Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 029 The Battle of the Real Strong

Lin Xiao complained without squint:

"I dare to assert that this place is actually a starving! There seems to be no food in the desert, but anyone who has seen the man standing at the top of the food chain knows that there are actually many creatures such as scorpions, snakes, frogs and guinea pigs in the sand. As long as you are ruthless, close your eyes, bite your teeth, and eat it.

"Then... You will get used to it. Never underestimate the strength of human survival instinct, especially pirates, whose vitality is comparable to that of small and strong! I'm in a hurry. I dare to eat anything! You can eat anything!"

"I think the reason why someone dies is the birth, old age, illness and death of the law of nature, or infighting injury or something... Anyway, don't worry too much!"

The pirates who were originally afraid of this famous death desert were finally relieved after listening to Lin Xiao's explanation.

What people are most afraid of is the unknown. After putting it bluntly, they find that what they are afraid of is nothing more than that.

"Wow, my brother is so great!" Luo Xiaobei's eyes flashed with small stars, and he looked at Lin Xiao with admiration and admiration.


A group of people began to trek through the desert. Fortunately, there were people walking on this road, and there were many scattered footprints on the road, and everyone followed along the footprints.

After walking for more than ten minutes, Lin Xiao suddenly said, "The wind is blowing."

Everyone stopped. Sure enough, a cool wind blew from the front, and the flowing air mixed with the hot aftertaste and cool breath of the desert blew on their bodies, making 1008,000 pores relax together.

Compared with the pirates who laughed wantonly, Lin Xiao and others looked at each other, with doubts on their faces.

This desert is not a real desert, but just a closed area. Without air circulation, where does the wind come from?

It didn't take long to see a faint group of buildings in front of you.

It is a low and dilapidated ancient wall, which is built by rocks, which can clearly tell the mottled traces of erosion by the wind and sand and silently tell the vicissitudes of time.

After trekking in this new desert for a long time, when I saw this complex, someone immediately cheered:

"That's the lost city in the desert! I've heard that there is a passage to the first level of hot hell!"

"Finally, I don't have to put up with this damn sand. The soles of my feet are about to be worn out!"

This large prison is completely unattended, which belongs to the type of wild free-range and self-destruct. But after all, this is not a separate area, and we always have to communicate with other levels. Therefore, there is the existence of these lost cities.

Similar to the pirate confinement points in the second level of Warcraft hell, these lost cities are also scattered in the desert, representing rest and water for pirates. For adventurers, there are points and rewards...

The group was excited, and the big guys rushed out of the city soon.

At this time, everyone also found that the wind source was in this lost city. The closer it is, the more windy it will be. Now it belongs to the level of "wind masterpiece".

"Big, Dragon...Trnado..."

As soon as he arrived outside the lost city, the smart Caso suddenly shouted in horror. Lin Xiao hurriedly stopped and took a look. He saw an extremely huge tornado in the gray city soared to the sky, and a large area of dark clouds mixed with a large amount of sand followed him, rolling up like a mountain and sea. !

Lin Xiao, who had never seen such a scene with her own eyes, really knew at this moment how spectacular and terrible the tornado was. The power that swept everything was simply devastating. The places it passed, whether buildings or creatures, would be uprooted and fierce. Rolled into the belly and twisted into powder.

This is Tianwei, how small and insignificant the manpower is in front of it!

Lin Xiao can also use magic, but if you want to create such a powerful salon volume, it is at least powerful magic above A level!

"Fight away! ......”

The werewolf brother shouted with a red face. Although he didn't understand how there could be such a powerful and fierce tornado in such a place, a high-wind tornado had come alive in front of him, almost straight rushing to Lin Xiao and others. He looked around and only looked at the low rock houses in the lost city. It was still a little more reliable, so he accelerated his speed and strode towards the lost city.

"It's not good! There is a navy..."

