Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 08 Unresponsible Peeling Surgery

(This chapter is bloody and violent, don't enter if you don't like it! And I hope everyone won't curse. For me, who only has ten subscriptions, I will always do something impulsively.)

After thirty-two teeth were knocked down, the sick man only had the strength to twitch and tremble. His mouth was so tightly squeezed that blood and teeth could not be spit out, but could only spit out one by one from his nostrils...

The man standing somehow pinched a rusty hook in his hand, put on silk thread, firmly and smoothly pierced the patient's upper and lower lips, and sewed the mouth together.

The solemn expression seems to be undergoing a major operation, not a bloody and cruel killing.

Lin Xiao paused for a moment and turned away. The afterglow from the corner of his eyes caught a glimpse of the man's face.

A face exactly like myself, and another self...

I felt that a huge mystery was approaching, but I couldn't sort out the right clue. This feeling made him go crazy.

Is the self holding the scalpel in the dark real or the evil projection in the heart? There should be only five monsters on the dark floor, how did it become a strange hunting concentration camp? And... Where did you fall to the ground?

Lin Xiao continued to walk in this dark passage and saw many horrible scenes again along the way.

A tall man in blue suspenders and khaki trousers dragged a man in his hand and walked alone in the dark. To be precise... It's half a person. Half of the body**, the bloodless body is like a woman with pork chops.

Half a woman, not to say that she was cut off her waist, but was torn between her legs. There is only one leg left. If you really want to take an example, it is to cut into two slices of pork as a New Year's gift.

The reason why it is said to be a woman is that Lin Xiao saw half a fungus and half a pink fungus without hair...

This scene is like the dinner butcher in Horror Restaurant, dragging one foot of the evening ingredients and slowly walking* to the kitchen.

Along the way, Lin Xiao's nerves were tenacious, and he was also shocked by all kinds of horrible, curious, perverted and unscrupulous killing methods on both sides of the intensive care unit.

There is a monster with full bones piercing muscles like straw in wheat fields. From afar, it is a hedgehog, a hedgehog with white bones as thorns.

There is a man with glass fragments on his back, kneeling on ** to carry out a crazy and violent invasion of the bloody woman. The creaking and moaning of the dilapidated steel wire bed is sharp and harsh.

There are suddenly dark blood vessels, as if they have become the peristaltic walls of some kind of biological esophagus.

There are...

In order to avoid the physiological discomfort of the officials, the more bloody scenes here will not be repeated. Just give a simple example.

For example... No responsibility for peeling.

The so-called no responsibility means that no matter whether it is alive or not, the skinned party is unlikely to appeal in any case.

Peeling is a great skill. When the ancients mastered the peeling skill during the blood drinking period, they could resist the wind and cold and survive. But when the word "skinning" is used in human beings, a bloody horror and cruelty comes to the face.

Western society lacks means of punishment, and the means to deal with witches and demons are just burned to death. The most typical example is Joan of Arc.

Ancient Egypt attracted the world because of its mysterious and ancient culture. The famous mummy making technique is fascinating, but it is not known that the purer art of killing has long been obliterated under the rolling yellow sand.

Compared with these regions, Greater China has invented various inhuman punishment methods a long time ago. The Manchu period was the stage of the culmination of punishment, and the most famous one was the "Top Ten Tortures of the Manchu Dynasty".

The punishment of "cannon branding" handed down from King Zhou of Shang has evolved into a more terrible cruel method. Brief description:

Wrap charcoal, glutinous rice and other high-temperature materials in food, forcing prisoners to swallow. A high temperature of more than 150 degrees bursts in the stomach, burning the body fluids and mucous membranes, but it is still dead. You can only silently "enjoy" the taste of being cooked from the inside of the body. The pain, fear and despair in it cannot be external.

In addition, there is also the "human" torture invented by Liu Bang's wife Lv Ji. Chop people's hands, feet and limbs, cut them into sticks, and then stuff them into special crock pots. Then blinded his eyes, poked his deaf ears, cut off his tongue, and made the prisoner fall into an internal awakening state of "inaudible and ignoring". Finally, put honey in the clay pot to attract all kinds of insects to eat. The pain and despair of ten thousand insects that can't eat their hearts, but can't shout, scold, or even divert their attention is enough to make any hard-hearted person not know the fear.

...... The so-called punishment is not to let you die, but to make you survive or die.

As for skinning alive, it is also one of the top ten tortures, but it gradually declines because the methods are not easy and too bloody.

The ancients caught the person who bullied the king and had an affair with his brother and sister-in-law, shaved his hair, cut the wounds of two fingers with a machete on both sides of the forehead, and then poured mercury with special tools.

Mercury is highly toxic and has a great proportion. After being poured into the human body, it will quickly pour into the soles of the feet under the action of gravity. In this process, high-density mercury cannot flow through blood vessels, but can only open the mucous membrane between the skin and go slowly.

Wait for a moment, grab the wounds on both sides of the top of your head and move down, and you can peel off a complete human skin. And the prisoner is often not dead, and he can still watch his people howling.

However, without the skin as a pioneer fortress to block germs, the prisoner's next life will definitely be dead. The immune system was paralyzed, and various major diseases and minor diseases occurred together. A few days later, there was only a ball of rotten meat left.

The second method of peeling is simple. A bone-removing knife is poked down with a knife. With the punishment of Ling Chi, he treats people as pigs and peels them off with belt meat. Simple, rough and easy to understand.

And the skinning skill that Lin Xiao has just seen has a bit of keeping pace with the times.

A dirty rag, a scalpel, and a bottle of deoxidizing water. Pour deoxy water on the patient's back, then cover it tightly with a cloth, and then slowly follow the cloth with a scalpel. After cutting a circle, remove the rag and get a piece of completed cortical tissue... The pain is also not enough for outsiders.

Run, run, run...

Lin Xiao couldn't stop. Behind him was a chasing army composed of strange hunting objects. Stop means death.

In a trance, a short and thin figure suddenly appeared in front of him, with white hair, a tattered black cotton-padded jacket, and a pair of eyes that saw through the world. But he is the "prophet" old man in the team.

Lin Xiao was refreshed. In this case, he could no longer delve into whether what he saw was hallucinations. He needs a goal, a goal to move on. Otherwise, he, who is about to run out of physical strength, will soon be swallowed up by the darkness behind him.

Lin Xiao chased him in the direction of the old prophet's disappearance.

Endless darkness, running again, Lin Xiao didn't know whether it was fortunate or unfortunate this time, but found the stairs to the fourth floor.

But there is a person lying at the top of the stairs. No, it can't be said to be a person, because it's just a beautiful pattern.

A blood-red pattern. Similar to the refining array in the scar alchemist, it is mysterious and charming. Lin Xiao once read the legendary life profile of Master Merlin, but recognized this mysterious and specious pattern. An ancient summoning array...

The center of this magic array is made of 666 pieces of fuzzy meat. Each piece of meat is almost the same size and the shape is the same. In the middle of the heart, there is a girl's head.

Flaxed hair, gray eyes, open mouth, stretched out with the head, 666 pieces of meat, tightly combined.

The whole face looked out and looked at this annoying world doubtfully.

Lin Xiao knows the girl in front of him. The girl who suffered from severe illness, the girl who has a father with boundless love...

Just, why are you here?