Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 053 Unexpected Reunion

Cold, dark, fishy, shaking...

This is Lin Xiao's first feeling of being swallowed into the belly of the fish.

The endless fishy smell fills the end of the nose, and the esophagus is narrow and smooth, dark and suffocating.

The severe pain came from his right leg, and the empty feeling made Lin Xiao's heart sink slightly. Just now, when swallowed by the striped tabby, his body curled up a step and seemed to have been bitten...

After a period of sliding and wriggling, Lin Xiao fell into a pool similar to a stomach bag. The smell of acid and rotten smell came to her face. She could feel that there were many broken limbs rolling up and down around her. At the same time, it was as strong as sulfuric acid ** spilled all over her body, burning pain.

Lin Xiao understands that this should be the stomach of the tiger grouper digests food. It breathes all the waste gas after food decay and fermentation. Not to mention the toxicity, this digestive solution comparable to sulfuric acid is enough for Lin Xiao to drink a pot.

If there is no action, Lin Xiao has no doubt that he will become the same rotten meat as around him in a minute. Then it is excreted along the cecum...

"Call: Death Guard!"

These dog-headed monsters condensed into bodies by sand appeared in front of Lin Xiao following the ancient contract. Then take a dozen* and get into the gastric juice.

hong hong hong...

A series of explosions sounded, and the stomach bag turned upside down, like a volcanic eruption. A group of dog-headed guards blocked their lives and tried to open a road for Lin Xiao's escape.

Feel the severe pain of turning over the river more and sea in the abdomen, the tiger fish went crazy again and shook its body crazily in the sea. Unfortunately, except for Lin Xiao's dizzyness, it could not cause more damage to Lin Xiao.

The sky turned upside down, and the mountains and rivers rolled upside down. Lin Xiao's eyes were dark and he couldn't tell the upper and lower things. He could only curl up as hard as he could, and then keep summoning the self-explosive troops to turn the river in the porphyr's body.


I don't know how long it took before the violent shaking finally stopped. Lin Xiao's patience has also reached the extreme, and there is a sharp pain all over his body. During this period of time, the stomach acid also caused great damage to him.

gritted his teeth and took out a dagger. Lin Xiao groped to cut in the blurred flesh and blood and drilled out.

...... A minute later, Lin Xiao cut it down with a knife, and his eyes suddenly lit up, and a fresh sea breeze came to his face!

In front of him is an endless blue sea. The sea is covered with dark red blood, and the salty sea breeze blows on his face, making Lin Xiao feel like a reincarnation.

Lin Xiao looked down and saw that she was covered with yellow-green digestive mucus. Her clothes had long been corroded by gastric acid, and her skin was also shrinking and wrinkled, like dead old bark, wrinkled and sticking to her body. At his feet was the dozens of meters long striped porphyll. Under the continuous suicide bombing of the dog-headed bodyguard, this tenacious beast finally reached the end of its life.

The internal organs were blown into a mess, and the belly was cut open by Lin Xiao. After struggling in the sea for a long time, the sea king finally exhausted the last trace of strength in the body.

"Ding: If you kill the Neptune striped tabby, you get 2,000 points and 1 D-level side plot."

This battle is actually quite difficult to win. The sea is the home of sea kings. Coupled with the influence of hundreds of meters of deep sea environment, adventurers who want to kill a sea king are really desperate. So it is no exaggeration to give such a reward in the end.

Not everyone has the strength and luck of Lin Xiao. Nine out of ten adventurers have become the belly of the enemy...

The surrounding waves are soaring that no one can be seen, and I don't know where the struggle before the tiger died took him. However, Lin Xiao is not in a hurry. Now there is less than ten minutes left before the return deadline. With the ability to dance, nothing should happen.

After washing his body and brushing another treatment, Lin Xiao simply sat on the floating corpse of the porphyr, quietly waiting for the moment of return.

