Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 013 The Arrival of the Demon King

Under the diagnosis and treatment of Lin Xiao, an unscrupulous attending physician, all procedures are simplified as much as possible. If there is no anesthetic, tie it with a rope. If there is no sanitary cotton ball, use a rag.

In a word, under Lin Xiao's unscrupulous chaos, Jack's life was successfully saved.

This achievement, even the royal sister, who has always been indifferent and arrogant, expressed deep amazement.

“...... Well, the operation is complete," Lin Xiao took off her mask, looked at Jack, who was no longer in human shape, and nodded with satisfaction. "Although this is my first clinical operation, overall, it is still very successful."

"The more troublesome thing is that you have lost too much blood at present, and we have not found any available blood bags, nor have we found enough clean food to supplement our physical strength." Lin Xiao paused and said, "That is to say, although your life has been saved for the time being, it is a pity that you are still seriously injured now. In the next few hours, uh... I'm afraid you really can only be an ordinary person.

Hearing this, Jack trembled all over, but unfortunately his mouth was sewn up, but he couldn't say a word.

When Lin Xiao helped the immortal Jack out of the ward, the corners of his mouth suddenly twitched.

I poked, is the guy in front of me really the blonde and handsome Jack, not a corpse pulled out of the morgue? If he goes to shoot a horror movie, he doesn't even have to wear makeup at all! Living is an excellent shape to scare crazy children and adults.

A flowing blonde hair was removed, and the forehead was still slightly blue. The skin on the left side of the cheek is completely necrotic and shedding, revealing the red muscles that are still beating. That's simply the combined version of the big monster in "Rear Man" and Freddy, the demon of Elm Street!

The black hole's eyes give people a ghostly feeling, and those mouths were firmly sewn by Lin Xiao with rusty yellow fish hooks. And because all the teeth in the mouth were broken, the whole mouth was shrug, like an old woman in her seven or 80s - just the kind in a nightmare.

When Jack appeared in front of everyone in this way, everyone was shocked and took three steps back.

The scene was silent for three seconds, and Xu Le was the first to speak:

"Ha ha, the style is very unique. This is... Well, it's good to survive. As long as you live, there will always be hope.

The father of "filial piety moved the sky" also opened his mouth, twitched a few times, and said stiffly:

"It's a pity that Dr. Lin can successfully complete the operation in such a bad environment. This is really... Really, hehe."

Seeing everyone's different expressions, Jack's throat squirmed a few times, and his expression became more and more "ferocious". Sarah was so scared that she covered her eyes.

Lin Xiao coughed and said:

"Guys, now the science is so developed, and the appearance is so on. As long as you go to the Bangzi Kingdom, any handsome men and beautiful women can be put out for you, so let's not worry about this problem for the time being... Let's think about the next action.

When it came to this problem, everyone's faces became solemn, frowned and frowned one by one.

After coming to the second floor, the monster's strength showed a qualitative leap, not only super fast, but also various negative abilities are extremely strong. Look at Jack. The living example is really shocking in front of him.

If the previous monsters can't escape, then the current monsters are completely beyond control. Against them, it is almost impossible to retreat completely. It also means that if you want to continue to explore downwards, everyone here has to bet their lives!

Seeing the silence of the atmosphere, Ben, a well-deserved good father of the year, stood up and said firmly:

"Anyway, I have to send Sarah to another hospital. Her current situation is urgent and must not be delayed."

Everyone felt a big deal about Ben's persistence.

This father really has nothing to say. For his daughter, knowing that any monster in front of him is rampant, he can easily pinch him to death, but he still refuses to stop and must strive for less than 1% of the hope... No, you are the best father of the year!

At this time, everyone else hated the task of "assising father Ben and daughter Sarah escape from the dark floor" in the taskbar.

This man has reached a desperate paranoia for his seriously ill daughter, but the father and daughter are also one of the protection goals required by the master. They can't fight, kill, and there is really no way to start.

To be honest, there is little hope of escaping from this dark floor now. The environment here is so strange that time and space are chaotic. Now the monster on the second floor is so powerful that it is irresistible. So how powerful should the monster demon king on the first floor be? I'm afraid you can destroy everyone by waving your hand.

It is worthy of the unsolved horror adventure world. Even if none of them has died so far, the confidence of victory has fallen to one of the lowest point in history. Darkness, fear, depression, hesitation, and heavy feelings have been brewed and fermented, and finally formed boundless despair...