Brother Werewolf ran fast, set off two rolls of smoke and dust, strode into the city and got into a stone house. Looking up, there were more than 20 navies in it. Lin Xiao glanced and saw a large number of figures surging back and forth in the room. Obviously, these navies also felt the devastating terror brought by the tornado, and did not want to fight with the pirates at this time. Law!

"Don't shoot..."

Lin Xiao rushed over and held down the werewolf brother, glanced at these frightened navies, and said in a low voice, "There is not enough time! If we had fought with these naval fires, the tornado would have blown long ago!"

The werewolf immediately scolded, picked up the door panel that had just been kicked off on the ground, stretched out his neck and roared, "Find a place to hide quickly. Don't be blown to the sky by the tornado, or I can't save you!"


The door panel was heavily closed, and the surroundings were dark and isolated from the manic wind outside, but I could still feel the crackling sound of massive gravel hitting the rocks like hail. No one spoke around. The heavy breathing showed that everyone was suppressing the fear in their hearts.

At this moment, the two incompatible sworn admirals of the pirates and the navy quietly hid in a room just to survive.


Lin Xiao stretched out a finger, and his fingertips burned a bright and beating flame, slowly illuminating this narrow space. Everyone's face has different degrees of tension. In the face of the most terrible invasion of nature, they can't calm down at ordinary times.

Some people looked at Lin Xiao curiously and didn't understand why the flames burned on the man's fingertips. However, most people looked worried and heard someone whispering:

"This time Lieutenant General Philip took action himself and must be able to catch all those hateful pirates."

"I heard that Lieutenant General Philip is still in the North Sea? Why did you come here?"

"I don't know, but there is a lieutenant general in the town, and the situation will undoubtedly be much better."

"Not necessarily. That fat man Zhang is very powerful and seems to have the upper hand."

"No, Lieutenant General Philip has used the strongest move 'Super Tornado Blade'. After this move, no one will be the enemy, and justice will win!"

"Justice will win!"


The pirates just kept sneering at the naval discussion. Let you be arrogant first. When the tornado stops, I will send you to the western sky~~


The stone house suddenly tilted slightly, and the whole wall made an unbearable squeak. At present, several guys howled, but before Lin Xiao's scolding sound, a wisp of light suddenly pierced the darkness, and the whole roof was lifted out!


Almost everyone screamed loudly,

Wild sand mixed with fist-sized gravel like a downpour, pouring into the stone house. The powerful kinetic energy was comparable to a bullet, hitting his body, and Lin Xiao even clearly heard the dull "clink" sound when the bone was broken.


A human-sized boulder was swept by the wind and roared into Lin Xiao's head. A anger suddenly surged from the bottom of his heart, and Lin Xiao was furious: The tiger is not powerful, you think I'm a sick cat!

With one punch to break the stone, Lin Xiao rushed out of the stone house without saying a word. Outside, the super killer tornado blade is still raging, constantly surrounding the lost city.

In the center of the city, a scolding came, and then Lin Xiao found a shocking scene.

Several pairs of strong men are fighting against each other, including tall and thin men dressed as lieutenant generals and wrapped in strong winds. Navy, Lieutenant General Philip! The ability of the fruit of the wind!

There is a natural teenager with a straw hat hanging around his neck, a scar on his face, and a red gown. He can hit more than ten meters away with his fists. Pirates, Straw Hat Luffy! Rubber fruit ability!

There is a fat figure, like a dragon, fisting like the wind, as flexible and amazing as a cat, a pirate camp adventurer, the captain of the reverse blade team, and a fat man!

There is also a handsome man in a silver starlight robe and holding a green scepter, summoning the starlight to fall, which is amazing. Pirate camp adventurer, star warlock!

There is also a man floating in mid-air, naked ** showing strong muscles, a pair of devil's wings slowly flapping behind him, holding a fierce sword in his hand, a naval camp adventurer, a magic swordsman, and Shi San!

This is the first collision between the naval camp and the real strong in the pirate camp!

Desire is like a volcano, and the abyss is endless.

The fierce confrontation is comparable to the wonderful battle of Hollywood's epic blockbuster, which makes people's blood boil!