protagonists of the plot. Other weak and indecisive people can only secretly do tasks like street mice and fight for life.