Looking back on this adventure in the world of One Piece, from the fishing village in the East China Sea to the great sea route, from the pirate group to the deep-sea prison, in just one week, it has almost traveled half of the pirate world. Along the way, I have seen the never-know ocean train, tasted strange food from all over the world, went deep into the seabed to see the wonders of pyramids, and fought with huge beasts.

Overall, this adventure... It's worth the trip!

As he thought, a gurgling foam suddenly appeared not far away. After a moment, a man with blood and flesh struggled to expose the sea.

Lin Xiao's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a cold smile on the corners of his mouth.

The man who surfaced breathed heavily, and his face remained with the horror and happiness of the rest of his life after the disaster, and his whole body was full of wounds left after the fierce fighting. A bloody opening was opened between the chest and abdomen, and the muscles in the wound were swollen by seawater, like rolling up the baby's lips. What's more, his legs were bitten off by Qi Gen, and even his left arm was left with only a white bone.

This kind of injury is naturally dead and can't be saved, but the man's face is not too sad. The first time he emerges to the sea is to explore the surrounding environment.

When he found a man sitting on the floating fish corpse, his pupils suddenly shrank, and then a happy smile appeared on his face, shouting:

"Dear Lin, help me!"

Lin Xiao smiled, "As you wish, werewolf brother..."

This nine-death man who drilled out of the sea is a werewolf blood strengthener in the Lori trio met on the clay continent. Under Lin Xiao's three-inch tongue, the three people left the town and joined the big plan of the fat man. The two sides separated in the third layer of hunger hell, but they didn't expect to meet here.

Speaking of which, the two sides are friends and have no unpleasant experience. Instead, they have some life-and-death friendship fighting side by side.

So the werewolf brother breathed a sigh of relief and extended his hand to Lin Xiao for help.

Saving the goods from the sea, Lin Xiao quietly looked at the werewolf in front of him.

"Why did you get hurt like this?"

"Don't mention it." The werewolf said with tears in his eyes, "I was targeted by a sea king and fled all the way. It was not easy to kill the monster..."

The werewolf's eyes dimmed slightly, "At that time, when the waves came, the three of us were washed away by the flood and we were separated. Xiaobei doesn't know what's going on, but Victor's guy, he ate the devil's fruit, and I'm afraid it's less auspicious now..."

Adventurers who eat the devil's fruit will also be cursed by the sea and lose all their strength as soon as they enter the sea. Victor, the vampire, couldn't wait to swallow it after shooting the devil's fruit. So after the deep-sea propulsion city was blown down, he was the first to die.

The causal cycle is just like this.

Lin Xiao nodded and comforted lightly: "It can only be blamed for Victor's bad luck. If we can survive, it is already a great luck."

After a pause, he inadvertently mentioned: "After the disaster, we all survived for the rest of our lives. In five minutes, we can return to dominate the city.

Hearing this, the werewolf's face suddenly changed and he said anxiously, "Da Damn it! My main task has not been completed yet! Magellan's venom organization didn't get..."

After saying that, he checked his belongings again, and the werewolf suddenly showed a desperate and bitter expression on his face. He finally escaped from the mouth of the Neptune. He could make a lot of money and return to the city full of pots. Now he found that he still had the main task to complete!

Magellan has died under the siege of the crowd, but the venom organization has not arrived! And the punishment for the failure of the main mission is extremely serious... The two words, like a heavy hammer, hit the werewolf's heart fiercely!

There is a saying widely circulated in the space: "The king of hell let you die three times, and you may survive, but the master makes you return to the west of the fifth night, and you absolutely have no possibility of surviving!"

The threat of erasure was shrouded over his head, and the joy of the rest of his life after the werewolf disaster suddenly disappeared, and his eyes were desperate and frightened.

The deep-sea prison has collapsed and fallen into the abyss of the sea. Less than five minutes before the return deadline, where can I get Magellan's venom organization?

If you can't get the venom tissue, you can only wait to be erased!

How sad is the life of fighting hard and fighting the whole world, but at the moment when you are about to taste the fruits of victory, you will be ruthlessly erased by the master?