"Didn't everyone find it strange?" At this time, the cold beauty who had never spoken spoke spoke, but her voice was quite harsh, as if scraping the glass with a steel brush, and she heard her say coldly: "According to the plot, the dark floor is simply an infinite loop world similar to Death Cruise. What if we finally defeat the demon king? Can you go back to the real world? Don't joke!"

As soon as this came out, everyone else was shocked. It seems that this woman is going to have a showdown and doesn't even pay attention to the two plot protagonists standing beside her.

“...... We need to figure out what the place is, not the prop scene in the movie studio! Here, the immortality theory of the protagonist is not feasible! I once experienced a similar "Deadly Bend". In that mission, all the plot characters ended up being completely destroyed, and even the protagonist died simply.

"But, but! What about them?" The arrogant and beautiful woman pointed to my father and daughter who was at a loss and said coldly, "A daughter with a serious illness and a haggard father are not to mention that they are intact... How can they keep up with our speed when the monsters were killed just now?!

Everyone looked at each other, and Xu Le hesitated and said, "Good luck is also a kind of strength, and don't we all take good care of them?"

"Do you think so?" The tall woman smiled coldly and suddenly pointed to the father and daughter, "I'm lucky enough, but you tell me, how can they push the three-wheel swivel chair to follow us?"

The big guy was shocked and hurriedly looked down. Sure enough, he found that the wheel behind the right of the wheelchair had disappeared, leaving only a bare metal bracket. However, because the location is relatively hidden and the perception of adventurers is greatly weakened, this problem has not been found.

At this moment, the big guy's eyes on his father and daughter finally changed.

If it is luck to escape from monsters repeatedly, but the swivel chair with three wheels can run as fast as a shuttle, it can't be said anyway.

“...... So I think their father and daughter are the core of this fantasy or dream! As long as we kill them, we can return to the real world! Get out of this damn nightmare space!"

When everyone hesitated and had not thought about whether to listen to the woman's words, the tall and beautiful woman had inserted the dagger in her sleeve into her father's neck with a vicious face.

The rusty scalpel easily pierced Ben's neck with the wave of five times the power of ordinary people, almost cutting off the whole head. Dapeng blood splashed out and sprinkled all over the little girl's body. The little girl, who had been immersed in her own world, finally screamed loudly because of her father's death and stared at the tall woman fiercely.

"Isn't he?" The tall woman was stunned and then shouted, "That must be this little girl. As long as we kill her again, we can get out of this damn place!"

He raised the scalpel with a cold face and cut off the little girl Sarah.


The harsh and hoarse roar sounded in the bottom of everyone's hearts, and a sense of despair and destruction enveloped everyone's hearts in an instant.

At this moment, everyone took a deep breath.

Behind the little girl, Ben, the father who was supposed to die, stood up slowly. The whole body was wrapped in black dirt**, and the smell was smelly. The boundless darkness was centered on him and spread around, like ink dripping into the clear water. The ground walls and so on were all assimilated into deep darkness, and everything melted quietly in the darkness.

That appearance is the final demon king that once appeared in the original plot.

The tall woman shouted excitedly, "Look, I guessed right! He is the way to live. As long as we kill him, we will definitely leave here!"

"Idiot!" Lin Xiao muttered, without saying anything, turned around and ran away, "Don't leave, stay and wait for death."

Only then did everyone come to their senses, looked at each other, and turned around and ran away without saying a word.

What if you know he is the devil? Is the showdown meaningless at this time? Do you think you can kill this last Boss demon king with a group of old, weak and sick people? It's almost the same as death!

The tall woman obviously understood the problem. Her beautiful face changed instantly, and the original crazy joy disappeared. She turned around and fled.

Unfortunately, after all, she moved a step slower. From the demon king incarnated by her father, she suddenly shot a tentacle condensed by black gas, wrapped it around the thigh of the tall woman, and directly picked up the tall and cold woman.

"Ah, save me!" The tall woman screamed in fear. She twisted her waist and took out the scalpel and poked it, but it could not cause any damage to the tentacles formed by black **.


The strange throat sounded in the dead darkness. The dark demon king moved, and the black body trembled like water waves, slowly approaching step by step in the frightened and desperate eyes of the tall woman.